public IList <Item> GetItems(int count) { IList <Item> ieskomasArr = new List <Item>(); var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("preke").Limit(count); var cc = comp.Compile(query).ToString(); var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Item ieskomas = new Item(); ieskomas.pavadinimas = reader["pavadinimas"].ToString(); ieskomas.tipas = reader["tipas"].ToString(); ieskomas.path = reader["imagePath"].ToString(); ieskomas.kaina = (float)reader["kaina"]; ieskomas.matomas = (bool)reader["matomas"]; ieskomas.reitingas = (float)reader["reitingas"]; ieskomas.aprasymas = reader["aprasymas"].ToString(); = (int)reader["id"]; ieskomasArr.Add(ieskomas); } connection.Close(); return(ieskomasArr); }
public Item GetItemById(int id) { var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); Item ieskomas = new Item(); var query = new Query("preke").Where("id", id); var cc = comp.Compile(query).ToString(); var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ieskomas.pavadinimas = reader["pavadinimas"].ToString(); ieskomas.tipas = reader["tipas"].ToString(); ieskomas.path = reader["imagePath"].ToString(); ieskomas.kaina = (float)reader["kaina"]; ieskomas.matomas = (bool)reader["matomas"]; ieskomas.reitingas = (float)reader["reitingas"]; ieskomas.aprasymas = reader["aprasymas"].ToString(); = (int)reader["id"]; } return(ieskomas); }
public static MySqlCommand ApplyQuery(this MySqlCommand cmd, Query query) { var sqlResult = _compiler.Compile(query); cmd.CommandText = sqlResult.RawSql; cmd.Parameters.AddRange(sqlResult.ToParams()); return(cmd); }
protected override SqlResult GetSqlResult(Query query) { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); SqlResult sqlResult = compiler.Compile(query); return(sqlResult); }
private string[] Compile(Query q) { return(new[] { mssql.Compile(q.Clone()).ToString(), mysql.Compile(q.Clone()).ToString(), pgsql.Compile(q.Clone()).ToString(), }); }
private string[] Compile(Query q) { return(new[] { _sqlsrv.Compile(q.Clone()).ToString(), _mysql.Compile(q.Clone()).ToString(), _pg.Compile(q.Clone()).ToString(), }); }
public void LikeTest() { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("some_example_table"); var exp = new ExpressionParser <ExpressionTestClass>(x => x.Description.Like("matter"), ExpressionTestClass.Mapping(), query); var whereClause = compiler.Compile(exp.ToSQL()).ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(whereClause == "SELECT * FROM `some_example_table` WHERE LOWER(`description`) like 'matter'"); }
public void InStringArrayTest() { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("some_example_table"); var exp = new ExpressionParser <ExpressionTestClass>(x => x.Description.In("day", "word", "sunset"), ExpressionTestClass.Mapping(), query); var whereClause = compiler.Compile(exp.ToSQL()).ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(whereClause == "SELECT * FROM `some_example_table` WHERE `description` IN ('day', 'word', 'sunset')"); }
public void InUintArrayTest() { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("some_example_table"); var exp = new ExpressionParser <ExpressionTestClass>(x => x.Id.In <uint>(1, 2, 3, 4), ExpressionTestClass.Mapping(), query); var whereClause = compiler.Compile(exp.ToSQL()).ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(whereClause == "SELECT * FROM `some_example_table` WHERE `id` IN ('1', '2', '3', '4')"); }
public void SimpleBoolTest() { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("some_example_table"); var exp = new ExpressionParser <ExpressionTestClass>(x => !x.IsActive && x.IsActive, ExpressionTestClass.Mapping(), query); var whereClause = compiler.Compile(exp.ToSQL()).ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(whereClause == "SELECT * FROM `some_example_table` WHERE `is_active` = true AND `is_active` = false"); }
public void updateCart(Cart cart) { var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); object temp; temp = new { pavadinimas = cart.pavadinimas, sukurimoData = cart.sukurimoData, patvirtintas = cart.patvirtintas, prekes = cart.prekes }; var query = new Query("krepšelis").Where("Id",; var str = comp.Compile(query).Sql; var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); connection.Close(); }
public void CreateComment(Comment comment) { var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("komentaras").AsInsert(comment); var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); connection.Close(); }
public void createCart(Cart cart) { var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("krepšelis").AsInsert(cart); var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); connection.Close(); }
public void createOrder(Order order) { var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("užsakymas").AsInsert(order); var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); connection.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Get MySQl script for table exists abstract method /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override string GetTableExistScript(string table) { var query = new Query("information_schema.tables").Select("*").Where("table_name", table); var result = _mySqlCompiler.Compile(query); return($@"SELECT EXISTS({result});"); }
public void CombinedConditionTest() { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("some_example_table"); var exp = new ExpressionParser <ExpressionTestClass>(x => x.Description.Like("matter") && !x.IsActive && x.Id.In <uint>(1, 2, 3, 4) && x.Description.In("day", "word", "sunset"), ExpressionTestClass.Mapping(), query); var whereClause = compiler.Compile(exp.ToSQL()).ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(whereClause == "SELECT * FROM `some_example_table` WHERE `description` IN ('day', 'word', 'sunset') AND `id` IN ('1', '2', '3', '4') AND `is_active` = false AND LOWER(`description`) like 'matter'"); }
private void usersTable_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == 3) //edit { new AddEditUser((User)usersTable.CurrentRow.Tag).ShowDialog(); LoadData(); } if (e.ColumnIndex == 4) //delete { User user = (User)usersTable.CurrentRow.Tag; if (MessageBox.Show("Уволить " + user.FullName + "?", "CONFIRM", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes) { var compille = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("fires").AsInsert(new { user_id =, status = 0, updated_at = DateTime.Now }); micron.Exec(compille.Compile(query).ToString()); LoadData(); } } if (e.ColumnIndex == 5) //retraining { User user = (User)usersTable.CurrentRow.Tag; if (MessageBox.Show("Отправить на переквалификацию " + user.FullName + "?", "CONFIRM", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes) { var compille = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("fires").AsInsert(new { user_id =, status = 1, updated_at = DateTime.Now }); micron.Exec(compille.Compile(query).ToString()); LoadData(); } } }
private void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validateInput()) { var compiller = new MySqlCompiler(); var query = new Query("users"); if (_User == null) { query = query.AsInsert(new { patronymic = userPatronymic.Text, secondname = userSecondname.Text, firstname = userFirstname.Text, birthday = userBirthday.Value, role_id = (userRole.SelectedItem as ComboboxItem).Value.ToString(), placeliving = userPlaceliving.Text, passport_series = userPassportSeries.Text, passport_number = userPassportNumber.Text, passport_place = userPassportPlace.Text, email = userEmail.Text, }); } else { query = query.Where("id", { patronymic = userPatronymic.Text, secondname = userSecondname.Text, firstname = userFirstname.Text, birthday = userBirthday.Value, role_id = (userRole.SelectedItem as ComboboxItem).Value.ToString(), placeliving = userPlaceliving.Text, passport_series = userPassportSeries.Text, passport_number = userPassportNumber.Text, passport_place = userPassportPlace.Text, email = userEmail.Text, }); } micron.Exec(compiller.Compile(query).ToString()); } }
public void CreateItem(Item item, string path) { var comp = new MySqlCompiler(); var c = new { pavadinimas = item.pavadinimas, kaina = item.kaina, aprasymas = item.aprasymas, tipas = item.tipas, reitingas = item.reitingas, imagePath = path, matomas = item.matomas }; var query = new Query("preke").AsInsert(c); var command = new MySqlCommand(comp.Compile(query).ToString(), connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); connection.Close(); }
public static object AddNewRegUser(RequestModel request) { // Setup the connection and compiler var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySqlDBConn"].ToString()); var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var db = new QueryFactory(connection, compiler); SuccessResponse successResponseModel = new SuccessResponse(); db.Connection.Open(); using (var scope = db.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { try { var test = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(Convert.ToString(request.RequestData)); object User; test.TryGetValue("User", out User); test.Remove("User"); object Document_SOE; test.TryGetValue("Document_SOE", out Document_SOE); List <string> _Document_SOE = Document_SOE as List <string>; test.Remove("Document_SOE"); if (_Document_SOE != null && _Document_SOE.Count > 0) { //convert and add key } if (User != null) { Dictionary <string, object> _User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(User.ToString()); //check if email exists object Email; _User.TryGetValue("Email", out Email); string _Email = Email.ToString(); var response = db.Query("User").Where("Email", _Email).Get(); if (response != null && response.Count() > 0) { //return error return(new SuccessResponse(null, HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Email already exists")); } object Password; _User.TryGetValue("Password", out Password); string _Password = Password.ToString(); string _PasswordUnhashed = Password.ToString(); _User.Remove("Password"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Password)) { //convert and add key _Password = DBManagerUtility._encodeJWT(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Password", _Password } }, AppConstants.AppSecretKeyPassword); _User.Add("Password", _Password); } _User.Add("RegistrationConfirmation", "Y"); _User.Add("isVerified", "N"); var query = db.Query("User").AsInsert(_User); SqlKata.SqlResult compiledQuery = compiler.Compile(query); //Inject the Identity in the Compiled Query SQL object var sql = compiledQuery.Sql + "; SELECT @@IDENTITY as ID;"; //Name Binding house the values that the insert query needs var IdentityKey = db.Select <string>(sql, compiledQuery.NamedBindings).FirstOrDefault(); test.Add("UserId", IdentityKey); var resRegUser = db.Query("RegisteredUser").Insert(test); scope.Commit(); //testing Dictionary <string, string> responseData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); #region issue AuthToken var pairs = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("grant_type", "password"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("username", _Email), new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("Password", _PasswordUnhashed), new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("scope", "USER") }; var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(pairs); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var responseToken = client.PostAsync(Constants.BaseUrl + "token", content).Result; var responseContent = responseToken.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; responseData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(responseContent); } #endregion bool hasData = true; successResponseModel = new SuccessResponse(responseData, hasData); } else { scope.Rollback(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Logger.WriteErrorLog(ex); scope.Rollback(); return(new ErrorResponse(ex.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } } return(successResponseModel); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] SQLRequest req) { var conn = new MySqlConnection("server=;port=3306;user=root;password=root;database=employees"); var cmd = new MySqlCommand("", conn); // var compiler = new SqlServerCompiler(); var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var q = new Query(req.From); var paramCounter = 0; foreach (var literal in req.Where) { var val = literal.Values[0]; q.Where( literal.FieldName, literal.Operator, val.Value); // var p = cmd.CreateParameter(); // p.Value = val.Value; // p.ParameterName = "p" + paramCounter; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p" + paramCounter, val.Value); paramCounter++; // .Value = val.Value } q.Limit(req.Limit); q.Offset(req.Offset); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p" + paramCounter, req.Limit); paramCounter++; if (req.Offset > 0) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p" + paramCounter, req.Offset); paramCounter++; } var sql = compiler.Compile(q).Sql; Console.Write(sql); cmd.CommandText = sql; conn.Open(); var resp = cmd.ExecuteReader(); var responseList = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); while (resp.Read()) { var rowDict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); for (var i = 0; i < resp.FieldCount; i++) { rowDict.Add(resp.GetName(i), resp[i]); } responseList.Add(rowDict); } conn.Close(); return(Ok(new SQLResponse() { ResultSet = responseList, Next = new SQLRequest() { Select = req.Select, From = req.From, Where = req.Where, OrderBy = req.OrderBy, Limit = req.Limit, Offset = req.Offset + req.Limit }, Page = 1, Pages = 10, Count = 100 })); }
public IActionResult Query() { try { /* * Method a gelen json isteği deserialize edilir. */ var req = HttpContext.Request; if (req.ContentType.ToLower(enCulture) != "application/json") { throw new Exception("Content-Type application/json olmalı"); } string bodyStr; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(req.Body, Encoding.UTF8, true, 1024, true)) { var t = reader.ReadToEndAsync(); t.Wait(); bodyStr = t.Result; } //Database bağlantısı yapılır. ResultActions result = new ResultActions(); MySqlCompiler qcompiler; var query = new QueryFactory(new MySqlConnection(MyConfig.Value.Database), qcompiler = new MySqlCompiler()); //Longtitude, Latitude bilgisi gelen requestten parse edilir dynamic reqParams = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(bodyStr); decimal lng = reqParams.longtitude; decimal lat = reqParams.latitude; //Api Key kontrolü yapılır. try { string key = HttpContext.Request.Headers["apiKey"].ToString(); if (key != MyConfig.Value.Key) { return(new ObjectResult(new ResultActions() { Success = false, ErrorMessage = "Kimlik hatalı", Actions = null })); } } catch (Exception) { //Api Key hatalı ise aşağıdaki hata mesajı görüntülenir. return(new ObjectResult(new ResultActions() { Success = false, ErrorMessage = "Kimlik hatalı", Actions = null })); } //1KM mesafe bilgileri hesaplanır. decimal lngKM1 = 0.004073m; decimal latKM1 = 0.010857m; decimal lngLow = lng - lngKM1 / 2m; decimal latLow = lat - latKM1 / 2m; decimal lngHigh = lng + lngKM1 / 2m; decimal latHigh = lat + latKM1 / 2m; //Database üzerinden kaza bildirimleri alınır. var q = query.FromQuery(new SqlKata.Query("actions")).WhereBetween <decimal>("Lng", lngLow, lngHigh).WhereBetween <decimal>("Lat", latLow, latHigh); var r = qcompiler.Compile(q); var results = q.Get().ToArray(); //Alınan sonuçlar map edilir. result.Actions = (from item in results select new AmanDiyimAction() { Id = item.Id, Action = item.ActionDetail, Lng = Convert.ToDecimal(item.Lng), Lat = Convert.ToDecimal(item.Lat), Type = item.ActionType }).ToList(); result.Success = true; //Map edilen sonuçlar response olarak dönülür. return(new ObjectResult(result)); } catch (Exception) { //Serviste bir hata oluştuğunda aşağıdaki hata mesajı görüntülenir. return(new ObjectResult(new ResultActions() { Actions = null, ErrorMessage = "İstek hatalı", Success = false })); } }
public static SqlResult ToMySQL(this Query query) { var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); return(compiler.Compile(query)); }
public static SqlResult CompileWithLastId(this MySqlCompiler compiler, Query query) { SqlResult result = compiler.Compile(query); return(new SqlResult(result.Sql + ";SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", result.RawBindings)); }
public static object SaveAddNewProperty(RequestModel request) { var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySqlDBConn"].ToString()); var compiler = new MySqlCompiler(); var db = new QueryFactory(connection, compiler); SuccessResponse successResponseModel = new SuccessResponse(); db.Connection.Open(); using (var scope = db.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { try { var test = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(Convert.ToString(request.RequestData)); object PropertyType; test.TryGetValue("PropertyType", out PropertyType); string _PropertyType = PropertyType.ToString(); object PropertyPics; test.TryGetValue("PropertyPics", out PropertyPics); List <string> _PropertyPics = PropertyPics as List <string>; test.Remove("PropertyPics"); if (_PropertyPics != null && _PropertyPics.Count > 0) { //convert and add key } object PropertyVideos; test.TryGetValue("PropertyVideos", out PropertyVideos); List <string> _PropertyVideos = PropertyVideos as List <string>; test.Remove("PropertyVideos"); if (_PropertyVideos != null && _PropertyVideos.Count > 0) { //convert and add key } object Documents; test.TryGetValue("Documents", out Documents); List <string> _Documents = Documents as List <string>; test.Remove("Documents"); if (_Documents != null && _Documents.Count > 0) { //convert and add key } object PropertyShare; test.TryGetValue("PropertyShare", out PropertyShare); test.Remove("PropertyShare"); object PropertyPrediction; test.TryGetValue("PropertyPrediction", out PropertyPrediction); test.Remove("PropertyPrediction"); object Developmental; test.TryGetValue("Developmental", out Developmental); test.Remove("Developmental"); object DevelopmentalPrediction; test.TryGetValue("DevelopmentalPrediction", out DevelopmentalPrediction); test.Remove("DevelopmentalPrediction"); object RentalProperty; test.TryGetValue("RentalProperty", out RentalProperty); test.Remove("RentalProperty"); // You can register the QueryFactory in the IoC container var query = db.Query("propertydetail").AsInsert(test); SqlKata.SqlResult compiledQuery = compiler.Compile(query); //Inject the Identity in the Compiled Query SQL object var sql = compiledQuery.Sql + "; SELECT @@IDENTITY as ID;"; //Name Binding house the values that the insert query needs var IdentityKey = db.Select <string>(sql, compiledQuery.NamedBindings).FirstOrDefault(); Dictionary <string, object> _PropertyShare = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(PropertyShare.ToString()); if (_PropertyShare != null) { _PropertyShare.Add("PropertyId", IdentityKey); var resPropertyShare = db.Query("PropertyShare").Insert(_PropertyShare); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > _PropertyPrediction = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Dictionary <string, object> > >(PropertyPrediction.ToString()); if (_PropertyPrediction != null) { foreach (var pp in _PropertyPrediction) { pp.Add("PropertyId", IdentityKey); var resPropertyShare = db.Query("PropertyPrediction").Insert(pp); } } if (_PropertyType == "D") { Dictionary <string, object> _Developmental = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(Developmental.ToString()); if (_Developmental != null) { _Developmental.Add("PropertyId", IdentityKey); var resDevelopmental = db.Query("Developmental").Insert(_Developmental); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > _DevelopmentalPrediction = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Dictionary <string, object> > >(DevelopmentalPrediction.ToString()); if (_DevelopmentalPrediction != null) { foreach (var dp in _DevelopmentalPrediction) { dp.Add("PropertyId", IdentityKey); var resDevelopmentalPrediction = db.Query("DevelopmentalPrediction").Insert(dp); } } } if (_PropertyType == "R") { Dictionary <string, object> _RentalProperty = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(RentalProperty.ToString()); if (_RentalProperty != null) { object RentalContract; _RentalProperty.TryGetValue("RentalContract", out RentalContract); List <string> _RentalContract = RentalContract as List <string>; _RentalProperty.Remove("RentalContract"); if (_RentalContract != null && _RentalContract.Count > 0) { //convert and add key } _RentalProperty.Add("PropertyId", IdentityKey); var resRentalProperty = db.Query("RentalProperty").Insert(_RentalProperty); } } bool hasData = true; scope.Commit(); successResponseModel = new SuccessResponse("", hasData, "Record Saved"); } catch (Exception ex) { //Logger.WriteErrorLog(ex); scope.Rollback(); return(new ErrorResponse(ex.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } } return(successResponseModel); }