    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Step 1: Assume no intersection
        TaxiBound.BoundColor = MySphereBound.NoCollisionColor;
        CarBound.BoundColor  = MySphereBound.NoCollisionColor;

        // Step 2: Update the Taxi sphere bound
        TaxiBound.Center    = TheTaxi.transform.localPosition;
        TaxiBound.Radius    = TaxiBoundRadius;
        TaxiBound.DrawBound = DrawTaxiBound;

        // Step 3: Update the Car sphere bound
        CarBound.Center    = TheCar.transform.localPosition;
        CarBound.Radius    = CarBoundRadius;
        CarBound.DrawBound = DrawCarBound;

        // Step 4: Compute the distance between the sphere bounds as magnitude of a Vector3
        Vector3 diff = TaxiBound.Center - CarBound.Center;

        DistanceBetween = diff.magnitude;

        // Step 5: Testing and showing intersection status
        bool hasIntersection = DistanceBetween <= (TaxiBound.Radius + CarBound.Radius);

        if (hasIntersection)
            Debug.Log("Intersect!! Distance:" + DistanceBetween);
            TaxiBound.BoundColor = MySphereBound.CollisionColor;
            CarBound.BoundColor  = MySphereBound.CollisionColor;

            // The collision functionality is supported by the MySphereBound class as well