public void createAndAdvertiseSession(string name) { AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK; myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME + "._" + name + "_" + msgBus.GlobalGUIDString; if (status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } // Create session opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")");; } // Advertise name if (status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat Failed to advertise name " + name + " (" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to advertise name " + name + " (" + status + ")"); } } status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } }
public BasicServer() { // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("Server Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); Console.WriteLine("Server BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("Server BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("Server BusAttchement connected to " + connectArgs); } else { Console.WriteLine("Server BusAttachment::Connect(" + connectArgs + ") failed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Server BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if (status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("Server RequestName({0}) failed (status={1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } // Create session AllJoyn.SessionOpts opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { Console.WriteLine("Server BindSessionPort failed ({0})", status); } } // Advertise name if (status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("Server Failed to advertise name {0} ({1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } }
public void CloseDown() { if(msgBus == null) return; //no need to clean anything up AllJoynStarted = false; LeaveSession(); AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CancelFindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if(!status) { chatText = "CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.CancelAdvertisedName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if(!status) { chatText = "CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.ReleaseName(myAdvertisedName); if(!status) { chatText = "ReleaseName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("ReleaseName status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.UnbindSessionPort(SERVICE_PORT); if(!status) { chatText = "UnbindSessionPort failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("UnbindSessionPort status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.Disconnect(connectedVal); if(!status) { chatText = "Disconnect failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Disconnect status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member chatMember = testIntf.GetMember("chat"); status = msgBus.UnregisterSignalHandler(this.ChatSignalHandler, chatMember, null); chatMember = null; if(!status) { chatText = "UnregisterSignalHandler failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("UnregisterSignalHandler status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } if(sessionListener != null) { status = msgBus.SetSessionListener(null, currentSessionId); sessionListener = null; if(!status) { chatText = "SetSessionListener failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("SetSessionListener status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } } chatText = "No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")"); currentSessionId = 0; currentJoinedSession = null; sFoundName.Clear(); connectedVal = null; msgBus = null; busListener = null; sessionPortListener = null; testObj = null; testIntf = null; opts = null; myAdvertisedName = null; AllJoynStarted = false; AllJoyn.StopAllJoynProcessing(); //Stop processing alljoyn callbacks }
public void StartUp() { chatText = "Starting AllJoyn\n\n\n" + chatText; AllJoynStarted = true; AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK; { chatText = "Creating BusAttachment\n" + chatText; // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if(status) { chatText = "Chat Interface Created.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Interface Created."); testIntf.AddSignal("chat", "s", "msg", 0); testIntf.Activate(); } else { chatText = "Failed to create interface ''\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Failed to create interface ''"); } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if(status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); chatText = "Chat BusListener Registered.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BusListener Registered."); } if(testObj == null) testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if(status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if(status) { chatText = "Chat BusAttachment started.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { chatText = "Chat Connect trying: "+connectArgs[i]+"\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Connect trying: "+connectArgs[i]); status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { chatText = "BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); connectedVal = connectArgs[i]; break; } else { chatText = "BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if(!status) { chatText = "BusAttachment.Connect failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { chatText = "Chat BusAttachment.Start failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME+"._"+msgBus.GlobalGUIDString; AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member chatMember = testIntf.GetMember("chat"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.ChatSignalHandler, chatMember, null); if(!status) { chatText ="Chat Failed to add signal handler " + status + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to add signal handler " + status); } else { chatText ="Chat add signal handler " + status + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat add signal handler " + status); } status = msgBus.AddMatch("type='signal',member='chat'"); if(!status) { chatText ="Chat Failed to add Match " + status.ToString() + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to add Match " + status.ToString()); } else { chatText ="Chat add Match " + status.ToString() + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat add Match " + status.ToString()); } } // Request name if(status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if(!status) { chatText ="Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } // Create session opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if(status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if(!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")");; } // Advertise name if(status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if(!status) { chatText = "Chat Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")"); } } status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if(!status) { chatText = "Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } Debug.Log("Completed ChatService Constructor"); }
public BasicServer() { // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, out testIntf); if(status) { Console.WriteLine("Server Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if(status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); Console.WriteLine("Server BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if(status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if(status) { Console.WriteLine("Server BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Server BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if(status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if(!status) { Console.WriteLine("Server RequestName({0}) failed (status={1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } // Create session AllJoyn.SessionOpts opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if(status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if(!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { Console.WriteLine("Server BindSessionPort failed ({0})", status); } } // Advertise name if(status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if(!status) { Console.WriteLine("Server Failed to advertise name {0} ({1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } Console.WriteLine("Should have setup server"); }
public BasicServer() { // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if(status) { Debug.Log("Server Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Debug.Log("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if(status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); Debug.Log("Server BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if(status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if(status) { Debug.Log("Server BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs); if(status) { Debug.Log("Server BusAttchement connected to " + connectArgs); } else { Debug.Log("Server BusAttachment::Connect(" + connectArgs + ") failed."); } } else { Debug.Log("Server BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if(status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if(!status) { Debug.Log("Server RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } // Create session AllJoyn.SessionOpts opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if(status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if(!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { Debug.Log("Server BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } } // Advertise name if(status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if(!status) { Debug.Log("Server Failed to advertise name " + SERVICE_NAME + " (" + status + ")"); } } }
public BasicServer() { serverText = ""; // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if (status) { serverText += "Server Interface Created.\n"; Debug.Log("Server Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { serverText += "Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'\n"; Debug.Log("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); serverText += "Server BusListener Registered.\n"; Debug.Log("Server BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if (status) { serverText += "Server BusAttachment started.\n"; Debug.Log("Server BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs [i]); if (status) { serverText += "BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs [i] + ") SUCCEDED.\n"; Debug.Log("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs [i] + ") SUCCEDED."); break; } else { serverText += "BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs [i] + ") failed.\n"; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs [i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { serverText += "BusAttachment.Connect failed.\n"; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { serverText += "Server BusAttachment.Start failed.\n"; Debug.Log("Server BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if (status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { serverText += "Server RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")\n"; Debug.Log("Server RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } // Create session opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, true, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { serverText += "Server BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")\n"; Debug.Log("Server BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } } // Advertise name if (status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if (!status) { serverText += "Server Failed to advertise name " + SERVICE_NAME + " (" + status + ")\n"; Debug.Log("Server Failed to advertise name " + SERVICE_NAME + " (" + status + ")"); } } serverText += "Completed BasicService Constructor\n"; Debug.Log("Completed BasicService Constructor"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); // Enable callbacks on main thread only AllJoyn.SetMainThreadOnlyCallbacks(true); // Create message bus sMsgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf; AllJoyn.QStatus status = sMsgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if(status) { Console.WriteLine("Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener sBusListener = new MyBusListener(); if(status) { sMsgBus.RegisterBusListener(sBusListener); Console.WriteLine("BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object TestBusObject testObj = new TestBusObject(sMsgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if(status) { status = sMsgBus.Start(); if(status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment started."); sMsgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); status = sMsgBus.Connect(connectArgs); if(status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttchement connected to " + connectArgs); } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment::Connect(" + connectArgs + ") failed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if(status) { status = sMsgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if(!status) { Console.WriteLine("RequestName({0}) failed (status={1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } // Create session AllJoyn.SessionOpts opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if(status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sSessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = sMsgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sSessionPortListener); if(!status) { Console.WriteLine("BindSessionPort failed ({0})", status); } } // Advertise name if(status) { status = sMsgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if(!status) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to advertise name {0} ({1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } if(status) { while(true) { AllJoyn.TriggerCallbacks(); // Pump messages System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } } // Dispose of objects now sMsgBus.Dispose(); sBusListener.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("basic server exiting with status {0} ({1})", status, status.ToString()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); // Create message bus sMsgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf; AllJoyn.QStatus status = sMsgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, out testIntf); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener sBusListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { sMsgBus.RegisterBusListener(sBusListener); Console.WriteLine("BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object TestBusObject testObj = new TestBusObject(sMsgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = sMsgBus.Start(); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment started."); sMsgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { status = sMsgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if (status) { status = sMsgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("RequestName({0}) failed (status={1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } // Create session AllJoyn.SessionOpts opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sSessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = sMsgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sSessionPortListener); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("BindSessionPort failed ({0})", status); } } // Advertise name if (status) { status = sMsgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to advertise name {0} ({1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } if (status) { while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } } // Dispose of objects now sMsgBus.Dispose(); sBusListener.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("basic server exiting with status {0} ({1})", status, status.ToString()); }
public void CloseDown() { if (msgBus == null) { return; //no need to clean anything up } AllJoynStarted = false; LeaveSession(); AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CancelFindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { chatText = "CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.CancelAdvertisedName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { chatText = "CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.ReleaseName(myAdvertisedName); if (!status) { chatText = "ReleaseName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("ReleaseName status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.UnbindSessionPort(SERVICE_PORT); if (!status) { chatText = "UnbindSessionPort failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("UnbindSessionPort status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.Disconnect(connectedVal); if (!status) { chatText = "Disconnect failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Disconnect status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member chatMember = testIntf.GetMember("chat"); status = msgBus.UnregisterSignalHandler(this.ChatSignalHandler, chatMember, null); chatMember = null; if (!status) { chatText = "UnregisterSignalHandler failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("UnregisterSignalHandler status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } if (sessionListener != null) { status = msgBus.SetSessionListener(null, currentSessionId); sessionListener = null; if (!status) { chatText = "SetSessionListener failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("SetSessionListener status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } } chatText = "No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")"); currentSessionId = 0; currentJoinedSession = null; sFoundName.Clear(); connectedVal = null; msgBus = null; busListener = null; sessionPortListener = null; testObj = null; testIntf = null; opts = null; myAdvertisedName = null; AllJoynStarted = false; AllJoyn.StopAllJoynProcessing(); //Stop processing alljoyn callbacks }
public void StartUp() { chatText = "Starting AllJoyn\n\n\n" + chatText; AllJoynStarted = true; AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK; { chatText = "Creating BusAttachment\n" + chatText; // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if (status) { chatText = "Chat Interface Created.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Interface Created."); testIntf.AddSignal("chat", "s", "msg", 0); testIntf.Activate(); } else { chatText = "Failed to create interface ''\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Failed to create interface ''"); } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); chatText = "Chat BusListener Registered.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BusListener Registered."); } if (testObj == null) { testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); } // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if (status) { chatText = "Chat BusAttachment started.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { chatText = "Chat Connect trying: " + connectArgs[i] + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Connect trying: " + connectArgs[i]); status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { chatText = "BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); connectedVal = connectArgs[i]; break; } else { chatText = "BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { chatText = "BusAttachment.Connect failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { chatText = "Chat BusAttachment.Start failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME + "._" + msgBus.GlobalGUIDString; AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member chatMember = testIntf.GetMember("chat"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.ChatSignalHandler, chatMember, null); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat Failed to add signal handler " + status + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to add signal handler " + status); } else { chatText = "Chat add signal handler " + status + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat add signal handler " + status); } status = msgBus.AddMatch("type='signal',member='chat'"); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat Failed to add Match " + status.ToString() + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to add Match " + status.ToString()); } else { chatText = "Chat add Match " + status.ToString() + "\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat add Match " + status.ToString()); } } // Request name if (status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } // Create session opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")");; } // Advertise name if (status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")"); } } status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { chatText = "Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } Debug.Log("Completed ChatService Constructor"); }
public void StartUp() { //Debug.LogError("Starting AllJoyn"); AllJoynStarted = true; AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK; { //Debug.LogError("Creating BusAttachment"); msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if (status) { //Debug.LogError("Interface Created."); testIntf.AddSignal("player", "sddddbb", "playerPoints", 0); testIntf.AddSignal("enemyInit", "ssdddd", "enemyPoints", 0); testIntf.AddSignal("enemyAgro", "sss", "enemyPoints1", 0); testIntf.AddSignal("enemyHP", "ssd", "enemyPoints2", 0); testIntf.Activate(); } else { //Debug.LogError("Failed to create interface ''"); } busListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); //Debug.LogError("BusListener Registered."); } if (testObj == null) { testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); } if (status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if (status) { //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { //Debug.LogError("Connect trying: " + connectArgs[i]); status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { //Debug.LogError("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); connectedVal = connectArgs[i]; break; } else { //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME + "._" + msgBus.GlobalGUIDString + playerNick; AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member playerMember = testIntf.GetMember("player"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.PlayerSignalHandler, playerMember, null); if (!status) { //Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status); } else { //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member enemyInitMember = testIntf.GetMember("enemyInit"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.EnemyInitSignalHandler, enemyInitMember, null); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status); } else { //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member enemyAgroMember = testIntf.GetMember("enemyAgro"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.EnemyAgroSignalHandler, enemyAgroMember, null); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status); } else { //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member enemyHPMember = testIntf.GetMember("enemyHP"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.EnemyHPSignalHandler, enemyHPMember, null); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status); } else { //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status); } status = msgBus.AddMatch("type='signal',interface='org.alljoyn.bus.multi'"); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector Match " + status.ToString()); } else { //Debug.LogError("add vector Match " + status.ToString()); } } if (status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(this); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { Debug.LogError("BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } //Debug.LogError("BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")"); ; } if (status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")"); } } status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { Debug.LogError("org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } }
public void CloseDown() { if (msgBus == null) return; AllJoynStarted = false; LeaveSession(); AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CancelFindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status){ DebugLog("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.CancelAdvertisedName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { DebugLog("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.ReleaseName(myAdvertisedName); if (!status) { DebugLog("ReleaseName status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.UnbindSessionPort(SERVICE_PORT); if (!status) { DebugLog("UnbindSessionPort status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.Disconnect(connectedVal); if (!status) { DebugLog("Disconnect status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member vectorMember = testIntf.GetMember("vector"); status = msgBus.UnregisterSignalHandler(this.VectorSignalHandler, vectorMember, null); vectorMember = null; if (!status) { DebugLog("UnregisterSignalHandler Vector status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } if (sessionListener != null) { status = msgBus.SetSessionListener(null, currentSessionId); sessionListener = null; if (!status) { DebugLog("SetSessionListener status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } } DebugLog("No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")"); currentSessionId = 0; currentJoinedSession = null; sFoundName.Clear(); connectedVal = null; msgBus = null; busListener = null; sessionPortListener = null; testObj = null; testIntf = null; opts = null; myAdvertisedName = null; AllJoynStarted = false; sFoundName = new ArrayList(); AllJoyn.StopAllJoynProcessing(); }
// FUNKCJE ODPOWIADAJACE ZA URUCHAMIANIE ALLJOYNA, // DOLACZANIE DO SESJI Z INNYM GRACZEM, // KONCZENIE SESJI ORAZ WYLACZANIE ALLJOYNA public void StartUp() { DebugLog("Starting AllJoyn"); AllJoynStarted = true; AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK; { DebugLog("Creating BusAttachment"); msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if (status) { DebugLog("RHR Interface Created."); testIntf.AddSignal ("vector", "adadad", "points", 0); testIntf.Activate(); } else { DebugLog("Failed to create interface ''"); } busListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); DebugLog("RHR BusListener Registered."); } if (testObj == null) testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH); if (status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if (status) { DebugLog("RHR BusAttachment started."); msgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { DebugLog("RHR Connect trying: "+connectArgs[i]); status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { DebugLog("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); connectedVal = connectArgs[i]; break; } else { DebugLog("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { DebugLog("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { DebugLog("RHR BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME+ "._" + msgBus.GlobalGUIDString + playerNick; AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member vectorMember = testIntf.GetMember ("vector"); status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.VectorSignalHandler, vectorMember, null); if (!status) { DebugLog("RHR Failed to add vector signal handler " + status); } else { DebugLog("RHR add vector signal handler " + status); } status = msgBus.AddMatch("type='signal',member='vector'"); if (!status) { DebugLog("RHR Failed to add vector Match " + status.ToString()); } else { DebugLog("RHR add vector Match " + status.ToString()); } } if (status) { status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { DebugLog("RHR RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")"); } } opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(this); status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener); if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) { DebugLog("RHR BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")"); } DebugLog("RHR BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")");; } if (status) { status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { DebugLog("RHR Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")"); } } status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { DebugLog("RHR org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } }