protected void ddlTransact_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yearId = new YearTable(db).GetYearId(DateTime.Now.Year); var YCSId = new YearClassSectionTable(db).GetYearClassSectionId(yearId, Convert.ToInt32(ddlClass.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlSection.SelectedValue)); if (ddlTransact.SelectedValue == "1") { db.Execute("addTransactionAccessibility", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Tid", ddlTeacher.SelectedValue }, { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true); hInfo.InnerText = ddlTeacher.SelectedItem.Text + " now can access class " + ddlClass.SelectedItem.Text + ", section " + ddlSection.SelectedItem.Text; hInfo.Attributes["class"] = "text-success"; hInfo.Visible = true; } else { db.Execute("removeTransactionAccessibility", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TId", ddlTeacher.SelectedValue }, { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true); hInfo.InnerText = ddlTeacher.SelectedItem.Text + " now cannot access class " + ddlClass.SelectedItem.Text + ", section " + ddlSection.SelectedItem.Text; hInfo.Attributes["class"] = "text-danger"; hInfo.Visible = true; } }
public void CreateUser() { var newUser = new IdentityUser() { Id = "TestUser", Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "Test", FirstName = "Test", LastName = "McTest", DefaultLanguage = 1 }; // Hard clean this test user from db if it is there. var db = new MySQLDatabase("LanguagePaceDB"); db.Execute("delete from languagepace.user where Id = 'TestUser';", null); var userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>(); // Call creat user userStore.CreateAsync(newUser); // See if user is in DB var user = userStore.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**").Result; // Hard clean user from DB db.Execute("delete from languagepace.user where Id = 'TestUser';", null); // See if a user came back from DB Assert.IsNotNull(user); }
protected void btnDisapprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (ListItem a in cblApprovedStudent.Items) { if (a.Selected) { MySQLDatabase data = new MySQLDatabase(); data.Execute("UpdateIsConfirmFalseByStudentCourseID", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@scid", a.Value } }, true); var marksection = data.QueryValue("GetMarkSectionIdForAttendenceByTCID", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlCourseTitle.SelectedValue } }, true); var studentid = data.QueryValue("GetStudentTableIdByScid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@scid", a.Value } }, true); data.Execute("DeleteMarkByMsidSid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@msid", marksection }, { "@sid", studentid } }, true); } } loadNotApprovedStudent(); loadApprovedStudent(); }
protected void BtnAuthorFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); data.Execute("AddNewBook", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@bNum", txtBookNumber.Text }, { "@bTitle", txtBookTitle.Text }, { "@bPrice", txtBookPrice.Text }, { "@bLan", txtBookLanguage.Text }, { "@bEdi", txtBookEdition.Text } }, true); var lastBoookId = data.QueryValue("GetLastInsertedBookId", new Dictionary <string, object> { }, true); data.Execute("AddBookCatagory", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@bid", lastBoookId }, { "@cid", ddlCategory.SelectedValue } }, true); data.Execute("AddBookAuthor", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@bid", lastBoookId }, { "@aid", ddlAuthor.SelectedValue } }, true); multiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 3; }
/// <summary> /// Deletes all claims from a user given a userId /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user's id</param> /// <returns></returns> public int Delete(string userId) { string commandText = "Delete from UserClaims where UserId = @userId"; Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameters.Add("userId", userId); return(_database.Execute(commandText, parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// Deltes a role from the Roles table /// </summary> /// <param name="roleId">The role Id</param> /// <returns></returns> public int Delete(string roleId) { string commandText = "Delete from Roles where Id = @id"; Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameters.Add("@id", roleId); return(_database.Execute(commandText, parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the user's password hash /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="passwordHash"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SetPasswordHash(string userId, string passwordHash) { string commandText = "Update Users set PasswordHash = @pwdHash where Id = @id"; Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameters.Add("@pwdHash", passwordHash); parameters.Add("@id", userId); return(_database.Execute(commandText, parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a login from a user in the UserLogins table /// </summary> /// <param name="user">User to have login deleted</param> /// <param name="login">Login to be deleted from user</param> /// <returns></returns> public int Delete(IdentityUser user, UserLoginInfo login) { string commandText = "Delete from UserLogins where UserId = @userId and LoginProvider = @loginProvider and ProviderKey = @providerKey"; Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameters.Add("UserId", user.Id); parameters.Add("loginProvider", login.LoginProvider); parameters.Add("providerKey", login.ProviderKey); return(_database.Execute(commandText, parameters)); }
protected void btnAssign_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Checks if a YearClassSection entry with null Section exists int?nullSectionId = (int?)db.QueryValue("hasNullSection", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", ddlYear.SelectedValue }, { "@CId", ddlClass.SelectedValue } }, true); foreach (ListItem item in cbSection.Items) { if (item.Selected) { int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.QueryValue("countSectionInClassYear", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", ddlYear.SelectedValue }, { "@CId", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, { "@SId", item.Value } }, true)); if (count > 0) { continue; } if (nullSectionId == null) { //If no entry with null Section found, add a new entry normally db.Execute("addYearClassSection", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", ddlYear.SelectedValue }, { "@CId", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, { "@SId", item.Value } }, true); } else { //If a entry with null section exists, replace that with a section id db.Execute("changeSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", nullSectionId }, { "@Sid", item.Value } }, true); //Next sections will be added normally nullSectionId = null; } } } LoadGVSection(null, null); }
protected void btnPush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var TUId = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>().FindByName(User.Identity.Name).Id; var res1 = db.Query("GetStudentIdByGId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@GId", ddlTo.SelectedValue } }, true); var id = db.QueryValue("addNotification", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUId", TUId }, { "@ptitle", txtSubject.Text }, { "@pbody", txtDetail.Text } }, true); foreach (var item in res1) { db.Execute("addStudentNotification", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@SId", item["studentId"] }, { "@NId", id } }, true); } notificatinName.InnerText = txtSubject.Text; groupName.InnerText = ddlTo.SelectedItem.Text; divSuccessful.Visible = true; } }
protected void btnAssign_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var YCSId = new YearClassSectionTable(db).GetYearClassSectionId(ddlYear.SelectedValue, ddlClass.SelectedValue, ddlSection.SelectedValue); TeacherSubjectTable TSTable = new TeacherSubjectTable(db); TSTable.RemoveTeacherSubject(ddlTeacher.SelectedValue, ddlSubject.SelectedValue, YCSId); var teacherSubjectId = TSTable.AddTeacherSubject(ddlTeacher.SelectedValue, ddlSubject.SelectedValue, YCSId); foreach (GridViewRow row in gvMarkPortions.Rows) { if ((row.FindControl("cbInclude") as CheckBox).Checked) { string strPerrcent; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPerrcent = (row.FindControl("txtPercentage") as TextBox).Text)) { continue; } var portionId = Convert.ToInt32((row.FindControl("hfPortionId") as HiddenField).Value); var percentage = Convert.ToInt32(strPerrcent); db.Execute("addMarkPortion", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TSId", teacherSubjectId }, { "@PId", portionId }, { "@Percentage", percentage } }, true); } } LoadGVDDLExistingSubject(null, null); }
protected void btnIssue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); var mId = data.QueryValue("GetMemberIdByMemberNum", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@mNum", txtMemberNumber.Text } }, true); var bId = data.QueryValue("GetBookIdByBookNum", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@bNum", txtBookNumber.Text } }, true); var returnDate = DateTime.Now; if (ddlWeek.SelectedValue == "1") { returnDate = returnDate.AddDays(7); } else { returnDate = returnDate.AddDays(14); } data.Execute("AddNewBookRecord", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@mid", mId }, { "@bid", bId }, { "@tDate", DateTime.Now }, { "@rDate", returnDate }, }, true); h3Success.Visible = true; LoadGvBooks(); }
protected void btnCauseFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var YCSId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pclassid", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, { "@psectionid", ddlSection.SelectedValue }, { "@pyearid", yearId } }, true); var studentIds = db.Query("getStudentByYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true). Select(x => new SingleValue { Value = x["studentid"] }).ToList(); var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); foreach (var studentId in studentIds) { db.Execute("causeFee", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@SId", studentId.Value }, { "@doneBy", userId }, { "@TId", ddlType.SelectedValue }, { "@amount", txtAmount.Text } }, true); } hSuccess.InnerText = "Tk " + txtAmount.Text + " is caused to Class " + ddlClass.SelectedItem.Text + ", Section " + ddlSection.SelectedItem.Text + " for " + ddlType.SelectedItem.Text + "."; hSuccess.Visible = true; }
protected void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yearId = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); var YCSId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyearid", yearId }, { "@pclassid", Convert.ToInt32(txtClass.Text) }, { "@psectionid", Convert.ToInt32(txtSection.Text) } }, true); if (YCSId == null) { info.Attributes["class"] = "text-danger"; } else { db.Execute("changeStudent", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@SId", ddlStudent.SelectedValue }, { "@YCSId", YCSId }, { "@proll", Convert.ToInt32(txtRoll.Text) } }, true); } }
protected void btnCtSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { MySQLDatabase data = new MySQLDatabase(); data.Execute("AddSectionName", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@name", txtName.Text } }, true); var lastSecId = data.QueryValue("GetLastInsertIdOfSectionName", new Dictionary <string, object> { }, true); data.Execute("AddMarksectionForCt", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlSelectCourse.SelectedValue }, { "@snid", lastSecId }, { "@msmark", Convert.ToInt32(txtMarks.Text) } }, true); var LastMarkSectionIdForCt = data.QueryValue("GetLastInsertIdOfMarkSection4CtAssByTcid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlSelectCourse.SelectedValue } }, true); var studentTableIdlist = data.Query("GetStudentTableIdByTcid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlSelectCourse.SelectedValue } }, true); foreach (var a in studentTableIdlist) { var val = a["studentid"]; data.Execute("AddMark4CtAssByMsidSid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@msid", LastMarkSectionIdForCt }, { "@sid", val } }, true); } LoadGvCtAss(); } }
private void ReloadDDLCanTransact(int yearId) { var YCSId = new YearClassSectionTable(db).GetYearClassSectionId(yearId, Convert.ToInt32(ddlClass.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlSection.SelectedValue)); ddlTransact.SelectedValue = db.Execute( "canTransact", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Tid", Convert.ToInt32(ddlTeacher.SelectedValue) }, { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true).ToString(); }
private void MarkPortion_SubmitClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var teacherId = new UserTable <ApplicationUser>(db).GetUserId(User.Identity.Name); int mark; MarkPortion mp = (sender as MarkPortion); if (mp.MarkId == null) { if (int.TryParse(mp.Mark.ToString(), out mark)) { int SYCSRId = Convert.ToInt32(db.QueryValue("getSYCSRIdByYCSIdSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", ViewState["YCSId"] }, { "@SId", ddlStudent.SelectedValue } }, true)); db.Execute("addMark", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@MPId", mp.MarkPortionId }, { "@SYCSRId", SYCSRId }, { "@termid", ddlTerm.SelectedValue }, { "@mark", mark }, { "@TUId", teacherId } }, true); } } else { db.Execute("updateMark", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pid", mp.MarkId }, { "@mark", mp.Mark } }, true); } }
protected void ddlDesignation_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //changeDesignation MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); db.Execute("changeDesignation", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@designationId", ddlDesignation.SelectedValue }, { "@TId", ddlTeacher.SelectedValue } }, true); success1.Visible = true; }
public void RegisterAction() { // Arrange AccountController controller = new AccountController(); RegisterViewModel model = new RegisterViewModel() { Email = "*****@*****.**", Username = "******", Password = "******", ConfirmPassword = "******", DefaultLanguage = 1, FirstName = "Test", LastName = "McTest" }; // Act MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase("LanguagePaceDB"); db.Execute("delete from languagepace.user where email='*****@*****.**'", null); try { ViewResult result = controller.Register(model).Result as ViewResult; UserStore <IdentityUser> userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>(new MySQLDatabase("LanguagePaceDB")); IdentityUser user = userStore.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**").Result; // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsNotNull(user); } finally { db.Execute("delete from languagepace.user where email='*****@*****.**'", null); } }
protected void btnAddYear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { db.Execute("INSERT INTO year VALUES(null, '" + txtYear.Text.Trim() + "');", null); hSuccess.InnerText = "Year " + txtYear.Text + " successfully added."; hSuccess.Visible = true; } }
protected void btnCreateGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var teacherId = db.QueryValue("getTIdByTUN", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name } }, true); //string query = "INSERT INTO `group` VALUES(null, '" + teacherId + "', '" + txtGroupName.Text + "';"; db.Execute("addGroup", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TId", teacherId }, { "@name", txtGroupName.Text } }, true); BindDLL(); }
protected void btnPay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); db.Execute("addTransaction", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@SId", ddlStudent.SelectedValue }, { "@TeaId", db.QueryValue("getTIdByTUN", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name } }, true) }, { "@TypeId", ddlType.SelectedValue }, { "@ammount", Convert.ToInt32(txtAmount.Text) } }, true); LoadDue(null, null); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); foreach (ListItem item in cbAdd.Items) { if (item.Selected) { db.Execute("addGroupMember", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@groupid", ddlGroup.SelectedValue }, { "@studentId", item.Value } }, true); } } LoadCBRemove(sender, e); LoadCBAdd(sender, e); }
public static void LogError(Exception ex) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); while (ex != null) { db.Execute("logError", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "type", ex.GetType() }, { "source", ex.Source }, { "message", ex.Message }, { "StackTrace", ex.StackTrace } }, true); ex = ex.InnerException; } }
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); while (ex != null) { db.Execute("logError", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "type", ex.GetType() }, { "source", ex.Source }, { "message", ex.Message }, { "StackTrace", ex.StackTrace } }, true); ex = ex.InnerException; } }
private void ReloadDDLCanTransact(object yearId) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var YCSId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyearid", yearId }, { "@pclassid", Convert.ToInt32(ddlClass.SelectedValue) }, { "@psectionid", Convert.ToInt32(ddlSection.SelectedValue) } }, true); ddlTransact.SelectedValue = db.Execute( "canTransact", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Tid", Convert.ToInt32(ddlTeacher.SelectedValue) }, { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true).ToString(); }
protected void Unnamed_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["postid"] == null) { return; } MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["postid"]); var studentId = new UserTable <ApplicationUser>(db).GetUserId(User.Identity.Name); db.Execute("removeNotificationByNidSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@Nid", id }, { "@SId", Convert.ToInt32(db.QueryValue( "SELECT id FROM student WHERE userid = '" + studentId + "' LIMIT 1", null)) } }, true); Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath); }
protected void Ask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var userid = User.Identity.GetUserId(); int studentId = Convert.ToInt32(db.QueryValue( "SELECT id FROM student WHERE userid = '" + userid + "' LIMIT 1", null)); db.Execute("addQuestion", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@askedby", ddlTo.SelectedValue }, { "@askedto", studentId }, { "@title", txtSubject.Text }, { "@body", txtQuestion.Text } }, true); divSuccess.Visible = true; spanQuestion.InnerText = txtSubject.Text; spanTo.InnerText = ddlTo.SelectedItem.Text; }
protected void btnSubmint_Click(object obj, EventArgs ea) { //TODO Not checked //TODO add trigger var YCSID = new YearClassSectionTable(db).GetYearClassSectionId(new YearTable(db).GetYearId(DateTime.Now.Year), ddlClass.SelectedValue, ddlSection.SelectedValue); var markPortionId = db.QueryValue("getMarkPortionIdByYCSIdPId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["YCSId"]) }, { "@PId", -1 } }, true); foreach (ListItem item in cbAttendance.Items) { db.Execute("addAttendance", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@MPId", markPortionId }, { "@SId", item.Value }, { "@isPresent", item.Selected } }, true); } }
protected void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yearId = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); var YCSId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyearid", yearId }, { "@pclassid", Convert.ToInt32(txtClass.Text) }, { "@psectionid", Convert.ToInt32(txtSection.Text) } }, true); if (YCSId == null) { info.Visible = true; success2.Visible = false; } else { db.Execute("changeStudent", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@SId", ddlStudent.SelectedValue }, { "@YCSId", YCSId }, { "@proll", Convert.ToInt32(txtRoll.Text) } }, true); success2.Visible = true; info.Visible = false; ReloadDDLStudent(yearId); } } catch (Exception) { info.Visible = true; success2.Visible = false; } }