public override void Move(Vector2 delta) { // NO TravelMind? Trim/bloat me to fit within Room! if (!HasTravelMind()) { Rect pr = GetMyRectBL(); // prev MyRect (bottom-left aligned). Rect nr = GetMyRectBL(); // new MyRect (bottom-left aligned). nr.position += delta; // Move. // INCREASE size. Rect camBounds = MyRoom.GetCameraBoundsLocal(); Rect bA = MathUtils.BloatRect(camBounds, -0.8f); // bloated inward Rect bB = MathUtils.BloatRect(camBounds, 0.8f); // bloated outward if (pr.xMin <= bA.xMin && nr.xMin >= bB.xMin) { nr.xMin = bB.xMin; } if (pr.xMax >= bA.xMax && nr.xMax <= bB.xMax) { nr.xMax = bB.xMax; } if (pr.yMin <= bA.yMin && nr.yMin >= bB.yMin) { nr.yMin = bB.yMin; } if (pr.yMax >= bA.yMax && nr.yMax <= bB.yMax) { nr.yMax = bB.yMax; } // DECREASE size. nr = TrimmedRectToRoomBounds(nr, MyRoom); // finally, cut off the sides that aren't in bounds! // Return! nr.position =; // offset to CENTER aligned. SetSize(nr.size); SetPos(nr.position); } // YES TravelMind! Just use base Move. else { base.Move(delta); } }
//protected Vector2 GravityForce = //override protected Vector2 Gravity { get { return base.Gravity * FlipDir; } } //override protected float JumpForce { get { return base.JumpForce * FlipDir; } } //override public bool IsGrounded() { // return myWhiskers.OnSurface(FlipDir<0 ? Sides.T : Sides.B); //} //override protected float WallSlideMinYVel { get { return FlipDir<0 ? Mathf.NegativeInfinity : -0.11f; } } //override protected float WallSlideMaxYVel { get { return FlipDir<0 ? 0.11f : Mathf.Infinity; } } //override protected Vector2 WallKickForce { get { return new Vector2(0.35f, 0.46f*FlipDir); } } //protected override Vector2 GetVelForWallKick() { // if (FlipDir < 0) { // return new Vector2(-myWhiskers.DirLastTouchedWall*WallKickForce.x, Mathf.Min(vel.y, WallKickForce.y)); // } // return base.GetVelForWallKick(); //} //private static int FlipDir=1; // 1 or -1. // private void OnDrawGizmos() { // if (myRoom==null) { return; } // Gizmos.color = Color.cyan; // Gizmos.DrawWireCube (, new Vector3(camBoundsLocal.size.x,camBoundsLocal.size.y, 10)); //} // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Start // ---------------------------------------------------------------- //override protected void Start () { // base.Start(); // SetSize (new Vector2(1.5f, 1.8f)); //} public void InitializeAsPlayer(Room _myRoom, PlayerData data) { base.InitializeAsPlatformCharacter(_myRoom, data); // Give huge linear/angular drag to my rigidbody. Rigidbody2D myRB = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); myRB.drag = 999999; myRB.angularDrag = 999999; DirFacing = data.dirFacing; timeStoppedWallSlide = Mathf.NegativeInfinity; // Set camBoundsLocal! const float boundsBloat = 0f; // I have to like *really* be off-screen for this to register. camBoundsLocal = MyRoom.GetCameraBoundsLocal(); camBoundsLocal.size += new Vector2(boundsBloat, boundsBloat) * 2f; camBoundsLocal.position -= new Vector2(boundsBloat, boundsBloat); GameManagers.Instance.DataManager.UnlockPlayerType(PlayerType()); // TEMP: Also unlock this PlayerType here (and only here). }