    private void Awake()
        myScriptScale                    = new ScriptScale();
        myScriptScale.PersonWidth        = PersonWidth;
        myScriptScale.InterPersonSpacing = InterPersonSpacing;
        myScriptScale.InterHouseSpacing  = InterHouseSpacing;
        myScriptScale.GenerationGap      = GenerationGap;
        myScriptScale.ZScale             = ZScale;

        // Let the GUI Manager know about our ZScale
        gui = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GUIManager)) as GUIManager;
        gui.SendMessage("myInitZScale", ZScale);

        myPeople = new MyPeople();
        _generationInformationDictionary = new Dictionary <int, GenerationInformation>();

        _personsBirthPlatformObjects   = new GameObject[1500];
        _personsWeddingPlatformObjects = new GameObject[1500];

        _weddingDayDestinationObjects = new GameObject[1500];

        _birthDayDestinationObjects = new GameObject[1500];

        // _personPrefab = Resources.Load("FirstPerson");
文件: Family.cs 项目: shuskey/3DTree
    public string GetTextCourtHouse(MyPeople myPeople, int currentYear)
        string retString = "Family (HOME): Generation " + Generation + "\r\n";

        if (Generation == 0)
            retString += "\tGENERATION ZERO\r\n";
            retString +=
                "\tBride: " + myPeople.allPeople[BridePersonIndex].GetText(currentYear, BridePersonIndex) +
                "\r\n" +
                "\t\tWife's parents family index: " +
                myPeople.allPeople[BridePersonIndex].BirthFamilyIndex + "\r\n" +
                "\tGroom: " + myPeople.allPeople[GroomPersonIndex].GetText(currentYear, GroomPersonIndex) +
                "\r\n" +
                "\t\tHusband's parents family index: " +
                myPeople.allPeople[GroomPersonIndex].BirthFamilyIndex + "\r\n" +
                "\tMarriage: " + MarriageDate + "\r\n";
        foreach (int childPersonIndex in ChildrenPersonIndexList)
            retString += "\t\tChild: " +
                         myPeople.allPeople[childPersonIndex].GetText(currentYear, childPersonIndex) + "\r\n";
    private void Awake()
        myScriptScale = new ScriptScale();
        myScriptScale.PersonWidth = PersonWidth;
        myScriptScale.InterPersonSpacing = InterPersonSpacing;
        myScriptScale.InterHouseSpacing = InterHouseSpacing;
        myScriptScale.GenerationGap = GenerationGap;
        myScriptScale.ZScale = ZScale;

        // Let the GUI Manager know about our ZScale
        gui = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GUIManager)) as GUIManager;
        gui.SendMessage("myInitZScale", ZScale);

        myPeople = new MyPeople();
        _generationInformationDictionary = new Dictionary<int, GenerationInformation>();

        _personsBirthPlatformObjects = new GameObject[1500];
        _personsWeddingPlatformObjects = new GameObject[1500];

        _weddingDayDestinationObjects = new GameObject[1500];

        _birthDayDestinationObjects = new GameObject[1500];

        // _personPrefab = Resources.Load("FirstPerson");
 public FamilyEvent(MyPeople myPeople, List <Family> allFamilies, FamilyEventType type, string date, int bridePersonIndex, int groomPersonIndex)
     Date             = date;
     EventType        = type;
     BridePersonIndex = bridePersonIndex;
     GroompersonIndex = groomPersonIndex;
     Generation       = allFamilies[myPeople.allPeople[groomPersonIndex].BirthFamilyIndex].Generation + 1;
 static int outPut(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1);
         MyPeople obj = (MyPeople)ToLua.CheckObject <MyPeople>(L, 1);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
 static int Set(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
         MyPeople obj  = (MyPeople)ToLua.CheckObject <MyPeople>(L, 1);
         string   arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
    static int set_Name(IntPtr L)
        object o = null;

            o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
            MyPeople obj  = (MyPeople)o;
            string   arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2);
            obj.Name = arg0;
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index Name on a nil value"));
    static int get_Name(IntPtr L)
        object o = null;

            o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
            MyPeople obj = (MyPeople)o;
            string   ret = obj.Name;
            LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, ret);
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index Name on a nil value"));
	//public MySecondScript secondScriptqqqqqqwe;

	void Awake()
		Debug.Log ("Awake");
		myMatchMaker = new Matchmaker();
		myPeople = new MyPeople();
		int lastYear = 0;
		currentYear = 0;

		Person Adam = new Person(Person.PersonType.Adam, currentYear.ToString());
		Person Eve = new Person(Person.PersonType.Eve, currentYear.ToString());
		var personAIndex = myPeople.addToAllPeople(Adam);
		var personEIndex = myPeople.addToAllPeople(Eve);
		myMatchMaker.addToSinglesList(personAIndex, Adam.Sex);
		myMatchMaker.addToSinglesList(personEIndex, Eve.Sex);

		//Debug.Log ("Hello " + Adam.Name + " and " + Eve.Name + " !");
		//Debug.Log (Adam.GetSex() + " and " + Eve.GetSex());

		/// TODO
		/// implement the House cluster Display List Data type
		/// Draw a sample Cluster
		/// put in Marriage portals
		/// put in tomb stones
		/// add in Divorce and side winds
		for (currentYear = 0 ; currentYear < 200 ; currentYear++)

			Debug.Log ("Happy New Year!!.  It is year: " + currentYear.ToString());
			Debug.Log ("We have " + myMatchMaker.BachelorPersonIndexList.Count + " Bachelors, and " +
			           myMatchMaker.BachelorettePersonIndexList.Count + " Bachelorettes");
			Debug.Log ("Our people count is " + myPeople.allPeople.Count + ", with alive count =" + myPeople.livingCount());
			Debug.Log ("We have " + myMatchMaker.allFamilies.Count + " Families <-----------------------");


			lastYear = currentYear;
		Debug.Log("We are done with populating the earth!");


    static int _CreateMyPeople(IntPtr L)
            int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L);

            if (count == 0)
                MyPeople obj = new MyPeople();
                ToLua.PushObject(L, obj);
                return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to ctor method: MyPeople.New"));
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        Debug.Log("I just started!");

        // TODO turn this (below) into a LIST
        int[] counterPerGeneration = new int[25];

        List <Family> allMyFamilies = new List <Family>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
            counterPerGeneration[i] = 0;
        TreePerson.timeSpan[] personTimeSpans = new TreePerson.timeSpan[25];

        #region CheckArguments for Filename of Family History Information XML file
        string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
        if (ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName == "" && arguments.Count() > 1)
            ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName = arguments[1];

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName))
            Debug.Log("No 3D Family File was provided!");

            gui.dialogInformationMessage = "You have not provided a Family Inforamtion File.  There is nothing to play.";
        }    //TODO should probably check to see if the file exists
        #region READ From 3DFamilyTreeFileUtility File

            Debug.Log("Using CourtHouse");
            MyCourtHouse = new CourtHouse();

            // Construct an instance of the XmlSerializer with the type
            // of object that is being deserialized.
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(MyCourtHouse.GetType());
            // To read the file, create a FileStream.
            FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream(ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName, FileMode.Open);
            // Call the Deserialize method and cast to the object type.
            MyCourtHouse = (CourtHouse)serializer.Deserialize(myFileStream);

            allMyFamilies = MyCourtHouse.allFamilies;
            myPeople      = MyCourtHouse.myPeople;


        Debug.Log(string.Format("Ive got {0} Families and {1} people to add", allMyFamilies.Count,

        // Lets do a review of all the families we have and determine the Generational relationships
        // FamilyGenerationIndex = the relative generational index of this family within this generation
        // FamilyPersonIndex = the relative person index (bride, groom, then birth order) of this person within the family
        // As well as the bounding life span information for each family, to help build a HOUSE around them
        foreach (Family familyHome in allMyFamilies)
            // This is the Gereation # as read from the file
            int generation = familyHome.Generation;
            if (generation != 0)
                if (!_generationInformationDictionary.ContainsKey(generation))
                    _generationInformationDictionary.Add(generation, new GenerationInformation());

                // Keep track of the # of Families that we have in this Generation
                int familyGenerationIndex = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].IncrementGenerationCounter();
                int peopleCount           = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList.Count + 2;

                // build the families house
                GameObject newHousePlatform =
                    (GameObject)Instantiate(MyHousePlatformObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), transform.rotation);

                newHousePlatform.transform.parent = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].GenerationGameObject.transform;

                // add this houseplatform to the new generationIndfromation Game Object

                // if we are the first house build for this generation, set previous house edge to zero
                // This works because new GenerationInformation initializes Previous House Edge to Zero
                familyHome.PreviousHouseEdge = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].PreviousHouseEdge;

                familyHome.FamilyGenerationIndex = familyGenerationIndex;
                string[] parts = myPeople.allPeople[familyHome.GroomPersonIndex].Name.Split(' ');
                familyHome.FamilyName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

                familyHome.NumberOfPeople = peopleCount;

                newHousePlatform.SendMessage("myInitScale", myScriptScale);

                newHousePlatform.SendMessage("myInit", familyHome);

                int brideGroomMarriageDate = HELPER_DateToInt(familyHome.MarriageDate);
                if (brideGroomMarriageDate < 1)
                    var gBirthDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[familyHome.BridePersonIndex].Birth);
                    var bBirthDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[familyHome.GroomPersonIndex].Birth);
                    brideGroomMarriageDate = Math.Max(gBirthDate, bBirthDate) + 16;  // The Max wards off zeros

                TreePerson myTreePerson;

                for (int familyPersonIndex = 0; familyPersonIndex < peopleCount; familyPersonIndex++)
                    int        tempPersonIndex    = 0;
                    int        personMarriageDate = brideGroomMarriageDate;
                    GameObject tmpDestinationObject;
                    PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType platformType;

                    GameObject newPersonPlatform =
                        Instantiate(MyPersonPlatformObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), transform.rotation);

                    // This parantage (used to) cause problems with obtaining the tree index in PersonPlatformTriggerScript Line 21 & 33
                    // FIXED it by giving the Person Platform a tag and then I search for the parent with this tag in the TriggerMat
                    newPersonPlatform.transform.parent = newHousePlatform.transform;

                    if (familyPersonIndex == 0) //Bride
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.BridePersonIndex;

                        tmpDestinationObject = new GameObject("WeddingDay");
                        platformType         = PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType.Wedding;
                        _weddingDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex]  = tmpDestinationObject;
                        _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex] = newPersonPlatform;
                    else if (familyPersonIndex == 1) //Groom
                        tempPersonIndex      = familyHome.GroomPersonIndex;
                        tmpDestinationObject = new GameObject("WeddingDay");
                        platformType         = PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType.Wedding;
                        _weddingDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex]  = tmpDestinationObject;
                        _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex] = newPersonPlatform;
                    else // Children
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList[familyPersonIndex - 2];

                        personMarriageDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[tempPersonIndex].marriageDate());
                        if (personMarriageDate < 1)
                            personMarriageDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[tempPersonIndex].Birth) + 16;

                        if (personMarriageDate < 100)
                            Debug.Log("Marriage Date too small");
                        tmpDestinationObject = new GameObject("BirthDay");
                        platformType         = PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType.Birth;
                        _birthDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex]  = tmpDestinationObject;
                        _personsBirthPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex] = newPersonPlatform;
                    // Neither the Parentage nor the postion is set up for the Destination Object
                    // We will do this in the PersonPlatformScript Start routine.

                    myTreePerson = myPeople.allPeople[tempPersonIndex];
                    //myTreePerson.TransporterObject = myTransporterObject;
                    myTreePerson.treePersonIndex       = tempPersonIndex; // Just incase you do not already know
                    myTreePerson.FamilyPersonIndex     = familyPersonIndex;
                    myTreePerson.Generation            = generation;
                    myTreePerson.FamilyGenerationIndex = familyGenerationIndex;
                    myTreePerson.PreviousHouseEdge     = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].PreviousHouseEdge;
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitScale", myScriptScale);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInit", myTreePerson);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitType", platformType);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitDestinationObject", tmpDestinationObject);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitMarriageDate", personMarriageDate);
                } // for each family person

                _childrenTransforms = newHousePlatform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
                //_transformPreviousHouse = _childrenTransforms[4];
                foreach (Transform childTransform in _childrenTransforms)
                    if (childTransform.name.Contains("RightEdgeEnd"))
                        _generationInformationDictionary[generation].PreviousHouseEdge = childTransform.transform.position.x;
                // now move it all
                // _generationInformationDictionary[generation].GenerationGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3((generation-1) * 100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        #region Transporters
        // Now Set up transporters
        foreach (Family familyHome in allMyFamilies)
            // This is the Gereation # as read from the file
            int generation = familyHome.Generation;
            if (generation != 0)
                int peopleCount = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList.Count + 2;

                for (int familyPersonIndex = 0; familyPersonIndex < peopleCount; familyPersonIndex++)
                    int        tempPersonIndex = 0;
                    GameObject tmpDestinationObject;
                    GameObject tmpPersonsPlatform;

                    TransportMeScript.TransporterType transporterType;

                    if (familyPersonIndex == 0) //Bride
                        tempPersonIndex      = familyHome.BridePersonIndex;
                        transporterType      = TransportMeScript.TransporterType.Birth;
                        tmpDestinationObject = _birthDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                        // the Birth Transporter needs to be attached to the persons WeddingPlatform
                        tmpPersonsPlatform = _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                    else if (familyPersonIndex == 1) //Groom
                        tempPersonIndex      = familyHome.GroomPersonIndex;
                        transporterType      = TransportMeScript.TransporterType.Birth;
                        tmpDestinationObject = _birthDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                        // the Birth Transporter needs to be attached to the persons WeddingPlatform
                        tmpPersonsPlatform = _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                    else // Children
                        tempPersonIndex      = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList[familyPersonIndex - 2];
                        transporterType      = TransportMeScript.TransporterType.Wedding;
                        tmpDestinationObject = _weddingDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                        // The Wedding Transporter needs to be attached to the persons BirthPlatform
                        tmpPersonsPlatform = _personsBirthPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex];

                    if (tmpDestinationObject != null)
                        GameObject myTransporterObject =
                            Instantiate(MyTransporterObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), transform.rotation);

                        myTransporterObject.SendMessage("myInitPersonIndex", tempPersonIndex);
                        myTransporterObject.SendMessage("myInitDestinationObject", tmpDestinationObject);
                        myTransporterObject.SendMessage("myInitType", transporterType);

                        // Now relay this information to the PersonPlatform - the parentage and position will be setup inside its Start() method
            } // skip gen 0
        }     // foreach Family
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        Debug.Log("I just started!");

        // TODO turn this (below) into a LIST
        int[] counterPerGeneration = new int[25];

        List<Family> allMyFamilies = new List<Family>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) counterPerGeneration[i] = 0;
        TreePerson.timeSpan[] personTimeSpans = new TreePerson.timeSpan[25];

        #region CheckArguments for Filename of Family History Information XML file
        string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
        if (ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName == "" && arguments.Count() > 1)
            ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName = arguments[1];

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName))
            Debug.Log("No 3D Family File was provided!");

            gui.dialogInformationMessage = "You have not provided a Family Inforamtion File.  There is nothing to play.";
        }    //TODO should probably check to see if the file exists
        #region READ From 3DFamilyTreeFileUtility File

            Debug.Log("Using CourtHouse");
            MyCourtHouse = new CourtHouse();

            // Construct an instance of the XmlSerializer with the type
            // of object that is being deserialized.
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(MyCourtHouse.GetType());
            // To read the file, create a FileStream.
            FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream(ThreeDFamilyTreeFileName, FileMode.Open);
            // Call the Deserialize method and cast to the object type.
            MyCourtHouse = (CourtHouse) serializer.Deserialize(myFileStream);

            allMyFamilies = MyCourtHouse.allFamilies;
            myPeople = MyCourtHouse.myPeople;


        Debug.Log(string.Format("Ive got {0} Families and {1} people to add", allMyFamilies.Count,

        // Lets do a review of all the families we have and determine the Generational relationships
        // FamilyGenerationIndex = the relative generational index of this family within this generation
        // FamilyPersonIndex = the relative person index (bride, groom, then birth order) of this person within the family
        // As well as the bounding life span information for each family, to help build a HOUSE around them
        foreach (Family familyHome in allMyFamilies)
            // This is the Gereation # as read from the file
            int generation = familyHome.Generation;
            if (generation != 0)
                if (!_generationInformationDictionary.ContainsKey(generation))
                    _generationInformationDictionary.Add(generation, new GenerationInformation());

                // Keep track of the # of Families that we have in this Generation
                int familyGenerationIndex = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].IncrementGenerationCounter();
                int peopleCount = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList.Count + 2;

                // build the families house
                GameObject newHousePlatform =
                    (GameObject) Instantiate(MyHousePlatformObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), transform.rotation);

                newHousePlatform.transform.parent = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].GenerationGameObject.transform;

                // add this houseplatform to the new generationIndfromation Game Object

                // if we are the first house build for this generation, set previous house edge to zero
                // This works because new GenerationInformation initializes Previous House Edge to Zero
                familyHome.PreviousHouseEdge = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].PreviousHouseEdge;

                familyHome.FamilyGenerationIndex = familyGenerationIndex;
                string[] parts = myPeople.allPeople[familyHome.GroomPersonIndex].Name.Split(' ');
                familyHome.FamilyName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

                familyHome.NumberOfPeople = peopleCount;

                newHousePlatform.SendMessage("myInitScale", myScriptScale);

                newHousePlatform.SendMessage("myInit", familyHome);

                int brideGroomMarriageDate = HELPER_DateToInt(familyHome.MarriageDate);
                if (brideGroomMarriageDate < 1)
                    var gBirthDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[familyHome.BridePersonIndex].Birth);
                    var bBirthDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[familyHome.GroomPersonIndex].Birth);
                    brideGroomMarriageDate = Math.Max(gBirthDate, bBirthDate) + 16;  // The Max wards off zeros

                TreePerson myTreePerson;

                for (int familyPersonIndex = 0; familyPersonIndex < peopleCount; familyPersonIndex++)
                    int tempPersonIndex = 0;
                    int personMarriageDate = brideGroomMarriageDate;
                    GameObject tmpDestinationObject;
                    PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType platformType;

                    GameObject newPersonPlatform =
                            Instantiate(MyPersonPlatformObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), transform.rotation);

                    // This parantage (used to) cause problems with obtaining the tree index in PersonPlatformTriggerScript Line 21 & 33
                    // FIXED it by giving the Person Platform a tag and then I search for the parent with this tag in the TriggerMat
                    newPersonPlatform.transform.parent = newHousePlatform.transform;

                    if (familyPersonIndex == 0) //Bride
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.BridePersonIndex;

                        tmpDestinationObject = new GameObject("WeddingDay");
                        platformType = PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType.Wedding;
                        _weddingDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex] = tmpDestinationObject;
                        _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex] = newPersonPlatform;

                    else if (familyPersonIndex == 1) //Groom
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.GroomPersonIndex;
                        tmpDestinationObject = new GameObject("WeddingDay");
                        platformType = PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType.Wedding;
                        _weddingDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex] = tmpDestinationObject;
                        _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex] = newPersonPlatform;

                    else // Children
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList[familyPersonIndex - 2];

                        personMarriageDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[tempPersonIndex].marriageDate());
                        if (personMarriageDate < 1)
                            personMarriageDate = HELPER_DateToInt(myPeople.allPeople[tempPersonIndex].Birth) + 16;

                        if (personMarriageDate < 100)
                            Debug.Log("Marriage Date too small");
                        tmpDestinationObject = new GameObject("BirthDay");
                        platformType = PersonPlatformScript.PlatformType.Birth;
                        _birthDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex] = tmpDestinationObject;
                        _personsBirthPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex] = newPersonPlatform;

                    // Neither the Parentage nor the postion is set up for the Destination Object
                    // We will do this in the PersonPlatformScript Start routine.

                    myTreePerson = myPeople.allPeople[tempPersonIndex];
                    //myTreePerson.TransporterObject = myTransporterObject;
                    myTreePerson.treePersonIndex = tempPersonIndex;  // Just incase you do not already know
                    myTreePerson.FamilyPersonIndex = familyPersonIndex;
                    myTreePerson.Generation = generation;
                    myTreePerson.FamilyGenerationIndex = familyGenerationIndex;
                    myTreePerson.PreviousHouseEdge = _generationInformationDictionary[generation].PreviousHouseEdge;
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitScale", myScriptScale);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInit", myTreePerson);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitType", platformType);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitDestinationObject", tmpDestinationObject);
                    newPersonPlatform.SendMessage("myInitMarriageDate", personMarriageDate);

                } // for each family person

                _childrenTransforms = newHousePlatform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
                //_transformPreviousHouse = _childrenTransforms[4];
                foreach (Transform childTransform in _childrenTransforms)
                    if (childTransform.name.Contains("RightEdgeEnd"))
                        _generationInformationDictionary[generation].PreviousHouseEdge = childTransform.transform.position.x;
                // now move it all
               // _generationInformationDictionary[generation].GenerationGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3((generation-1) * 100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        #region Transporters
        // Now Set up transporters
        foreach (Family familyHome in allMyFamilies)
            // This is the Gereation # as read from the file
            int generation = familyHome.Generation;
            if (generation != 0)
                int peopleCount = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList.Count + 2;

                for (int familyPersonIndex = 0; familyPersonIndex < peopleCount; familyPersonIndex++)
                    int tempPersonIndex = 0;
                    GameObject tmpDestinationObject;
                    GameObject tmpPersonsPlatform;

                    TransportMeScript.TransporterType transporterType;

                    if (familyPersonIndex == 0) //Bride
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.BridePersonIndex;
                        transporterType = TransportMeScript.TransporterType.Birth;
                        tmpDestinationObject = _birthDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                        // the Birth Transporter needs to be attached to the persons WeddingPlatform
                        tmpPersonsPlatform = _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                    else if (familyPersonIndex == 1) //Groom
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.GroomPersonIndex;
                        transporterType = TransportMeScript.TransporterType.Birth;
                        tmpDestinationObject = _birthDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                        // the Birth Transporter needs to be attached to the persons WeddingPlatform
                        tmpPersonsPlatform = _personsWeddingPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex];

                    else // Children
                        tempPersonIndex = familyHome.ChildrenPersonIndexList[familyPersonIndex - 2];
                        transporterType = TransportMeScript.TransporterType.Wedding;
                        tmpDestinationObject = _weddingDayDestinationObjects[tempPersonIndex];
                        // The Wedding Transporter needs to be attached to the persons BirthPlatform
                        tmpPersonsPlatform = _personsBirthPlatformObjects[tempPersonIndex];


                    if (tmpDestinationObject != null)
                        GameObject myTransporterObject =
                                Instantiate(MyTransporterObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), transform.rotation);

                        myTransporterObject.SendMessage("myInitPersonIndex", tempPersonIndex);
                        myTransporterObject.SendMessage("myInitDestinationObject", tmpDestinationObject);
                        myTransporterObject.SendMessage("myInitType", transporterType);

                        // Now relay this information to the PersonPlatform - the parentage and position will be setup inside its Start() method


            } // skip gen 0

        } // foreach Family