        /// <summary>
        /// Shows a callout for any tapped graphics.
        /// </summary>
        private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Search for the graphics underneath the user's tap.
            IReadOnlyList <IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult> results =
                await MyMapView.IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(e.Position, 12, false);

            // Clear callouts and return if there was no result.
            if (results.Count < 1 || results.First().Graphics.Count < 1)

            // Get the first graphic from the first result.
            Graphic matchingGraphic = results.First().Graphics.First();

            // Get the title; manually added to the point's attributes in UpdateSearch.
            string title = matchingGraphic.Attributes["Match_Title"].ToString();

            // Get the address; manually added to the point's attributes in UpdateSearch.
            string address = matchingGraphic.Attributes["Match_Address"].ToString();

            // Define the callout.
            CalloutDefinition calloutBody = new CalloutDefinition(title, address);

            // Show the callout on the map at the tapped location.
            MyMapView.ShowCalloutAt(e.Location, calloutBody);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle tap event on the map; displays callouts showing the address for a tapped search result
        /// </summary>
        private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Search for the graphics underneath the user's tap
            IReadOnlyList <IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult> results = await MyMapView.IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(e.Position, 12, false);

            // Return gracefully if there was no result
            if (results.Count < 1 || results.First().Graphics.Count < 1)

            // Reverse geocode to get addresses
            IReadOnlyList <GeocodeResult> addresses = await _geocoder.ReverseGeocodeAsync(e.Location);

            // Get the first result
            GeocodeResult address = addresses.First();
            // Use the city and region for the Callout Title
            string calloutTitle = address.Attributes["City"] + ", " + address.Attributes["Region"];
            // Use the metro area for the Callout Detail
            string calloutDetail = address.Attributes["MetroArea"].ToString();

            // Define the callout
            CalloutDefinition calloutBody = new CalloutDefinition(calloutTitle, calloutDetail);

            // Show the callout on the map at the tapped location
            MyMapView.ShowCalloutAt(e.Location, calloutBody);
        private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Xamarin.Forms.GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Search for the graphics underneath the user's tap
            IReadOnlyList <IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult> results = await MyMapView.IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(e.Position, 12, false);

            // Return gracefully if there was no result
            //if (results.Count < 1 || results.First().Graphics.Count < 1) { return; }

            // Reverse geocode to get addresses
            IReadOnlyList <GeocodeResult> addresses = await _geocoder.ReverseGeocodeAsync(e.Location);

            // Get the first result
            GeocodeResult address = addresses.First();
            // Use the city and region for the Callout Title
            //String calloutTitle = address.Attributes["City"] + ", " + address.Attributes["Region"];

            String calloutTitle = "日本住所";

            // Use the metro area for the Callout Detail
            String calloutDetail = address.Attributes["Address"].ToString();

            // Use the MapView to convert from the on-screen location to the on-map location
            MapPoint point = MyMapView.ScreenToLocation(e.Position);

            // Define the callout
            CalloutDefinition calloutBody = new CalloutDefinition(calloutTitle, calloutDetail);

            // Show the callout on the map at the tapped location
            MyMapView.ShowCalloutAt(point, calloutBody);
        private async Task <Graphic> GetGraphicAsync()
            // Wait for the user to click a location on the map
            var mapPoint = (MapPoint)await MyMapView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(SketchCreationMode.Point, false);

            // Convert the map point to a screen point
            var screenCoordinate = MyMapView.LocationToScreen(mapPoint);

            // Identify graphics in the graphics overlay using the point
            var results = await MyMapView.IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(screenCoordinate, 2, false);

            // If results were found, get the first graphic
            Graphic graphic = null;
            IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult idResult = results.FirstOrDefault();

            if (idResult != null && idResult.Graphics.Count > 0)
                graphic = idResult.Graphics.FirstOrDefault();

            // Return the graphic (or null if none were found)
        private async void MapViewTapped_Mouse_Point(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs geoViewInputEventArgs)
            //  MyMapView_MouseMove(sender, geoViewInputEventArgs);
            // IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult result = null;
            //  Graphic _identifiedGraphic = null;
                var pixelTolerance   = 1;
                var returnPopupsOnly = false;
                var maxResults       = 100;
                System.Windows.Point tapScreenPoint = geoViewInputEventArgs.Position;
                MapPoint             mapPoint       = geoViewInputEventArgs.Location;
                var     es                 = Mapcoordinates_Change(mapPoint);
                Graphic _pointgraph        = point_graphic_creation(es);
                Graphic _identifiedGraphic = null;
                IReadOnlyList <IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult> idGraphicOverlayResults = await MyMapView.IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(tapScreenPoint, pixelTolerance, returnPopupsOnly, maxResults);

                if (idGraphicOverlayResults.Count == 1)
                    foreach (IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult idGraphicResult in idGraphicOverlayResults)
                        // iterate all graphics in the overlay and select them
                        foreach (Graphic g in idGraphicResult.Graphics)
                            var ter = g.Symbol.ToString();
                            if (ter != "Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology.TextSymbol")
                                if (g.IsSelected == true)
                                    g.IsSelected = false;
                                    g.IsSelected = true;
                                var ter1 = g.Geometry;
                                // return;
                    // iterate each graphics overlay
                    foreach (IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult idGraphicResult in idGraphicOverlayResults)
                        // iterate all graphics in the overlay and select them
                        foreach (Graphic g in idGraphicResult.Graphics)
                            var ter = g.Symbol.ToString();
                            if (ter != "Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology.TextSymbol")
                                if (g.IsSelected == true)
                                    g.IsSelected = false;
                                    g.IsSelected = true;
                                var ter1 = g.Geometry;
                                // return;

                    // Graphic _graphic = result.Graphics.Last();

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error");