public void LINQtoXmlMailMerge()
            XElement orderXml = XElement.Load(MyDir + "Mail merge data - Purchase order.xml");

            // Query the purchase order XML file using LINQ to extract the order items into an object of an unknown type.
            // Ensure you give the unknown type properties the same names as the MERGEFIELD fields in the document.
            // To pass the actual values stored in the XML element or attribute to Aspose.Words,
            // we need to cast them to string. This prevents the XML tags from being inserted into the final document
            // when the XElement or XAttribute objects are passed to Aspose.Words.

            var orderItems =
                from order in orderXml.Descendants("Item")
                select new
                PartNumber  = (string)order.Attribute("PartNumber"),
                ProductName = (string)order.Element("ProductName"),
                Quantity    = (string)order.Element("Quantity"),
                USPrice     = (string)order.Element("USPrice"),
                Comment     = (string)order.Element("Comment"),
                ShipDate    = (string)order.Element("ShipDate")

            var deliveryAddress =
                from delivery in orderXml.Elements("Address")
                where ((string)delivery.Attribute("Type") == "Shipping")
                select new
                Name    = (string)delivery.Element("Name"),
                Country = (string)delivery.Element("Country"),
                Zip     = (string)delivery.Element("Zip"),
                State   = (string)delivery.Element("State"),
                City    = (string)delivery.Element("City"),
                Street  = (string)delivery.Element("Street")

            MyMailMergeDataSource orderItemsDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(orderItems, "Items");
            MyMailMergeDataSource deliveryDataSource   = new MyMailMergeDataSource(deliveryAddress);

            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Mail merge destinations - LINQ.docx");

            // Fill the document with data from our data sources using mail merge regions for populating the order items
            // table is required because it allows the region to be repeated in the document for each order item.


            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "WorkingWithXmlData.LINQtoXmlMailMerge.docx");
        public static void Main()
#if !NET20
            // The sample infrastructure.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");

            // Load the XML document.
            XElement orderXml = XElement.Load(dataDir + "PurchaseOrder.xml");

            // Query the purchase order xml file using LINQ to extract the order items
            // into an object of an anonymous type.
            // Make sure you give the properties of the anonymous type the same names as
            // the MERGEFIELD fields in the document.
            // To pass the actual values stored in the XML element or attribute to Aspose.Words,
            // we need to cast them to string. This is to prevent the XML tags being inserted into the final document when
            // the XElement or XAttribute objects are passed to Aspose.Words.

            //ExSummary:LINQ to XML query for ordered items.
            var orderItems =
                from order in orderXml.Descendants("Item")
                select new
                PartNumber  = (string)order.Attribute("PartNumber"),
                ProductName = (string)order.Element("ProductName"),
                Quantity    = (string)order.Element("Quantity"),
                USPrice     = (string)order.Element("USPrice"),
                Comment     = (string)order.Element("Comment"),
                ShipDate    = (string)order.Element("ShipDate")

            // Query the delivery (shipping) address using LINQ.
            //ExSummary:LINQ to XML query for delivery address.
            var deliveryAddress =
                from delivery in orderXml.Elements("Address")
                where ((string)delivery.Attribute("Type") == "Shipping")
                select new
                Name    = (string)delivery.Element("Name"),
                Country = (string)delivery.Element("Country"),
                Zip     = (string)delivery.Element("Zip"),
                State   = (string)delivery.Element("State"),
                City    = (string)delivery.Element("City"),
                Street  = (string)delivery.Element("Street")

            // Create custom Aspose.Words mail merge data sources based on the LINQ queries.
            MyMailMergeDataSource orderItemsDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(orderItems, "Items");
            MyMailMergeDataSource deliveryDataSource   = new MyMailMergeDataSource(deliveryAddress);

            //ExSummary:Perform the mail merge and save the result.
            // Open the template document.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.doc");

            // Fill the document with data from our data sources.
            // Using mail merge regions for populating the order items table is required
            // because it allows the region to be repeated in the document for each order item.

            // The standard mail merge without regions is used for the delivery address.

            // Save the output document.
            doc.Save(dataDir + "TestFile Out.doc");
            throw new InvalidOperationException("This example requires the .NET Framework v3.5 or above to run." +
                                                " Make sure that the target framework of this project is set to 3.5 or above.");
        public static void Run()
#if !NET20
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_MailMergeAndReporting(); 

            // Load the XML document.
            XElement orderXml = XElement.Load(dataDir + "PurchaseOrder.xml");

            // Query the purchase order xml file using LINQ to extract the order items 
            // Into an object of an anonymous type. 
            // Make sure you give the properties of the anonymous type the same names as 
            // The MERGEFIELD fields in the document.
            // To pass the actual values stored in the XML element or attribute to Aspose.Words, 
            // we need to cast them to string. This is to prevent the XML tags being inserted into the final document when
            // The XElement or XAttribute objects are passed to Aspose.Words.
            // ExStart:LINQtoXMLMailMergeorderItems
            var orderItems =
            from order in orderXml.Descendants("Item")
            select new
                PartNumber = (string)order.Attribute("PartNumber"),
                ProductName = (string)order.Element("ProductName"),
                Quantity = (string)order.Element("Quantity"),
                USPrice = (string)order.Element("USPrice"),
                Comment = (string)order.Element("Comment"),
                ShipDate = (string)order.Element("ShipDate")
            // ExEnd:LINQtoXMLMailMergeorderItems
            // ExStart:LINQToXMLQueryForDeliveryAddress
            var deliveryAddress =
            from delivery in orderXml.Elements("Address")
            where ((string)delivery.Attribute("Type") == "Shipping")
            select new
                Name = (string)delivery.Element("Name"),
                Country = (string)delivery.Element("Country"),
                Zip = (string)delivery.Element("Zip"),
                State = (string)delivery.Element("State"),
                City = (string)delivery.Element("City"),
                Street = (string)delivery.Element("Street")
            // ExEnd:LINQToXMLQueryForDeliveryAddress
            // Create custom Aspose.Words mail merge data sources based on the LINQ queries.
            MyMailMergeDataSource orderItemsDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(orderItems, "Items");
            MyMailMergeDataSource deliveryDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(deliveryAddress);
            // ExStart:LINQToXMLMailMerge
            string fileName = "TestFile.LINQ.doc";
            // Open the template document.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);

            // Fill the document with data from our data sources.
            // Using mail merge regions for populating the order items table is required
            // Because it allows the region to be repeated in the document for each order item.

            // The standard mail merge without regions is used for the delivery address.

            dataDir = dataDir + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(fileName);
            // Save the output document.
            // ExEnd:LINQToXMLMailMerge
            Console.WriteLine("\nMail merge performed successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
            throw new InvalidOperationException("This example requires the .NET Framework v3.5 or above to run." +
                                   " Make sure that the target framework of this project is set to 3.5 or above.");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The sample infrastructure.
            string exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            string dataDir = new Uri(new Uri(exeDir), @"../../Data/").LocalPath;

            // Load the XML document.
            XElement orderXml = XElement.Load(dataDir + "PurchaseOrder.xml");

            // Query the purchase order xml file using LINQ to extract the order items
            // into an object of an anonymous type.
            // Make sure you give the properties of the anonymous type the same names as
            // the MERGEFIELD fields in the document.
            // To pass the actual values stored in the XML element or attribute to Aspose.Words,
            // we need to cast them to string. This is to prevent the XML tags being inserted into the final document when
            // the XElement or XAttribute objects are passed to Aspose.Words.

            //ExSummary:LINQ to XML query for ordered items.
            var orderItems =
            from order in orderXml.Descendants("Item")
            select new
                PartNumber = (string)order.Attribute("PartNumber"),
                ProductName = (string)order.Element("ProductName"),
                Quantity = (string)order.Element("Quantity"),
                USPrice = (string)order.Element("USPrice"),
                Comment = (string)order.Element("Comment"),
                ShipDate = (string)order.Element("ShipDate")

            // Query the delivery (shipping) address using LINQ.
            //ExSummary:LINQ to XML query for delivery address.
            var deliveryAddress =
            from delivery in orderXml.Elements("Address")
            where ((string)delivery.Attribute("Type") == "Shipping")
            select new
                Name = (string)delivery.Element("Name"),
                Country = (string)delivery.Element("Country"),
                Zip = (string)delivery.Element("Zip"),
                State = (string)delivery.Element("State"),
                City = (string)delivery.Element("City"),
                Street = (string)delivery.Element("Street")

            // Create custom Aspose.Words mail merge data sources based on the LINQ queries.
            MyMailMergeDataSource orderItemsDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(orderItems, "Items");
            MyMailMergeDataSource deliveryDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(deliveryAddress);

            //ExSummary:Perform the mail merge and save the result.
            // Open the template document.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.doc");

            // Fill the document with data from our data sources.
            // Using mail merge regions for populating the order items table is required
            // because it allows the region to be repeated in the document for each order item.

            // The standard mail merge without regions is used for the delivery address.

            // Save the output document.
            doc.Save(dataDir + "TestFile Out.doc");
        public static void Run()
#if !NET20
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_MailMergeAndReporting();

            // Load the XML document.
            XElement orderXml = XElement.Load(dataDir + "PurchaseOrder.xml");

            // Query the purchase order xml file using LINQ to extract the order items
            // Into an object of an anonymous type.
            // Make sure you give the properties of the anonymous type the same names as
            // The MERGEFIELD fields in the document.
            // To pass the actual values stored in the XML element or attribute to Aspose.Words,
            // we need to cast them to string. This is to prevent the XML tags being inserted into the final document when
            // The XElement or XAttribute objects are passed to Aspose.Words.
            // ExStart:LINQtoXMLMailMergeorderItems
            var orderItems =
                from order in orderXml.Descendants("Item")
                select new
                PartNumber  = (string)order.Attribute("PartNumber"),
                ProductName = (string)order.Element("ProductName"),
                Quantity    = (string)order.Element("Quantity"),
                USPrice     = (string)order.Element("USPrice"),
                Comment     = (string)order.Element("Comment"),
                ShipDate    = (string)order.Element("ShipDate")
            // ExEnd:LINQtoXMLMailMergeorderItems
            // ExStart:LINQToXMLQueryForDeliveryAddress
            var deliveryAddress =
                from delivery in orderXml.Elements("Address")
                where ((string)delivery.Attribute("Type") == "Shipping")
                select new
                Name    = (string)delivery.Element("Name"),
                Country = (string)delivery.Element("Country"),
                Zip     = (string)delivery.Element("Zip"),
                State   = (string)delivery.Element("State"),
                City    = (string)delivery.Element("City"),
                Street  = (string)delivery.Element("Street")
            // ExEnd:LINQToXMLQueryForDeliveryAddress
            // Create custom Aspose.Words mail merge data sources based on the LINQ queries.
            MyMailMergeDataSource orderItemsDataSource = new MyMailMergeDataSource(orderItems, "Items");
            MyMailMergeDataSource deliveryDataSource   = new MyMailMergeDataSource(deliveryAddress);
            // ExStart:LINQToXMLMailMerge
            string fileName = "TestFile.LINQ.doc";
            // Open the template document.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);

            // Fill the document with data from our data sources.
            // Using mail merge regions for populating the order items table is required
            // Because it allows the region to be repeated in the document for each order item.

            // The standard mail merge without regions is used for the delivery address.

            dataDir = dataDir + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(fileName);
            // Save the output document.
            // ExEnd:LINQToXMLMailMerge
            Console.WriteLine("\nMail merge performed successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
            throw new InvalidOperationException("This example requires the .NET Framework v3.5 or above to run." +
                                                " Make sure that the target framework of this project is set to 3.5 or above.");