internal static ICollection<Appointment> GenerateDayAppointmentsData(MyHealthContext context, DateTime day, string userEmail)
            var totalAppointments = Randomize.Next(1, DataInitializerValues.MaxAppointmentsPerDay);
            var appointments = new List<Appointment>();

            var allowedMaxDurationPerBlock = (DataInitializerValues.EndOfWorkingDay - DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay) / totalAppointments;

            for (var i = 0; i < totalAppointments; i++)
                var duration = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinAppointmentHours, DataInitializerValues.MaxAppointmentHours);
                var blockStartHour = DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay + i * allowedMaxDurationPerBlock;
                var blockEndHour = DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay + (i + 1) * allowedMaxDurationPerBlock;
                var startHour = Randomize.Next(blockStartHour, blockEndHour - duration);

                var start = new DateTime(day.Year, day.Month, day.Day, startHour, GenerateRandomBoolean() ? 0 : 30, 0);

                var endHour = start.AddHours(duration);

                var appointment = new Appointment
                    UserEmail = userEmail,
                    Description = DataInitializerValues.AppointmentDescriptions[Randomize.Next(1, DataInitializerValues.AppointmentDescriptions.Length)],
                    Start = start,
                    End = endHour



            return appointments;
        static int CreateTenants(MyHealthContext context)
            var tenants = new List<Tenant>();
            var defaultTenant = new Tenant()
                Name = "",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037",
                City = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg = Randomize.Next(1, 10)

            var tenant = new Tenant()
                Name = "Madison HealthCare",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037",
                City = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg = Randomize.Next(1, 10)

            tenant = new Tenant()
                Name = "HCR Global",
                Address = "Spring Studios, 50. Varick St",
                City = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg = Randomize.Next(1, 10)


            return defaultTenant.TenantId;
 public TenantsRepository(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MyHealthContext dbcontext, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, MyHealthDataInitializer myHealthDataInitializer)
     _context                 = dbcontext;
     _userManager             = userManager;
     _myHealthDataInitializer = myHealthDataInitializer;
     _serviceProvider         = serviceProvider;
        internal static ICollection <Appointment> GenerateDayAppointmentsData(MyHealthContext context, DateTime day, string userEmail)
            var totalAppointments = Randomize.Next(1, DataInitializerValues.MaxAppointmentsPerDay);
            var appointments      = new List <Appointment>();

            var allowedMaxDurationPerBlock = (DataInitializerValues.EndOfWorkingDay - DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay) / totalAppointments;

            for (var i = 0; i < totalAppointments; i++)
                var duration       = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinAppointmentHours, DataInitializerValues.MaxAppointmentHours);
                var blockStartHour = DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay + i * allowedMaxDurationPerBlock;
                var blockEndHour   = DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay + (i + 1) * allowedMaxDurationPerBlock;
                var startHour      = Randomize.Next(blockStartHour, blockEndHour - duration);

                var start = new DateTime(day.Year, day.Month, day.Day, startHour, GenerateRandomBoolean() ? 0 : 30, 0);

                var endHour = start.AddHours(duration);

                var appointment = new Appointment
                    UserEmail   = userEmail,
                    Description = DataInitializerValues.AppointmentDescriptions[Randomize.Next(1, DataInitializerValues.AppointmentDescriptions.Length)],
                    Start       = start,
                    End         = endHour



 public TenantsRepository(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MyHealthContext dbcontext, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, MyHealthDataInitializer myHealthDataInitializer)
     _context = dbcontext;
     _userManager = userManager;
     _myHealthDataInitializer = myHealthDataInitializer;
     _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
        static async Task CreateSampleData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MyHealthContext context)
            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

            int tenantId = CreateSampleData(context);
            await CreateDefaultUser(serviceProvider, tenantId);
        static async Task CreateSampleData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MyHealthContext context)
            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

            int tenantId = CreateSampleData(context);

            await CreateDefaultUser(serviceProvider, tenantId);
        static void CreateSummaryInfo(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            CreateClinicSummary(context, tenantId);

            CreatePatientsSummaries(context, tenantId);

            CreateExpensesSummaries(context, tenantId);
        public UsersController(ApplicationUsersRepository applicationUsersRepository, ApplicationUserValidators userValidators, MyHealthContext context)
            _applicationUsersRepository = applicationUsersRepository;
            _Context = context;
            _userValidators = userValidators;

            _allowedClaims = new List<string>() { "ManageUsers", "ManageTenants" };
        static void CreateMedicines(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var data = new[] {
                new {
                    Name      = "Tylenol",
                    Dose      = 100.0,
                    Unit      = InternationalUnit.Milligrams,
                    TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Dinner
                new {
                    Name      = "Tamiflu",
                    Dose      = 100.0,
                    Unit      = InternationalUnit.Milligrams,
                    TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Breakfast
                new {
                    Name      = "Advil",
                    Dose      = 0.5,
                    Unit      = InternationalUnit.Milliliters,
                    TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Lunch
                new {
                    Name      = "Cafergot",
                    Dose      = 100.0,
                    Unit      = InternationalUnit.Milligrams,
                    TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Breakfast

            var medicines = new List <Medicine>();
            var patients  = context.Patients
                            .Where(p => p.TenantId == tenantId)
                            .Select(p => p.PatientId).ToList();

            var globalIdx = 0;

            foreach (int patientId in patients)
                foreach (var _ in Enumerable.Range(0, 4))
                    var currentMedicineData = data[globalIdx];
                    var medicine            = new Medicine
                        Name      = currentMedicineData.Name,
                        Dose      = currentMedicineData.Dose,
                        DoseUnit  = currentMedicineData.Unit,
                        PatientId = patientId,
                        TimeOfDay = currentMedicineData.TimeOfDay,
                        TenantId  = tenantId
                    globalIdx = globalIdx % data.Length;
 public ArticleController(
     ILogger <ArticleController> logger,
     MyHealthContext context,
     ITokenManager token)
     _db     = context;
     _logger = logger;
     _token  = token;
        private static void GenerateRandomData(MyHealthContext context)
            var startingMonth = _maxDay.AddMonths(DataInitializerValues.MonthsWithData * -1);

            for (var month = startingMonth; month.Month <= _maxDay.Month; month = month.AddMonths(1))
                GenerateMonthRandomData(context, month);
        private static void GenerateRandomData(MyHealthContext context)
            var startingMonth = _maxDay.AddMonths(DataInitializerValues.MonthsWithData * -1);

            for (var month = startingMonth; month.Month <= _maxDay.Month; month = month.AddMonths(1))
                GenerateMonthRandomData(context, month);
 public UserController(
     ILogger <UserController> logger,
     MyHealthContext context,
     IConfiguration config,
     ITokenManager token)
     _db     = context;
     _logger = logger;
     _config = config;
     _token  = token;
        public UsersController(ApplicationUsersRepository applicationUsersRepository, ApplicationUserValidators userValidators, MyHealthContext context)
            _applicationUsersRepository = applicationUsersRepository;
            _Context        = context;
            _userValidators = userValidators;

            _allowedClaims = new List <string>()
                "ManageUsers", "ManageTenants"
        private static int CreateSampleData(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            CreateDoctors(context, tenantId);
            CreateSummaryInfo(context, tenantId);
            CreatePatients(context, tenantId);
            CreateMedicines(context, tenantId);
            CreateClinicAppointments(context, tenantId);
            CreateHomeAppointments(context, tenantId);
            CreateTips(context, tenantId);

        static void CreateTips(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var tip = new Tip()
                Title    = "Daily Health Tip",
                Content  = "Drinking two glassess of water in the morning helps activate internal organs.\n\nDrinking one glass of water before a meal will help with digestion.\n\nDrinking one glass of water before taking a shower helps prevent high blood pressure.\n\nDrinking a glass of water before bedtime helps prevent strokes or heart attack.",
                Date     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                TenantId = tenantId

        internal static void GenerateAppointmentsAttendessRelationData(MyHealthContext context, Appointment appointment, ICollection <Attendee> attendees)
            foreach (var attendee in attendees)
                appointment.AppointmentAttendees.Add(new AppointmentAttendee
                    AttendeeId    = attendee.Id,
                    AppointmentId = appointment.Id

        internal static void GenerateAppointmentsWithRandomAttendessRelationData(MyHealthContext context, ICollection <Appointment> appointments)
            var totalAttendees = DataInitializerValues.Attendees.Length;

            foreach (var appointment in appointments)
                var attendeesOfAppointment = DataInitializerValues.Attendees
                                             .OrderBy(a => Randomize.Next())
                                             .Take(Randomize.Next(1, totalAttendees))

                GenerateAppointmentsAttendessRelationData(context, appointment, attendeesOfAppointment);
        private static int CreateSampleData(MyHealthContext context)
            var tenantId = CreateTenants(context);

            CreateDoctors(context, tenantId);
            CreateSummaryInfo(context, tenantId);
            CreatePatients(context, tenantId);
            CreateMedicines(context, tenantId);
            CreateClinicAppointments(context, tenantId);
            CreateHomeAppointments(context, tenantId);
            CreateTips(context, tenantId);

            return tenantId;
        internal static void GenerateAppointmentsAttendessRelationData(MyHealthContext context, Appointment appointment, ICollection<Attendee> attendees)

            foreach (var attendee in attendees)
                appointment.AppointmentAttendees.Add(new AppointmentAttendee
                    AttendeeId = attendee.Id,
                    AppointmentId = appointment.Id

        public DatabaseFixture()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            var configuration = builder.Build();

            _myHealthOptionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyHealthContext>();

            var myHealthContext = new MyHealthContext(_myHealthOptionsBuilder.Options);

            // Ensure the test database is deleted before starting the tests
        internal static void GenerateAppointmentsWithRandomAttendessRelationData(MyHealthContext context, ICollection<Appointment> appointments)
            var totalAttendees = DataInitializerValues.Attendees.Length;

            foreach (var appointment in appointments)

                var attendeesOfAppointment = DataInitializerValues.Attendees
                    .OrderBy(a => Randomize.Next())
                    .Take(Randomize.Next(1, totalAttendees))

                GenerateAppointmentsAttendessRelationData(context, appointment, attendeesOfAppointment);

        public DatabaseFixture()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            var configuration = builder.Build();

            _myHealthOptionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <MyHealthContext>();

            var myHealthContext = new MyHealthContext(_myHealthOptionsBuilder.Options);

            // Ensure the test database is deleted before starting the tests
        static async Task <int> CreateDefaultTenant(MyHealthContext context)
            var tenant = new Tenant()
                Name               = "",
                Address            = "Madison Ave 10037",
                City               = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg        = Randomize.Next(1, 10),
                AssociatedUsername = _configuration["DefaultUsername"],
                Creator            = _configuration["DefaultAdminUsername"]

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

        private static void CreateClinicSummary(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var clinicSummary = new ClinicSummary
                AnualProfit          = Randomize.Next(50000, 60000),
                AnualProfitVariation = Randomize.Next(1, 5),
                MonthProfit          = Randomize.Next(4000, 6000),
                MonthProfitVariation = Randomize.Next(1, 5),
                NewPatients          = Randomize.Next(100, 500),
                NewPatientsVariation = Randomize.Next(1, 10),
                Date     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                TenantId = tenantId

        public async Task RemoveTenantSampleData(MyHealthContext context, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, int tenantId)
            if (context.Tenants.Any(t => t.TenantId == tenantId))
                context.HomeAppointments.RemoveRange(context.HomeAppointments.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                context.ClinicAppointments.RemoveRange(context.ClinicAppointments.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                context.Medicines.RemoveRange(context.Medicines.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));

                var usersToDelete = context.Users.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId).ToList();

                foreach (var user in usersToDelete)
                    await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                context.Tenants.Remove(context.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task RemoveTenantSampleData(MyHealthContext context, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, int tenantId)
            if (context.Tenants.Any(t => t.TenantId == tenantId))
                context.HomeAppointments.RemoveRange(context.HomeAppointments.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                context.ClinicAppointments.RemoveRange(context.ClinicAppointments.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                context.Medicines.RemoveRange(context.Medicines.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));

                var usersToDelete = context.Users.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId).ToList();

                foreach (var user in usersToDelete)
                    await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                context.Tenants.Remove(context.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        private static void GenerateDayHealthReportsData(MyHealthContext context, DateTime day)
            var healthReports    = new List <HealthReport>();
            var prevHeartValue   = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinHeartValue, DataInitializerValues.MaxHeartValue);
            var prevGlucoseValue = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinGlucoseValue, DataInitializerValues.MaxGlucoseValue);
            var prevStressValue  = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinStressValue, DataInitializerValues.MaxStressValue);

            for (var i = DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay; i < DataInitializerValues.EndOfWorkingDay; i++)
                var time = new DateTime(day.Year, day.Month, day.Day, i, 0, 0);
                var healthReportInSameHour = context.HealthReports.FirstOrDefault(hr => hr.Time == time);

                if (healthReportInSameHour != null)
                    prevHeartValue   = healthReportInSameHour.Heart;
                    prevGlucoseValue = healthReportInSameHour.Glucose;
                    prevStressValue  = healthReportInSameHour.Stress;
                    var heartValue   = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateRandomBoolean() ? prevHeartValue + Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.HeartStep) : prevHeartValue - Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.HeartStep);
                    var glucoseValue = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateRandomBoolean() ? prevGlucoseValue + Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.GlucoseStep) : prevGlucoseValue - Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.GlucoseStep);
                    var stressValue  = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateRandomBoolean() ? prevStressValue + Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.StressStep) : prevStressValue - Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.StressStep);

                    healthReports.Add(new HealthReport
                        UserEmail = _defaultUserEmail,
                        Time      = time,
                        Heart     = heartValue,
                        Glucose   = glucoseValue,
                        Stress    = stressValue,

                    prevHeartValue   = heartValue;
                    prevGlucoseValue = glucoseValue;
                    prevStressValue  = stressValue;

        async Task InitializeDatabaseData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MyHealthContext context)
            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            _userManager = serviceProvider.GetService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
            _applicationEnvironment = serviceProvider.GetService<IApplicationEnvironment>();

            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            _configuration = builder.Build();

            await CreateDefaultAdmin();

            var tenantId = await CreateDefaultTenant(context);

            CreateTenantSampleData(serviceProvider, tenantId);

            await CreateDefaultUser(tenantId);
        private static void CreatePatientsSummaries(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var patientsSummaries = new List <PatientsSummary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var patientsSummary = new PatientsSummary
                    Year          = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Year,
                    Month         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Month,
                    PatientsCount = Randomize.Next(500, 600),
                    TenantId      = tenantId

        private static void GenerateMonthRandomData(MyHealthContext context, DateTime month)
            //Generate appointments
            for (var i = 0; i < DataInitializerValues.DaysWithAppointmentsPerMonth; i++)
                var day = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, Randomize.Next(1, DateTime.DaysInMonth(month.Year, month.Month)));

                //Avoid appointments on saturday/sunday
                day = FixAppointmentsOnWeekend(day);

                //Avoid appointments after the max day
                if (day.Date >= _maxDay.Date)

                var appointmentInSameDay = context.Appointments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Start.Date == day.Date);

                //Avoid random appointments in days with existing appointments
                if (appointmentInSameDay != null)

                var appointments = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateDayAppointmentsData(context, day, _defaultUserEmail);
                DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateAppointmentsWithRandomAttendessRelationData(context, appointments);


            //Generate HealthReports
            for (var i = 1; i <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(month.Year, month.Month); i++)
                var day = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, i);

                //Avoid appointments after the max day
                if (day.Date >= _maxDay.Date)
                GenerateDayHealthReportsData(context, day);
        async Task InitializeDatabaseData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MyHealthContext context)
            _serviceProvider        = serviceProvider;
            _userManager            = serviceProvider.GetService <UserManager <ApplicationUser> >();
            _applicationEnvironment = serviceProvider.GetService <IApplicationEnvironment>();

            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            _configuration = builder.Build();

            await CreateDefaultAdmin();

            var tenantId = await CreateDefaultTenant(context);

            CreateTenantSampleData(serviceProvider, tenantId);

            await CreateDefaultUser(tenantId);
        private static void CreateExpensesSummaries(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var expensesSummaries = new List <ExpensesSummary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var expensesSummary = new ExpensesSummary
                    Year     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Year,
                    Month    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Month,
                    Incomes  = Randomize.Next(120000, 150000),
                    Expenses = Randomize.Next(70000, 80000),
                    TenantId = tenantId

        private static void GenerateMonthRandomData(MyHealthContext context, DateTime month)
            //Generate appointments
            for (var i = 0; i < DataInitializerValues.DaysWithAppointmentsPerMonth; i++)
                var day = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, Randomize.Next(1, DateTime.DaysInMonth(month.Year, month.Month)));

                //Avoid appointments on saturday/sunday
                day = FixAppointmentsOnWeekend(day);

                //Avoid appointments after the max day
                if (day.Date >= _maxDay.Date)

                var appointmentInSameDay = context.Appointments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Start.Date == day.Date);

                //Avoid random appointments in days with existing appointments
                if (appointmentInSameDay != null)

                var appointments = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateDayAppointmentsData(context, day, _defaultUserEmail);
                DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateAppointmentsWithRandomAttendessRelationData(context, appointments);

            //Generate HealthReports
            for (var i = 1; i <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(month.Year, month.Month); i++)
                var day = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, i);

                //Avoid appointments after the max day
                if (day.Date >= _maxDay.Date)
                GenerateDayHealthReportsData(context, day);
        static int CreateTenants(MyHealthContext context)
            var tenants       = new List <Tenant>();
            var defaultTenant = new Tenant()
                Name        = "",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037",
                City        = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg = Randomize.Next(1, 10)


            var tenant = new Tenant()
                Name        = "Madison HealthCare",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037",
                City        = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg = Randomize.Next(1, 10)


            tenant = new Tenant()
                Name        = "HCR Global",
                Address     = "Spring Studios, 50. Varick St",
                City        = "New York",
                WaitTimeAvg = Randomize.Next(1, 10)


 private static void GenerateAttendees(MyHealthContext context)
 public DoctorsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
        private static void GenerateDayHealthReportsData(MyHealthContext context, DateTime day)

            var healthReports = new List<HealthReport>();
            var prevHeartValue = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinHeartValue, DataInitializerValues.MaxHeartValue);
            var prevGlucoseValue = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinGlucoseValue, DataInitializerValues.MaxGlucoseValue);
            var prevStressValue = Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.MinStressValue, DataInitializerValues.MaxStressValue);

            for (var i = DataInitializerValues.StartOfWorkingDay; i < DataInitializerValues.EndOfWorkingDay; i++)
                var time = new DateTime(day.Year, day.Month, day.Day, i, 0, 0);
                var healthReportInSameHour = context.HealthReports.FirstOrDefault(hr => hr.Time == time);

                if (healthReportInSameHour != null)
                    prevHeartValue = healthReportInSameHour.Heart;
                    prevGlucoseValue = healthReportInSameHour.Glucose;
                    prevStressValue = healthReportInSameHour.Stress;
                    var heartValue = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateRandomBoolean() ? prevHeartValue + Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.HeartStep) : prevHeartValue - Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.HeartStep);
                    var glucoseValue = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateRandomBoolean() ? prevGlucoseValue + Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.GlucoseStep) : prevGlucoseValue - Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.GlucoseStep);
                    var stressValue = DataInitializerHelpers.GenerateRandomBoolean() ? prevStressValue + Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.StressStep) : prevStressValue - Randomize.Next(DataInitializerValues.StressStep);

                    healthReports.Add(new HealthReport
                        UserEmail = _defaultUserEmail,
                        Time = time,
                        Heart = heartValue,
                        Glucose = glucoseValue,
                        Stress = stressValue,

                    prevHeartValue = heartValue;
                    prevGlucoseValue = glucoseValue;
                    prevStressValue = stressValue;


        static void CreateClinicAppointments(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var appointments = new List<ClinicAppointment>();
            var patients = context.Patients.Select(p => p.PatientId).ToList();
            var doctors = context.Doctors.ToList();

            foreach (int patientId in patients)
                for (int i = 1; i <= AppointmentMonths; i++)
                    var doctor = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    var appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId = patientId,
                        DoctorId = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent = true

                    doctor = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId = patientId,
                        DoctorId = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent = false

                    doctor = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId = patientId,
                        DoctorId = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Evaluate the diagnosis received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent = true

                    doctor = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId = patientId,
                        DoctorId = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent = false

        static void CreateDoctors(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var doctors = new List <Doctor>();

            var doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Amanda Silver",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetPatientPicture(4),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Cardiologist,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = "D0ACA653-2AB1-4160-87FC-21E72FD2ED44",
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 4, 12)


            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Casey Snider",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(1),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Cardiologist,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 4, 10)

            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Clay McKnight",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(2),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Neurosurgeon,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 5, 19)

            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Jasper Strader",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(3),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Ophthalmologist,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 3, 22)

            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Eldon Caraway",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(4),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Orthopedist,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 6, 11)

            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Irving Ingraham",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(5),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Orthopedist,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 5, 30)

            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Denis Slattery",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(6),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Ophthalmologist,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 3, 16)

            doctor = new Doctor
                Name              = "Peter Ingraham",
                Address           = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted           = false,
                Picture           = GetDoctorPicture(7),
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                Speciality        = Specialities.Neurosurgeon,
                Synchronized      = true,
                PatientCount      = Randomize.Next(50, 100),
                CurrentRoomNumber = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Description = "Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatient clinics.",
                Phone       = "555-135-2245",
                Mobile      = "1-(546)-345-5678",
                CreatedAt   = new DateTime(2015, 7, 26)

 public ApplicationUsersRepository(MyHealthContext context, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager)
     _context     = context;
     _userManager = userManager;
        static void CreateHomeAppointments(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var visits = new List<HomeAppointment>();

            var patients = context
                .Patients.OrderBy(p => p.PatientId).Select(p => p.PatientId)

            var doctors = context.Doctors.Select(p => p.DoctorId).ToList();

            foreach (int doctorId in doctors)
                for (int i = 1; i <= AppointmentMonths; i++)
                    var visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[0],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = false,
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent = true,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[1],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = false,
                        IsUrgent = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[0],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = true,
                        IsUrgent = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[1],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = true,
                        IsUrgent = true,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[2],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = false,
                        IsUrgent = true,
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[3],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        IsUrgent = true,
                        Visited = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[2],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = true,
                        IsUrgent = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId = patients[3],
                        DoctorId = doctorId,
                        DateTime = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude = 40.721847,
                        Longitude = -74.007326,
                        Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited = true,
                        IsUrgent = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId = tenantId,
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

 public ClinicAppointmentsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
        static void CreateSummaryInfo(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            CreateClinicSummary(context, tenantId);

            CreatePatientsSummaries(context, tenantId);

            CreateExpensesSummaries(context, tenantId);
        static void CreatePatients(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var patients = new List <Patient>();
            var doctor   = context.Doctors.First();

            var patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Kavin Gallo",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(17),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 5.9,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "DFG-111128-32001",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-234-234",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()


            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Scott Hanselman",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(3),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 5.9,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "XHW-238928-32121",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-126-785",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Cesar de la Torre",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(1),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 5.9,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-322-111",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Scott Guthrie",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(2),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 6.1,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-456-654",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "David Carmona",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(5),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 5.9,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 45),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-983-768",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "David Salgado",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(6),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 5.9,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-459-345",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Dmitry Lyalin",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(7),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Male,
                Height      = 6,
                Weight      = 165,
                ClinicId    = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-158-163",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Erika Ehrli Cabral",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(8),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Female,
                Height      = 5.6,
                Weight      = 132,
                ClinicId    = "TJI-228928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-694-153",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name        = "Mitra Azizirad",
                Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted     = false,
                Picture     = GetPatientPicture(10),
                BloodType   = "A+",
                Gender      = Gender.Female,
                Height      = 5.6,
                Weight      = 132,
                ClinicId    = "TJI-228928-39012",
                TenantId    = tenantId,
                Age         = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone       = "555-694-153",
                Doctors     = new List <Doctor>()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

 public LocalAppointmentsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
        private static void CreateClinicSummary(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var clinicSummary = new ClinicSummary
                AnualProfit = Randomize.Next(50000, 60000),
                AnualProfitVariation = Randomize.Next(1, 5),
                MonthProfit = Randomize.Next(4000, 6000),
                MonthProfitVariation = Randomize.Next(1, 5),
                NewPatients = Randomize.Next(100, 500),
                NewPatientsVariation = Randomize.Next(1, 10),
                Date = DateTime.UtcNow,
                TenantId = tenantId

        private static void CreatePatientsSummaries(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var patientsSummaries = new List<PatientsSummary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var patientsSummary = new PatientsSummary
                    Year = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Year,
                    Month = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Month,
                    PatientsCount = Randomize.Next(500, 600),
                    TenantId = tenantId

        static void CreateTips(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var tip = new Tip()
                Title = "Daily Health Tip",
                Content = "Drinking two glassess of water in the morning helps activate internal organs.\n\nDrinking one glass of water before a meal will help with digestion.\n\nDrinking one glass of water before taking a shower helps prevent high blood pressure.\n\nDrinking a glass of water before bedtime helps prevent strokes or heart attack.",
                Date = DateTime.UtcNow, 
                TenantId = tenantId

        private static void GenerateDemoData(MyHealthContext context)

 public DoctorsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
        static void CreatePatients(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var patients = new List<Patient>();
            var doctor = context.Doctors.First();

            var patient = new Patient
                Name = "Kavin Gallo",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(17),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 5.9,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "DFG-111128-32001",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-234-234",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "Scott Hanselman",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(3),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 5.9,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "XHW-238928-32121",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-126-785",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "Cesar de la Torre",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(1),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 5.9,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-322-111",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() {  doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "Scott Guthrie",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(2),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 6.1,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-456-654",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "David Carmona",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(5),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 5.9,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 45),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-983-768",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "David Salgado",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(6),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 5.9,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-459-345",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "Dmitry Lyalin",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(7),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Height = 6,
                Weight = 165,
                ClinicId = "HJI-198928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-158-163",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "Erika Ehrli Cabral",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(8),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Female,
                Height = 5.6,
                Weight = 132,
                ClinicId = "TJI-228928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-694-153",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            patient = new Patient
                Name = "Mitra Azizirad",
                Address = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Deleted = false,
                Picture = GetPatientPicture(10),
                BloodType = "A+",
                Gender = Gender.Female,
                Height = 5.6,
                Weight = 132,
                ClinicId = "TJI-228928-39012",
                TenantId = tenantId,
                Age = Randomize.Next(35, 38),
                DateOfBirth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-Randomize.Next(1, 30)).AddMonths(-Randomize.Next(1, 12)).AddYears(-Randomize.Next(30, 38)),
                Phone = "555-694-153",
                Doctors = new List<Doctor>() { doctor },
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

        static void CreateClinicAppointments(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var appointments = new List <ClinicAppointment>();
            var patients     = context.Patients.Select(p => p.PatientId).ToList();
            var doctors      = context.Doctors.ToList();

            foreach (int patientId in patients)
                for (int i = 1; i <= AppointmentMonths; i++)
                    var doctor      = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    var appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId   = patientId,
                        DoctorId    = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality  = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber  = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent    = true

                    doctor      = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId   = patientId,
                        DoctorId    = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality  = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber  = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent    = false

                    doctor      = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId   = patientId,
                        DoctorId    = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality  = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber  = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Evaluate the diagnosis received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent    = true

                    doctor      = doctors[Randomize.Next(0, doctors.Count - 1)];
                    appointment = new ClinicAppointment
                        PatientId   = patientId,
                        DoctorId    = doctor.DoctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Speciality  = doctor.Speciality,
                        RoomNumber  = Randomize.Next(3, 15),
                        Description = "Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent    = false

 public LocalAppointmentsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
        private static void CreateExpensesSummaries(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var expensesSummaries = new List<ExpensesSummary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var expensesSummary = new ExpensesSummary
                    Year = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Year,
                    Month = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-i).Month,
                    Incomes = Randomize.Next(120000, 150000),
                    Expenses = Randomize.Next(70000, 80000),
                    TenantId = tenantId

        static void CreateHomeAppointments(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var visits = new List <HomeAppointment>();

            var patients = context
                           .Patients.OrderBy(p => p.PatientId).Select(p => p.PatientId)

            var doctors = context.Doctors.Select(p => p.DoctorId).ToList();

            foreach (int doctorId in doctors)
                for (int i = 1; i <= AppointmentMonths; i++)
                    var visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[0],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = false,
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        IsUrgent    = true,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[1],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = false,
                        IsUrgent    = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[0],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = true,
                        IsUrgent    = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[1],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = true,
                        IsUrgent    = true,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[2],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = false,
                        IsUrgent    = true,
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[3],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        IsUrgent    = true,
                        Visited     = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[2],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "48 Wall St, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = true,
                        IsUrgent    = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                    visit = new HomeAppointment
                        PatientId   = patients[3],
                        DoctorId    = doctorId,
                        DateTime    = GetAppointmentDate(i),
                        Latitude    = 40.721847,
                        Longitude   = -74.007326,
                        Address     = "Madison Ave 10037, New York, NY 10037",
                        Visited     = true,
                        IsUrgent    = false,
                        Description = "Follow up in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment received",
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

 public PatientsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
 public TenantsRepository(MyHealthContext dbcontext)
     _context = dbcontext;
        static void CreateMedicines(MyHealthContext context, int tenantId)
            var data = new[] {
                       new {
                           Dose = 100.0,
                           Unit = InternationalUnit.Milligrams,
                           TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Dinner
                       new {
                           Dose = 100.0,
                           Unit = InternationalUnit.Milligrams,
                           TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Breakfast
                       new {
                           Dose = 0.5,
                           Unit = InternationalUnit.Milliliters,
                           TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Lunch
                       new {
                           Dose = 100.0,
                           Unit = InternationalUnit.Milligrams,
                           TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.Breakfast
            var medicines = new List<Medicine>();
            var patients = context.Patients.Select(p => p.PatientId).ToList();

            var globalIdx = 0;

            foreach (int patientId in patients)
                foreach (var _ in Enumerable.Range(0, 4))
                    var currentMedicineData = data[globalIdx];
                    var medicine = new Medicine
                        Name = currentMedicineData.Name,
                        Dose = currentMedicineData.Dose,
                        DoseUnit = currentMedicineData.Unit,
                        PatientId = patientId,
                        TimeOfDay = currentMedicineData.TimeOfDay,
                        TenantId = tenantId
                    globalIdx = globalIdx % data.Length;
