public List <SmsMobileModel> GetUnknowList(string eprid, string userid, string y, string m, string d) { List <SmsMobileModel> list = new List <SmsMobileModel>(); try { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string begintime = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; //开始时间 string endtime = begintime + " 23:59:59"; //结果时间 object[] obj = { begintime, endtime, eprid, userid }; string sql = string.Format("select Id, [CLIENTMSGID] from TBL_SMS_MOBILES where SendTime SENDTIME '{0}' and '{1}' and EprId={2} and UserId='{3}' and [RESULT]=1 and [STATUS]=3 order by Id ", obj); using (MySqlDataReader sdr = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(MySqlHelper.ConnectionstringLocalTransaction, CommandType.Text, sql, null)) { while (sdr.Read()) { SmsMobileModel smm = new SmsMobileModel(); = sdr.GetInt32(0); smm.clientMsgId = sdr.GetString(1); list.Add(smm); } } MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetUnknowList:SQL:" + sql + ",耗时:" + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds + "毫秒"); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetUnknowList:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(list); }
public List <SmsMobileModel> GetListByYYMMDD(int eprId, int yy, int mm, int dd) { string sql = ""; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; try { string begintime = yy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd; //开始时间 string endtime = begintime + " 23:59:59"; //结果时间 List <SmsMobileModel> list = new List <SmsMobileModel>(); sql = "Select Mobile,SmsCount,SendTime from t_smsmobile_t where EprId='" + eprId + "' and SendTime between '" + begintime + "' and '" + endtime + "' and SubmitStatus='1' and ReportStatus<>-1 and GatewayNum<40001 "; // string sql = "Select Mobile,SmsCount,SendTime from t_smsmobile_t where EprId='" + eprId + "' "; using (SqlDataReader sdr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(lp.SqlConnStr, CommandType.Text, sql, null)) { while (sdr.Read()) { list.Add(FillData(sdr)); } } MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetListByYYMMDD:SQL:" + sql + ",耗时:" + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds + "毫秒"); return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetListByYYMMDD:ExceptionSQL:" + sql); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetListByYYMMDD:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(null); }
public Dictionary <int, int> GetSumSMScountByDay(int y, int m, int d) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string begintime = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; //开始时间 string endtime = begintime + " 23:59:59"; //结果时间 string sql = string.Format("Select EprId,Sum(MSGCOUNT) From TBL_SMS_MOBILES Where SendTime between '{0}' and '{1}' and [STATUS]=3 and ([RESULT]=1 or [RESULT] is null or [RESULT]='' ) and EPRID>0 and [GATEWAY]<50000000 group by EprId", begintime, endtime); //string sql = "Select EprId,Sum(SmsCount) From t_smsmobile_t group by EprId"; try { Dictionary <int, int> re = new Dictionary <int, int>(); using (SqlDataReader sdr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(lp.SqlConnStr, CommandType.Text, sql, null)) { while (sdr.Read()) { int eprId = sdr.GetInt32(0); int count = sdr.GetInt32(1); //("getSumSMScount==>eprId=" + eprId + ",count=" + count); re.Add(eprId, count); } } MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:SQL:" + sql + ",耗时:" + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds + "毫秒"); return(re); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:ExceptionSQL:" + sql); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 取企业发送量统计 /// </summary> /// <param name="eprIds">企业ID LIST</param> /// <param name="y">年</param> /// <param name="m">月</param> /// <param name="d">日</param> /// <returns></returns> public Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> GetSumSMScountByDay(List <int> eprIds, int y, int m, int d) { string sql = ""; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // MobileType:1 联通 2移动 3电信 4 未知 try { string begintime = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; //开始时间 string endtime = begintime + " 23:59:59"; //结果时间 Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> re = new Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel>(); //foreach (int eprid in eprIds) //{ //sql = string.Format("select Sum(tmp.ct),Sum( from (select IFNULL((case when MobileType<3 then Sum(SmsCount) end),0) as 'ct',IFNULL((case when MobileType=3 then Sum(SmsCount) end),0) as 'cm' From t_smsmobile_t where SendTime between '{0}' and '{1}' and EprId='{2}' and SubmitStatus='1' and ReportStatus > -1 and GatewayNum<40001 Group by MobileType) as tmp;", begintime,endtime, eprid); //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //sb.Append("select EprId ,Sum(tmp.ct),Sum( from ( select EprId, IFNULL((case when MobileType<3 then Sum(SmsCount) end),0) as 'ct',IFNULL((case when MobileType=3 then Sum(SmsCount) end),0) as 'cm' From t_smsmobile_t sms"); //sb.Append(" INNER JOIN t_eprinfo epr on sms.EprId=epr.Id"); //sb.Append(string.Format(" where sms.SendTime between '{0}' and '{1}' and sms.SubmitStatus='1' and sms.ReportStatus > -1 and sms.GatewayNum<40001 Group by sms.MobileType,sms.EprId) as tmp GROUP BY EprId", begintime, endtime)); //sql = sb.ToString(); sql = string.Format("select EprId ,Sum(tmp.ct),Sum( from (select EprId, ISNULL((case when ISNULL(MobileType,1)<3 then Sum([MSGCOUNT]) end),0) as 'ct',ISNULL((case when MobileType=3 then Sum([MSGCOUNT]) end),0) as 'cm' From [TBL_SMS_MOBILES] WHERE SENDTIME BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' AND EPRID>0 AND [STATUS]=3 AND ISNULL(RESULT,1)<>0 and RESEND<2 AND [GATEWAY]<50000000 GROUP BY EPRID,MobileType) as tmp GROUP BY EprId", begintime, endtime); using (SqlDataReader sdr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(lp.SqlConnStr, CommandType.Text, sql, null)) { while (sdr.Read()) { MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = new MobileTypeCountModel(); int eprid = sdr.GetInt32(0); if (!sdr.IsDBNull(1)) { mtcm.CTcount = sdr.GetInt32(1); } else { mtcm.CTcount = 0; } if (!sdr.IsDBNull(2)) { mtcm.CMcount = sdr.GetInt32(2); } else { mtcm.CMcount = 0; } re.Add(eprid, mtcm); } } //} MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:LastSQL:" + sql + "\n耗时:" + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds + "毫秒"); return(re); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:ExceptionSQL:" + sql); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:Exception:" + ex); } return(null); }
public static void SimpleExample() { // Instantiate the delegate using an anonymous method. MyDelegateFunc d1 = delegate(int k) { return(k * k); }; // can also be written as an "anonymous delegate" as: MyDelegateFunc d2 = (int k) => { return(k * k); }; // or even simpler as: since the type and return value is inferred from the method signature MyDelegateFunc d3 = (k) => (k * k); }
/// <summary> /// 初始套餐 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool InitTaocanId() { try { string sql = "update JY15.gdkltx.dbo.t_eprinfo set TaocanId=ModifyTaocanId"; int re = MySqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(MySqlHelper.ConnectionstringLocalTransaction, CommandType.Text, sql, null); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("EprInfoDAL=>InitTaocanId re:" + re); return(true); }catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("EprInfoDAL=>InitTaocanId Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(false); }
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { //先更新帐单 EprInfoDAL eprinfoDAL = new EprInfoDAL(); bool b = eprinfoDAL.InitTaocanId(); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob=>初始化套餐reslt=" + b); ProductId = GlobalParams.ProductId; FactoryNo = GlobalParams.FactoryNo; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; Work(dt, true); }
/// <summary> /// 取企业月发送量统计 /// </summary> /// <param name="eprIds">企业ID LIST</param> /// <param name="begintime">开始时间</param> /// <param name="endtime">结束</param> /// <returns></returns> public Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> GetSumSMScountByMomth(List <int> eprIds, string begintime, string endtime) { string sql = ""; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; try { Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> re = new Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel>(); foreach (int eprid in eprIds) { // sql = string.Format("select Sum(tmp.ct),Sum( from (select IFNULL((case when MobileType<3 then Sum(SmsCount) end),0) as 'ct',IFNULL((case when MobileType=3 then Sum(SmsCount) end),0) as 'cm' From t_smsmobile_t where SendTime between '{0}' and '{1}' and EprId={2} and SubmitStatus='1' and ReportStatus > -1 and GatewayNum<40001 Group by MobileType) as tmp;", begintime, endtime, eprid); // sql = string.Format(" select EprId ,Sum(tmp.ct),Sum( from (select EprId, ISNULL((case when MobileType<3 then Sum([MSGCOUNT]) end),0) as 'ct',ISNULL((case when MobileType=3 then Sum([MSGCOUNT]) end),0) as 'cm' From [TBL_SMS_MOBILES] WHERE SENDTIME BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' AND EPRID={2} AND [GATEWAY]<50000000 GROUP BY EPRID,MobileType) as tmp GROUP BY EprId",begintime, endtime, eprid); sql = string.Format("select EprId ,Sum(tmp.ct),Sum( from (select EprId, ISNULL((case when ISNULL(MobileType,1)<3 then Sum([MSGCOUNT]) end),0) as 'ct',ISNULL((case when MobileType=3 then Sum([MSGCOUNT]) end),0) as 'cm' From [TBL_SMS_MOBILES] WHERE SENDTIME BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' AND EPRID={2} AND [STATUS]=3 AND ISNULL(RESULT,1)<>0 AND [GATEWAY]<50000000 GROUP BY EPRID,MobileType) as tmp GROUP BY EprId", begintime, endtime, eprid); using (SqlDataReader sdr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(lp.SqlConnStr, CommandType.Text, sql, null)) { if (sdr.Read()) { MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = new MobileTypeCountModel(); if (!sdr.IsDBNull(0)) { mtcm.CTcount = sdr.GetInt32(0); } else { mtcm.CTcount = 0; } if (!sdr.IsDBNull(1)) { mtcm.CMcount = sdr.GetInt32(1); } else { mtcm.CMcount = 0; } mtcm.TotalCount = mtcm.CTcount + mtcm.CMcount; re.Add(eprid, mtcm); } } } MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay:LastSQL:" + sql + ",耗时:" + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds + "毫秒"); return(re); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay2:ExceptionSQL:" + sql); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetSumSMScountByDay2:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(null); }
public bool UpdateUnknowReportStatus(List <string> list) { try { List <string> failList = SqlHelper.BatchExec(lp.SqlConnStr, list); if (failList == null || failList.Count == 0) { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>UpdateUnknowReportStatus:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(false); }
public bool UpdateUnknowReportStatus(int id, string eprId) { try { string sql = string.Format("update TBL_SMS_MOBILES set [RESULT]=NULL where Id={0} and EprId='{1}'", id, eprId); int re = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(lp.SqlConnStr, CommandType.Text, sql, null); if (re > 0) { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>UpdateUnknowReportStatus:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(false); }
[TestMethod] // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public void TestMethod2() { // Original delegate syntax required // initialization with a named method. MyDelegateFunc testDelA = new MyDelegateFunc(functionImpl); // need functio & type name, implement at top. no need functionImpl() // C# 2.0: A delegate can be initialized with // inline code, called an "anonymous method." This // method takes a string as an input parameter. MyDelegateFunc testDelB = delegate(string s) { HLog.print(s); }; // no funciton name, direct implement at here! // C# 3.0. A delegate can be initialized with // a lambda expression. The lambda also takes a string // as an input parameter (x). The type of x is inferred by the compiler. MyDelegateFunc testDelC = (x) => { HLog.print(x); }; // no function & type name, direct implement at here! // Invoke the delegates. testDelA("Hello. My name is M and I write lines."); testDelB("That's nothing. I'm anonymous and "); testDelC("I'm a famous author."); }
private TaoCanInfoModel FillData(MySqlDataReader sdr) { TaoCanInfoModel model = null; try { model = new TaoCanInfoModel(); model.Id = sdr.GetInt32(0); model.TCName = sdr.GetString(1); model.TCPrice = sdr.GetString(2); model.TCNumber = sdr.GetInt32(3); model.TCOutsidePrice = sdr.GetString(4); model.Billprice = sdr.GetString(5); model.Billnumber = sdr.GetInt32(6); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("TaoCanInfoDAL=>FillData Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(model); }
private static readonly log4net.ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CreateJob));//log4net 日志 public IScheduler CreateSched(string cronExpression, string trigger_str, string group_str, Type ijob) { try { CronScheduleBuilder csb = CronScheduleBuilder.CronSchedule(cronExpression); ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithIdentity(trigger_str, group_str).WithSchedule(csb).Build(); IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create(ijob).Build(); ISchedulerFactory sf = new StdSchedulerFactory(); IScheduler sched = sf.GetScheduler(); sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger); string info = string.Format("[{0}],创建成功", cronExpression); logger.Info(info); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(info); return(sched); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public int GetUnknowCount(string eprid, string userid, string y, string m, string d) { int result = 0; try { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string begintime = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; //开始时间 string endtime = begintime + " 23:59:59"; //结果时间 object[] obj = { eprid, begintime, endtime, userid }; string sql = string.Format("select count(1) from TBL_SMS_MOBILES where EprId={0} and [SENDTIME] between '{1}' and '{2}' and UserId='{3}' and [RESULT]=NULL and [STATUS]=3 ", obj); object re = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(lp.SqlConnStr, CommandType.Text, sql, null); if (re != null) { int.TryParse(re.ToString(), out result); } MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetUnknowList:SQL:" + sql + ",耗时:" + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds + "毫秒"); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("SmsMobileDAL=>GetUnknowCount:Exception:" + ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 用执行的数据库连接执行一个返回数据集的sql命令 /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// 举例: /// MySqlDataReader r = ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new SqlParameter("@prodid", 24)); /// </remarks> /// <param name="connectionstring">一个有效的连接字符串</param> /// <param name="commandType">命令类型(存储过程, 文本, 等等)</param> /// <param name="commandText">存储过程名称或者sql命令语句</param> /// <param name="commandParameters">执行命令所用参数的集合</param> /// <returns>包含结果的读取器</returns> public static MySqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string connectionstring, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params MySqlParameter[] commandParameters) { //创建一个MySqlCommand对象 MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); //创建一个MySqlConnection对象 MySqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionstring); }catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("MysqlHelper=>MySqlDataReader:con:" + connectionstring + "Exception:" + ex); } //在这里我们用一个try/catch结构执行sql文本命令/存储过程,因为如果这个方法产生一个异常我们要关闭连接,因为没有读取器存在, //因此commandBehaviour.CloseConnection 就不会执行 try { //调用 PrepareCommand 方法,对 MySqlCommand 对象设置参数 PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, null, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters); //调用 MySqlCommand 的 ExecuteReader 方法 MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); //清除参数 cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // conn.Close(); return(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("MysqlHelper=>PrepareCommand:con:" + connectionstring + "Exception:" + ex); //关闭连接,抛出异常 conn.Close(); throw ex; } }
public void Work(DateTime dtnow, bool isupload) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int yy = dtnow.Year; // 得到年 int mm = dtnow.Month; // 得到月 int dd = dtnow.Day; // 日 int hh = dtnow.Hour; // 小时 try { string strmm = mm > 9 ? mm + "" : "0" + mm; string strdd = dd > 9 ? dd + "" : "0" + dd; string strhh = hh > 9 ? hh + "" : "0" + hh; string ftpdir = yy + strmm + strdd;// ftp上的每天一个文件夹 string dir = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + FactoryNo; DirectoryInfo dim = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!dim.Exists) { dim.Create(); } dir += "\\" + yy + strmm + strdd;// 文件夹(厂家编号/yyyyMMdd) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } //深圳23点 string fileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string filePath = dir + "\\" + fileName; string szftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存文件名 try { if (File.Exists(szftpfilename)) { File.Delete(szftpfilename); } } catch { } //东莞22点 string strdghh = "22"; // hh - 1 > 9 ? hh - 1 + "" : "0" + (hh - 1);//东莞 string dgfileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strdghh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string dgfilePath = dir + "\\" + dgfileName; string dgftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strdghh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存的文件名 try { if (File.Exists(dgftpfilename)) { File.Delete(dgftpfilename); } } catch { } //中山21点 string strzshh = "21"; // hh - 2 > 9 ? hh - 2 + "" : "0" + (hh - 2);//中山 string zsfileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strzshh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string zsfilePath = dir + "\\" + zsfileName; string zsftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strzshh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存的文件名 try { if (File.Exists(zsftpfilename)) { File.Delete(zsftpfilename); } } catch { } //潮洲19点 string strczhh = "19"; // hh - 4 > 9 ? hh - 4 + "" : "0" + (hh - 4);//潮洲 string czfileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strczhh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string czfilePath = dir + "\\" + zsfileName; string czftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strczhh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存的文件名 try { if (File.Exists(czftpfilename)) { File.Delete(czftpfilename); } } catch { } EprInfoDAL eprDAO = new EprInfoDAL(); SmsMobileDAL mobileDAO = new SmsMobileDAL(); BnetInfoDAL bnetDAO = new BnetInfoDAL(); //查出所有企业信息和bnet信息 Dictionary <int, EprInfoModel> dicEprInfo = eprDAO.GetEprInfoAll(); Dictionary <string, BnetInfoModel> dicBnetInfo = bnetDAO.GetAll(); //帐单 List <string> szbillList = new List <string>(); // 深圳帐单 List <string> dgbillList = new List <string>(); //东莞帐单 List <string> zsbillList = new List <string>(); //中山帐单 List <string> czbillList = new List <string>(); //潮洲帐单 List <string> daystatlist = new List <string>(); //帐号报表 Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> eprSendCount = mobileDAO.GetSumSMScountByDay(dicEprInfo.Keys.ToList(), yy, mm, dd); //查出企业发送量 Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> billCount = new Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel>(); //打折后企业的发送量 foreach (int key in eprSendCount.Keys) { try { MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = null; EprInfoModel eprinfo = null; try { mtcm = eprSendCount[key]; eprinfo = dicEprInfo[key]; if (eprinfo != null && eprinfo.taocanId > 0) { continue;//套餐的不处理 } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("打折异常[eprinfo]:" + ex.ToString()); } if (eprinfo != null && (mtcm.CTcount > 0 || mtcm.CMcount > 0)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eprinfo.bnetId) || eprinfo.bnetId.Equals("888")) { continue; } double dprice = 10.00; int billct = mtcm.CTcount; int billcm = mtcm.CMcount; BnetInfoModel bnetf = null; try { bnetf = dicBnetInfo[eprinfo.bnetId]; } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("打折异常[bnetf]:" + ex.ToString()); } if (bnetf != null) { //中山 if (bnetf.BnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//eprinfo.areaId == 17 { billCount.Add(key, mtcm); continue; } string tprice = bnetf.Price; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tprice)) { bool b = double.TryParse(tprice, out dprice); if (dprice <= 0.00 || !b) { dprice = 10.00; } } MobileTypeCountModel mtcm_bill = new MobileTypeCountModel(); //double bcount_ct = billct * (dprice / 10); mtcm_bill.CTcount = (int)(billct * (dprice / 10));// (int)Math.Ceiling(billct * (dprice / 10)); // double bcount_cm = billcm * (dprice / 10); mtcm_bill.CMcount = (int)(billcm * (dprice / 10));// (int)Math.Ceiling(billcm * (dprice / 10)); mtcm_bill.Pirce = dprice + ""; mtcm_bill.InitialNum = billct + billcm; string inf = string.Format("INFO CreateBillJob==>企业id:{0},清单数量:{1},帐单数量:{2},单价:{3}", key, billcm + billct, mtcm_bill.CMcount + mtcm_bill.CTcount, tprice); logger.Info(inf); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(inf); billCount.Add(key, mtcm_bill); }//BnetInfo } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>计算账单条数异常:" + ex.Message); } }//foreach eprCount //移动联通,电信 foreach (int key in billCount.Keys) { EprInfoModel eprinfo = eprDAO.GetEprInfo(key); string bnetId = eprinfo.bnetId; string bnetAccount = eprinfo.bnetAccount; MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = billCount[key];//帐单数量 try { //生成sql object[] obj = {, bnetId, bnetAccount, mtcm.CTcount, mtcm.CUcount, mtcm.CMcount, yy, mm, dd, eprinfo.areaId, mtcm.Pirce, mtcm.InitialNum, mtcm.TotalCount }; string sql = string.Format("Insert into JY15.gdkltx.dbo.t_billdaystat(EprId,BnetId,BnetAccount,CTcount,CUcount,CMcount,YY,MM,DD,AreaId,Price,InitialNum,TaoCanType) values({0},'{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},'{10}',{11},'{12}')", obj); logger.Info(sql); daystatlist.Add(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sqlList失败:" + ex.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < mtcm.CTcount; i++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|1|0|0|"); sbstr.Append(dtnow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); /* * if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("755"))//深圳 * { * szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("769"))//东莞 * { * dgbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//中山 * { * zsbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("0768"))//潮洲 * { * czbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * */ } //电信 for (int j = 0; j < mtcm.CMcount; j++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|0|1|0|"); sbstr.Append(dtnow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); /* * if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("755"))//深圳 * { * szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("769"))//东莞 * { * dgbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//中山 * { * zsbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("0768") || bnetAccount.StartsWith("768"))//潮洲 * { * czbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * */ } }//foreach billCount try { if (daystatlist != null && daystatlist.Count > 0) { int result = SQLbll.BatchExec(daystatlist); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sql fail:" + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + daystatlist[0]); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + ex.Message); } //生成文件,上传 FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(); LocalParams lp = new LocalParams(); HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper(); //深圳账单 if (szbillList != null) { bool bsz = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(szbillList, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + szftpfilename + "]结果:" + bsz); if (bsz && isupload) { bool boolf = false; int i = 0; do { boolf = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, szftpfilename, filePath); i++; } while (!boolf && i < 3); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传sz账单[" + szftpfilename + "]结果:" + boolf); if (boolf) { try { File.Move(filePath, dir + "\\" + szftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>修改sz文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改sz文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } else { string sendresult = http.Send(lp.UID, lp.PWD, "18002579031", 111, "上传sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败【嘉盈资讯】"); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败,发送短信结果:" + sendresult); logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>上传sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } else { string sendresult = http.Send(lp.UID, lp.PWD, "18002579031", 111, "生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败【嘉盈资讯】"); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败,发送短信结果:" + sendresult); logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } else { string sendresult = http.Send(lp.UID, lp.PWD, "18002579031", 111, "szbillList null【嘉盈资讯】"); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob=FTP=>文件szbillList null,发送短信结果:" + sendresult); } //东莞账单 if (dgbillList != null) { bool bdg = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(dgbillList, dgfilePath); if (bdg && isupload) { bool booldg = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, dgftpfilename, dgfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传东莞账单[" + dgfilePath + "]结果:" + booldg); if (booldg) { try { File.Move(dgfilePath, dir + "\\" + dgftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改东莞文件名[" + dgfilePath + "]to[" + dgftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } } else { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>生成dg文件[" + dgfilePath + "]失败"); } } //中山账单 if (zsbillList != null) { bool zsb = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(zsbillList, zsfilePath); if (zsb && isupload) { bool booldg = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, zsftpfilename, zsfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传中山账单[" + zsfilePath + "]结果:" + booldg); if (booldg) { try { File.Move(zsfilePath, dir + "\\" + zsftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改中山文件名[" + zsfilePath + "]to[" + zsftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } } else { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>生成中山文件[" + zsfilePath + "]失败"); } } //潮洲账单 if (czbillList != null) { bool czb = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(czbillList, czfilePath); if (czb && isupload) { bool booldg = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, czftpfilename, czfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传潮洲账单[" + czfilePath + "]结果:" + booldg); if (booldg) { try { File.Move(zsfilePath, dir + "\\" + czftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改潮洲文件名[" + czfilePath + "]to[" + czftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } } else { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>生成潮洲文件[" + czfilePath + "]失败"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>Exception:" + ex.Message); logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>Exception:" + ex.Message); } }
public void Work(DateTime dtnow, bool isupload) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int yy = dtnow.Year; // 得到年 int mm = dtnow.Month; // 得到月 int dd = dtnow.Day; // 日 int hh = dtnow.Hour; // 小时 string strmm = mm > 9 ? mm + "" : "0" + mm; string strdd = dd > 9 ? dd + "" : "0" + dd; string strhh = hh > 9 ? hh + "" : "0" + hh; strhh = "01"; string ftpdir = yy + strmm + strdd;// ftp上的每天一个文件夹 string dir = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + FactoryNo; DirectoryInfo dim = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!dim.Exists) { dim.Create(); } dir += "\\" + yy + strmm + strdd;// 文件夹(厂家编号/yyyyMMdd) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } //深圳 string fileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string filePath = dir + "\\" + fileName; string szftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存文件名 EprInfoDAL eprinfoDAL = new EprInfoDAL(); List <EprInfoModel> eprLst = eprinfoDAL.GetTaoCanEprInfoAll(); List <string> szbillList = new List <string>(); // 深圳帐单 List <string> daystatlist = new List <string>(); //帐号报表 if (eprLst != null && eprLst.Count > 0) { TaoCanInfoDAL taocanDAL = new TaoCanInfoDAL(); Dictionary <int, TaoCanInfoModel> taocandic = taocanDAL.GetAll(); foreach (EprInfoModel e in eprLst) { if (taocandic.ContainsKey(e.taocanId)) { //他网和电信比率 8:2 TaoCanInfoModel tc = taocandic[e.taocanId]; int ctnumber = (int)(tc.Billnumber * 0.8); //移动账单数量 int cmnumber = tc.Billnumber - ctnumber; //电信账单数量 string bnetId = e.bnetId, bnetAccount = e.bnetAccount; try { //生成sql object[] obj = {, bnetId, bnetAccount, ctnumber, 0, cmnumber, yy, mm, dd }; string sql = string.Format("Insert into t_billdaystat(EprId,BnetId,BnetAccount,CTcount,CUcount,CMcount,YY,MM,DD) values({0},'{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8})", obj); daystatlist.Add(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>生成sqlList失败:" + ex.Message); } for (int i = 0; i < ctnumber; i++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(e.bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(e.bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|1|0|0|"); sbstr.Append(dtnow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); } for (int j = 0; j < cmnumber; j++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(e.bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(e.bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|0|1|0|"); sbstr.Append(dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } } } } try { if (daystatlist != null && daystatlist.Count > 0) { int result = SQLbll.BatchExec(daystatlist); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>保存sql fail:" + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + daystatlist[0]); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + ex.Message); } if (isupload) { FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(); //深圳账单 if (szbillList != null) { bool bsz = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(szbillList, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>生成sz套餐文件[" + szftpfilename + "]结果:" + bsz); if (bsz) { bool boolf = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, szftpfilename, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>上传sz套餐账单[" + szftpfilename + "]结果:" + boolf); if (boolf) { try { File.Move(filePath, dir + "\\" + szftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>修改sz套餐文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); logger.Error("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>修改sz套餐文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } else { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob=FTP=>上传sz套餐文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); logger.Error("CreateTaoCanBillJob=FTP=>上传sz套餐文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } else { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); logger.Error("CreateTaoCanBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 手动生成,保存在补推文件夹中 /// </summary> /// <param name="dtnow">账单时间</param> /// <param name="begintime">开始时间</param> /// <param name="endtime">结束时间</param> /// <param name="eprIdLst">企业ID</param> /// <param name="isupload">是否上传</param> public void Work(DateTime dtnow, string begintime, string endtime, List <int> eprIdLst, bool isupload) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int yy = dtnow.Year; // 得到年 int mm = dtnow.Month; // 得到月 int dd = dtnow.Day; // 日 int hh = dtnow.Hour; // 小时 try { string strmm = mm > 9 ? mm + "" : "0" + mm; string strdd = dd > 9 ? dd + "" : "0" + dd; string strhh = hh > 9 ? hh + "" : "0" + hh; string ftpdir = yy + strmm + strdd;// ftp上的每天一个文件夹 string dir = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + FactoryNo + "\\add"; DirectoryInfo dim = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!dim.Exists) { dim.Create(); } dir += "\\" + yy + strmm + strdd;// 文件夹(厂家编号/yyyyMMdd) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } //深圳23点 string fileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string filePath = dir + "\\" + fileName; string szftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存文件名 try { if (File.Exists(szftpfilename)) { File.Delete(szftpfilename); } } catch { } //东莞22点 string strdghh = hh - 1 > 9 ? hh - 1 + "" : "0" + (hh - 1); //东莞 string dgfileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strdghh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string dgfilePath = dir + "\\" + dgfileName; string dgftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strdghh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存的文件名 try { if (File.Exists(dgftpfilename)) { File.Delete(dgftpfilename); } } catch { } //中山21点 string strzshh = hh - 2 > 9 ? hh - 2 + "" : "0" + (hh - 2); //中山 string zsfileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strzshh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string zsfilePath = dir + "\\" + zsfileName; string zsftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strzshh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存的文件名 try { if (File.Exists(zsftpfilename)) { File.Delete(zsftpfilename); } } catch { } //潮洲19点 string strczhh = hh - 4 > 9 ? hh - 4 + "" : "0" + (hh - 4); //潮洲 string czfileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strczhh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string czfilePath = dir + "\\" + zsfileName; string czftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strczhh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存的文件名 try { if (File.Exists(czftpfilename)) { File.Delete(czftpfilename); } } catch { } EprInfoDAL eprDAO = new EprInfoDAL(); SmsMobileDAL mobileDAO = new SmsMobileDAL(); BnetInfoDAL bnetDAO = new BnetInfoDAL(); //查出所有企业信息和bnet信息 Dictionary <int, EprInfoModel> dicEprInfo = eprDAO.GetEprInfoAll(); Dictionary <string, BnetInfoModel> dicBnetInfo = bnetDAO.GetAll(); //帐单 List <string> szbillList = new List <string>(); // 深圳帐单 List <string> dgbillList = new List <string>(); //东莞帐单 List <string> zsbillList = new List <string>(); //中山帐单 List <string> czbillList = new List <string>(); //潮洲帐单 List <string> daystatlist = new List <string>(); //帐号报表 //if (eprIdLst == null || eprIdLst.Count==0) //{ // eprIdLst = dicEprInfo.Keys.ToList(); //} Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> eprCount = mobileDAO.GetSumSMScountByDay(eprIdLst, begintime, endtime); //查出企业发送量 Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> billCount = new Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel>(); //打折后企业的发送量 foreach (int key in eprCount.Keys) { try { MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = null; EprInfoModel eprinfo = null; try { mtcm = eprCount[key]; eprinfo = dicEprInfo[key]; if (eprinfo != null && eprinfo.taocanId > 0) { continue;//套餐的不处理 } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("打折异常[eprinfo]:" + ex.ToString()); } if (eprinfo != null && (mtcm.CTcount > 0 || mtcm.CMcount > 0)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eprinfo.bnetId) || eprinfo.bnetId.Equals("888")) { continue; } double dprice = 10.00; int billct = mtcm.CTcount; int billcm = mtcm.CMcount; BnetInfoModel bnetf = null; try { bnetf = dicBnetInfo[eprinfo.bnetId]; } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("打折异常[bnetf]:" + ex.ToString()); } if (bnetf != null) { //中山 if (bnetf.BnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//eprinfo.areaId == 17 { billCount.Add(key, mtcm); continue; } string tprice = bnetf.Price; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tprice)) { bool b = double.TryParse(tprice, out dprice); if (dprice <= 0.00 || !b) { dprice = 10.00; } } MobileTypeCountModel mtcm_bill = new MobileTypeCountModel(); //double bcount_ct = billct * (dprice / 10); mtcm_bill.CTcount = (int)(billct * (dprice / 10));// (int)Math.Ceiling(billct * (dprice / 10)); // double bcount_cm = billcm * (dprice / 10); mtcm_bill.CMcount = (int)(billcm * (dprice / 10)); //(int)Math.Ceiling(billcm * (dprice / 10)); mtcm_bill.Pirce = dprice + ""; mtcm_bill.InitialNum = billcm + billct; string inf = string.Format("CreateBillJob==>企业id:{0},清单数量:{1},帐单数量:{2},单价:{3}", key, billcm + billct, mtcm_bill.CMcount + mtcm_bill.CTcount, tprice); logger.Info(inf); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(inf); billCount.Add(key, mtcm_bill); }//BnetInfo } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>计算账单条数异常:" + ex.Message); } }//foreach eprCount //移动,联通 foreach (int key in billCount.Keys) { EprInfoModel eprinfo = eprDAO.GetEprInfo(key); string bnetId = eprinfo.bnetId; string bnetAccount = eprinfo.bnetAccount; MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = billCount[key];//帐单数量 try { //生成sql object[] obj = {, bnetId, bnetAccount, mtcm.CTcount, mtcm.CUcount, mtcm.CMcount, yy, mm, dd, eprinfo.areaId, mtcm.Pirce, mtcm.InitialNum, mtcm.TotalCount }; string sql = string.Format("Insert into JY15.gdkltx.dbo.t_billdaystat(EprId,BnetId,BnetAccount,CTcount,CUcount,CMcount,YY,MM,DD,AreaId,Price,InitialNum,TaoCanType) values({0},'{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},'{10}',{11},'{12}')", obj); //object[] obj = {, bnetId, bnetAccount, mtcm.CTcount, mtcm.CUcount, mtcm.CMcount, yy, mm, dd, mtcm.Pirce, mtcm.InitialNum, mtcm.TaoCanType }; //string sql = string.Format("Insert into JY15.gdkltx.dbo.t_billdaystat(EprId,BnetId,BnetAccount,CTcount,CUcount,CMcount,YY,MM,DD,Price,InitialNum,TaoCanType) values({0},'{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},'{9}','{10}','{11}')", obj); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>sql:" + sql); logger.Info(sql); daystatlist.Add(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sqlList失败:" + ex.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < mtcm.CTcount; i++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|1|0|0|"); sbstr.Append(dtnow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); /* * if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("755"))//深圳 * { * szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("769"))//东莞 * { * dgbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//中山 * { * zsbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("0768"))//潮洲 * { * czbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * */ } //电信 for (int j = 0; j < mtcm.CMcount; j++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|0|1|0|"); sbstr.Append(dtnow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); /* * if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("755"))//深圳 * { * szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("769"))//东莞 * { * dgbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//中山 * { * zsbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("0768"))//潮洲 * { * czbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * */ } /* * int billc = billCount[key];//帐单数量 * int totalcount = 0;//已累的数量 * List<SmsMobileModel> smslist = mobileDAO.GetListByYYMMDD(key, yy, mm, dd); * foreach (SmsMobileModel sms in smslist) * { * if (totalcount > billc) * { * break; * } * int t = Tools.GetMobileType(; * for (int i = 0; i < sms.smsCount; i++) * { * try * { * if (totalcount > billc) * { * break; * } * totalcount++; * // 账单格式:条数只能是1 多条,需要生成多条记录 * // bnetid|bnetaccount|小灵通条数|移动条数|联通条数|电信条数|时间 * StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); * sbstr.Append(bnetId); * sbstr.Append("|"); * sbstr.Append(bnetAccount); * sbstr.Append("|"); * switch (t) * { * case 1: * case 2: * sbstr.Append("0|1|0|0|"); * break; * case 3: * sbstr.Append("0|0|1|0|"); * break; * default: * sbstr.Append("0|1|0|0|"); * break; * // case 3: * // sbstr.append("0|0|0|1|"); * // break; * * } * * sbstr.Append(sms.sendTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); * * if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("755"))//深圳 * { * szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("769"))//东莞 * { * dgbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * else if (bnetAccount.StartsWith("760"))//中山 * { * zsbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>生成账单字符串异常:" + ex.Message); * } * * }//for smscount * * }//foreach smsList */ }//foreach billCount try { if (daystatlist != null && daystatlist.Count > 0) { int result = SQLbll.BatchExec(daystatlist); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sql fail:" + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + daystatlist[0]); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + ex.Message); } FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(); //深圳账单 if (szbillList != null) { bool bsz = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(szbillList, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]结果:" + bsz); if (bsz && isupload) { bool boolf = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, szftpfilename, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传sz账单[" + szftpfilename + "]结果:" + boolf); if (boolf) { try { File.Move(filePath, dir + "\\" + szftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>修改sz文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改sz文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } else { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob=FTP=>上传sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); logger.Error("CreateBillJob=FTP=>上传sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } } //东莞账单 if (dgbillList != null) { bool bdg = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(dgbillList, dgfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>生成dg文件[" + dgfilePath + "]结果:" + bdg); if (bdg && isupload) { bool booldg = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, dgftpfilename, dgfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传dg账单[" + dgfilePath + "]结果:" + booldg); if (booldg) { try { File.Move(dgfilePath, dir + "\\" + dgftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改dg文件名[" + dgfilePath + "]to[" + dgftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } } } //中山账单 if (zsbillList != null) { bool zsb = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(zsbillList, zsfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>生成zs文件[" + zsfilePath + "]结果:" + zsb); if (zsb && isupload) { bool booldg = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, zsftpfilename, zsfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传中山账单[" + zsfilePath + "]结果:" + booldg); if (booldg) { try { File.Move(zsfilePath, dir + "\\" + zsftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改中山文件名[" + zsfilePath + "]to[" + zsftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } } } //潮洲账单 if (czbillList != null) { bool czb = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(czbillList, czfilePath); if (czb && isupload) { bool booldg = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, czftpfilename, czfilePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>上传潮洲账单[" + czfilePath + "]结果:" + booldg); if (booldg) { try { File.Move(zsfilePath, dir + "\\" + czftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>修改潮洲文件名[" + czfilePath + "]to[" + czftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } } else { logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>生成潮洲文件[" + czfilePath + "]失败"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateBillJob==>Exception:" + ex.Message); logger.Error("CreateBillJob==>Exception:" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 计算套餐及超出部分 /// </summary> /// <param name="dtnow">日期</param> /// <param name="isupload">是否上传</param> public void Work(DateTime dtnow, bool isupload) { string begintime = DateTools.FirstDayOfMonth(dtnow).ToShortDateString(); string endtime = DateTools.LastDayOfMonth(dtnow).ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59"; int yy = dtnow.Year; // 得到年 int mm = dtnow.Month; // 得到月 int dd = dtnow.Day; // 日 int hh = dtnow.Hour; // 小时 string strmm = mm > 9 ? mm + "" : "0" + mm; string strdd = dd > 9 ? dd + "" : "0" + dd; string strhh = hh > 9 ? hh + "" : "0" + hh; strhh = "20"; string ftpdir = yy + strmm + strdd;// ftp上的每天一个文件夹 string dir = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + FactoryNo; DirectoryInfo dim = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!dim.Exists) { dim.Create(); } dir += "\\" + yy + strmm + strdd;// 文件夹(厂家编号/yyyyMMdd) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } //深圳 string fileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string filePath = dir + "\\" + fileName; string szftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "0001.txt"; // ftp保存文件名 EprInfoDAL eprinfoDAL = new EprInfoDAL(); Dictionary <int, EprInfoModel> eprDic = eprinfoDAL.GetTaoCanEprInfoAll2(); SmsMobileDAL smsdal = new SmsMobileDAL(); Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> eprCount = smsdal.GetSumSMScountByMomth(eprDic.Keys.ToList(), begintime, endtime); //企业发送统计 Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel> billCount = new Dictionary <int, MobileTypeCountModel>(); //套餐企业的发送量 TaoCanInfoDAL taocanDAL = new TaoCanInfoDAL(); Dictionary <int, TaoCanInfoModel> taocanDic = taocanDAL.GetAll(); //套餐企业信息 List <string> daystatlist = new List <string>(); //帐号报表 List <string> szbillList = new List <string>(); // 深圳帐单 //计算账单数量 foreach (int key in eprCount.Keys) { MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = eprCount[key]; //发送量 EprInfoModel eprinfo = eprDic[key]; //企业信息 if (!taocanDic.ContainsKey(eprinfo.taocanId)) { continue; } TaoCanInfoModel taocaninfo = taocanDic[eprinfo.taocanId]; //套餐信息 int billct = mtcm.CMcount + mtcm.CTcount - taocaninfo.TCNumber; //超出套餐数量 //套餐账单 int taocanneiTotalCount = taocaninfo.Billnumber; if (billct > 0)//超出套餐量 { /* * int taocanneiCTbillcount = (int)(taocaninfo.Billnumber / 2);//套餐内移动数量 * int taocanneiCMbillcount = taocaninfo.Billnumber - taocanneiCTbillcount;//套餐内电信动数量 * * * int taocanneiCTcount = (int)taocaninfo.TCNumber / 2; * int taocanneiCMcount = taocaninfo.TCNumber = taocanneiCTcount; * int ct = mtcm.CTcount - taocanneiCTcount > 0 ? mtcm.CTcount - taocanneiCTcount : 0;//套餐外移动多出数量 * int cm = mtcm.CMcount - taocanneiCMcount > 0 ? mtcm.CMcount - taocanneiCMcount : 0;//套餐外电信多出数量 * int ctwaibill = (int)Math.Ceiling(ct * (dprice / 10));//移动套餐外折算后数量 * int cmwaibill = (int)Math.Ceiling(cm * (dprice / 10));//电信动套餐外折算后数量 * */ double dprice = 10.00; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taocaninfo.TCOutsidePrice)) { bool b = double.TryParse(taocaninfo.TCOutsidePrice, out dprice); if (dprice <= 0.00 || !b) { dprice = 10.00; } } int ctwaibill = (int)Math.Ceiling(billct * (dprice / 10));//移动套餐外折算后数量 int cmwaibill = 0; //账单 MobileTypeCountModel mtcm_bill = new MobileTypeCountModel(); mtcm_bill.TotalCount = ctwaibill + cmwaibill + taocanneiTotalCount; //总量 mtcm_bill.CTcount = mtcm_bill.TotalCount; //移动 mtcm_bill.CMcount = 0; //电信 MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(string.Format("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>【超出套餐】企业id:{0},清单数量:{1},帐单数量:{2},套餐外单价:{3},套餐量:{4}", key, (mtcm.CMcount + mtcm.CTcount), mtcm_bill.TotalCount, taocaninfo.TCOutsidePrice, taocaninfo.TCNumber)); billCount.Add(key, mtcm_bill); } else { if (mtcm.TotalCount == 0)//未发送 { MobileTypeCountModel mbill = new MobileTypeCountModel(); mbill.TotalCount = taocanneiTotalCount; mbill.CTcount = taocanneiTotalCount; mbill.CMcount = 0; MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(string.Format("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>【未发】送企业id:{0},清单数量:{1}", key, mbill.TotalCount)); billCount.Add(key, mbill); } else//套餐内 { double dprice = 10.00; string tprice = taocaninfo.TCPrice; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tprice)) { bool b = double.TryParse(tprice, out dprice); if (dprice <= 0.00 || !b) { dprice = 10.00; } } MobileTypeCountModel mbill = new MobileTypeCountModel(); mbill.TotalCount = taocanneiTotalCount; //mbill.CTcount = (int)Math.Ceiling(mtcm.CTcount * (dprice / 10)); ; // mbill.CMcount = taocanneiTotalCount - mbill.CTcount; mbill.CTcount = taocanneiTotalCount; mbill.CMcount = 0; MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog(string.Format("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>【套餐内】未发送企业id:{0},清单数量:{1},电信数量:{2},移动数量:{3}", key, mbill.TotalCount, mbill.CMcount, mbill.CMcount)); billCount.Add(key, mbill); } } } //生成账单 foreach (int key in billCount.Keys) { EprInfoModel eprinfo = eprDic[key]; //企业信息 MobileTypeCountModel mtcm = billCount[key]; //发送量 string bnetId = eprinfo.bnetId, bnetAccount = eprinfo.bnetAccount; try { //生成sql object[] obj = {, bnetId, bnetAccount, mtcm.CTcount, mtcm.CUcount, mtcm.CMcount, yy, mm, dd }; string sql = string.Format("Insert into jy15.gdkltx.dbo.t_billdaystat(EprId,BnetId,BnetAccount,CTcount,CUcount,CMcount,YY,MM,DD) values({0},'{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8})", obj); daystatlist.Add(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>生成sqlList失败:" + ex.Message); } for (int i = 0; i < mtcm.CTcount; i++) { StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder(); sbstr.Append(bnetId); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append(bnetAccount); sbstr.Append("|"); sbstr.Append("0|1|0|0|"); sbstr.Append(dtnow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); szbillList.Add(sbstr.ToString()); } } try { if (daystatlist != null && daystatlist.Count > 0) { int result = SQLbll.BatchExec(daystatlist); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>保存sql result:" + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + daystatlist[0]); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>保存sql失败:" + ex.Message); } FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(); //深圳账单 if (szbillList != null) { bool bsz = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(szbillList, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>生成sz套餐文件[" + filePath + "]结果:" + bsz); if (bsz) { if (!isupload) { return; } bool boolf = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, szftpfilename, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>上传sz套餐账单[" + szftpfilename + "]结果:" + boolf); if (boolf) { try { File.Move(filePath, dir + "\\" + szftpfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>修改sz套餐文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); logger.Error("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>修改sz套餐文件名[" + filePath + "]to[" + szftpfilename + "]失败:" + ex.Message); } } else { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob=FTP=>上传sz套餐文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); logger.Error("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob=FTP=>上传sz套餐文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } else { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); logger.Error("CreateTaoCanCloseBillJob==>生成sz文件[" + filePath + "]失败"); } } }
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int yy = dt.Year; // 得到年 int mm = dt.Month; // 得到月,因为从0开始的,所以要加1 int dd = dt.Day; // 日 int hh = dt.Hour; // 小时 string strmm = mm > 9 ? mm + "" : "0" + mm; string strdd = dd > 9 ? dd + "" : "0" + dd; string strhh = hh > 9 ? hh + "" : "0" + hh; string ftpdir = yy + strmm + strdd;// ftp上的每天一个文件夹 FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(); try { if (!ftp.DirectoryIsExist(ftpdir)) { bool bmd = ftp.MakeDir(ftpdir); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateEmptyBillJob==>创建目录[" + ftpdir + "]结果:" + bmd); } }catch (Exception ex) { MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateEmptyBillJob==>创建目录[" + ftpdir + "]异常:" + ex.ToString()); } //20 点的生成套餐账单,19点潮洲,21,22,23 if (hh > 18) { return; } string dir = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + FactoryNo; DirectoryInfo dim = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!dim.Exists) { dim.Create(); } dir += "\\" + yy + strmm + strdd;// 文件夹(厂家编号/yyyyMMdd) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } //深圳 string fileName = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "00" + "01.txt.sending"; // 文件名 string filePath = dir + "\\" + fileName; string szftpfilename = ProductId + "_" + yy + strmm + strdd + strhh + "00" + "01.txt"; // ftp保存文件名 List <string> szbillList = new List <string>(); // 深圳帐单 bool bsz = MyFileOptions.WriteFileTXT(szbillList, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateEmptyBillJob==>生成空文件[" + filePath + "]结果:" + bsz); if (bsz) { bool boolf = ftp.Upload(ftpdir, szftpfilename, filePath); MyDelegateFunc.WriteFmLog("CreateEmptyBillJob==>上传空文件[" + filePath + "]结果:" + boolf); if (boolf) { File.Move(filePath, dir + "\\" + szftpfilename); } else { } } }