/// <summary> /// 发送数据 /// </summary> private void SendData(byte[] data) { MyDebug.Log("--chatSocketUrl-------SendData-----sendMsg----"); try { if (stream != null) { stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } else { //TipsManagerScript.getInstance ().setTips ("聊天服务器断开,正在重连。。。"); Connect(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log(ex.ToString()); } }
// public void toggleHongClick(){ // // if (zhuanzhuanGameRule [2].isOn) { // zhuanzhuanGameRule [0].isOn = true; // } // } // // public void toggleQiangGangHuClick(){ // if (zhuanzhuanGameRule [1].isOn) { // zhuanzhuanGameRule [2].isOn = false; // } // } public void onCreateRoomCallback(ClientResponse response) { if (watingPanel != null) { watingPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } MyDebug.Log(response.message); if (response.status == 1) { print(sendVo); //RoomCreateResponseVo responseVO = JsonMapper.ToObject<RoomCreateResponseVo> (response.message); int roomid = Int32.Parse(response.message); sendVo.roomId = roomid; GlobalDataScript.roomVo = sendVo; GlobalDataScript.loginResponseData.roomId = roomid; GlobalDataScript.loginResponseData.main = true; GlobalDataScript.loginResponseData.isOnLine = true; GlobalDataScript.reEnterRoomData = null; //SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(1); /** * if (gameSence == null) { * gameSence = Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Prefab/Panel_GamePlay")) as GameObject; * gameSence.transform.parent = GlobalDataScript.getInstance ().canvsTransfrom; * gameSence.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; * gameSence.GetComponent<RectTransform> ().offsetMax = new Vector2 (0f, 0f); * gameSence.GetComponent<RectTransform> ().offsetMin = new Vector2 (0f, 0f); * gameSence.GetComponent<MyMahjongScript> ().createRoomAddAvatarVO (GlobalDataScript.loginResponseData); * }*/ GlobalDataScript.gamePlayPanel = PrefabManage.loadPerfab("Prefab/Panel_GamePlay"); //GlobalDataScript.gamePlayPanel.GetComponent<MyMahjongScript> ().createRoomAddAvatarVO (GlobalDataScript.loginResponseData); closeDialog(); //closeXiazui(); } else { TipsManagerScript.getInstance().setTips(response.message); } }
protected override void GameSetup() { coldStart = true; GS.GameSparksAuthenticated = (playerId) => { MyDebug.Log("GS Auth: " + playerId); if (coldStart) { SyncRestore(); SyncLevels(); } if (_pushToken != null) { SetupPushToken(); } if (!coldStart) // if it is not an app cold start, then preferences are not synced and is safe to get awards { GetAwards(); } SetLanguage(LocaliseText.Language); coldStart = false; SendPoints(0, "UserAuth"); // to send all offline points if any }; GSMessageHandler._AllMessages += HandleGameSparksMessageReceived; GameManager.SafeAddListener <UserLogoutMessage> (UserLogoutHandler); GameManager.SafeAddListener <UserLoginMessage> (UserLoginHandler); GameManager.SafeAddListener <UserRegisterMessage> (UserRegisterHandler); GameManager.SafeAddListener <LocalisationChangedMessage>(LocalisationHandler); UploadCompleteMessage.Listener += GetUploadMessage; //Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenReceived += OnTokenReceived; }
private void ReadBuffer(BinaryReader buffers) { byte flag = buffers.ReadByte(); int lens = ReadInt(buffers.ReadBytes(4)); if (lens > buffers.BaseStream.Length) { waitLen = lens; isWait = true; buffers.BaseStream.Position = 0; byte[] dd = new byte[buffers.BaseStream.Length]; byte[] temp = buffers.ReadBytes((int)buffers.BaseStream.Length); Array.Copy(temp, 0, dd, 0, (int)buffers.BaseStream.Length); if (sources == null) { sources = dd; } return; } int headcode = ReadInt(buffers.ReadBytes(4)); int sendUuid = ReadInt(buffers.ReadBytes(4)); int soundLen = ReadInt(buffers.ReadBytes(4)); if (flag == 1) { byte[] sound = buffers.ReadBytes(soundLen); ClientResponse response = new ClientResponse(); response.headCode = headcode; response.bytes = sound; response.message = sendUuid.ToString(); MyDebug.Log("chat.headCode = " + response.headCode + " sound.lenght = " + soundLen); SocketEventHandle.Instance.AddResponse(response); } if (buffers.BaseStream.Position < buffers.BaseStream.Length) { ReadBuffer(buffers); } }
public void ShareHighscore(ButtonEventArgs args) { if (!CoreUtility.Me.ShowInternetConnection()) { return; } MyDebug.Log("GameUtility::ShareHighscore => Share to: " + args.data); CoreUtility.Me.shareMode = ShareMode.Highscore; string shareText = GetRandomHighScoreShareMessage(); int score = GetBestScore(); string hScoreShareText = string.Format(shareText, score); MyDebug.Log(args.data + ": Share is => " + hScoreShareText); #if UNITY_EDITOR GameAnax.Core.Utility.Popup.PopupMessages.Me.NativeFuncionNonAvailableMessage(); return; #endif if (args.data.Equals("Facebook", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { #if SOCIALNETWORKING FBService.Me.ShareTextOnFB(hScoreShareText, STORE_LONG_URL); #endif } else if (args.data.Equals("Native", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { #if UNITY_IOS && SOCIALNETWORKING Prime31.SharingBinding.shareItems(new[] { hScoreShareText, STORE_SHORT_URL }, _excludeActivity); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID && ETCETERA EtceteraB.shareWithNativeShareIntent(hScoreShareText + "\n" + STORE_SHORT_URL, "", "Share On", null); #endif } else if (args.data.Equals("Twitter", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { #if SOCIALNETWORKING FBService.Me.ShareOnTwitter(hScoreShareText, STORE_SHORT_URL); #endif } }
private void ShowRewardAd(StoreInfo al) { MyDebug.Log(false, "AdsMCG::ShowRewardAd => Show Reward Ads Called"); switch(al.ShowAdsFrom) { #if ADCOLONY case Provider.AdColony: string rawStatus, status; rawStatus = AdColony.StatusForZone (al.AdColonyZone); status = string.Format ("Zone {0} status is {1}", al.AdColonyZone, rawStatus); MyDebug.Log (false,status); if (AdColony.IsVideoAvailable (al.AdColonyZone)) { ShowAdColonyAds (al.AdColonyZone); } else { NotificationCenter.Me.PostNotification (new Notification (this, "AdsFail", "AdColony")); } break; #endif #if ADMOB case Provider.AdMob: if(GoogleMobileAdsScript.Me.IsRewardVideoAdReady(al.AdMobUnitID)) { ShowAdMobRewardAds(al.AdMobUnitID); } else { NotificationCenter.Me.PostNotification(new NotificationInfo(this, "AdsFail", "AdMob")); } break; #endif #if CHARTBOOST case Provider.Chartboost: if(Chartboost.hasRewardedVideo(new CBLocation(al.CBLoation))) { ShowCBRewardAd(al.CBLoation); } else { NotificationCenter.Me.PostNotification(new NotificationInfo(this, "AdsFail", "Chartboost")); } break; #endif case Provider.Inmobi: break; } }
/// <summary> /// 连接到服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="ip">服务器IP</param> /// <returns></returns> public void Connect() { //disCountTimer (); try { tcpclient = new TcpClient(); //防止延迟,即时发送! tcpclient.NoDelay = true; tcpclient.BeginConnect(APIS.socketUrl, 10122, new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback), tcpclient); } catch (Exception ex) { //设置标志,连接服务端失败! showMessageTip("服务器断开连接,请重新运行程序或稍后再试"); MyDebug.Log("11111111111111111111111111111111"); // ReConnectScript.getInstance().ReConnectToServer(); Debug.Log(ex.ToString()); isConnected = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 客户端连接至服务器返回信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="ar"></param> private void Accept_Callback(IAsyncResult ar) { Socket socket = serverSocket.EndAccept(ar); MyDebug.Log(">>>" + socket.LocalEndPoint.ToString() + " 连接至服务器", MyColor.State.blue); if (!clientSockets.Contains(socket)) { clientSockets.Add(socket); StateObject stateObject = new StateObject(BUFFER_SIZE, socket); try { socket.BeginReceive(stateObject.buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, new AsyncCallback(Receive_Callback), stateObject); } catch (Exception e) { MyDebug.Log(e.Message, MyColor.State.red); } } Accept(); }
void GetFeverPoint() { MyDebug.Log("GetFeverPoint"); if (this.tag == "Range") { scoreManager.fp += 5; } else if (this.tag == "Melee") { scoreManager.fp += 10; } else if (this.tag == "Mage") { scoreManager.fp += 20; } else { MyDebug.Log("not found"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 加载头像 /// </summary> /// <returns>The image.</returns> private IEnumerator LoadImg() { //开始下载图片 WWW www = new WWW(avatarvo.headIcon); yield return(www); if (www != null) { Texture2D texture2D = www.texture; byte[] bytes = texture2D.EncodeToPNG(); //将图片赋给场景上的Sprite Sprite tempSp = Sprite.Create(texture2D, new Rect(0, 0, texture2D.width, texture2D.height), new Vector2(0, 0)); headerIcon.overrideSprite = tempSp; } else { MyDebug.Log("没有加载到图片"); } }
// Returns an ad request with custom ad targeting. private AdRequest CreateAdRequest() { MyDebug.Log(string.Format("GMAS::CreateAdRequest")); // Google Test Ad Unit ID // ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712 return(new AdRequest.Builder() .AddTestDevice(AdRequest.TestDeviceSimulator) .Build()); // // .AddTestDevice("81769a040e7adaf577ac7b9012a34fa9") // iPad SKM 3rd Gen GSM iOS 9.1 // .AddTestDevice("d55111b6e8a6776f81fc05b1d4846501") // iPad 2nd Gen iOS 9.2 // .AddTestDevice("f4a07362ca0c2a18a829f08783ecc939") // iPhone 5 iOS 9.2 // .AddTestDevice("bf66b38bc1f66ba917476918bb20541f") // iPhone 6 (LBL 8) iOS 9.2 // //.AddExtra("color_bg", "9B30FF") //.AddKeyword("Unity3D") //.AddKeyword(GUtility.Me.APPNAME) //.SetGender(Gender.Male) //.SetBirthday(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1)) //.TagForChildDirectedTreatment(false) }
IEnumerator transition(SceneType name, float duration) { yield return(new WaitWhile(() => m_isFade)); yield return(SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(name.ToString(), LoadSceneMode.Additive)); UnLoadScene(m_currentScene); m_currentScene = name; if (duration != 0) { FadeMgr.Instance.FadeIn(duration, () => { MyDebug.Log(name.ToString() + "_Scene : LoadComplete!!"); }); } else { MyDebug.Log(name.ToString() + "_Scene : LoadComplete!!"); } }
private void OnConnectionError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { MyDebug.Log("Error: " + e.Message); Response socketError = new Response(); socketError.code = 200; socketError.message = e.Message; socketError.status = false; socketError.source = "OnConnectionError"; socketError.error.data = e.Exception.Data; socketError.error.message = e.Exception.Message; socketError.error.exceptionSource = e.Exception.Source; socketError.error.helpLink = e.Exception.HelpLink; _client = null; string jsonData; jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(socketError); OnSocketConnectionError(jsonData); }
private IEnumerator Reconnect() { MyDebug.Log("Reconnect Called"); _reConnect = true; yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.1f)); while (_reConnect) { if (_client == null || _client.ReadyState == WebSocketState.Closed) { MyDebug.Log("Tyring to connect with Web Socket"); ConnectSocket(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5)); } else { //MyDebug.Warning("WebSocket connetion status is: {0}", webSocket.ReadyState); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); } }
/// <summary> /// Try and setup the singleton /// </summary> /// This will only let one instance of the component exist. /// If any other instances are attempted created then they will be automatically destroyed. void Awake() { TypeName = typeof(T).FullName; MyDebug.Log(TypeName + ": Awake"); // First we check if there are any other instances conflicting then destroy this and return if (Instance != null) { if (Instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } return; // return is my addition so that the inspector in unity still updates } // Here we save our singleton instance Instance = this as T; // setup specifics. GameSetup(); }
private IEnumerator loadImg() { if (imgUrl != null && imgUrl != "") { WWW www = new WWW(APIS.PIC_PATH + imgUrl); yield return(www); //下载完成,保存图片到路径filePath try { texture2D = www.texture; byte[] bytes = texture2D.EncodeToPNG(); //将图片赋给场景上的Sprite Sprite tempSp = Sprite.Create(texture2D, new Rect(0, 0, texture2D.width, texture2D.height), new Vector2(0, 0)); img.sprite = tempSp; img.SetNativeSize(); } catch (Exception e) { MyDebug.Log("LoadImg" + e.Message); } } }
public void PlayClipData(Int16[] intArr) { if (intArr.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("get intarr clipdata is null"); return; } MyDebug.Log("PlayClipData"); //从Int16[]到float[] float[] samples = new float[intArr.Length]; int rescaleFactor = 32767; for (int i = 0; i < intArr.Length; i++) { samples[i] = (float)intArr[i] / rescaleFactor; } playAudio.clip.SetData(samples, 0); playAudio.mute = false; playAudio.Play(); }
private IEnumerator UnPreccFiles() { UIPanel_SceneLoading.percentV = 100 - (DicMD5UpdateName.Count * 100.0f / updateCount); UIPanel_SceneLoading.instance.tips.text = "正在解压资源,过程不消耗流量(" + (updateCount - DicMD5UpdateName.Count) + "/" + updateCount + ")"; yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); if (DicMD5UpdateName.Count <= 0) { string savePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/StreamingAssets"; XmlDocument sXmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement SXmlRoot; MyDebug.Log("本地资源配置不存在"); SXmlRoot = sXmlDoc.CreateElement("Files"); sXmlDoc.AppendChild(SXmlRoot); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > pair in DicMD5) { XmlElement xmlElem = sXmlDoc.CreateElement("File"); SXmlRoot.AppendChild(xmlElem); xmlElem.SetAttribute("FileName", pair.Key); xmlElem.SetAttribute("MD5", pair.Value[0]); xmlElem.SetAttribute("Size", pair.Value[1]); } sXmlDoc.Save(savePath + "/VersionMD5.xml"); sXmlDoc = null; isDone = true; if (Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Zip")) { MyDebug.Log("删除本地资源文件夹"); Directory.Delete(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Zip", true); } DoneLoaded(); } else { string file = DicMD5UpdateName[0]; DicMD5UpdateName.RemoveAt(0); // Debug.Log("Decompress:" + file); DecompressFileLZMA(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Zip/" + file, Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + file); } }
private IEnumerator Request(string requestUrl, string dataString, string callback) { string error = null; if (GlobalConsts.EnableLogNetwork) { MyDebug.Log(string.Format("[Http] {0}/{1}", requestUrl, dataString)); } using (var www = new WWW(requestUrl, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dataString))) { yield return(www); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { error = www.error; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.text)) { error = "Receive data is Empty."; } else { //去掉结尾的 '\0' 字符 要不然会解析不出json 这个查了很多资料 //最终通过打印2进制数组一个一个字节对比才发现的 - -! //2018年12月10日:发现原来是否content-type 使用 "text/plain" 就不用了 //string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(www.bytes,0, www.bytes.Length - 1); string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(www.bytes, 0, www.bytes.Length); MyDebug.Log("[Http recv] " + json); JsonData netData = JsonMapper.ToObject(json); SendMessage(callback, netData); yield break; } } if (error == null) { error = "Empty responding contents"; } MyDebug.LogError("HTTP POST Error! Cmd:" + callback + " Error:" + error); //MyDebug.Log("进入游戏失败!服务器停机或维护。"); }
private string downloadPath; //应用下载链接 /** * 检测升级 */ public IEnumerator updateCheck() { WWW www = new WWW(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_JSON_URL); yield return(www); byte[] buffer = www.bytes; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { string returnxml = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); MyDebug.Log("returnxml = " + returnxml); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(returnxml); XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("versions/version"); foreach (XmlNode xmlNodeVersion in nodeList) { Version123 temp = new Version123(); temp.title = xmlNodeVersion.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText; temp.url = xmlNodeVersion.SelectSingleNode("url").InnerText; temp.note = xmlNodeVersion.SelectSingleNode("note").InnerText; temp.version = xmlNodeVersion.SelectSingleNode("versionname").InnerText; XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xmlNodeVersion; if (xe.GetAttribute("id") == "ios") { serviceVersionVo.ios = temp; serviceVersionVo.ios.url += "l=zh&mt=8"; } else if (xe.GetAttribute("id") == "android") { serviceVersionVo.Android = temp; } } compareVersion(); } else { TipsManager.getInstance().setTips("更新文件加载失败"); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Find a PlayerIndex, for a single player game if (!playerIndexSet || !prevState.IsConnected) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { PlayerIndex testPlayerIndex = (PlayerIndex)i; GamePadState testState = GamePad.GetState(testPlayerIndex); if (testState.IsConnected) { MyDebug.Log(string.Format("GamePad found {0}", testPlayerIndex)); playerIndex = testPlayerIndex; playerIndexSet = true; } } } state = GamePad.GetState(playerIndex); string text = "Use left stick to turn the cube\n"; text += string.Format("IsConnected {0} Packet #{1}\n", state.IsConnected, state.PacketNumber); text += string.Format("\tTriggers {0} {1}\n", state.Triggers.Left, state.Triggers.Right); text += string.Format("\tD-Pad {0} {1} {2} {3}\n", state.DPad.Up, state.DPad.Right, state.DPad.Down, state.DPad.Left); text += string.Format("\tButtons Start {0} Back {1}\n", state.Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Back); text += string.Format("\tButtons LeftStick {0} RightStick {1} LeftShoulder {2} RightShoulder {3}\n", state.Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder); text += string.Format("\tButtons A {0} B {1} X {2} Y {3}\n", state.Buttons.A, state.Buttons.B, state.Buttons.X, state.Buttons.Y); text += string.Format("\tSticks Left {0} {1} Right {2} {3}\n", state.ThumbSticks.Left.X, state.ThumbSticks.Left.Y, state.ThumbSticks.Right.X, state.ThumbSticks.Right.Y); GamePad.SetVibration(playerIndex, state.Triggers.Left, state.Triggers.Right); // Display the state information textObject.guiText.text = text; // Make the cube turn cubeAngle += state.ThumbSticks.Left.X * 25.0f * Time.deltaTime; cubeObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, cubeAngle, 0.0f); prevState = state; }
void OnProductDataResponse(GetProductDataResponse args) { string sku = string.Empty; string productType = string.Empty; string price = string.Empty; string title = string.Empty; string description = string.Empty; string smallIconUrl = string.Empty; string status = args.Status; string requestId = args.RequestId; Dictionary <string, ProductData> productDataMap = args.ProductDataMap; unavailableSkus = args.UnavailableSkus; /* * if(productDataMap != null) { * // for each item in the productDataMap you can get the following values for a given SKU * // (replace "sku" with the actual SKU) * sku = productDataMap["sku"].Sku; * productType = productDataMap["sku"].ProductType; * price = productDataMap["sku"].Price; * title = productDataMap["sku"].Title; * description = productDataMap["sku"].Description; * smallIconUrl = productDataMap["sku"].SmallIconUrl; * } */ string rdata = string.Format("R_ID: {0}\nStatus: {1}", requestId, status); MyDebug.Log("InAppManager::OnProductDataResponse => " + rdata); if (status.ToUpper().Equals("NOT_SUPPORTED")) { MarketPlaceNotSuported(); return; } isRestore = false; }
/// <summary> /// 加载头像 /// </summary> /// <returns>The image.</returns> private IEnumerator LoadImg() { if (avatarvo.account.headicon.IndexOf("http") == -1) { ShowOrDisShowHeadImage(1); headerIcon.sprite = GlobalDataScript.getInstance().headSprite; yield break; } if (FileIO.wwwSpriteImage.ContainsKey(avatarvo.account.headicon)) { ShowOrDisShowHeadImage(1); headerIcon.sprite = FileIO.wwwSpriteImage[avatarvo.account.headicon]; yield break; } //开始下载图片 WWW www = new WWW(avatarvo.account.headicon); yield return(www); //下载完成,保存图片到路径filePath if (www != null) { Texture2D texture2D = www.texture; byte[] bytes = texture2D.EncodeToPNG(); //将图片赋给场景上的Sprite Sprite tempSp = Sprite.Create(texture2D, new Rect(0, 0, texture2D.width, texture2D.height), new Vector2(0, 0)); ShowOrDisShowHeadImage(1); headerIcon.sprite = tempSp; FileIO.wwwSpriteImage.Add(avatarvo.account.headicon, tempSp); } else { MyDebug.Log("没有加载到图片"); } }
public void Continue() { CloseUI(); MyDebug.Log("GlobalDataScript.hupaiResponseVo.bAllGameEnd:" + GlobalDataScript.hupaiResponseVo.bAllGameEnd); if (GlobalDataScript.hupaiResponseVo.bAllGameEnd) { SocketEngine.Instance.SocketQuit(); MySceneManager.instance.BackToMain(); return; } SoundManager.Instance.PlaySoundBGM("clickbutton"); SoundManager.Instance.SetSoundV(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("SoundVolume", 1)); var cgu = new CMD_GF_UserReady { wChairID = (ushort)GlobalDataScript.loginResponseData.chairID, bReady = 1 }; var temp = NetUtil.StructToBytes(cgu); //SocketSendManager.Instance.SendData((int) GameServer.MDM_GF_FRAME, (int) MDM_GF_FRAME.SUB_GF_USER_READY, temp, // Marshal.SizeOf(cgu)); }
public static void LogState() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var language in Languages) { sb.Append(language + ", "); } MyDebug.Log(sb); sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var key in Localisations.Keys) { sb.Append(key + ": "); foreach (var value in Localisations[key]) { sb.Append(value + ","); } sb.AppendLine(); } MyDebug.Log(sb); }
private void CheckResponse(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) { int receivedFor = -1; string rId; string rData = string.Empty; if (e.IsPing) { MyDebug.Log("Ping Received"); return; } else if (e.IsText) { rData = e.Data; } else if (e.IsBinary && e.RawData != null) { rData = _encoding.GetString(e.RawData); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rData)) { return; } IDictionary data = (IDictionary)Json.decode(rData); if (null != data && data.Contains("rerquestId")) { rId = data["rerquestId"].ToString(); int.TryParse(rId, out receivedFor); if (receivedFor > 0) { QueueResponse(receivedFor, rData); return; } } MyDebug.Log("Recevied Unknown Data: {0}", rData); OnSocketReceivedUnknownData(rData); }
public void PlayClipData(Int16[] intArr) { if (intArr.Length == 0) { MyDebug.Log("get intarr clipdata is null"); return; } MyDebug.Log("PlayClipData"); //从Int16[]到float[] var samples = new float[intArr.Length]; const int rescaleFactor = 32767; for (int i = 0; i < intArr.Length; i++) { samples[i] = (float)intArr[i] / rescaleFactor; } SoundManager.Instance.GamePlayAudio.clip.SetData(samples, 0); SoundManager.Instance.GamePlayAudio.mute = false; SoundManager.Instance.GamePlayAudio.Play(); }
protected virtual void Parse(string str) { if (_count > 0) { return; } //MyDebug.Log("解析:" + fileName); string[] arrLine = str.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); _count = arrLine.Length; //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(arrLine[_count - 1]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrLine[_count - 1])) { _count--; //去掉配置最后一行空白 } arrCfg = new string[_count][]; for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++) { arrCfg[i] = arrLine[i].Split("\t"[0]); RestoreLanguage(arrCfg[i]); } //Debug.Log(fileName + ",count=" + _count + ",arrLine[0]" + arrLine[0]); dictHead = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int j = 0; j < arrCfg[0].Length; j++) { if (dictHead.ContainsKey(arrCfg[0][j])) { MyDebug.LogError("已经包含key:" + fileName + ",列=" + j + ",值=" + arrCfg[0][j]); return; } dictHead.Add(arrCfg[0][j], j); //if (fileName == "arena_data.txt") //{ // Debug.Log(j + "=" + arrCfg[0][j]); //} } MyDebug.Log("解析成功:" + fileName); ConfigManager.GetInstance().currCount++; }
public void number(int number) { SoundCtrl.getInstance().playSoundByActionButton(1); if (number == 100) { clear(); return; } MyDebug.Log(number.ToString()); if (inputChars.Count >= 6) { return; } inputChars.Add(number + ""); int index = inputChars.Count; inputTexts[index - 1].text = number.ToString(); if (index == inputTexts.Count) { sureRoomNumber(); } }
// public void ShowBanner(string adUnitId, AdPosition position = AdPosition.Bottom) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adUnitId)) { MyDebug.Log("GMAS::ShowBanner => Empty adUnitId not Allowed..."); if (this.OnBannerAdFailedToLoad != null) { this.OnBannerAdFailedToLoad.Invoke(adUnitId, ErrorCode.EmptyAdUnitID + " - "); } return; } this.IsHideBanner = false; if (!this.bannerViews.ContainsKey(adUnitId)) { this.RequestBanner(adUnitId, position); } else { this.bannerViews[adUnitId].Show(); this.HandleOnBannerAdLoaded(bannerViews[adUnitId], null); } }