public List <TagRegistrationDto> GetAll() { MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DbTools.SelectQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, ds.TagRegistration, UrgentAppQueries.TAGREGISTRATION_SELECT); List <TagRegistrationDto> lst = baseMapper.BindDataList <TagRegistrationDto>(ds.TagRegistration); return(lst); }
/// <summary> /// 判断是否有数据可打印 /// </summary> private bool HaveData() { if ( { SqlConnection connect = InitConnect.GetConnection(); MyDataSet data = new MyDataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand(); adapter.SelectCommand = select; adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = connect; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "PrintBookSale"; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date1", DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString()) > DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) ? DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) : DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString())); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date2", DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString()) < DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) ? DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) : DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString())); data.Clear(); adapter.Fill(data.book_sale); if (data.book_sale.DefaultView.Count != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { SqlConnection connect = InitConnect.GetConnection(); MyDataSet data = new MyDataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand(); adapter.SelectCommand = select; adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = connect; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "PrintCdSale"; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date1", DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString()) > DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) ? DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) : DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString())); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date2", DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString()) < DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) ? DateTime.Parse(this.date2.Value.ToShortDateString()) : DateTime.Parse(this.date1.Value.ToShortDateString())); data.Clear(); adapter.Fill(data.cd_sale); if (data.cd_sale.DefaultView.Count != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } }
public List <TagDto> GetAll() { MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DbTools.SelectQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, ds.Tag, Queries.TAG_SELECT); List <TagDto> lst = baseMapper.BindDataList <TagDto>(ds.Tag); return(lst); }
private void btnFill_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ds = new MyDataSet();// creating object of our own already created data set DepartmentsTableAdapter daDepts = new DepartmentsTableAdapter(); daDepts.Fill(ds.Departments); EmployeesTableAdapter daEmps = new EmployeesTableAdapter(); daEmps.Fill(ds.Employees); dgEmps.ItemsSource = ds.Employees.DefaultView; }
public List <PatientDto> GetAll() { MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DbTools.SelectQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, ds.Patient, UrgentAppQueries.PATIENT_SELECT); List <PatientDto> lst = baseMapper.BindDataList <PatientDto>(ds.Patient); return(lst); }
public TagDto GetById(int Id) { TagDto result = new TagDto(); MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DbTools.SelectQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, ds.Tag, string.Format(UrgentAppQueries.TAG_SELECT_BYID, Id)); result = baseMapper.BindData <TagDto>(ds.Tag); return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DateTime Desde = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["Desde"]); //DateTime Hasta = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["Hasta"]); //string operador = Request.QueryString["operador"]; //string descripcion = Request.QueryString["descripcion"]; string tarjeta = Request.QueryString["tarjeta"]; Class1 MyClass = new Class1(); MyDataSet DTS = MyClass.DatosTarjeta(tarjeta); string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("../Reports/DatosTarjeta.rpt"); CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.Load(ReportPath); CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDataSource(DTS); Reporte_Datos_Tarjeta.ReportSource = CrystalReportSource1; Reporte_Datos_Tarjeta.RefreshReport(); }
private TagRegistrationDto GetByPatientId(int patientId) { TagRegistrationDto result = new TagRegistrationDto(); MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DbTools.SelectQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, ds.TagRegistration, string.Format(UrgentAppQueries.TAGREGISTRATION_SELECT_BYPATIENTID, patientId)); result = baseMapper.BindData <TagRegistrationDto>(ds.TagRegistration); return(result); }
public void Delete(int patientId) { var check = GetByPatientId(patientId); if (check == null) { throw new ApplicationException(); } MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DbTools.ExecuteQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, string.Format(UrgentAppQueries.TAGREGISTRATION_DELETE_BYPATIENTID, patientId)); }
public MyDataSet DatosTarjeta(string IdTarjeta) { string sCadenaConexion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CadenaConexion"].ToString(); string sSQL = "SELECT Id_NoTarjeta,No_Pin,Nombre,PrimerApellido,SegundoApellido,NoSucursal,FechaOrdenImp,EstadoPin,Estado,Id_Matriz,Id_Lote,IdentificacionCliente,TipoIdentificacion,Id_Pais,Coord_Contrato FROM dbo.TLB_Tarjeta WHERE (dbo.TLB_Tarjeta.Id_NoTarjeta = '" + IdTarjeta + "')"; MyDataSet DTS = new MyDataSet(); try { SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sCadenaConexion); Adapter.Fill(DTS, "DatosTarjetas"); } catch (Exception excp) { throw excp; } return(DTS); }
// datos de banca movil public MyDataSet DatosClienteBmovil(string IdTarjeta) { string sCadenaConexion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CadenaConexion"].ToString(); string sSQL = "select ID_TARJETA,NUM_IDEPER,COD_TIPID,COD_PAEXID FROM sfn_GetClienteBMovil('" + IdTarjeta.Trim() + "')"; MyDataSet DTS = new MyDataSet(); try { SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sCadenaConexion); Adapter.Fill(DTS, "DatosClienteBMovil"); } catch (Exception excp) { throw excp; } return(DTS); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] MyDataModel value) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } var entity = new MyDataSet() { Description = value.Description }; _repo.Create(entity); _repo.SaveChanges(); return(Get(entity.Id)); }
/// <summary> /// 判断是否可打印顾客退还图书信息 /// </summary> private bool HaveBookReturnData() { SqlConnection connect = InitConnect.GetConnection(); MyDataSet data = new MyDataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from bookreturnme", connect); data.Clear(); adapter.Fill(data.book_return); if (data.book_return.DefaultView.Count != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // how you split up Col1 to get your list of int's dataset is up to you var myDataSet1 = new MyDataSet(new List <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })); Console.WriteLine(myDataSet1.GetHashCode()); var myDataSet2 = new MyDataSet(new List <int>(new int[] { 2, 1, 3 })); Console.WriteLine(myDataSet2.GetHashCode()); var myDataSet3 = new MyDataSet(new List <int>(new int[] { 3, 2, 1 })); Console.WriteLine(myDataSet3.GetHashCode()); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// 判断是否可打印光盘损坏 /// </summary> private bool HaveCdBadData() { SqlConnection connect = InitConnect.GetConnection(); MyDataSet data = new MyDataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from cdbadme", connect); data.Clear(); adapter.Fill(data.cd_bad); if (data.cd_bad.DefaultView.Count != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void Create(TagRegistrationDto tagRegistration) { MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; CheckForPKViolations(tagRegistration); string query = string.Format( UrgentAppQueries.TAGREGISTRATION_INSERT, tagRegistration.Id, tagRegistration.Tag_Id, tagRegistration.Patient_Id ); DbTools.ExecuteQuery( FireBirdConnection.Connection, query); }
public MyDataSet Reclamaciones(DateTime Desde, DateTime Hasta) { string sCadenaConexion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CadenaConexion"].ToString(); string date_format = "SET DATEFORMAT YMD "; string sSQL = date_format + "SELECT Fecha, Id_Transaccion, Usuario, Descripcion FROM TLB_Reclamacion WHERE (Fecha >= '" + Desde + "' AND Fecha <= '" + Hasta + "') ORDER BY Fecha"; MyDataSet DTS = new MyDataSet(); try { SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sCadenaConexion); Adapter.Fill(DTS, "TLB_Reclamacion"); } catch (Exception excp) { throw excp; } return(DTS); }
private void crysreportpenjualaneceran_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id =; MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); db_Form_Penjualan_EceranTableAdapter d = new db_Form_Penjualan_EceranTableAdapter(); db_BarangTableAdapter b = new db_BarangTableAdapter(); db_Detail_Form_Penjualan_EceranTableAdapter dt = new db_Detail_Form_Penjualan_EceranTableAdapter(); d.FillById(ds.db_Form_Penjualan_Eceran, id); b.FillByIdeceran(ds.db_Barang, id); dt.FillByid(ds.db_Detail_Form_Penjualan_Eceran, id); ReportClass rc = new formpenjualaneceran(); rc.SetDataSource(ds); this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rc; this.crystalReportViewer1.ToolPanelView = ToolPanelViewType.None; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new row to the DataSet Study Table (MyStudyTable) if the DicomDataSet StudyInstanceUID does not already exist /// </summary> /// <param name="ds">The Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that is being stored</param> /// <param name="instanceDataSet">The DataSet that contains the patient, study, series, and instance tables</param> /// <param name="updateExistentPatient">If 'true', update the existing patient with information from dicomDataSet</param> /// <param name="retrieveAe">retrieveAe">AE Title of the client doing the retrieval</param> private void FillStudiesData(DicomDataSet ds, MyDataSet instanceDataSet, bool updateExistentStudy, string retrieveAe) { string patientIdentification = ds.MyGetStringValue(DicomTag.PatientID, AutoTruncate, instanceDataSet.MyPatientTable.PatientIdentificationColumn.MaxLength); string studyInstanceUID = ds.MyGetStringValue(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, AutoTruncate, instanceDataSet.MyStudyTable.StudyStudyInstanceUIDColumn.MaxLength); if (null == studyInstanceUID) { return; } MyDataSet.MyStudyTableRow studyRow = null; DataRow[] rows = instanceDataSet.MyStudyTable.Select(string.Format("StudyStudyInstanceUID = '{0}'", studyInstanceUID)); MyDataSet.MyStudyTableRow[] studyRows = (MyDataSet.MyStudyTableRow[])rows; if (studyRows != null && studyRows.Length > 0) { studyRow = studyRows[0]; } bool studyFound = (null != studyRow); if (!studyFound) { studyRow = instanceDataSet.MyStudyTable.NewMyStudyTableRow(); studyRow.StudyPatientId = -1; // Fill this in later studyRow.StudyStudyInstanceUID = studyInstanceUID; instanceDataSet.MyStudyTable.AddMyStudyTableRow(studyRow); } else if (!updateExistentStudy) { return; } FillStudyInformation(studyRow, ds, instanceDataSet, patientIdentification, studyInstanceUID, retrieveAe, updateExistentStudy); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //TeleBancaWS.InformeConsultas[] TempIC = (TeleBancaWS.InformeConsultas[])Datos[1]; DateTime Desde = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["Desde"]); DateTime Hasta = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["Hasta"]); string por = Request.QueryString["por"]; string oper = Request.QueryString["oper"]; string serv = Request.QueryString["serv"]; Class1 MyClass = new Class1(); Desde.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt"); Hasta.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt"); MyDataSet DTS = MyClass.IContratodeServicios(Desde, Hasta, por, oper, serv); /*Para poder cargar el rpt, se tuvo que agregar en el HEAD de la pagina del reporte la sgte linea: * <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/crv.js"></script> * * Para poder agregarla tiene que estar la carpeta: aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319\crystalreportviewers13, en el proyecto * Casi siempre esta en el wwwroot del inetput del sistema operativo, en C:\ * */ ReportDocument reportContrato = new ReportDocument(); reportContrato.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Reports/ReporteContratos.rpt")); // se tuvo que modificar esta linea, porque como cargaba el rpt no funcionaba //reportContrato.SetParameterValue("Desde", Desde); reportContrato.SetDataSource(DTS); Reporte_Contrato.ReportSource = reportContrato; Reporte_Contrato.RefreshReport(); /*CODIGO ANTERIOR*/ //string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Reports/ReporteContratos.rpt"); //CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.Load(ReportPath); ////CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetParameterValue("Desde", Desde); //CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDataSource(DTS); //CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CrystalReportSource1; //CrystalReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); //C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\BT\Telebanca\Reports\ReporteContratos.rpt }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new row to the DataSet Study Table (MySeriesTable) if the DicomDataSet SeriesInstanceUID does not already exist /// </summary> /// <param name="ds">The Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that is being stored</param> /// <param name="instanceDataSet">The DataSet that contains the patient, study, series, and instance tables</param> /// <param name="updateExistentPatient">If 'true', update the existing patient with information from dicomDataSet</param> /// <param name="retrieveAe">retrieveAe">AE Title of the client doing the retrieval</param> private void FillSeriesData(DicomDataSet ds, MyDataSet instanceDataSet, bool updateExistentSeries, string retrieveAe) { // studyInstanceUID = GetStringValue(dicomDataSet, DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, AutoTruncate, instanceDataSet.Series.MaxLength); string seriesInstanceUID = ds.MyGetStringValue(DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID, AutoTruncate, instanceDataSet.MySeriesTable.SeriesSeriesInstanceUIDColumn.MaxLength); if (/* null == studyInstanceUID || */ null == seriesInstanceUID) { return; } // MyDataSet.SeriesRow seriesRow = instanceDataSet.Series.FindBySeriesInstanceUID(seriesInstanceUID); MyDataSet.MySeriesTableRow seriesRow = null; DataRow[] rows = instanceDataSet.MySeriesTable.Select(string.Format("SeriesSeriesInstanceUID = '{0}'", seriesInstanceUID)); MyDataSet.MySeriesTableRow[] seriesRows = (MyDataSet.MySeriesTableRow[])rows; if (seriesRows != null && seriesRows.Length > 0) { seriesRow = seriesRows[0]; } bool seriesFound = (null != seriesRow); if (!seriesFound) { seriesRow = instanceDataSet.MySeriesTable.NewMySeriesTableRow(); // seriesRow.StudyInstanceUID = studyInstanceUID; seriesRow.SeriesSeriesInstanceUID = seriesInstanceUID; instanceDataSet.MySeriesTable.AddMySeriesTableRow(seriesRow); } else if (!updateExistentSeries) { return; } FillSeriesInformation(seriesRow, ds, instanceDataSet, seriesInstanceUID, retrieveAe, updateExistentSeries); }
public MyDataSet OperacionesReversadas(DateTime Desde, DateTime Hasta) { string sCadenaConexion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CadenaConexion"].ToString(); string date_format = "SET DATEFORMAT YMD "; string sSQL = date_format + "SELECT * from dbo.TLB_OperacionesReversadas WHERE (FechaHora >= '" + Desde + "' and FechaHora <= '" + Hasta + "')"; MyDataSet DTS = new MyDataSet(); try { SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sCadenaConexion); Adapter.Fill(DTS, "TLB_OperacionesReversadas"); } catch (Exception excp) { throw excp; } return(DTS); }
public override void Create() { MyDataSet.WriteXmlSchema(DirPath + "\\" + BaseName + "_sheme.xsd");// запись схемы данных try { Conn.Open(); if (MyDataSet != null) { Cmd.CommandText = string.Format("if (db_id('{0}') is not null) DROP DATABASE [{0}] CREATE DATABASE [{0}] ", BaseName); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); foreach (DataTable tbl in MyDataSet.Tables) { Cmd.CommandText = string.Format("USE [{0}] CREATE TABLE {1} (", BaseName, tbl.TableName); foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { Cmd.CommandText += string.Format("[{0}] {1}, ", col.ColumnName, new SqlField(col).GenerateSql()); } Cmd.CommandText = Cmd.CommandText.Remove(Cmd.CommandText.Length - 2); Cmd.CommandText += string.Format(@")"); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } MessageBox.Show("DataBase (sql): " + BaseName + " has created Successfully", "MyProgram", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "MyProgram", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } finally { if (Conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { Conn.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new row to the DataSet Patient table (MyPatientTable) if the DicomDataSet PatientID does not already exist /// </summary> /// <param name="ds">The Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that is being stored</param> /// <param name="instanceDataSet">The DataSet that contains the patient, study, series, and instance tables</param> /// <param name="updateExistentPatient">If 'true', update the existing patient with information from dicomDataSet</param> /// <param name="retrieveAe">retrieveAe">AE Title of the client doing the retrieval</param> private void FillPatientData(DicomDataSet ds, MyDataSet instanceDataSet, bool updateExistentPatient, string retrieveAe) { string patientId = ds.MyGetStringValue(DicomTag.PatientID, AutoTruncate, instanceDataSet.MyPatientTable.PatientIdColumn.MaxLength); if (null == patientId) { return; } MyDataSet.MyPatientTableRow patientRow = null; DataRow[] rows = instanceDataSet.MyPatientTable.Select(string.Format("PatientIdentification = '{0}'", patientId)); MyDataSet.MyPatientTableRow[] patientRows = (MyDataSet.MyPatientTableRow[])rows; if (patientRows != null && patientRows.Length > 0) { patientRow = patientRows[0]; } bool patientFound = (null != patientRow); if (!patientFound) { patientRow = instanceDataSet.MyPatientTable.NewMyPatientTableRow(); patientRow.PatientIdentification = patientId; instanceDataSet.MyPatientTable.AddMyPatientTableRow(patientRow); } else if (!updateExistentPatient) { return; } FillPatientInformation(patientRow, ds, instanceDataSet, patientId, retrieveAe, updateExistentPatient); }
public MyDataSet TarjetasCalientes(DateTime Desde, DateTime Hasta, string Descripcion, string operador) { string oper; string Descr; if (Descripcion == "Todos") { Descr = "<>''"; } else { Descr = "='" + Descripcion + "'"; } if (operador == "") { oper = "<>''"; } else { oper = "='" + operador + "'"; } string sCadenaConexion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CadenaConexion"].ToString(); string date_format = "SET DATEFORMAT YMD "; string sSQL = date_format + "SELECT dbo.TLB_Tarjeta.Id_NoTarjeta AS Tarjeta, dbo.TLB_Tarjeta.IdentificacionCliente AS CI, dbo.TLB_Tarjeta.Nombre, dbo.TLB_Tarjeta.PrimerApellido AS Apellidos, dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Fecha, dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Usuario AS Operador, SUBSTRING(dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Descripcion, 13, 1) AS Descripcion FROM dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario INNER JOIN dbo.TLB_Tarjeta ON SUBSTRING(dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Descripcion, 2, 10) = dbo.TLB_Tarjeta.Id_NoTarjeta WHERE (dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Funcionalidad = 'Tarjeta Caliente') AND (dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Fecha >= '" + Desde + "' AND dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Fecha <= '" + Hasta + "') AND (dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Usuario " + oper + ") AND (SUBSTRING(dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Descripcion, 13, 1) " + Descr + ") ORDER BY dbo.TLB_AccionesUsuario.Fecha"; MyDataSet DTS = new MyDataSet(); try { SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sCadenaConexion); Adapter.Fill(DTS, "TarjetasCalientes"); } catch (Exception excp) { throw excp; } return(DTS); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the necessary table entries (MyPatient, MyStudy, MySeries, MyInstance) for a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet /// </summary> /// <param name="ds">The Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that is being stored.</param> /// <param name="referencedFileName">Full path to the DICOM file</param> /// <param name="retrieveAe">AE Title of the client doing the retrieval</param> /// <param name="images">Not used</param> /// <param name="updateExistentPatient">If true, overwrite an existing patient data.</param> /// <param name="updateExistentStudy">If true, overwrite any existing study data.</param> /// <param name="updateExistentSeries">If true, overwrite any existing series data.</param> /// <param name="updateExistentInstances">If true, overwrite an existing instance data.</param> /// <remarks> /// Table rows are overwritten based on the parameters: /// <list> /// <item>updateExistentPatient</item> /// <item>updateExistentStudy</item> /// <item>updateExistentSeries</item> /// <item>updateExistentInstances</item> /// </list> /// </remarks> public override void StoreDicom(DicomDataSet ds, string referencedFileName, string retrieveAe, ReferencedImages[] images, bool updateExistentPatient, bool updateExistentStudy, bool updateExistentSeries, bool updateExistentInstances ) { if (ds.IsHangingProtocolDataSet()) { return; } DataSet dataSetTemp = GetUpdateDataSet(ds, updateExistentPatient, updateExistentStudy, updateExistentSeries, updateExistentInstances); MyDataSet instanceDataSet = new MyDataSet(); instanceDataSet.Merge(dataSetTemp); MyDicomDataSetConvertor converter = new MyDicomDataSetConvertor(); converter.FillADONetDataSet(instanceDataSet, ds, referencedFileName, retrieveAe, updateExistentPatient, updateExistentStudy, updateExistentSeries, updateExistentInstances); UpdateCompositeInstance(instanceDataSet); }
private static void UpdatePatientDataset( MyDataSet updatingDataset, DbConnection updatingDbConnection, DbTransaction updatingTransaction, MyUpdateTableDelegate updateTable ) { try { updateTable(updatingDataset, updatingDbConnection, updatingTransaction, updatingDataset.MyPatientTable.TableName); } catch (Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception.Message); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); throw; } }
private void PrintWareSale_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)//初始化 { if (ware.Trim() == "图书") { SqlConnection connect = InitConnect.GetConnection(); MyDataSet data = new MyDataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand(); adapter.SelectCommand = select; adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = connect; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "PrintBookSale"; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date1", begindate); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date2", enddate); data.Clear(); adapter.Fill(data.book_sale); PrintBookSale booksale = new PrintBookSale(); booksale.SetDataSource(data); this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = booksale; } else { SqlConnection connect = InitConnect.GetConnection(); MyDataSet data = new MyDataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand select = new SqlCommand(); adapter.SelectCommand = select; adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = connect; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "PrintCdSale"; adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date1", begindate); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date2", enddate); data.Clear(); adapter.Fill(data.cd_sale); PrintCdSale cdsale = new PrintCdSale(); cdsale.SetDataSource(data); this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cdsale; } }
public MyDataSet ContratodeServicios(DateTime Desde, DateTime Hasta, string subcadena) { string sCadenaConexion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CadenaConexion"].ToString(); //Hasta = Hasta.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 11, 59, 59, 59)); Hasta = Hasta.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(11, 59, 59)); // especificada la hora hasta donde se hace el corte de las 12pm string date_format = "SET DATEFORMAT YMD "; string sSQL = date_format + "SELECT Usuario, Funcionalidad, Fecha, Descripcion FROM TLB_AccionesUsuario WHERE(Funcionalidad = 'Contratar Servicios') AND (Fecha >='" + Desde.Date + "' AND Fecha <= '" + Hasta + "')" + subcadena + " ORDER BY Fecha"; MyDataSet DTS = new MyDataSet(); try { SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sCadenaConexion); Adapter.Fill(DTS, "TLB_AccionesUsuario"); } catch (Exception excp) { throw excp; } return(DTS); }
public static DataSet Example() { var connectionDetails = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["MyDatabase"]; var providerName = connectionDetails.ProviderName; var connectionString = connectionDetails.ConnectionString; var dbFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName); var adapter = dbFactory.CreateDataAdapter(); // Fill var myDataSet = new MyDataSet(); var myTable = new MyDataSet.MyTableDataTable(); adapter.Fill(myTable); foreach (MyDataSet.MyTableRow myTableRow in myTable) { var id = myTableRow.Id; var name = myTableRow.Name; var isMale = myTableRow.IsMale; } // insert MyDataSet.MyTableRow newRow = myTable.NewMyTableRow(); newRow.Name = "Bobby McFroggy"; newRow.Id = 1; newRow.IsMale = true; myTable.AddMyTableRow(newRow); myTable.AddMyTableRow(2, "James Pond", true); adapter.Update(myTable); return(myDataSet); }
public static DataSet Example () { var connectionDetails = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["MyDatabase"]; var providerName = connectionDetails.ProviderName; var connectionString = connectionDetails.ConnectionString; var dbFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory (providerName); var adapter = dbFactory.CreateDataAdapter (); // Fill var myDataSet = new MyDataSet (); var myTable = new MyDataSet.MyTableDataTable (); adapter.Fill (myTable); foreach (MyDataSet.MyTableRow myTableRow in myTable) { var id = myTableRow.Id; var name = myTableRow.Name; var isMale = myTableRow.IsMale; } // insert MyDataSet.MyTableRow newRow = myTable.NewMyTableRow (); newRow.Name = "Bobby McFroggy"; newRow.Id = 1; newRow.IsMale = true; myTable.AddMyTableRow (newRow); myTable.AddMyTableRow (2, "James Pond", true); adapter.Update (myTable); return myDataSet; }
// 画面レイアウト void OnGUI() { if (_data == null) { // データの読み込み _data = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(DataPath, typeof(MyDataSet)) as MyDataSet; if(_data == null) { _data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyDataSet>() as MyDataSet; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(_data, DataPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // 要素の追加ボタン Color mainColor = GUI.color; GUI.color =; if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(20))) { MyData addData = new MyData(); MyData[] copy = new MyData[_data.list.Count]; Array.Copy(_data.list.ToArray(), copy, _data.list.Count); Array.Sort(copy, (MyData a, MyData b)=>{ return -; }); int newId = (copy!=null && copy.Length>0) ? copy[0].id : 0; // 最小のモンスターIDを探す for (int i=0; i<copy.Length; i++) { if (newId < copy[i].id) { break; } else { newId++; } } = newId; // データの追加 _data.list.Insert(newId, addData); } GUI.color = mainColor; // 要素のコピー GUI.color = (copyInstance==null) ? Color.white :; if (GUILayout.Button("copy", GUILayout.Width(50))) { if (selected != -1) { copyInstance = (MyData)_data.list[selected].Clone(); Debug.Log("copy : " + + " " +; } } GUI.color = mainColor; // 要素のペースト GUI.color = (copyInstance==null ? Color.white :; if (GUILayout.Button("paste", GUILayout.Width(50))) { if (selected != -1) { int pasteId = _data.list[selected].id; = pasteId; _data.list[selected] = copyInstance; Debug.Log("paste : " + + " " +; } } GUI.color = mainColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos); Color orgCol = GUI.backgroundColor; // 配置オブジェクトのリストを表示 if (_data != null && _data.list != null && _data.list.Count > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < _data.list.Count; i++) { orgCol = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor = _data.list[i].color;// 色設定 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool prev = i == selected; if (prev) GUI.backgroundColor = Color.magenta; bool flag = GUILayout.Toggle((i == selected), _data.list[i].id.ToString() + " : " + _data.list[i].name, "BoldLabel"); GUI.backgroundColor = orgCol; if (GUILayout.Button("Edit",GUILayout.Width(60))) { isEditMode = !isEditMode; selected = i;// 選択中にする } GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", GUILayout.Width(60))) { // 削除確認のダイアログ bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Remove", "Remove this object.", "OK", "Cancel"); if(result){ _data.list.RemoveAt(i); GUI.FocusControl(""); } } GUI.backgroundColor = orgCol; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (flag){ selected = i; // 編集モード if (isEditMode){ // TODO : 変数代入のエディタスクリプトを記述 int id_new = EditorGUILayout.IntField("\tid", _data.list[i].id); if (id_new != _data.list[i].id) { // すでにIDが使われていないかチェック if (_data.list.Find(a=> == null) _data.list[i].id = id_new; } _data.list[i].name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("\tname", _data.list[i].name); _data.list[i].image = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("\timage", _data.list[i].image, typeof(Texture2D), true) as Texture2D; _data.list[i].color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("\tcolor", _data.list[i].color); _data.list[i].type = (int)Enum.ToObject(typeof(MyData.Type), EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("\ttype", (MyData.Type)_data.list[i].type)); } } else{ // トグルを二度押ししたら非選択状態にする if (prev){ selected = -1; isEditMode = false; } } GUI.color = orgCol; } } // スクロールバー終了 GUILayout.EndScrollView(); // Apply Data ScriptableObject scriptable = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(DataPath, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject; EditorUtility.SetDirty(scriptable); }
public static global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetTypedTableSchema(global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs) { global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence(); MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any1 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny(); any1.Namespace = ""; any1.MinOccurs = new decimal(0); any1.MaxOccurs = decimal.MaxValue; any1.ProcessContents = global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax; sequence.Items.Add(any1); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any2 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny(); any2.Namespace = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1"; any2.MinOccurs = new decimal(1); any2.ProcessContents = global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax; sequence.Items.Add(any2); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute1 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute(); attribute1.Name = "namespace"; attribute1.FixedValue = ds.Namespace; type.Attributes.Add(attribute1); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute2 = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute(); attribute2.Name = "tableTypeName"; attribute2.FixedValue = "EmployeeDataTable"; type.Attributes.Add(attribute2); type.Particle = sequence; global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema dsSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable(); if (xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace)) { global::System.IO.MemoryStream s1 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream(); global::System.IO.MemoryStream s2 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream(); try { global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema = null; dsSchema.Write(s1); for (global::System.Collections.IEnumerator schemas = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator(); schemas.MoveNext(); ) { schema = ((global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema)(schemas.Current)); s2.SetLength(0); schema.Write(s2); if ((s1.Length == s2.Length)) { s1.Position = 0; s2.Position = 0; for (; ((s1.Position != s1.Length) && (s1.ReadByte() == s2.ReadByte())); ) { ; } if ((s1.Position == s1.Length)) { return type; } } } } finally { if ((s1 != null)) { s1.Close(); } if ((s2 != null)) { s2.Close(); } } } xs.Add(dsSchema); return type; }
public static global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetTypedDataSetSchema(global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs) { MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence(); global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny(); any.Namespace = ds.Namespace; sequence.Items.Add(any); type.Particle = sequence; global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema dsSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable(); if (xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace)) { global::System.IO.MemoryStream s1 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream(); global::System.IO.MemoryStream s2 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream(); try { global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema = null; dsSchema.Write(s1); for (global::System.Collections.IEnumerator schemas = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator(); schemas.MoveNext(); ) { schema = ((global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema)(schemas.Current)); s2.SetLength(0); schema.Write(s2); if ((s1.Length == s2.Length)) { s1.Position = 0; s2.Position = 0; for (; ((s1.Position != s1.Length) && (s1.ReadByte() == s2.ReadByte())); ) { ; } if ((s1.Position == s1.Length)) { return type; } } } } finally { if ((s1 != null)) { s1.Close(); } if ((s2 != null)) { s2.Close(); } } } xs.Add(dsSchema); return type; }