public bool add(Car entity) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"insert into t_c_carinfo(carid,num,createdate,createuser) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", entity.CarNO, entity.Num, entity.CreateDate, entity.CreateUser); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return db.ExecuteCommand(); }
protected void grdvw_List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { strSelectedId = grdvw_List.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Text; string strSql; strSql = "select * from t_M_AnalysisItemEx where id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; DataSet ds = new MyDataOp(strSql).CreateDataSet(); if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { strSql = "DELETE FROM t_M_AnalysisItemEx WHERE id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); if (mdo.ExecuteCommand()) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除成功!')", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除失败!')", true); } Query(); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('没有该项目类型,数据删除失败!!')", true); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool delete(string id) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"delete from t_c_outdetail where id='{0}'", id); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return(db.ExecuteCommand()); }
public bool update(Car entity) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"update t_c_carinfo set num='{0}',updatedate='{1}',updateuser='******' where carid='{3}'", entity.Num, entity.UpdateDate, entity.UpdateUser,entity.CarNO); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return db.ExecuteCommand(); }
public bool delete(string id) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"delete from t_c_carinfo where carid='{0}'", id); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return db.ExecuteCommand(); }
protected void grdvw_drawList_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { strSelectedId = grdvw_drawList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Text; strDrawId = grdvw_drawList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text; string namelist = grdvw_drawList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Text; string strSql; string[] deletelist = new string[4]; int i = 0; strSql = "DELETE FROM t_DrawSample WHERE id = '" + strDrawId + "'"; deletelist.SetValue(strSql, i++); strSql = "DELETE FROM t_DrawSampleDetail WHERE DrawID = '" + strDrawId + "'"; deletelist.SetValue(strSql, i++); strSql = "update t_MonitorItemDetail set flag=0,fxDanID=0 where fxDanID='" + strDrawId + "'"; deletelist.SetValue(strSql, i++); MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); if (mdo.DoTran(i, deletelist)) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除成功!')", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除失败!')", true); } string logstr = "insert into t_Y_LogInfo(functionid,LogMessage,LogDate,UserID)values('79','删除样品领用记录" + strSelectedId + strDrawId + namelist + "',getdate(),'" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "')"; mdo.ExecuteCommand(logstr); DrawList(); Query(); }
/// <summary> /// 更新 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool update(OutCar entity) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"update t_c_outinfo set carid='{0}',updatedate='{1}',updateuser='******',destn='{3}',remark='{4}',outstart='{5}',outend='{6}',driver='{7}' where id='{8}'", entity.CarNO, entity.UpdateDate, entity.UpdateUser, entity.Destn, entity.Remark, entity.OutStart, entity.OutEnd, entity.Driver, entity.ID); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return(db.ExecuteCommand()); }
/// <summary> /// 更新 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool update(Person entity) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"update t_c_outdetail set name='{0}',updatedate='{1}',updateuser='******',destn='{3}',remark='{4}' where id='{5}'", entity.Name, entity.CreateDate, entity.CreateUser, entity.Destn, entity.Remark, entity.ID); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return(db.ExecuteCommand()); }
/// <summary> /// 添加 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool add(Person entity) { string sqlstr = String.Format(@"insert into t_c_outdetail(name,destn,remark,createdate,createuser,outid) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')", entity.Name, entity.Destn, entity.Remark, entity.CreateDate, entity.CreateUser, entity.OutID); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); return(db.ExecuteCommand()); }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btn_OK.Text == "编辑") { AllTxtCanWrite(); btn_OK.Text = "确定"; lbl_Type.Text = "编辑"; } else { #region 当按钮文字为“确定”时,执行添加或编辑操作 if (txt_date.Text.Trim() == string.Empty || txt_ulog.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('信息填写不完整!');", true); return; } //添加新纪录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "添加") { string strSql = @"insert into t_R_UserLog (name,ulog,utime,dtime,uid) values('" + txt_name.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_ulog.Text.Trim() + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','" + txt_date.Text.Trim() + "','" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "')"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加失败!');", true); } Query(); } //编辑记录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "编辑") { string strSql = @"update t_R_UserLog set ulog='" + txt_ulog.Text.Trim() + "',dtime='" + txt_date.Text.Trim() + "' where id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据编辑失败!');", true); } //CleanAllText(); Query(); } #endregion } }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btn_OK.Text == "编辑") { AllTxtCanWrite(); btn_OK.Text = "确定"; lbl_Type.Text = "编辑"; } else { #region 当按钮文字为“确定”时,执行添加或编辑操作 //添加新纪录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "添加") { string strSql = @"insert into t_行业信息 (descs,code) values('" + txt_hy.Text + "','" + txt_hyCode.Text + "')"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加失败!');", true); } txt_hy.Text = ""; txt_hyCode.Text = ""; Query(); } //编辑记录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "编辑") { string strSql = @"update t_行业信息 set descs='" + txt_hy.Text + "',des='" + txt_hy.Text + "',code = '" + txt_hyCode.Text + "' where id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑失败!');", true); } txt_hy.Text = ""; txt_hyCode.Text = ""; Query(); } #endregion } }
void ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { string strSql, strTmp; strTmp = eventArgument; strSql = "update t_chart_type set line='" + linepoint + strTmp + "' where id=" + drop_List.SelectedValue + ""; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); mdo.ExecuteCommand(); }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strFlag = Verify(); if (strFlag != "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('" + strFlag + "');", true); } else { #region 添加新纪录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "添加") { string strSql = @"insert into t_操作员级别 (级别名称) values('" + txt_levelName.Text.Trim() + "')"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加失败!');", true); } } #endregion #region 编辑记录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "编辑") { string strSql = @"update t_操作员级别 set 级别名称='" + txt_levelName.Text.Trim() + "' where 级别='" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑失败!');", true); } } #endregion Query(); } }
protected void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strSql, strTmp; strTmp = ""; strSql = "update t_chart_type set line='" + strTmp + "' where id=" + drop_List.SelectedValue + ""; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); if (mdo.ExecuteCommand()) { btn_search_Click(null, null); Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('删除成功!');</script>"); } }
//审核 protected void btn_sh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btn_sh.Text == "编辑") { AllTxtCanWrite(); btn_sh.Text = "审核"; lbl_Type.Text = "审核"; } else { #region 当按钮文字为“确定”时,执行添加或编辑操作 //if (txt_date.Text.Trim()==string.Empty||txt_time1.Text.Trim() == string.Empty || txt_time2.Text.Trim() == string.Empty || txt_num.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) //{ // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('信息填写不完整!');", true); // return; //} //try //{ // double num = double.Parse(txt_num.Text); //} //catch { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('小时数必须为数值型!');", true); //} //string period = txt_time1.Text + "-" + txt_time2.Text; //编辑记录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "审核") { string strSql = @"update t_R_OTUserLog set flag='" + drop_flag.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',remark='" + txt_remark.Text + "',checkuser='******' ,checkdate=getdate() where id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据审核成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据审核失败!');", true); } //CleanAllText(); Query(); } #endregion } }
//保存 protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strFlag = Verify(); if (strFlag != "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('" + strFlag + "');", true); } else { #region 编辑记录 string strSql = ""; //判断是否为第一次保存 string selectidstr = "select * from t_Y_Detail where itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and flag='0' and statusid='9'"; DataSet dsid = new MyDataOp(selectidstr).CreateDataSet(); //编辑 if (dsid.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strSql = @"update t_Y_Detail set bz='" + txt_Remark_now.Text + "',CreateDate=getdate() where itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and statusid='9' and id='" + SelectedId + "'"; } //新加备注 else { strSql = @"insert into t_Y_Detail (itemid,statusid,userid,CreateDate,bz) values('" + strSelectedId + "','9','" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "',getdate(),'" + txt_Remark_now.Text + "')"; } MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLogY("编辑保存(" + strSelectedId + ")成功!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 9); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据保存成功!');", true); } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLogY("编辑保存(" + strSelectedId + ")失败!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 9); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据保存失败!');", true); } #endregion Query(); } }
protected void grdvw_List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { strSelectedId = grdvw_List.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[6].Text; string strSql; strSql = "DELETE FROM t_R_UserInfo WHERE id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); if (mdo.ExecuteCommand()) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除成功!')", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除失败!')", true); } Query(); }
protected void grdvw_List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { strSelectedId = grdvw_List.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text; //string strSql = "Delete from t_企业信息 where id='" + strSelectedId + "'"; string strSql = "update t_企业信息 set 启用 = '0' where id='" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool success = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (success) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除成功!')", true); Query(); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除失败!')", true); } }
/// <summary> /// 添加 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int add(OutCar entity) { int id = 0; string sqlstr = String.Format(@"insert into t_c_outinfo(carid,destn,remark,createdate,createuser,outstart,outend,driver) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}')", entity.CarNO, entity.Destn, entity.Remark, entity.CreateDate, entity.CreateUser, entity.OutStart, entity.OutEnd, entity.Driver); MyDataOp db = new MyDataOp(sqlstr); if (db.ExecuteCommand()) { db = null; string selectstr = String.Format(@"select * from t_c_outinfo where carid='{0}' and outstart='{1}' and outend='{2}'", entity.CarNO, entity.OutStart, entity.OutEnd); SqlDataReader sdr = new MyDataOp(selectstr).CreateReader(); while (sdr.Read()) { id = int.Parse(sdr["id"].ToString()); } } return(id); }
private void InsertRow(string insertFileName, string parentID, string allPath, string path, Stream file, string guid, string type) { byte[] bytelist = new byte[file.Length]; file.Read(bytelist, 0, int.Parse(file.Length.ToString())); string strsql = String.Format("insert into t_document(NAME,PARENTID,FILEPATH,SORT,TYPE,KEYWORDS,LINK,guid,cFileType) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}')", insertFileName, parentID, allPath, "", "1", this.TextBox_KeyWord.Text.Trim(), path, guid, type); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append(String.Format("insert into t_document(NAME,PARENTID,FILEPATH,SORT,TYPE,KEYWORDS,LINK,guid,cContent) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}',@content)", insertFileName, parentID, allPath, "", "1", this.TextBox_KeyWord.Text.Trim(), path, guid)); try { MyDataOp dbdo = new MyDataOp(strsql); if (dbdo.ExecuteCommandpara(bytelist, str)) { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('保存文件成功!'); window.location.href ='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } else { if (dbdo.ExecuteCommand()) { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('保存文件成功!'); window.location.href ='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } else { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('保存文件失败!'); window.location.href ='ExpertTree.aspx';</script></script>"); return; } } } catch (Exception msg) { } finally { } }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime pswdTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()); string strSql = "select * from t_R_UserInfo where UserID='" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "'"; DataSet ds = new MyDataOp(strSql).CreateDataSet(); if (txt_OrigPwd.Text.Trim() != ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PWD"].ToString()) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('原密码不正确!');", true); txt_OrigPwd.Text = ""; return; } if (txt_NewPwd.Text.Trim() != txt_RetypePwd.Text.Trim()) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('新密码与确认密码不匹配!');", true); txt_NewPwd.Text = ""; txt_RetypePwd.Text = ""; return; } strSql = "update t_R_UserInfo " + " set PWD='" + txt_NewPwd.Text.Trim() + "',PWDModifyTime = '" + pswdTime + "' where UserID='" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('密码修改成功!请重新登陆');parent.location='../login.aspx';", true); return; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('密码修改失败!');", true); return; } }
protected void btn_OKAnalysis_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txt_endtime.Text.Trim() == "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('请填写收到时间!');", true); } else if (txt_receivetime.Text.Trim() == "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('请填写装订时间!');", true); } else { #region 编辑记录 string strSql = @"update t_M_SampleInfor set ReportSignDate='" + txt_receivetime.Text.Trim() + "',StatusID=6,ReportBindDate='" + txt_endtime.Text.Trim() + "' where id='" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告装订中保存提交:" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")!成功", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 10); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑成功!');", true); } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告装订中保存提交:" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")!失败", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 10); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑失败!');", true); } #endregion } queryAnalysisItem(); }
void ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { string strSql, strTmp; strTmp = eventArgument; char[] sign = { ',' }; string[] arrstrPosition = strTmp.Split(sign); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < intPointSum; i++) { arrstrInfo[i][2] = arrstrPosition[j]; arrstrInfo[i][3] = arrstrPosition[j + 1]; j = j + 2; } for (int i = 0; i < intPointSum; i++) { strSql = "update t_chart_main set x=" + arrstrInfo[i][2] + ",y=" + arrstrInfo[i][3] + " where id='" + arrstrInfo[i][1] + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); mdo.ExecuteCommand(); } }
protected void grdvw_List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { strReportId = grdvw_List.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text; string strSql; strSql = "DELETE FROM t_Y_FlowInfo WHERE id= '" + strReportId + "'"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); if (mdo.ExecuteCommand()) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除成功!')", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收中删除样品信息" + txt_ReportID.Text.Trim() + "(" + strSelectedId + ")成功!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收中删除样品信息" + txt_ReportID.Text.Trim() + "(" + strSelectedId + ")失败!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('数据删除失败!')", true); } Query(); }
//删除目录 protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.TreeView1.SelectedNode == null) { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('请选择要删除的目录或文件!')</script>"); return; } string name = this.TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; int point = 0; point = name.LastIndexOf('.'); if (point > 0)//删除文件 (先删除文件再删除数据库中的信息) { string filePath = ""; string truePath = ""; string fileName = this.TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string path = this.ReturnPath(this.TreeView1.SelectedNode.Parent, ""); string str = String.Format("select * from t_document where FILEPATH like '%{0}'", path); try { ds = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { filePath = row["FILEPATH"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception msg) { //logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统删除文件,从数据库中读取信息时出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { if (ds != null) { ds.Dispose(); ds = null; } } if (filePath == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('数据库中没有文件路径!');</script>"); return; } else { try { truePath = filePath + "\\" + fileName; File.Delete(truePath); } catch (Exception msg) { // logExpert.writOperateLog("删除实际文件时出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "38"); Response.Write("<script>alert('删除文件时出错!');</script>"); return; } //删除数据库中的信息 string delstr = String.Format("delete from t_document where FILEPATH = '{0}'", truePath); MyDataOp dbdo = new MyDataOp(delstr); int i = 0; try { if (dbdo.ExecuteCommand()) { Response.Write("<script>alert('删除文件成功!');window.location.href='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('删除文件失败!');window.location.href='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } } catch (Exception msg) { //logExpert.writOperateLog("删除文件时删除数据库中信息时出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "38"); } finally { } } } else//删除目录 (先删除目录再删除数据库中的信息) { string directoryPath = ""; string parentID = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string path = this.ReturnPath(this.TreeView1.SelectedNode, ""); string str = String.Format("select * from t_document where FILEPATH like '%{0}'", path); try { ds = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { directoryPath = row["FILEPATH"].ToString(); parentID = row["ID"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception msg) { // logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统删除目录出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { if (ds != null) { ds.Dispose(); ds = null; } } if (directoryPath == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('数据库中没有目录路径!');</script>"); return; } else { try { Directory.Delete(directoryPath, true); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('删除目录时出错!');</script>"); return; } // 删除数据库中的信息 string delstr = String.Format("delete from t_document where FILEPATH like '{0}%'", directoryPath); MyDataOp dbdo = new MyDataOp(delstr); try { if (dbdo.ExecuteCommand()) { Response.Write("<script>alert('删除目录成功!');window.location.href='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('删除目录失败!');window.location.href='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } } catch (Exception msg) { //logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统删除目录出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { } } } }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btn_OK.Text == "编辑") { AllTxtCanWrite(); btn_OK.Text = "确定"; lbl_Type.Text = "编辑"; } else { #region 当按钮文字为“确定”时,执行添加或编辑操作 int num = 0; int dw = 0; int hours = 0; //if (txt_num.Text.Trim() != "") //{ // try // { // num = int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()); // } // catch // { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('请正确填写样品的有效性!');", true); // } // dw = rbl_dw.SelectedIndex; // if (dw == 0) // hours = num; // else // hours = num * 24; //} //添加新纪录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "添加") { string str = "select id,AIName from t_M_ANItemInf where AIName='" + txt_AIName.Text + "'"; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('已存在该分析项目!请直接在原有分析项目上修改信息!');", true); } else { string strSql = @"insert into t_M_ANItemInf (AIName,AICode,num,dw,hours) values('" + txt_AIName.Text + "','" + txt_AICode.Text + "','" + num + "','" + dw + "','" + hours + "')"; if (txt_AICode.Text.Trim() == "") { strSql = @"insert into t_M_ANItemInf (AIName,num,dw,hours) values('" + txt_AIName.Text + "','" + num + "','" + dw + "','" + hours + "')"; } MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { //string strc = "select id,AIName from t_M_ANItemInf where AIName='" + txt_AIName.Text + "'"; //DataSet dsc= new MyDataOp(strc).CreateDataSet(); //strSelectedId = dsc.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim(); //string[] strlist = new string[cbl_Method.Items.Count+1]; //int j=0; //strlist.SetValue("delete from t_M_AIStandard where AIID='"+strSelectedId+"'", j++); //for (int i = 0; i < cbl_Method.Items.Count; i++) //{ // if (cbl_Method.Items[i].Selected) // { // string temp = " insert into t_M_AIStandard(AIID,Standardid,Standard)valuse('"+strSelectedId+"','"+cbl_Method.Items[i].Value.ToString().Trim()+"','"+cbl_Method.Items[i].Text.Trim()+"')"; // strlist.SetValue(temp, j++); // } //} //if (j > 0) //{ // if (mdo.DoTran(j, strlist)) // { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据添加成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据添加失败!');", true); } // } //} //else //{ // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据添加失败!');", true); //} txt_AIName.Text = ""; txt_AICode.Text = ""; Query(); } } //编辑记录 if (lbl_Type.Text == "编辑") { string str = "select id,AIName from t_M_ANItemInf where AIName='" + txt_AIName.Text + "' and id!='" + strSelectedId + "'"; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('已存在同名称的分析项目!请直接在原有分析项目上修改信息!');", true); } else { string strSql = @"update t_M_ANItemInf set AIName='" + txt_AIName.Text + "',AICode = '" + txt_AICode.Text + "',num='" + num + "',dw='" + dw + "',hours='" + hours + "' where id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; if (txt_AICode.Text.Trim() == "") { strSql = @"update t_M_ANItemInf set AIName='" + txt_AIName.Text + "',AICode = null,num='" + num + "',dw='" + dw + "',hours='" + hours + "' where id = '" + strSelectedId + "'"; } MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(strSql); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { //string strc = "select id,AIName from t_M_ANItemInf where AIName='" + txt_AIName.Text + "'"; //DataSet dsc = new MyDataOp(strc).CreateDataSet(); //strSelectedId = dsc.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim(); //string[] strlist = new string[cbl_Method.Items.Count + 1]; //int j = 0; //strlist.SetValue("delete from t_M_AIStandard where AIID='" + strSelectedId + "'", j++); //for (int i = 0; i < cbl_Method.Items.Count; i++) //{ // if (cbl_Method.Items[i].Selected) // { // string temp = " insert into t_M_AIStandard(AIID,Standardid,Standard)values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + cbl_Method.Items[i].Value.ToString().Trim() + "','" + cbl_Method.Items[i].Text.Trim() + "')"; // strlist.SetValue(temp, j++); // } //} //if (j > 0) //{ // if (mdo.DoTran(j, strlist)) // { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('分析项目编辑成功!');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('分析项目编辑失败!');", true); } // } //} //else //{ // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "hiddenDetail();alert('数据编辑失败!');", true); //} txt_AIName.Text = ""; txt_AICode.Text = ""; Query(); } } #endregion } }
protected void btn_OKAnalysis_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string retstr = ""; List <string> namelist = new List <string>(); namelist = getnum(lbl_sample.Text, ref retstr); if (retstr != "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('" + retstr + "');", true); return; } int sampleNum = namelist.Count;; //自动通过样品编号计算 if (sampleNum == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品编号不符合规定!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品编号不符合规定!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); } else { try { if (int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()) != sampleNum) { if (int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()) != 0) { sampleNum = int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品编号不符合规定!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品编号不符合规定!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); return; } } else { int selectnum = 0; string str = ""; int M = cb_analysisList.Items.Count; string[] liststr = new string[M + 1 + M * sampleNum]; int i = 0; //更新样品单表 liststr.SetValue("update t_M_SampleInfor set snum='" + sampleNum + "' where id='" + strSelectedId + "'", i++); foreach (ListItem LI in cb_analysisList.Items) { if (LI.Selected) { selectnum++; //分析项目表 str = "select MonitorItem from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "' "; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { str = "insert into t_M_MonitorItem(SampleID,MonitorItem,Num) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + LI.Value + "','" + sampleNum + "')"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } else { str = "update t_M_MonitorItem set Num='" + sampleNum + "' where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "'"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } dscheck.Dispose(); //string strcheckup = "Delete from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "' "; //liststr.SetValue(strcheckup, i++); for (int j = 0; j < sampleNum; j++) { string strcheck = "select SampleNo,SampleID from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleNo='" + namelist[j] + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "' "; DataSet dsdetialcheck = new MyDataOp(strcheck).CreateDataSet(); DataRow[] seldr = dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Select(" SampleID<>'" + strSelectedId + "'"); if (seldr.Length <= 0) { DataRow[] checkdr = dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Select(" SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "'"); if (checkdr.Length <= 0) { str = "insert into t_MonitorItemDetail(SampleID,MonitorItem,SampleNo,createdate,createuser) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + LI.Value + "','" + namelist[j] + "',getdate(),'" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "')"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品重复,请检查!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品重复,请检查!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); return; } } } else { str = "select MonitorItem from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "' "; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { str = "delete from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "'"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); string strcheckup = "Delete from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "'"; liststr.SetValue(strcheckup, i++); } dscheck.Dispose(); } } if (selectnum == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('请选择分析项目!');", true); return; } else { MyDataOp OpObj = new MyDataOp(str); if (OpObj.DoTran(i, liststr)) { bool detailret = true; if (txt_own.Text.Trim() != "") { string strown = txt_own.Text.Trim(); string[] strlist = strown.Split(',', ','); string[] liststr2 = new string[strlist.Length + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < strlist.Length; j++) { if (strlist[j].ToString().Trim() != "") { str = "select id,AIName from t_M_AnalysisItem where AIName='" + strlist[j].ToString() + "'"; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { str = "insert into t_M_MonitorItem(SampleID,MonitorItem,Num) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "','" + sampleNum + "')"; liststr2.SetValue(str, i++); for (int m = 0; m < sampleNum; m++) { string strcheck = "select SampleNo,SampleID from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleNo='" + namelist[m] + "' and MonitorItem='" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "' "; DataSet dsdetialcheck = new MyDataOp(strcheck).CreateDataSet(); DataRow[] seldr = dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Select(" SampleID<>'" + strSelectedId + "'"); if (seldr.Length <= 0) { DataRow[] checkdr = dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Select(" SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "'"); if (checkdr.Length <= 0) { str = "insert into t_MonitorItemDetail(SampleID,MonitorItem,SampleNo,createdate,createuser) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "','" + namelist[m] + "',getdate(),'" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "')"; liststr2.SetValue(str, i++); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品重复,请检查!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品重复,请检查!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); return; } } //for (int m = 0; m < sampleNum; m++) //{ // string strcheck = "select SampleNo,SampleID from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleNo='" + namelist[m] + "' and SampleID!='" + strSelectedId + "'"; // DataSet dsdetialcheck = new MyDataOp(strcheck).CreateDataSet(); // if (dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) // { // string strcheckup = "Delete from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "'"; // liststr2.SetValue(strcheckup, i++); // str = "insert into t_MonitorItemDetail(SampleID,MonitorItem,SampleNo) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "','" + namelist[m] + "')"; // liststr2.SetValue(str, i++); // } // else // { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品编号不能重复!');", true); // Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品编号不能重复!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); // return; // } //} } else { str = @"insert into t_M_AnalysisItem (ClassID,AIName,AICode) values('1','" + strlist[j] + "','" + strlist[j] + "')"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(str); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { DataSet myDR = new MyDataOp("select id from t_M_AnalysisItem where AIName='" + strlist[j] + "'").CreateDataSet(); if (myDR.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string itemname = myDR.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); myDR.Dispose(); str = @"insert into t_M_MonitorItem (SampleID,MonitorItem,Num,UserID,CreateDate) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + itemname + "','" + sampleNum + "','" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "',getdate())"; liststr2.SetValue(str, i++); for (int m = 0; m < sampleNum; m++) { string strcheck = "select SampleNo,SampleID from t_MonitorItemDetail where SampleNo='" + namelist[m] + "' and MonitorItem='" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "' "; DataSet dsdetialcheck = new MyDataOp(strcheck).CreateDataSet(); DataRow[] seldr = dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Select(" SampleID<>'" + strSelectedId + "'"); if (seldr.Length <= 0) { DataRow[] checkdr = dsdetialcheck.Tables[0].Select(" SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "'"); if (checkdr.Length <= 0) { str = "insert into t_MonitorItemDetail(SampleID,MonitorItem,SampleNo,createdate,createuser) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "','" + namelist[m] + "',getdate(),'" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "')"; liststr2.SetValue(str, i++); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品重复,请检查!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品重复,请检查!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); return; } } } } } dscheck.Dispose(); } } MyDataOp OpObj2 = new MyDataOp(str); detailret = OpObj.DoTran(i, liststr); } if (detailret) { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收添加分析项目" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")成功!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据保存成功!');", true); DataBindAll(); txt_own.Text = ""; } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收添加分析项目" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")失败!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据保存失败!');", true); } } } } } catch { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品编号不符合规定!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品编号不符合规定!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); } Query(); } }
protected void btn_upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str1 = "select * from t_M_ReporInfo where id='" + strSelectedId + "' and ReportAddress is Null"; DataSet dss = new MyDataOp(str1).CreateDataSet(); if (dss.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { bool fileOK = false; string path = filedirectory; if (FileUpload1.FileName != "") { String fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName).ToLower(); String[] allowedExtensions = { ".doc", ".xls" }; for (int i = 0; i < allowedExtensions.Length; i++) { if (fileExtension == allowedExtensions[i]) { fileOK = true; } } if (fileOK) { string pathstr = path + "\\Report\\" + FileUpload1.FileName; try { FileUpload1.SaveAs(pathstr); LabMessage1.Text = "文件上传成功."; LabMessage2.Text = "<b>原文件路径:</b>" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + "<br />" + "<b>文件大小:</b>" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength + "字节<br />" + "<b>文件类型:</b>" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType + "<br />"; string savestr = "update t_M_ReporInfo set ReportAddress='" + pathstr + "', ReportUploadDate=getdate(),fileflag=1 where id='" + strSelectedId + "'"; MyDataOp doobj = new MyDataOp(savestr); if (doobj.ExecuteCommand()) { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告编制中上传报告:(" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + ")成功! " + LabMessage2.Text, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 6); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "window.alert('文件上传成功!');window.opener.location.href = '" + filestr + "';if(window.opener.progressWindow)window.opener.progressWindow.close();window.close();", true); } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告编制中上传报告:(" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + ")文件上传成功!路径保存失败! " + LabMessage2.Text, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 6); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('文件上传成功!路径保存失败!')", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告编制中上传报告:(" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + ")!存在异常: " + ex.Message.ToString(), Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 6); LabMessage1.Text = "文件上传不成功."; } } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告编制中上传报告:(" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + ")!存在异常: 只能够Word和Excel文件.", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 6); LabMessage1.Text = "只能够Word和Excel文件."; } } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告编制中上传报告:(" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + ")!存在异常: 没有要上传的文件.", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 6); LabMessage1.Text = " 没有要上传的文件."; } string str = "select id,ReportNumber 报告编号,ReportUploadDate 报告上传日期,ReportAddress 报告地址 from t_M_ReporInfo where id='" + strSelectedId + "' and fileflag=1"; DataSet ds = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); GridView_Report.DataSource = ds; GridView_Report.DataBind(); } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("报告编制中上传报告:(" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName + ")已存在同名样品的报告文档! " + LabMessage2.Text, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 6); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('已存在改报告的监测报告文档!')", true); } dss.Dispose(); }
protected void btn_SampleSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string retstr = ""; List <string> namelist = new List <string>(); namelist = getnum(lbl_sample.Text, ref retstr); if (retstr != "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('" + retstr + "');", true); return; } int sampleNum = namelist.Count;; //自动通过样品编号计算 try { if (int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()) != sampleNum) { if (int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()) != 0) { sampleNum = int.Parse(txt_num.Text.Trim()); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品编号不符合规定!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品编号不符合规定!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); } } string str = ""; int M = cb_analysisList.Items.Count; string[] liststr = new string[M + 1]; int i = 0; liststr.SetValue("update t_M_SampleInfor set snum='" + sampleNum + "' where id='" + strSelectedId + "'", i++); foreach (ListItem LI in cb_analysisList.Items) { if (LI.Selected) { str = "select MonitorItem from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "' "; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { str = "insert into t_M_MonitorItem(SampleID,MonitorItem,Num) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + LI.Value + "','" + sampleNum + "')"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } else { str = "update t_M_MonitorItem set Num='" + sampleNum + "' where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "'"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } dscheck.Dispose(); } else { str = "select MonitorItem from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "' "; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { str = "delete from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "' and MonitorItem='" + LI.Value + "'"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } dscheck.Dispose(); } } if (txt_own.Text.Trim() != "") { string strown = txt_own.Text.Trim(); string[] strlist = strown.Split(',', ','); for (int j = 0; j < strlist.Length; j++) { if (strlist[j].ToString().Trim() != "") { str = "select id,AIName from t_M_AnalysisItem where AIName='" + strlist[j].ToString() + "'"; DataSet dscheck = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (dscheck.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { str = "insert into t_M_MonitorItem(SampleID,MonitorItem,Num) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + dscheck.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + "','" + sampleNum + "')"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } else { str = @"insert into t_M_AnalysisItem (ClassID,AIName,AICode) values('1','" + strlist[j] + "','" + strlist[j] + "')"; MyDataOp mdo = new MyDataOp(str); bool blSuccess = mdo.ExecuteCommand(); if (blSuccess == true) { DataSet myDR = new MyDataOp("select id from t_M_AnalysisItem where AIName='" + strlist[j] + "'").CreateDataSet(); if (myDR.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string itemname = myDR.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); myDR.Dispose(); str = @"insert into t_M_MonitorItem (SampleID,MonitorItem,Num,UserID,CreateDate) values('" + strSelectedId + "','" + itemname + "','" + sampleNum + "','" + Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString() + "',getdate())"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); } } } dscheck.Dispose(); } } } str = "select * from t_M_MonitorItem where SampleID='" + strSelectedId + "'"; DataSet ds = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { str = "update t_M_SampleInfor set StatusID=1 where id='" + strSelectedId + "'"; liststr.SetValue(str, i++); MyDataOp OpObj = new MyDataOp(str); if (OpObj.DoTran(i, liststr)) { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收添加分析项目" + lbl_sample.Text + "(" + strSelectedId + ")成功!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据保存成功!');", true); DataBindAll(); txt_own.Text = ""; } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收添加分析项目" + lbl_sample.Text + "(" + strSelectedId + ")失败!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('数据保存失败!');", true); } ds.Dispose(); } else { WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收添加分析项目" + lbl_sample.Text + "(" + strSelectedId + ")未保存分析项目时提交!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('请添加分析项目!再提交');", true); } } catch { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('样品编号不符合规定!');", true); WebApp.Components.Log.SaveLog("样品接收编辑样品" + strSampleId + "(" + strSelectedId + ")样品编号不符合规定!!", Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["u_id"].ToString(), 5); } Query(); //queryAnalysisItem(); }
//添加目录 protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.TreeView1.SelectedNode == null) { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('请选择要添加到哪个目录!')</script>"); return; } if (this.TextBox_Catalog.Text == "") { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('目录名不能为空!')</script>"); return; } string name = this.TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; int point = 0; point = name.LastIndexOf('.'); //所选的是文件 if (point > 0) { string directoryPath = ""; string parentID = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string path = this.ReturnPath(this.TreeView1.SelectedNode.Parent, ""); string str = String.Format("select * from t_document where FILEPATH like '%{0}'", path); try { ds = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { directoryPath = row["FILEPATH"].ToString(); parentID = row["ID"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception msg) { //logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统添加目录,保存实际目录路径时出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { if (ds != null) { ds.Dispose(); ds = null; } } if (directoryPath == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('数据库中没有目录路径!');</script>"); return; } else { if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { string newPath = directoryPath + "\\" + this.TextBox_Catalog.Text; //判断是否有同名的文件夹 if (!this.IsSameFolder(newPath)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('已存在该文件夹')</script>"); return; } Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath); //添加到数据库 string strCommand = String.Format("insert into t_document(ID,NAME,PARENTID,FILEPATH,SORT,TYPE,KEYWORDS) values(expertinfor_id.nextval,'{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')" , this.TextBox_Catalog.Text, parentID, newPath, "", "", "", ""); MyDataOp dbdo = new MyDataOp(strCommand); int i = 0; try { if (dbdo.ExecuteCommand()) { } else { }; } catch (Exception msg) { // logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统添加目录,保存目录路径等信息到数据库出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { } if (i > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加目录成功!');window.location.href='left.aspx';</script>"); return; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加目录失败!');window.location.href='left.aspx';</script>"); return; } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('服务器上没有该目录!');</script>"); return; } } } else//选的是文件夹 { string directoryPath = ""; string parentID = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string path = this.ReturnPath(this.TreeView1.SelectedNode, ""); string str = String.Format("select * from t_document where FILEPATH like '%{0}'", path); try { ds = new MyDataOp(str).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { directoryPath = row["FILEPATH"].ToString(); parentID = row["ID"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception msg) { //logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统添加文件,从数据库中读取信息时出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { if (ds != null) { ds.Dispose(); ds = null; } } if (directoryPath == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('数据库中没有目录路径!');</script>"); return; } else { if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { string newPath = directoryPath + "\\" + this.TextBox_Catalog.Text; //判断是否有同名的文件夹 if (!this.IsSameFolder(newPath)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('已存在该文件夹')</script>"); return; } Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath); //添加到数据库 string strCommand = String.Format("insert into t_document(NAME,PARENTID,FILEPATH,SORT,TYPE,KEYWORDS) values('{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')" , this.TextBox_Catalog.Text, parentID, newPath, "", "", "", ""); try { MyDataOp dbdo = new MyDataOp(strCommand); if (dbdo.ExecuteCommand()) { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加目录成功!');window.location.href='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加目录失败!');window.location.href='ExpertTree.aspx';</script>"); return; } } catch (Exception msg) { //logExpert.writOperateLog("专家系统添加文件,保存文件路径等信息到数据库出错" + msg.Message, Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["UserID"].ToString(), "0001"); } finally { } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('服务器上没有该目录!');</script>"); return; } } } }