        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a bew asteroid ring shape from a MyPlanetRingItem.
        /// A ring has a radius, a rotation and a width.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ring">The ring to create a shape representation for.</param>
        /// <returns>An AsteroidRingShape representing the given ring in worldspace</returns>
        public static MyAsteroidObjectShapeRing CreateFromRingItem(MyAsteroidRingData ring)
            MyAsteroidObjectShapeRing shape = new MyAsteroidObjectShapeRing();

            shape.center   = ring.CenterPosition;
            shape.radius   = ring.Radius;
            shape.width    = ring.Width;
            shape.height   = ring.Height;
            shape.rotation = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
            shape.normal   = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);

            double angleZ = 2 * Math.PI / 360 * (ring.AngleDegrees.Z);
            double angleY = 2 * Math.PI / 360 * (ring.AngleDegrees.Y);
            double angleX = 2 * Math.PI / 360 * (ring.AngleDegrees.X);

            //shape.rotation.X = Math.Cos(angleZ);
            //shape.rotation.Y = Math.Sin(angleZ);
            MatrixD mx = MatrixD.CreateRotationX(angleX);
            MatrixD my = MatrixD.CreateRotationY(angleY);
            MatrixD mz = MatrixD.CreateRotationZ(angleZ);

            MatrixD.Multiply(ref mx, ref my, out MatrixD mxy);
            MatrixD.Multiply(ref mxy, ref mz, out MatrixD mxyz);

            Vector3D.Rotate(ref shape.rotation, ref mxyz, out Vector3D newRotation);
            Vector3D.Rotate(ref shape.normal, ref mxyz, out Vector3D newNormal);
            shape.rotation = Vector3D.Normalize(newRotation);
            shape.normal   = Vector3D.Normalize(newNormal);

            shape.worldMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(shape.center, shape.rotation, shape.normal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Asteroid data generated from the gui elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The asteroid ring data generated</returns>
        private MyAsteroidRingData GetAsteroidDataFromGui()
            Vector3D center;

            if (m_currentSelectedAsteroid == null)
                if (m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
                var selected = m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems[m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems.Count - 1];
                center = (selected.UserData as MySystemObject).CenterPosition + m_offset;
                center = m_currentSelectedAsteroid.CenterPosition;

            MyAsteroidRingData ring = new MyAsteroidRingData();

            ring.CenterPosition = center;
            ring.Width          = m_widthSlider.Value * 1000;
            ring.Height         = m_heightSlider.Value * 1000;
            ring.Radius         = m_radiusSlider.Value * 1000;
            ring.AngleDegrees   = new Vector3D(m_angleXSlider.Value, m_angleYSlider.Value, m_angleZSlider.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the visual representaion of the current ring edited in the spawn menu
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateRingVisual(MyAsteroidRingData ring)
            if (ring == null)

            var shape = MyAsteroidObjectShapeRing.CreateFromRingItem(ring);


            MyPluginDrawSession.Static.AddRenderObject(PREVIEW_RENDER_ID, new RenderHollowCylinder(shape.worldMatrix, (float)shape.radius + (float)shape.width, (float)shape.radius, (float)shape.height, Color.LightGreen.ToVector4(), (float)shape.radius / 200f));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an asteroid ring from the current slider values in the spawn menu
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The generated system ring data</returns>
        private MyAsteroidRingData GenerateAsteroidRing()
            if (m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
            var            selected = m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems[m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems.Count - 1];
            MySystemObject parent   = selected.UserData as MySystemObject;

            MyAsteroidRingData ring = new MyAsteroidRingData();

            ring.CenterPosition = parent.CenterPosition + m_offset;
            ring.Width          = m_widthSlider.Value * 1000;
            ring.Height         = m_heightSlider.Value * 1000;
            ring.Radius         = m_radiusSlider.Value * 1000;
            ring.AngleDegrees   = new Vector3D(m_angleXSlider.Value, m_angleYSlider.Value, m_angleZSlider.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the whole data for the currently edited asteroid ring from the values in the spawn menu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ringData">The out value for the ring data</param>
        /// <param name="systemObject">The out value for the system object</param>
        private void GenerateAsteroidData(out MyAsteroidRingData ringData, out MySystemAsteroids systemObject)
            if (m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
                ringData     = null;
                systemObject = null;
            var           selectedParent = m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems[m_parentObjectListBox.SelectedItems.Count - 1];
            var           parentItem     = selectedParent.UserData as MySystemObject;
            StringBuilder name           = new StringBuilder();


            systemObject = new MySystemAsteroids();
            systemObject.AsteroidTypeName = MyAsteroidRingProvider.Static.GetTypeName();
            systemObject.CenterPosition   = parentItem.CenterPosition + m_offset;
            systemObject.AsteroidSize     = new MySerializableMinMax((int)m_asteroidSizesSlider.CurrentMin, (int)m_asteroidSizesSlider.CurrentMax);
            systemObject.DisplayName      = name.ToString();
            systemObject.ParentId         = parentItem.Id;

            ringData = GenerateAsteroidRing();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets all slider values to reflect the instance asteroid object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">The instance of the asteroid object</param>
        private void SetSliderValues(MySystemAsteroids instance)
            if (instance.AsteroidTypeName != MyAsteroidRingProvider.TYPE_NAME)
            MyAsteroidRingData data = MyAsteroidRingProvider.Static.GetInstanceData(instance) as MyAsteroidRingData;
            var planet = m_fetchedStarSytem.GetObjectById(instance.ParentId) as MySystemPlanet;

            if (planet == null)
                var settings = MySettingsSession.Static.Settings.GeneratorSettings;

                m_radiusSlider.MinValue = settings.MinMaxOrbitDistance.Min / 1000;
                m_radiusSlider.MaxValue = settings.WorldSize < 0 ? int.MaxValue / 1000 : settings.WorldSize / 1000;
                m_radiusSlider.Value    = m_radiusSlider.MinValue + (m_radiusSlider.MaxValue - m_radiusSlider.MinValue) / 2;
                m_radiusSlider.Enabled  = true;

                m_widthSlider.MinValue = settings.MinMaxOrbitDistance.Min / 2000;
                m_widthSlider.MaxValue = settings.MinMaxOrbitDistance.Max / 1000;
                m_widthSlider.Value    = m_widthSlider.MinValue + (m_widthSlider.MaxValue - m_widthSlider.MinValue) / 2;
                m_widthSlider.Enabled  = true;

                m_heightSlider.MinValue = m_widthSlider.MinValue / 10;
                m_heightSlider.MaxValue = m_widthSlider.MaxValue / 10;
                m_heightSlider.Value    = m_heightSlider.MinValue + (m_heightSlider.MaxValue - m_heightSlider.MinValue) / 2;
                m_heightSlider.Enabled  = true;

                m_asteroidSizesSlider.Enabled = true;
                m_asteroidSizesSlider.SetValues(32, 1024);

                m_angleXSlider.Enabled = true;
                m_angleXSlider.Value   = 0;
                m_angleYSlider.Enabled = true;
                m_angleYSlider.Value   = 0;
                m_angleZSlider.Enabled = true;
                m_angleZSlider.Value   = 0;


            m_radiusSlider.MinValue = (int)planet.Diameter / 1000 * 0.75f;
            m_radiusSlider.MaxValue = (int)planet.Diameter / 1000 * 2f;
            m_radiusSlider.Value    = (float)data.Radius / 1000;
            m_radiusSlider.Enabled  = true;

            m_widthSlider.MinValue = (int)planet.Diameter / 1000 / 20f;
            m_widthSlider.MaxValue = (int)planet.Diameter / 1000 / 1.25f;
            m_widthSlider.Value    = (float)data.Width / 1000;
            m_widthSlider.Enabled  = true;

            m_heightSlider.MinValue = m_widthSlider.MinValue / 10;
            m_heightSlider.MaxValue = m_widthSlider.MaxValue / 10;
            m_heightSlider.Value    = (float)data.Height / 1000;
            m_heightSlider.Enabled  = true;

            m_asteroidSizesSlider.Enabled = true;
            m_asteroidSizesSlider.SetValues(instance.AsteroidSize.Min, instance.AsteroidSize.Max);

            m_angleXSlider.Enabled = true;
            m_angleXSlider.Value   = (float)data.AngleDegrees.x;
            m_angleYSlider.Enabled = true;
            m_angleYSlider.Value   = (float)data.AngleDegrees.y;
            m_angleZSlider.Enabled = true;
            m_angleZSlider.Value   = (float)data.AngleDegrees.z;