        private void Validate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var dlg = new OpenFileDialog
                CheckFileExists  = true,
                CheckPathExists  = true,
                Multiselect      = false,
                Filter           = "IFC File|*.ifc|IFC XML File|*.ifcxml",
                FilterIndex      = 0,
                Title            = "Select IFC model file for validation",
                FileName         = App.Settings.LastModel,
                InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(App.Settings.LastModel)

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() != true)

            App.Settings.LastModel = dlg.FileName;
            var fileName = dlg.FileName;
            var bcfPath  = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".bcf");

            XbimSchemaVersion schema;

            using (var temp = File.OpenRead(fileName))
                schema = MemoryModel.GetStepFileXbimSchemaVersion(temp);

            var mvd = GetMvd(true, schema);

            var logger = XbimLogging.CreateLogger("MvdValidator");

            using (var ifcStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
                using (var model = MemoryModel.OpenReadStep21(ifcStream, logger, null, ignoreTypes, false, false))
                    var results = MvdValidator
                                  .ValidateModel(mvd, model)
                    if (results.All(r => r.Concept == null && r.Result == ConceptTestResult.DoesNotApply))
                        MessageBox.Show("No applicable entities in the file", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                    var failed  = results.Where(r => r.Result == ConceptTestResult.Fail).GroupBy(r => r.Entity).ToList();
                    var passed  = results.Where(r => r.Result == ConceptTestResult.Pass).GroupBy(r => r.Entity).ToList();
                    var skipped = results.Where(r => r.Result == ConceptTestResult.DoesNotApply).GroupBy(r => r.Entity).ToList();

                    var bcf = new BCFArchive();

                    // store reports as documents
                    bcf.Documents.Add(WriteResults("failed.csv", failed.SelectMany(g => g)));
                    bcf.Documents.Add(WriteResults("passed.csv", passed.SelectMany(g => g)));
                    bcf.Documents.Add(WriteResults("skipped.csv", skipped.SelectMany(g => g)));

                    // store actual MVD as a document
                    var mvdStream = new MemoryStream();
                    bcf.Documents.Add(new DocumentFile {
                        Name = "validation.mvdXML", Stream = mvdStream

                    // create topics
                    var failedConcepts = results.Where(r => r.Result == ConceptTestResult.Fail).GroupBy(r => r.Concept.name).ToList();
                    var actor          =
                        ContextSelector.Context.OfType <Actor>().FirstOrDefault()?.Name ??
                        Actors.FirstOrDefault()?.Name ??
                    foreach (var concept in failedConcepts)
                        var issueId        = Guid.NewGuid();
                        var viewpointId    = Guid.NewGuid();
                        var defViewpointId = Guid.NewGuid();
                        var components     = concept.Select(c => c.Entity).OfType <IIfcRoot>().Select(e => new Component
                            IfcGuid           = e.GlobalId,
                            AuthoringToolId   = e.OwnerHistory?.OwningApplication?.ApplicationIdentifier,
                            OriginatingSystem = e.EntityLabel.ToString(),

                        var issue = new TopicFolder
                            Id     = issueId,
                            Markup = new Markup
                                Header = new List <HeaderFile> {
                                    new HeaderFile {
                                        isExternal = true,
                                        Filename   = Path.GetFileName(fileName),
                                        IfcProject = model.Instances.FirstOrDefault <IIfcProject>()?.GlobalId
                                Topic = new Topic
                                    CreationDate      = DateTime.Now,
                                    Guid              = issueId.ToString(),
                                    Title             = $"Failed validation of {concept.Key}",
                                    Description       = $"This is automatically generater error report for DSS. This topic refers to all entities which should have {concept.Key} but it wasn't found.",
                                    DocumentReference = new List <TopicDocumentReference> {
                                        new TopicDocumentReference {
                                            isExternal         = false,
                                            ReferencedDocument = "../Documents/failed.csv"
                                        new TopicDocumentReference {
                                            isExternal         = false,
                                            ReferencedDocument = "../Documents/validation.mvdXML"
                                    CreationAuthor = actor
                                Comment = new List <Comment> {
                                    new Comment {
                                        Date      = DateTime.Now,
                                        Author    = actor,
                                        Comment1  = $"Failed validation of {concept.Key}",
                                        Viewpoint = new CommentViewpoint {
                                            Guid = viewpointId.ToString()
                                Viewpoints = new List <ViewPoint> {
                                    new ViewPoint {
                                        Index     = 0,
                                        Guid      = defViewpointId.ToString(),
                                        Viewpoint = "viewpoint.bcfv"
                                    new ViewPoint {
                                        Index     = 1,
                                        Guid      = viewpointId.ToString(),
                                        Viewpoint = $"{viewpointId.ToString()}.bcfv"
                            ViewPoints = new List <VisualizationInfo> {
                                new VisualizationInfo {
                                    Guid       = defViewpointId.ToString(),
                                    Components = new Components {
                                        ViewSetupHints = new ViewSetupHints {
                                            OpeningsVisible = false, SpaceBoundariesVisible = false, SpacesVisible = false
                                        Selection = concept.Select(c => c.Entity).OfType <IIfcRoot>().Select(e => new Component {
                                            IfcGuid           = e.GlobalId,
                                            AuthoringToolId   = e.OwnerHistory?.OwningApplication?.ApplicationIdentifier,
                                            OriginatingSystem = e.EntityLabel.ToString(),
                                        Visibility = new ComponentVisibility {
                                            DefaultVisibility = true, Exceptions = new List <Component>()
                                        Coloring = new List <ComponentColoringColor> {
                                            new ComponentColoringColor {
                                                Color     = "FF00FF00",
                                                Component = components
                                new VisualizationInfo {
                                    Guid       = viewpointId.ToString(),
                                    Components = new Components {
                                        ViewSetupHints = new ViewSetupHints {
                                            OpeningsVisible = false, SpaceBoundariesVisible = false, SpacesVisible = false
                                        Selection  = components,
                                        Visibility = new ComponentVisibility {
                                            DefaultVisibility = false, Exceptions = new List <Component>()


                    using (var s = File.Create(bcfPath))

                    if (!failed.Any())
                        MessageBox.Show($"All {passed.Count} applicable entities are valid. {skipped.Count} entities not applicable.  Reports are saved in '{bcfPath}'",
                                        "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                        MessageBox.Show($"{failed.Count} applicable entities are invalid. {skipped.Count} entities not applicable. Reports are saved in '{bcfPath}'",
                                        "Invalid entities", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
        public void ValidateShed()
            const string mvdFile = "Files/CCI_for_doors.mvdXML";
            const string ifcFile = "Files/Bouda.ifc";

            using (var file = File.OpenRead(ifcFile))
                var mvd    = mvdXML.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText(mvdFile));
                var result = MvdValidator.ValidateModel(mvd, file, NullLogger.Instance);
                // nothing matches applicability selectors
                Assert.IsTrue(result.All(r => r.Concept == null && r.Result == ConceptTestResult.DoesNotApply));

            var classified = Guid.NewGuid() + ".ifc";
            var doorCount  = 0;

            using (var model = MemoryModel.OpenRead(ifcFile, null))
                doorCount = model.Instances.OfType <IIfcDoor>().Count();;
                using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Classification"))
                    var c = new Create(model);
                    c.RelDefinesByProperties(r =>
                        r.RelatingPropertyDefinition = c.PropertySet(ps =>
                            ps.Name = "CZ_DataTemplateDesignation";
                            ps.HasProperties.Add(c.PropertySingleValue(p =>
                                p.Name         = "DataTemplateID";
                                p.NominalValue = new IfcLabel("52459");
                        r.RelatedObjects.AddRange(model.Instances.OfType <IIfcDoor>());

                using var file = File.Create(classified);

            using (var file = File.OpenRead(classified))
                var mvd         = mvdXML.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText(mvdFile));
                var result      = MvdValidator.ValidateModel(mvd, file, NullLogger.Instance);
                var doorResults = result.Where(r => r.Entity is IIfcDoor).ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(doorCount, doorResults.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(doorResults.All(r => r.Result == ConceptTestResult.Fail));

            var withCCI = Guid.NewGuid() + ".ifc";

            using (var model = MemoryModel.OpenRead(classified, null))
                using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Classification"))
                    var c = new Create(model);
                    c.RelDefinesByProperties(r =>
                        r.RelatingPropertyDefinition = c.PropertySet(ps =>
                            ps.Name = "CZ_ClassificationSystemCCI";
                            ps.HasProperties.AddRange(new[] {
                                c.PropertySingleValue(p =>
                                    p.Name         = "CCICode";
                                    p.NominalValue = new IfcLabel("XXX");
                                c.PropertySingleValue(p =>
                                    p.Name         = "FunctionalSystem";
                                    p.NominalValue = new IfcLabel("XXX");
                                c.PropertySingleValue(p =>
                                    p.Name         = "ContructiveSystem";
                                    p.NominalValue = new IfcLabel("XXX");
                                c.PropertySingleValue(p =>
                                    p.Name         = "CodeComponent";
                                    p.NominalValue = new IfcLabel("XXX");
                        r.RelatedObjects.AddRange(model.Instances.OfType <IIfcDoor>());

                using var file = File.Create(withCCI);

            using (var file = File.OpenRead(withCCI))
                var mvd         = mvdXML.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText(mvdFile));
                var result      = MvdValidator.ValidateModel(mvd, file, NullLogger.Instance);
                var doorResults = result.Where(r => r.Entity is IIfcDoor).ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(doorCount, doorResults.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(doorResults.All(r => r.Result == ConceptTestResult.Pass));