        //public void Punch(bool isLeftHand)
        public void Punch(int _left)
            Transform hand = _left == 1 ? leftHand : rightHand;

            //Transform hand = isLeftHand == true ? leftHand : rightHand;

            DebugExtension.DebugWireSphere(hand.position, punchRadius, punchRadius);

            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(hand.position, punchRadius, hand.forward, 0f);
            //Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(hand.position, punchRadius);

            List <PlayerController> playersHit = new List <PlayerController>();

            foreach (var hit in hits)
                RootFix playerRoot = hit.transform.GetComponent <RootFix>();
                if (playerRoot != null)
                    PlayerController    player     = playerRoot.playerRoot.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerController>();
                    DamageableBehaviour damageable = playerRoot.playerRoot.GetComponent <DamageableBehaviour>();

                    var myAlignment = myDamageableBehaviour.configuration.AlignmentProvider;

                    if (damageable != null && myAlignment != null)
                        float knockback = 1f + (damageable.configuration.CurrentDamage / 100f); //EDIT

                        var hitInfo = new HitInfo
                            damageChangeInfo = new DamageChangeInfo(),
                            damagePoint      = hit.point

                        bool canKnockBack = (myAlignment != damageable.configuration.AlignmentProvider);

                        if (!playersHit.Contains(player))
                            if (canKnockBack)
                                damageable.configuration.AddDamage(damagePerHit, hitInfo);

                        MuscleCollisionBroadcaster broadcaster = hit.transform.GetComponent <MuscleCollisionBroadcaster>();

                        if (broadcaster != null && canKnockBack)
                            Vector3 heading = hit.point - hand.position;

                            Vector3 direction = hand.transform.forward;

                            broadcaster.Hit(5, direction * (baseKnockback * (knockback * (damageable.configuration.CurrentDamage / 100f))), hit.point);
    /// <summary>
    /// Triggers the Ragdoll behaviour of the NPC
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="col">Collider that was hit</param>
    public void TriggerPuppetMaster(Collider col, float impactForce, Vector3 impactPosition, float unpin)
        // Check for Muscles
        MuscleCollisionBroadcaster broadcaster = col.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <MuscleCollisionBroadcaster>();

        // Apply HIT-Force to the given Collider
        if (broadcaster)
            // NPC Drops Dead
            puppetMaster.mode      = PuppetMaster.Mode.Active;
            puppetMaster.state     = PuppetMaster.State.Dead;
            puppetMaster.pinWeight = 0;

            // Process with Force
            broadcaster.Hit(unpin, (col.gameObject.transform.position - impactPosition) * impactForce, impactPosition);

        // Disable Behavior and Controller
        GetComponent <BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Behavior>().enabled = false;
        GetComponent <Pathfinding.RVO.RVOController>().enabled     = false;
        private void Movement()
            if (!_swinging && !_falling)
                _controller.Move(Inputs.MoveInput * speed * _deltaTime);

            if (Inputs.Jump && _jumpNumber > 0)
                if (_head != null)
                    _head.Hit(5, Vector3.up * jump, head.position);
                    _landed = false;
            if (!_falling && _controller.isGrounded)
                _jumpNumber = 1;
        public void SwingHit()
            DebugExtension.DebugWireSphere(swingLocation.position, swingRadius, 0.25f); //Delete this

            RaycastHit[] _hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(swingLocation.position, swingRadius, transform.forward, 0f);

            PickUp weapon = _item.GetComponent <PickUp>();

            List <PlayerController> playersHit = new List <PlayerController>();

            foreach (RaycastHit hit in _hits)
                RootFix playerRoot = hit.transform.GetComponent <RootFix>();
                if (playerRoot != null)
                    PlayerController    player     = playerRoot.playerRoot.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerController>();
                    DamageableBehaviour damageable = playerRoot.playerRoot.GetComponent <DamageableBehaviour>();

                    var myAlignment = myDamageableBehaviour.configuration.AlignmentProvider;

                    if (damageable != null && myAlignment != null)
                        float knockback = 1f + (damageable.configuration.CurrentDamage / 100f); //EDIT

                        var hitInfo = new HitInfo
                            damageChangeInfo = new DamageChangeInfo(),
                            damagePoint      = hit.point

                        bool canKnockBack = (myAlignment != damageable.configuration.AlignmentProvider);

                        //print("Obj: " + player.name + ", Count: " + playersHit.Count + ", Contains: " + playersHit.Contains(player));
                        if (!playersHit.Contains(player))
                            if (canKnockBack)
                                damageable.configuration.AddDamage((weapon != null ? weapon.damage : damagePerHit), hitInfo);
                        MuscleCollisionBroadcaster broadcaster = hit.transform.GetComponent <MuscleCollisionBroadcaster>();

                        if (broadcaster != null && canKnockBack)
                            broadcaster.Hit(5, rightHand.transform.forward * (baseKnockback * (knockback * (damageable.configuration.CurrentDamage / 100f))), hit.point);

                 * if (_hit.transform.root != transform.root)
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Log("RUGHAARINMIJNRIETJE TWEE");
                 *  //PlayerController _player = null;
                 *  DamageableBehaviour _damageable = null;
                 *  IAlignmentProvider myAlignment = null;
                 *  if (_hit.transform.root.tag == "Player")
                 *  {
                 *      //_player = _hit.transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<PlayerController>();
                 *      _damageable = _hit.transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<DamageableBehaviour>();
                 *  }
                 *  float knockback = 1f;
                 *  if (_damageable != null)
                 *  {
                 *      myAlignment = myDamageableBehaviour.configuration.AlignmentProvider;
                 *      int weaponDamagePerHit = ((_item != null) ? _item.GetComponent<PickUp>().damage : damagePerHit);
                 *      _damageable.configuration.CheckDamage(weaponDamagePerHit, myAlignment, swingLocation.position);
                 *  }
                 *  MuscleCollisionBroadcaster broadcaster = _hit.transform.GetComponent<MuscleCollisionBroadcaster>();
                 *  if (broadcaster != null && _damageable.CanKnockback(myAlignment))
                 *  {
                 *      Vector3 _heading = _hit.point - swingLocation.position;
                 *      float _distance = _heading.magnitude;
                 *      Vector3 _direction = _heading / _distance;
                 *      broadcaster.Hit(5, _direction * (baseKnockback * knockback), _hit.point); //Edit this
                 *  }
                 * }