public override void Init() { TickInterval = 60; client = new MumbleClient("huffelpuff", "", Settings.Default.Nick + "@IRC"); base.Init(); }
void Start() { if (HostName == "") { Debug.LogError("Please set the mumble host name to your mumble server"); return; } Application.runInBackground = true; _mumbleClient = new MumbleClient(HostName, Port, CreateMumbleAudioPlayerFromPrefab, DestroyMumbleAudioPlayer, DebuggingVariables); if (DebuggingVariables.UseRandomUsername) { Username += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100f); } _mumbleClient.Connect(Username, Password); if (MyMumbleMic != null) { _mumbleClient.AddMumbleMic(MyMumbleMic); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (DebuggingVariables.EnableEditorIOGraph) { EditorGraph editorGraph = EditorWindow.GetWindow <EditorGraph>(); editorGraph.Show(); StartCoroutine(UpdateEditorGraph()); } #endif }
public static TModel Create(TState state, MumbleClient client) { return((TModel)Activator.CreateInstance( typeof(TModel), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object[] { state, client }, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new MumbleClient("", "", "Test"); client.Connect(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(client.RootChannel.Tree()); Console.ReadLine(); }
void Start() { if (HostName == "") { Debug.LogError("Please set the mumble host name to your mumble server"); return; } Application.runInBackground = true; // If SendPosition, we'll send three floats. // This is roughly the standard for Mumble, however it seems that // Murmur supports more int posLength = SendPosition ? 3 * sizeof(float) : 0; _mumbleClient = new MumbleClient(HostName, Port, CreateMumbleAudioPlayerFromPrefab, DestroyMumbleAudioPlayer, OnOtherUserStateChange, ConnectAsyncronously, SpeakerCreationMode.ALL, DebuggingVariables, posLength); if (DebuggingVariables.UseRandomUsername) { Username += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100f); } Debug.LogError(Username); if (ConnectAsyncronously) { StartCoroutine(ConnectAsync()); } else { _mumbleClient.Connect(Username, Password); if (MyMumbleMic != null) { _mumbleClient.AddMumbleMic(MyMumbleMic); if (SendPosition) { MyMumbleMic.SetPositionalDataFunction(WritePositionalData); } } } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (DebuggingVariables.EnableEditorIOGraph) { EditorGraph editorGraph = EditorWindow.GetWindow <EditorGraph>(); editorGraph.Show(); StartCoroutine(UpdateEditorGraph()); } #endif }
private static void Main(string[] args) { _mc = new MumbleClient("", 64738); _mc.Connect("olivier", ""); Thread t = new Thread(Update); t.Start(); while (true) { string msg = Console.ReadLine(); _mc.SendTextMessage(msg); } }
internal Channel(ChannelState state, MumbleClient client) : base(state, client) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MumbleModel{TModel,TState}"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">Initial State</param> /// <param name="client">Client to which this object belongs</param> protected MumbleModel(TState state, MumbleClient client) { this.State = state; this.client = client; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MumbleModelCollection{TModel,TState}"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Client to which this collection belongs</param> protected MumbleModelCollection(MumbleClient client) { this.client = client; }
void Start() { if (HostName == "") { Debug.LogError("Please set the mumble host name to your mumble server"); return; } else { INIParser ini = new INIParser(); // Open the save file. If the save file does not exist, INIParser automatically create // one ini.Open(Application.dataPath + "/MayaVerseLowPoly.ini"); if (ini.IsKeyExists("NetworkConfig", "ServerVoiceIP")) { HostName = ini.ReadValue("NetworkConfig", "ServerVoiceIP", ""); Debug.Log("VoiceServerIP: " + HostName); } else { ini.WriteValue("NetworkConfig", "ServerVoiceIP", ""); Debug.Log("VoiceServerIP: " + HostName); } if (ini.IsKeyExists("NetworkConfig", "ServerVoicePort")) { Port = ini.ReadValue("NetworkConfig", "ServerVoicePort", 64738); Debug.Log("VoiceServerPort: " + Port.ToString()); } else { ini.WriteValue("NetworkConfig", "ServerVoicePort", 64738); Debug.Log("VoiceServerPort: " + Port.ToString()); } if (ini.IsKeyExists("VoiceAccount", "Login")) { Username = ini.ReadValue("VoiceAccount", "Login", "Vytek"); Debug.Log("AvatarName: " + this.Username); } else { ini.WriteValue("VoiceAccount", "Login", "Vytek"); Debug.Log("AvatarName: " + this.Username); } if (ini.IsKeyExists("VoiceAccount", "Password")) { Password = ini.ReadValue("VoiceAccount", "Password", "Vytek"); } else { ini.WriteValue("VoiceAccount", "Password", "Vytek"); } //Close file ini.Close(); } Application.runInBackground = true; _mumbleClient = new MumbleClient(HostName, Port, CreateMumbleAudioPlayerFromPrefab, DestroyMumbleAudioPlayer, DebuggingVariables); if (DebuggingVariables.UseRandomUsername) { Username += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100f); } _mumbleClient.Connect(Username, Password); if (MyMumbleMic != null) { _mumbleClient.AddMumbleMic(MyMumbleMic); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (DebuggingVariables.EnableEditorIOGraph) { EditorGraph editorGraph = EditorWindow.GetWindow <EditorGraph>(); editorGraph.Show(); StartCoroutine(UpdateEditorGraph()); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChannelCollection"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Client to which this channel collection belongs</param> internal ChannelCollection(MumbleClient client) : base(client) { this.Client.ChannelStateReceived += (sender, args) => this.UpdateState(args.Message); this.Client.ChannelRemoveReceived += (sender, args) => this.Remove(args.Message.ChannelId); }
internal User(UserState state, MumbleClient client) : base(state, client) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserCollection"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Client to which this user collection belongs</param> internal UserCollection(MumbleClient client) : base(client) { this.Client.UserStateReceived += (sender, args) => this.UpdateState(args.Message); this.Client.UserRemoveReceived += (sender, args) => this.Remove(args.Message.Session); }