void AddMultiplesToDictionary(string key, double value, int quantity)
            if (!MultipleKeyDict.ContainsKey(key))
                MultipleKeyDict.Add(key, 0);

            for (var i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
                var mainDictKey = key + MultipleKeyDict[key];

                ErrorReporter.ReportDebug(ContainsKey(mainDictKey), $"This Key should be free. Key:{mainDictKey}");

                Update(mainDictKey, value);
        void RemoveMulitpleFromDictionary(string key, double value, int quantity)
            if (!MultipleKeyDict.ContainsKey(key))
                ErrorReporter.ReportDebug($"Can't remove something that never existed. Key:{key}");

            for (var i = 0; i > quantity; i--)
                var mainDictKey = key + MultipleKeyDict[key];

                ErrorReporter.ReportDebug(MultipleKeyDict[key] == 0, $"Zero Keys shouldn't exist, we shouldn't try to remove them. Key={key}, quantity={quantity}, i={i}");
                ErrorReporter.ReportDebug(!ContainsKey(mainDictKey), $"We shouldn't be trying to remove values that don't exist Key={key}, quantity={quantity}, i={i}");

                if (ContainsKey(mainDictKey))