public AcceptivaGateway(CMSDataContext db, bool testing, PaymentProcessTypes ProcessType) { this.db = db; this.ProcessType = ProcessType; if (testing || MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayTesting(db, ProcessType)) { _apiKey = "CZDWp7dXCo4W3xTA7LtWAijidvPdj2wa"; _merch_ach_id = "dKdDFtqC"; _merch_cc_id = "R6MLUevR"; _isTesting = true; //If this setting exists we settle transactions manually, so we can refund. //For live environment settlements are automatic 1 day later _automaticSettle = db.Setting("AutomaticSettle"); } else { _apiKey = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "AcceptivaApiKey", "", (int)ProcessType); _merch_ach_id = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "AcceptivaAchId", "", (int)ProcessType); _merch_cc_id = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "AcceptivaCCId", "", (int)ProcessType); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_apiKey)) { throw new Exception("AcceptivaApiKey setting not found, which is required for Acceptiva."); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_merch_ach_id)) { throw new Exception("AcceptivaAcctId setting not found, which is required for Acceptiva."); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_merch_cc_id)) { throw new Exception("AcceptivaCCId setting not found, which is required for Acceptiva."); } } }
public void Should_Return_ProcessType(string description, int processType, int result) { using (var db = CMSDataContext.Create(DatabaseFixture.Host)) { var org = new Organization { OrganizationName = DatabaseTestBase.RandomString(), RegistrationTypeId = processType, Description = description, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, OrganizationStatusId = 30, }; try { db.Organizations.InsertOnSubmit(org); db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { var i = e; } var paymentProcessType = MultipleGatewayUtils.ProcessByTransactionDescription(db, org.Description); var pp = (int)paymentProcessType; pp.ShouldBe(result); } }
public SageGateway(CMSDataContext db, bool testing, PaymentProcessTypes ProcessType) { this.db = db; var gatewayTesting = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayTesting(db, ProcessType); if (testing || gatewayTesting) { _id = "856423594649"; _key = "M5Q4C9P2T4N5"; _originatorId = "1111111111"; } else { _id = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "M_ID", "", (int)ProcessType); _key = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "M_KEY", "", (int)ProcessType); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_id)) { throw new Exception("M_ID setting not found, which is required for Sage."); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_key)) { throw new Exception("M_KEY setting not found, which is required for Sage."); } _originatorId = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "SageOriginatorId", "", (int)ProcessType); } }
public AuthorizeNetGateway(CMSDataContext db, bool testing, PaymentProcessTypes ProcessType) { this.db = db; IsLive = !(testing || MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayTesting(db, ProcessType)); if (!IsLive) { _login = "******"; _key = "9wE4j7M372ehz6Fy"; } else { _login = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "x_login", "", (int)ProcessType); _key = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "x_tran_key", "", (int)ProcessType); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_login)) { throw new Exception("x_login setting not found, which is required for"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_key)) { throw new Exception("x_tran_key setting not found, which is required for"); } } }
public SettingsFeesModel(CMSDataContext db, int id) { CurrentDatabase = db; Id = id; this.CopyPropertiesFrom(Org, typeof(OrgAttribute)); this.CopyPropertiesFrom(RegSettings, typeof(RegAttribute)); IsPushpay = (int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration); }
public void Should_Return_RegistrationProcessType() { using (var db = CMSDataContext.Create(DatabaseFixture.Host)) { var randomDescription = DatabaseTestBase.RandomString(); var paymentProcessType = MultipleGatewayUtils.ProcessByTransactionDescription(db, randomDescription); var pp = (int)paymentProcessType; pp.ShouldBe(3); } }
public ActionResult CompleteRegistration() { Response.NoCache(); var s = (string)TempData["onlineregmodel"]; if (s == null) { DbUtil.LogActivity("OnlineReg Error PageRefreshNotAllowed"); return(Message("Registration cannot be completed after a page refresh.")); } var m = Util.DeSerialize <OnlineRegModel>(s); var msg = m.CheckExpiredOrCompleted(); if (msg.HasValue()) { return(Message(msg)); } var ret = m.CompleteRegistration(this); int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m.ProcessType); if (ret.Route == RouteType.Payment && (int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId) { m.UpdateDatum(); Session["PaymentProcessType"] = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; return(Redirect($"/Pushpay/Registration/{m.DatumId}")); } switch (ret.Route) { case RouteType.Error: m.Log(ret.Message); return(Message(ret.Message)); case RouteType.Action: return(View(ret.View)); case RouteType.Redirect: return(RedirectToAction(ret.View, ret.RouteData)); case RouteType.Terms: return(View(ret.View, m)); case RouteType.Payment: return(View(ret.View, ret.PaymentForm)); } m.Log("BadRouteOnCompleteRegistration"); return(Message("unexpected value on CompleteRegistration")); }
public ActionResult CompleteRegistration() { Response.NoCache(); var m = ReadOnlineRegModelFromSession(); if (m == null) { return(Message("Registration cannot be completed after a page refresh.")); } m.CurrentDatabase = CurrentDatabase; var msg = m.CheckExpiredOrCompleted(); if (msg.HasValue()) { return(Message(msg)); } var ret = m.CompleteRegistration(this); int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m.ProcessType); if (ret.Route == RouteType.Payment && (int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId) { ret.PaymentForm.isExternalPayment = true; m.UpdateDatum(); RequestManager.SessionProvider.Add("PaymentProcessType", PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration.ToInt().ToString()); } switch (ret.Route) { case RouteType.Error: m.Log(ret.Message); return(Message(ret.Message)); case RouteType.Action: return(View(ret.View)); case RouteType.Redirect: return(RedirectToAction(ret.View, ret.RouteData)); case RouteType.Terms: return(View(ret.View, m)); case RouteType.Payment: return(View(ret.View, ret.PaymentForm)); } m.Log("BadRouteOnCompleteRegistration"); return(Message("unexpected value on CompleteRegistration")); }
private void InitializePaymentInfo(int peopleId) { var person = CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(peopleId); var accountId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GetAccount(CurrentDatabase, ProcessType)?.GatewayAccountId; var pi = person.PaymentInfo(accountId ?? 0); if (pi == null) { pi = new PaymentInfo() { GatewayAccountId = accountId ?? 0 }; person.PaymentInfos.Add(pi); } pi.SetBillingAddress(First, MiddleInitial, Last, Suffix, Address, Address2, City, State, Country, Zip, Phone); }
private string AchType(int?pid) { var type = "checking"; if (pid.HasValue) { var usesaving = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "UseSavingAccounts", (int)ProcessType); if (usesaving) { if (Person.GetExtraValue(db, pid.Value, "AchSaving")?.BitValue == true) { type = "savings"; } } } return(type); }
private TransactionInfo InitializeTransactionInfo() { var r = new TransactionInfo(); var accountId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GetAccount(CurrentDatabase, ProcessType)?.GatewayAccountId ?? 0; if (user != null && FirstPerson != null) { r.payinfo = FirstPerson.PaymentInfo(accountId); } if (r.payinfo == null) { r.payinfo = new PaymentInfo { MaskedAccount = "", MaskedCard = "", GatewayAccountId = accountId }; } return(r); }
public ActionResult CompleteRegistration() { Response.NoCache(); var m = ReadOnlineRegModelFromSession(); m.CurrentDatabase = CurrentDatabase; var msg = m.CheckExpiredOrCompleted(); if (msg.HasValue()) { return(Message(msg)); } var ret = m.CompleteRegistration(this); int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m.ProcessType); if (ret.Route == RouteType.Payment && (int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId) { m.UpdateDatum(); Session["PaymentProcessType"] = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; return(Redirect($"/Pushpay/Registration/{m.DatumId}")); } switch (ret.Route) { case RouteType.Error: m.Log(ret.Message); return(Message(ret.Message)); case RouteType.Action: return(View(ret.View)); case RouteType.Redirect: return(RedirectToAction(ret.View, ret.RouteData)); case RouteType.Terms: return(View(ret.View, m)); case RouteType.Payment: return(View(ret.View, ret.PaymentForm)); } m.Log("BadRouteOnCompleteRegistration"); return(Message("unexpected value on CompleteRegistration")); }
public BluePayGateway(CMSDataContext db, bool testing, PaymentProcessTypes ProcessType) { this.db = db; IsLive = !(testing || MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayTesting(db, ProcessType)); _login = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "bluepay_accountId", "", (int)ProcessType); _key = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "bluepay_secretKey", "", (int)ProcessType); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_login)) { throw new Exception("bluepay_accountId setting not found, which is required for BluePay."); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_key)) { throw new Exception("bluepay_secretKey setting not found, which is required for BluePay."); } }
private static void ClearMaskedNumbers(PaymentForm pf, PaymentInfo pi) { int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(DbUtil.Db, pf.ProcessType); var clearBankDetails = false; var clearCreditCardDetails = false; switch (GatewayId) { case (int)GatewayTypes.Sage: clearBankDetails = !pi.SageBankGuid.HasValue; clearCreditCardDetails = !pi.SageCardGuid.HasValue; break; case (int)GatewayTypes.Transnational: clearBankDetails = !pi.TbnBankVaultId.HasValue; clearCreditCardDetails = !pi.TbnCardVaultId.HasValue; break; // case (int)GatewayTypes.Acceptiva: // return new AcceptivaGateway(this, testing, ProcessType); case (int)GatewayTypes.AuthorizeNet: clearBankDetails = !pi.AuNetCustPayBankId.HasValue; clearCreditCardDetails = !pi.AuNetCustPayId.HasValue; break; default: break; } if (clearBankDetails) { pf.Account = string.Empty; pf.Routing = string.Empty; } if (clearCreditCardDetails) { pf.CreditCard = string.Empty; pf.CVV = string.Empty; pf.Expires = string.Empty; } }
public PushpayController(IRequestManager requestManager) : base(requestManager) { PaymentProcessTypes processType = PaymentProcessTypes.OneTimeGiving; try { processType = (PaymentProcessTypes)int.Parse(requestManager.SessionProvider.Get <string>("PaymentProcessType")); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } _pushpay = new PushpayConnection( CurrentDatabase.GetSetting("PushPayAccessToken", ""), CurrentDatabase.GetSetting("PushPayRefreshToken", ""), CurrentDatabase, Configuration.Current.PushpayAPIBaseUrl, Configuration.Current.PushpayClientID, Configuration.Current.PushpayClientSecret, Configuration.Current.OAuth2TokenEndpoint, Configuration.Current.TouchpointAuthServer, Configuration.Current.OAuth2AuthorizeEndpoint); _pushpayPayment = new PushpayPayment(_pushpay, CurrentDatabase, processType); _resolver = new PushpayResolver(_pushpay, CurrentDatabase); _defaultMerchantHandle = _pushpayPayment._defaultMerchantHandle; _givingLink = Configuration.Current.PushpayGivingLinkBase; _state = CurrentDatabase.Host; isTesting = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(CurrentDatabase, "GatewayTesting", (int)processType); if (isTesting) { _ru = "touchpointest"; } else { _ru = Configuration.Current.PushpayRU; } }
public TransNationalGateway(CMSDataContext db, bool testing, PaymentProcessTypes ProcessType) { this.db = db; if (testing || MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayTesting(db, ProcessType)) { _userName = "******"; _password = "******"; } else { _userName = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "TNBUsername", "", (int)ProcessType); _password = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "TNBPassword", "", (int)ProcessType); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_userName)) { throw new Exception("TNBUsername setting not found, which is required for TransNational."); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_password)) { throw new Exception("TNBPassword setting not found, which is required for TransNational."); } } }
public static PaymentForm CreatePaymentFormForBalanceDue(CMSDataContext db, Transaction ti, decimal amtdue, string email) { PaymentInfo pi = null; var accountId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GetAccount(db, PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration)?.GatewayAccountId; if (ti.Person != null) { pi = ti.Person.PaymentInfo(accountId ?? 0); } if (pi == null) { pi = new PaymentInfo() { GatewayAccountId = accountId ?? 0 }; } var pf = new PaymentForm { URL = ti.Url, PayBalance = true, AmtToPay = amtdue, Amtdue = 0, AllowCoupon = true, AskDonation = false, Description = ti.Description, OrgId = ti.OrgId, OriginalId = ti.OriginalId, Email = Util.FirstAddress(ti.Emails ?? email).Address, FormId = Guid.NewGuid(), First = ti.First, MiddleInitial = ti.MiddleInitial.Truncate(1) ?? "", Last = ti.Last, Suffix = ti.Suffix, Phone = ti.Phone, Address = ti.Address, Address2 = ti.Address2, City = ti.City, State = ti.State, Country = ti.Country, Zip = ti.Zip, testing = ti.Testing ?? false, TranId = ti.Id, ProcessType = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration }; if (pi.PeopleId == Util.UserPeopleId) // Is this the logged in user? { pf.CreditCard = pi.MaskedCard; pf.Expires = pi.Expires; pf.Account = pi.MaskedAccount; pf.Routing = pi.Routing; pf.SavePayInfo = (pi.MaskedAccount != null && pi.MaskedAccount.StartsWith("X")) || (pi.MaskedCard != null && pi.MaskedCard.StartsWith("X")); } ClearMaskedNumbers(pf, pi); var org = db.LoadOrganizationById(ti.OrgId); pf.NoCreditCardsAllowed = org?.NoCreditCards == true; pf.Type = pf.NoEChecksAllowed ? PaymentType.CreditCard : pf.NoCreditCardsAllowed ? PaymentType.Ach : ""; return(pf); }
public ActionResult CreditVoid(int id, string type, decimal?amt, TransactionsModel m) { var t = CurrentDatabase.Transactions.SingleOrDefault(tt => tt.Id == id); if (t == null) { return(Content("notran")); } var qq = from tt in CurrentDatabase.Transactions where tt.OriginalId == id || tt.Id == id orderby tt.Id descending select tt; var t0 = qq.First(); var processType = MultipleGatewayUtils.ProcessByTransactionDescription(CurrentDatabase, t0.Description); var gw = CurrentDatabase.Gateway(t.Testing.GetValueOrDefault(false), null, processType: processType); TransactionResponse resp = null; var re = t.TransactionId; if (re.Contains("(testing")) { re = re.Substring(0, re.IndexOf("(testing)")); } if (type == "Void") { resp = gw.VoidCreditCardTransaction(re); if (!resp.Approved) { resp = gw.VoidCheckTransaction(re); } t.Voided = resp.Approved; amt = t.Amt; } else { if (t.PaymentType == PaymentType.Ach) { resp = gw.RefundCheck(re, amt ?? 0); } else if (t.PaymentType == PaymentType.CreditCard) { resp = gw.RefundCreditCard(re, amt ?? 0, t.LastFourCC); } t.Credited = resp.Approved; } if (!resp.Approved) { DbUtil.LogActivity("error: " + resp.Message); return(Content("error: " + resp.Message)); } var transaction = new Transaction { TransactionId = resp.TransactionId + (t.Testing == true ? "(testing)" : ""), First = t.First, MiddleInitial = t.MiddleInitial, Last = t.Last, Suffix = t.Suffix, Amt = -amt, Amtdue = t0.Amtdue + amt, Approved = true, AuthCode = t.AuthCode, Message = t.Message, Donate = -t.Donate, Regfees = -t.Regfees, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now, TransactionGateway = t.TransactionGateway, Testing = t.Testing, Description = t.Description, OrgId = t.OrgId, OriginalId = t.OriginalId, Participants = t.Participants, Financeonly = t.Financeonly, PaymentType = t.PaymentType, LastFourCC = t.LastFourCC, LastFourACH = t.LastFourACH }; CurrentDatabase.Transactions.InsertOnSubmit(transaction); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); DbUtil.LogActivity("CreditVoid for " + t.TransactionId); CurrentDatabase.SendEmail(Util.TryGetMailAddress(CurrentDatabase.StaffEmailForOrg(transaction.OrgId ?? 0)), "Void/Credit Transaction Type: " + type, $@"<table> <tr><td>Name</td><td>{Transaction.FullName(t)}</td></tr> <tr><td>Email</td><td>{t.Emails}</td></tr> <tr><td>Address</td><td>{t.Address}</td></tr> <tr><td>Phone</td><td>{t.Phone}</td></tr> <tr><th colspan=""2"">Transaction Info</th></tr> <tr><td>Description</td><td>{t.Description}</td></tr> <tr><td>Amount</td><td>{-amt:N2}</td></tr> <tr><td>Date</td><td>{t.TransactionDate.FormatDateTm()}</td></tr> <tr><td>TranIds</td><td>Org: {t.Id} {t.TransactionId}, Curr: {transaction.Id} {transaction.TransactionId}</td></tr> <tr><td>User</td><td>{Util.UserFullName}</td></tr> </table>", Util.EmailAddressListFromString(CurrentDatabase.StaffEmailForOrg(transaction.OrgId ?? 0))); return(View("List", m)); }
public static GatewayAccount GetTransactionGateway(CMSDataContext db, PaymentProcessTypes processType = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration) { return(MultipleGatewayUtils.GetAccount(db, processType)); }
public JsonResult GetGatewayConfig(int ProcessType, string Key) { string PushpayMerchant = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(CurrentDatabase, Key, "", ProcessType); return(Json(PushpayMerchant, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Index(int?id, bool?testing, string email, bool?login, string registertag, bool?showfamily, int?goerid, int?gsid, string source, int?pledgeFund) { Response.NoCache(); var m = new OnlineRegModel(Request, CurrentDatabase, id, testing, email, login, source); var isMissionTrip = (; if (isMissionTrip) { m.ProcessType = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; } else { AssignPaymentProcessType(ref m); } if (pledgeFund != null) { m.pledgeFundId = pledgeFund.Value; } SetHeaders(m); int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m.ProcessType); var gatewayRequired = (m.PayAmount() > 0 || m.ProcessType == PaymentProcessTypes.OneTimeGiving || m.ProcessType == PaymentProcessTypes.RecurringGiving); if (GatewayId.IsNull() && gatewayRequired) { return(View("OnePageGiving/NotConfigured")); } if ((int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId && string.IsNullOrEmpty(MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(CurrentDatabase, "PushpayMerchant", "", (int)m.ProcessType))) { ViewBag.Header = m.Header; ViewBag.Instructions = m.Instructions; return(View("OnePageGiving/NotConfigured")); } if (m.ManageGiving()) { Session[$"Campus-{m.Orgid}"] = m.Campus = Request.QueryString["campus"]; Session["DefaultFunds"] = Request.QueryString["funds"]; m.DefaultFunds = Session["DefaultFunds"]?.ToString(); } if (isMissionTrip) { if (gsid != null || goerid != null) { m.PrepareMissionTrip(gsid, goerid); } } var pid = m.CheckRegisterLink(registertag); if (m.NotActive()) { return(View("OnePageGiving/NotActive", m)); } if (m.MissionTripSelfSupportPaylink.HasValue() && m.GoerId > 0) { return(Redirect(m.MissionTripSelfSupportPaylink)); } return(RouteRegistration(m, pid, showfamily)); }
public ActionResult OnePageGiving(int id, bool?testing, string source) { Response.NoCache(); try { var m = new OnlineRegModel(Request, CurrentDatabase, id, testing, null, null, source); var pid = Util.UserPeopleId; if (pid.HasValue) { PrePopulate(m, pid.Value); } SetHeaders(m); m.CheckRegisterLink(null); if (m.NotActive()) { return(View("OnePageGiving/NotActive", m)); } if (( && == true) ? true : false) { m.ProcessType = PaymentProcessTypes.OneTimeGiving; } else { m.ProcessType = ( || == RegistrationTypeCode.OnlineGiving) ? PaymentProcessTypes.OneTimeGiving : PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; } int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m.ProcessType); if (GatewayId == (int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay && m.OnlineGiving()) { ViewBag.Header = "One Page Giving"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(CurrentDatabase, "PushpayMerchant", "", (int)m.ProcessType))) { return(View("OnePageGiving/NotConfigured")); } return(Redirect($"/Pushpay/OnePage")); } var pf = PaymentForm.CreatePaymentForm(m); pf.AmtToPay = null; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pf.Type)) { pf.Type = pf.NoCreditCardsAllowed ? "B" : "C"; } #if DEBUG if (!pid.HasValue) { pf.First = "Otis"; pf.Last = "Sukamotis"; pf.Email = "*****@*****.**"; pf.Address = "135 Riveredge Cv"; pf.Zip = ""; pf.CreditCard = "3111111111111111"; pf.Expires = "1018"; pf.CVV = "123"; pf.AmtToPay = 23M; } #endif var p = m.List[0]; if (pf.ShowCampusOnePageGiving) { pf.Campuses = p.Campuses().ToList(); } var designatedFund = p.DesignatedDonationFund().FirstOrDefault(); pf.Description = designatedFund != null ? designatedFund.Text : m.DescriptionForPayment; SetInstructions(m); return(View("OnePageGiving/Index", new OnePageGivingModel() { OnlineRegPersonModel = m.List[0], PaymentForm = pf })); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is BadRegistrationException) { return(Message(ex.Message)); } throw; } }
public ActionResult ProcessPayment(PaymentForm pf) { if (pf.ProcessType == PaymentProcessTypes.EmpytProcess) { pf.ProcessType = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; } // One time or Reg... Response.NoCache(); #if DEBUG #else if (Session["FormId"] != null) { if ((Guid)Session["FormId"] == pf.FormId) { return(Message("Already submitted")); } } #endif OnlineRegModel m = null; var ed = CurrentDatabase.RegistrationDatas.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == pf.DatumId); if (ed != null) { m = Util.DeSerialize <OnlineRegModel>(ed.Data); } #if DEBUG #else if (m != null && m.History.Any(h => h.Contains("ProcessPayment"))) { return(Content("Already submitted")); } #endif int?datumid = null; if (m != null) { m.TermsSignature = pf.TermsSignature; datumid = m.DatumId; var msg = m.CheckDuplicateGift(pf.AmtToPay); if (Util.HasValue(msg)) { return(Message(msg)); } } if (IsCardTester(pf, "Payment Page")) { return(Message("Found Card Tester")); } int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m?.ProcessType ?? pf.ProcessType); if (CurrentDatabase.Setting("UseRecaptcha") && GatewayId != (int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay) { if (!GoogleRecaptcha.IsValidResponse(HttpContext, CurrentDatabase)) { CurrentDatabase.LogActivity("OnlineReg Error ReCaptcha validation failed.", pf.OrgId, did: datumid); ModelState.AddModelError("form", "ReCaptcha validation failed."); return(View("Payment/Process", pf)); } } RouteModel ret; if ((int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId) { int orgId; ret = pf.ProcessExternalPayment(m, out orgId); pf.OrgId = orgId; } else { ret = pf.ProcessPayment(ModelState, m); } SetHeaders(pf.OrgId ?? 0); switch (ret.Route) { case RouteType.ModelAction: return(View(ret.View, ret.Model)); case RouteType.AmtDue: ViewBag.amtdue = ret.AmtDue; return(View(ret.View, ret.Transaction)); case RouteType.Error: CurrentDatabase.LogActivity("OnlineReg Error " + ret.Message, pf.OrgId, did: datumid); return(Message(ret.Message)); case RouteType.ValidationError: return(View(ret.View, pf)); default: // unexptected Route if (ModelState.IsValid) { ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new Exception("OnlineReg Unexpected route datum= " + datumid)); CurrentDatabase.LogActivity("OnlineReg Unexpected Route " + ret.Message, oid: pf.OrgId, did: datumid); ModelState.AddModelError("form", "unexpected error in payment processing"); } return(View(ret.View ?? "Payment/Process", pf)); } }
public ActionResult PayAmtDue(string q) { // reached by the paylink in the confirmation email // which is produced in EnrollAndConfirm Response.NoCache(); if (!Util.HasValue(q)) { return(Message("unknown")); } var id = Util.Decrypt(q).ToInt2(); var qq = from t in CurrentDatabase.Transactions where t.OriginalId == id || t.Id == id orderby t.Id descending select new { t, email = t.TransactionPeople.FirstOrDefault().Person.EmailAddress }; var i = qq.FirstOrDefault(); if (i == null) { return(Message("no outstanding transaction")); } var ti = i.t; var email =; var amtdue = PaymentForm.AmountDueTrans(CurrentDatabase, ti); if (amtdue == 0) { return(Message("no outstanding transaction")); } int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration); if ((int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId) { ViewBag.Header = "Payment Process"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(CurrentDatabase, "PushpayMerchant", "", (int)PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration))) { return(View("OnePageGiving/NotConfigured")); } Session["PaymentProcessType"] = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; return(Redirect($"/Pushpay/PayAmtDue/{ti.Id}/{amtdue}")); } #if DEBUG ti.Testing = true; if (!Util.HasValue(ti.Address)) { ti.Address = "235 Riveredge"; ti.City = "Cordova"; ti.Zip = "38018"; ti.State = "TN"; } #endif var pf = PaymentForm.CreatePaymentFormForBalanceDue(CurrentDatabase, ti, amtdue, email); pf.ProcessType = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration; SetHeaders(pf.OrgId ?? 0); DbUtil.LogActivity("OnlineReg PayDueStart", ti.OrgId, ti.LoginPeopleId ?? ti.FirstTransactionPeopleId()); return(View("Payment/Process", pf)); }
public PushpayPayment(PushpayConnection Pushpay, CMSDataContext db, PaymentProcessTypes processType) { _pushpay = Pushpay; _db = db; _merchantHandle = MultipleGatewayUtils.Setting(db, "PushpayMerchant", "", (int)processType); }
public static GatewayAccount GetTransactionGateway(PaymentProcessTypes processType = PaymentProcessTypes.OnlineRegistration) { return(MultipleGatewayUtils.GetAccount(DbUtil.Db, processType)); }
private bool CheckIfIsGatewayTesting(bool testing, PaymentProcessTypes processType) { return(testing || MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayTesting(CurrentDatabase, ProcessType)); }
private ActionResult RouteRegistration(OnlineRegModel m, int pid, bool?showfamily) { if (pid == 0) { return(View(m)); } #if DEBUG m.DebugCleanUp(); #endif int?GatewayId = MultipleGatewayUtils.GatewayId(CurrentDatabase, m.ProcessType); if ((int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId && m.ProcessType == PaymentProcessTypes.OneTimeGiving) { Session["PaymentProcessType"] = PaymentProcessTypes.OneTimeGiving; return(Redirect($"/Pushpay/OneTime/{pid}/{m.Orgid}")); } if ((int)GatewayTypes.Pushpay == GatewayId && m.ProcessType == PaymentProcessTypes.RecurringGiving) { Session["PaymentProcessType"] = PaymentProcessTypes.RecurringGiving; return(Redirect($"/Pushpay/RecurringManagment/{pid}/{m.Orgid}")); } var link = RouteExistingRegistration(m, pid); if (link.HasValue()) { return(Redirect(link)); } OnlineRegPersonModel p; PrepareFirstRegistrant(ref m, pid, showfamily, out p); if (p != null) { p.pledgeFundId = m.pledgeFundId; } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { m.Log("CannotProceed"); return(View(m)); } link = RouteManageGivingSubscriptionsPledgeVolunteer(m); if (link.HasValue()) { if (m.ManageGiving()) // use Direct ActionResult instead of redirect { return(ManageGiving(m.Orgid.ToString(), m.testing)); } else if (m.RegisterLinkMaster()) { return(Redirect(link)); } else { return(Redirect(link)); } } // check for forcing show family, master org, or not found if (showfamily == true || == null || p.Found != true) { return(View(m)); } // ready to answer questions, make sure registration is ok to go m.Log("Authorized"); if (!m.SupportMissionTrip) { p.IsFilled = >=; } if (p.IsFilled) { m.Log("Closed"); ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[0].Found), "Sorry, but registration is closed."); } p.FillPriorInfo(); p.SetSpecialFee(); m.HistoryAdd($"index, pid={pid}, !showfamily,, found=true"); return(View(m)); }