public void tryToUpgrade(Building toUpgrade, BluePrint blueprint) { if (toUpgrade != null && != null && toUpgrade.buildingType.Equals(blueprint.nameOfBuildingToUpgrade)) { if ( > 0) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\Locations:BuildableLocation_CantUpgrade_SomeoneInside"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } else { = Game1.game1.xTileContent.Load <Map>("Maps\\" + blueprint.mapToWarpTo); = blueprint.mapToWarpTo; toUpgrade.indoors.isStructure = true; toUpgrade.nameOfIndoorsWithoutUnique = blueprint.mapToWarpTo; toUpgrade.buildingType =; toUpgrade.texture = blueprint.texture; if (toUpgrade.indoors.GetType() == typeof(AnimalHouse)) { ((AnimalHouse)toUpgrade.indoors).resetPositionsOfAllAnimals(); } Game1.playSound("axe"); blueprint.consumeResources(); toUpgrade.performActionOnUpgrade((GameLocation)this); toUpgrade.color = Color.White; Game1.exitActiveMenu(); if (!Game1.IsMultiplayer) { return; } MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange((byte)2, new Vector2((float)toUpgrade.tileX, (float)toUpgrade.tileY),,, Game1.player.uniqueMultiplayerID); } } else { if (toUpgrade == null) { return; } Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\Locations:BuildableLocation_CantUpgrade_IncorrectBuildingType"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } }
public override void receiveLeftClick(int x, int y, bool playSound = true) { if (!this.placingStructure) { this.heldItem = this.inventory.leftClick(x, y, this.heldItem, true); for (int index = 0; index < this.sideTabs.Count; ++index) { if (this.sideTabs[index].containsPoint(x, y) && this.currentTab != index) { Game1.playSound("smallSelect"); if (index == 3) { this.placingStructure = true; this.demolishing = true; this.parent.invisible = true; } else { this.sideTabs[this.currentTab].bounds.X -= CataloguePage.widthToMoveActiveTab; this.currentTab = index; this.sideTabs[index].bounds.X += CataloguePage.widthToMoveActiveTab; } } } foreach (ClickableComponent key in this.blueprintButtons[this.currentTab].Keys) { if (key.containsPoint(x, y)) { if (this.blueprintButtons[this.currentTab][key].doesFarmerHaveEnoughResourcesToBuild()) { this.structureForPlacement = this.blueprintButtons[this.currentTab][key]; this.placingStructure = true; this.parent.invisible = true; if (this.currentTab == 1) { this.upgrading = true; } Game1.playSound("smallSelect"); break; } Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:BlueprintsMenu.cs.10002"), Color.Red, 3500f)); break; } } } else if (this.demolishing) { if (!(Game1.currentLocation is Farm)) { return; } if (Game1.IsClient) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:CataloguePage.cs.10148"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } else { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2((float)((Game1.viewport.X + Game1.getOldMouseX()) / Game1.tileSize), (float)((Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.getOldMouseY()) / Game1.tileSize)); Building buildingAt = ((BuildableGameLocation)Game1.currentLocation).getBuildingAt(vector2); if (Game1.IsMultiplayer && buildingAt != null && > 0) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:CataloguePage.cs.10149"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } else if (buildingAt != null && ((BuildableGameLocation)Game1.currentLocation).destroyStructure(buildingAt)) { int num = buildingAt.tileY + buildingAt.tilesHigh; for (int index = 0; index < buildingAt.texture.Bounds.Height / Game1.tileSize; ++index) { GameLocation currentLocation = Game1.currentLocation; Texture2D texture = buildingAt.texture; Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle bounds = buildingAt.texture.Bounds; int x1 = bounds.Center.X; bounds = buildingAt.texture.Bounds; int y1 = bounds.Center.Y; int width = Game1.tileSize / 16; int height = Game1.tileSize / 16; Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle sourcerectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(x1, y1, width, height); int xTile = buildingAt.tileX + Game1.random.Next(buildingAt.tilesWide); int yTile = buildingAt.tileY + buildingAt.tilesHigh - index; int numberOfChunks = Game1.random.Next(20, 45); int groundLevelTile = num; Game1.createRadialDebris(currentLocation, texture, sourcerectangle, xTile, yTile, numberOfChunks, groundLevelTile); } Game1.playSound("explosion"); Utility.spreadAnimalsAround(buildingAt, (Farm)Game1.currentLocation); if (!Game1.IsServer) { return; } MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange((byte)1, vector2, "",, Game1.player.uniqueMultiplayerID); } else { this.parent.invisible = false; this.placingStructure = false; this.demolishing = false; } } } else if (this.upgrading && Game1.currentLocation is Farm) { (Game1.currentLocation as Farm).tryToUpgrade(((BuildableGameLocation)Game1.getLocationFromName("Farm")).getBuildingAt(new Vector2((float)((Game1.viewport.X + Game1.getOldMouseX()) / Game1.tileSize), (float)((Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.getOldMouseY()) / Game1.tileSize))), this.structureForPlacement); } else if (!CataloguePage.canPlaceThisBuildingOnTheCurrentMap(this.structureForPlacement, Game1.currentLocation)) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:CataloguePage.cs.10152"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } else if (!this.structureForPlacement.doesFarmerHaveEnoughResourcesToBuild()) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:BlueprintsMenu.cs.10002"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } else if (this.tryToBuild()) { this.structureForPlacement.consumeResources(); if (this.structureForPlacement.blueprintType.Equals("Animals")) { return; } Game1.playSound("axe"); } else { if (Game1.IsClient) { return; } Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:BlueprintsMenu.cs.10016"), Color.Red, 3500f)); } }
public bool buildStructure(BluePrint structureForPlacement, Vector2 tileLocation, bool serverMessage, Farmer who, bool magicalConstruction = false) { if ((!serverMessage ? 0 : (Game1.IsClient ? 1 : 0)) == 0) { for (int index1 = 0; index1 < structureForPlacement.tilesHeight; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < structureForPlacement.tilesWidth; ++index2) { if (!this.isBuildable(new Vector2(tileLocation.X + (float)index2, tileLocation.Y + (float)index1))) { return(false); } for (int index3 = 0; index3 <; ++index3) { if ([index3].GetBoundingBox().Intersects(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(index2 * Game1.tileSize, index1 * Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize))) { return(false); } } } } if (Game1.IsMultiplayer) { MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange((byte)0, tileLocation,,, who.uniqueMultiplayerID); if (Game1.IsClient) { return(false); } } } string name =; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method uint stringHash = \u003CPrivateImplementationDetails\u003E.ComputeStringHash(name); Building building; if (stringHash <= 1972213674U) { if (stringHash <= 846075854U) { if ((int)stringHash != 45101750) { if ((int)stringHash != 846075854 || !(name == "Big Barn")) { goto label_39; } else { goto label_36; } } else if (name == "Stable") { building = (Building) new Stable(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto label_40; } else { goto label_39; } } else if ((int)stringHash != 1684694008) { if ((int)stringHash != 1972213674 || !(name == "Big Coop")) { goto label_39; } } else if (!(name == "Coop")) { goto label_39; } } else if (stringHash <= 2601855023U) { if ((int)stringHash != -1719902568) { if ((int)stringHash != -1693112273 || !(name == "Deluxe Barn")) { goto label_39; } else { goto label_36; } } else if (name == "Junimo Hut") { building = (Building) new JunimoHut(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto label_40; } else { goto label_39; } } else if ((int)stringHash != -1111878468) { if ((int)stringHash != -560689829) { if ((int)stringHash == -361784093 && name == "Mill") { building = (Building) new Mill(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto label_40; } else { goto label_39; } } else if (!(name == "Deluxe Coop")) { goto label_39; } } else if (name == "Barn") { goto label_36; } else { goto label_39; } building = (Building) new Coop(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto label_40; label_36: building = (Building) new Barn(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto label_40; label_39: building = new Building(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); label_40: building.owner = who.uniqueMultiplayerID; string message = building.isThereAnythingtoPreventConstruction((GameLocation)this); if (message != null) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(message, Color.Red, 3500f)); return(false); } this.buildings.Add(building); building.performActionOnConstruction((GameLocation)this); return(true); }
public bool buildStructure(Building b, Vector2 tileLocation, bool serverMessage, Farmer who) { if ((!serverMessage ? 0 : (Game1.IsClient ? 1 : 0)) == 0) { for (int index1 = 0; index1 < b.tilesHigh; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < b.tilesWide; ++index2) { if (!this.isBuildable(new Vector2(tileLocation.X + (float)index2, tileLocation.Y + (float)index1))) { return(false); } for (int index3 = 0; index3 <; ++index3) { if ([index3].GetBoundingBox().Intersects(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(index2 * Game1.tileSize, index1 * Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize))) { return(false); } } } } if (Game1.IsMultiplayer) { MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange((byte)0, tileLocation, b.buildingType,, who.uniqueMultiplayerID); if (Game1.IsClient) { return(false); } } } string message = b.isThereAnythingtoPreventConstruction((GameLocation)this); if (message != null) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(message, Color.Red, 3500f)); return(false); } b.tileX = (int)tileLocation.X; b.tileY = (int)tileLocation.Y; if (b.indoors != null && b.indoors is AnimalHouse) { foreach (long index in (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animalsThatLiveHere) { FarmAnimal animal1 = Utility.getAnimal(index); if (animal1 != null) { animal1.homeLocation = tileLocation; animal1.home = b; } else if (animal1 == null && (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animals.ContainsKey(index)) { FarmAnimal animal2 = (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animals[index]; animal2.homeLocation = tileLocation; animal2.home = b; } } } if (b.indoors != null) { foreach (Warp warp in b.indoors.warps) { int num1 = b.humanDoor.X + b.tileX; warp.TargetX = num1; int num2 = b.humanDoor.Y + b.tileY + 1; warp.TargetY = num2; } } this.buildings.Add(b); return(true); }
// Token: 0x0600106B RID: 4203 RVA: 0x00152DC4 File Offset: 0x00150FC4 public bool buildStructure(BluePrint structureForPlacement, Vector2 tileLocation, bool serverMessage, Farmer who, bool magicalConstruction = false) { if (!serverMessage || !Game1.IsClient) { for (int y = 0; y < structureForPlacement.tilesHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < structureForPlacement.tilesWidth; x++) { Vector2 currentGlobalTilePosition = new Vector2(tileLocation.X + (float)x, tileLocation.Y + (float)y); if (!this.isBuildable(currentGlobalTilePosition)) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].GetBoundingBox().Intersects(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(x * Game1.tileSize, y * Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize))) { return(false); } } } } if (Game1.IsMultiplayer) { MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange(0, tileLocation,,, who.uniqueMultiplayerID); if (Game1.IsClient) { return(false); } } } string name =; uint num = < PrivateImplementationDetails >.ComputeStringHash(name); Building b; if (num <= 1972213674u) { if (num <= 846075854u) { if (num != 45101750u) { if (num != 846075854u) { goto IL_251; } if (!(name == "Big Barn")) { goto IL_251; } goto IL_233; } else { if (!(name == "Stable")) { goto IL_251; } b = new Stable(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto IL_259; } } else if (num != 1684694008u) { if (num != 1972213674u) { goto IL_251; } if (!(name == "Big Coop")) { goto IL_251; } } else if (!(name == "Coop")) { goto IL_251; } } else if (num <= 2601855023u) { if (num != 2575064728u) { if (num != 2601855023u) { goto IL_251; } if (!(name == "Deluxe Barn")) { goto IL_251; } goto IL_233; } else { if (!(name == "Junimo Hut")) { goto IL_251; } b = new JunimoHut(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto IL_259; } } else if (num != 3183088828u) { if (num != 3734277467u) { if (num != 3933183203u) { goto IL_251; } if (!(name == "Mill")) { goto IL_251; } b = new Mill(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto IL_259; } else if (!(name == "Deluxe Coop")) { goto IL_251; } } else { if (!(name == "Barn")) { goto IL_251; } goto IL_233; } b = new Coop(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto IL_259; IL_233: b = new Barn(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); goto IL_259; IL_251: b = new Building(structureForPlacement, tileLocation); IL_259: b.owner = who.uniqueMultiplayerID; string finalCheckResult = b.isThereAnythingtoPreventConstruction(this); if (finalCheckResult != null) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(finalCheckResult, Color.Red, 3500f)); return(false); } this.buildings.Add(b); b.performActionOnConstruction(this); return(true); }
// Token: 0x06001069 RID: 4201 RVA: 0x001529CC File Offset: 0x00150BCC public bool buildStructure(Building b, Vector2 tileLocation, bool serverMessage, Farmer who) { if (!serverMessage || !Game1.IsClient) { for (int y = 0; y < b.tilesHigh; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < b.tilesWide; x++) { Vector2 currentGlobalTilePosition = new Vector2(tileLocation.X + (float)x, tileLocation.Y + (float)y); if (!this.isBuildable(currentGlobalTilePosition)) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].GetBoundingBox().Intersects(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(x * Game1.tileSize, y * Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize))) { return(false); } } } } if (Game1.IsMultiplayer) { MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange(0, tileLocation, b.buildingType,, who.uniqueMultiplayerID); if (Game1.IsClient) { return(false); } } } string finalCheckResult = b.isThereAnythingtoPreventConstruction(this); if (finalCheckResult != null) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(finalCheckResult, Color.Red, 3500f)); return(false); } b.tileX = (int)tileLocation.X; b.tileY = (int)tileLocation.Y; if (b.indoors != null && b.indoors is AnimalHouse) { foreach (long a in (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animalsThatLiveHere) { FarmAnimal animal = Utility.getAnimal(a); if (animal != null) { animal.homeLocation = tileLocation; animal.home = b; } else if (animal == null && (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animals.ContainsKey(a)) { animal = (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animals[a]; animal.homeLocation = tileLocation; animal.home = b; } } } if (b.indoors != null) { foreach (Warp expr_1F9 in b.indoors.warps) { expr_1F9.TargetX = b.humanDoor.X + b.tileX; expr_1F9.TargetY = b.humanDoor.Y + b.tileY + 1; } } this.buildings.Add(b); return(true); }
// Token: 0x06000DB9 RID: 3513 RVA: 0x00116F10 File Offset: 0x00115110 public override void receiveLeftClick(int x, int y, bool playSound = true) { if (!this.placingStructure) { this.heldItem = this.inventory.leftClick(x, y, this.heldItem, true); for (int i = 0; i < this.sideTabs.Count; i++) { if (this.sideTabs[i].containsPoint(x, y) && this.currentTab != i) { Game1.playSound("smallSelect"); if (i == 3) { this.placingStructure = true; this.demolishing = true; this.parent.invisible = true; } else { ClickableTextureComponent expr_8F_cp_0_cp_0 = this.sideTabs[this.currentTab]; expr_8F_cp_0_cp_0.bounds.X = expr_8F_cp_0_cp_0.bounds.X - CataloguePage.widthToMoveActiveTab; this.currentTab = i; ClickableTextureComponent expr_B5_cp_0_cp_0 = this.sideTabs[i]; expr_B5_cp_0_cp_0.bounds.X = expr_B5_cp_0_cp_0.bounds.X + CataloguePage.widthToMoveActiveTab; } } } using (Dictionary <ClickableComponent, BluePrint> .KeyCollection.Enumerator enumerator = this.blueprintButtons[this.currentTab].Keys.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ClickableComponent c = enumerator.Current; if (c.containsPoint(x, y)) { if (this.blueprintButtons[this.currentTab][c].doesFarmerHaveEnoughResourcesToBuild()) { this.structureForPlacement = this.blueprintButtons[this.currentTab][c]; this.placingStructure = true; this.parent.invisible = true; if (this.currentTab == 1) { this.upgrading = true; } Game1.playSound("smallSelect"); break; } Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage("Not Enough Resources", Color.Red, 3500f)); break; } } return; } } if (this.demolishing) { if (!(Game1.currentLocation is Farm)) { return; } if (Game1.IsClient) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage("Only the farm owner can demolish.", Color.Red, 3500f)); return; } Vector2 tileLocation = new Vector2((float)((Game1.viewport.X + Game1.getOldMouseX()) / Game1.tileSize), (float)((Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.getOldMouseY()) / Game1.tileSize)); Building destroyed = ((Farm)Game1.currentLocation).getBuildingAt(tileLocation); if (Game1.IsMultiplayer && destroyed != null && > 0) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage("Someone's in there!", Color.Red, 3500f)); return; } if (destroyed == null || !((Farm)Game1.currentLocation).destroyStructure(destroyed)) { this.parent.invisible = false; this.placingStructure = false; this.demolishing = false; return; } int groundYTile = destroyed.tileY + destroyed.tilesHigh; for (int j = 0; j < destroyed.texture.Bounds.Height / Game1.tileSize; j++) { Game1.createRadialDebris(Game1.currentLocation, destroyed.texture, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(destroyed.texture.Bounds.Center.X, destroyed.texture.Bounds.Center.Y, Game1.tileSize / 16, Game1.tileSize / 16), destroyed.tileX + Game1.random.Next(destroyed.tilesWide), destroyed.tileY + destroyed.tilesHigh - j, Game1.random.Next(20, 45), groundYTile); } Game1.playSound("explosion"); Utility.spreadAnimalsAround(destroyed, (Farm)Game1.currentLocation); if (Game1.IsServer) { MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange(1, tileLocation, "",, Game1.player.uniqueMultiplayerID); return; } } else { if (this.upgrading && Game1.currentLocation.GetType() == typeof(Farm)) { (Game1.currentLocation as Farm).tryToUpgrade(((Farm)Game1.getLocationFromName("Farm")).getBuildingAt(new Vector2((float)((Game1.viewport.X + Game1.getOldMouseX()) / Game1.tileSize), (float)((Game1.viewport.Y + Game1.getOldMouseY()) / Game1.tileSize))), this.structureForPlacement); return; } if (!CataloguePage.canPlaceThisBuildingOnTheCurrentMap(this.structureForPlacement, Game1.currentLocation)) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage("You can't build that in this location.", Color.Red, 3500f)); return; } if (!this.structureForPlacement.doesFarmerHaveEnoughResourcesToBuild()) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage("Not Enough Resources", Color.Red, 3500f)); return; } if (this.tryToBuild()) { this.structureForPlacement.consumeResources(); if (!this.structureForPlacement.blueprintType.Equals("Animals")) { Game1.playSound("axe"); return; } } else if (!Game1.IsClient) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage("Can't Build There", Color.Red, 3500f)); } } }
public bool buildStructure(Building b, Vector2 tileLocation, bool serverMessage, Farmer who) { if (!serverMessage || !Game1.IsClient) { for (int i = 0; i < b.tilesHigh; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < b.tilesWide; j++) { Vector2 tileLocation2 = new Vector2(tileLocation.X + (float)j, tileLocation.Y + (float)i); if (!this.isBuildable(tileLocation2)) { return(false); } for (int k = 0; k <; k++) { if ([k].GetBoundingBox().Intersects(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(j * Game1.tileSize, i * Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize))) { return(false); } } } } if (Game1.IsMultiplayer) { MultiplayerUtility.broadcastBuildingChange(0, tileLocation, b.buildingType,, who.uniqueMultiplayerID); if (Game1.IsClient) { return(false); } } } string text = b.isThereAnythingtoPreventConstruction(this); if (text != null) { Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(text, Color.Red, 3500f)); return(false); } b.tileX = (int)tileLocation.X; b.tileY = (int)tileLocation.Y; if (b.indoors != null && b.indoors is AnimalHouse) { foreach (long current in (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animalsThatLiveHere) { FarmAnimal farmAnimal = Utility.getAnimal(current); if (farmAnimal != null) { farmAnimal.homeLocation = tileLocation; farmAnimal.home = b; } else if (farmAnimal == null && (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animals.ContainsKey(current)) { farmAnimal = (b.indoors as AnimalHouse).animals[current]; farmAnimal.homeLocation = tileLocation; farmAnimal.home = b; } } } if (b.indoors != null) { foreach (Warp expr_1F9 in b.indoors.warps) { expr_1F9.TargetX = b.humanDoor.X + b.tileX; expr_1F9.TargetY = b.humanDoor.Y + b.tileY + 1; } } this.buildings.Add(b); return(true); }