        public void SdcaMulticlass()
            var env        = new MLContext(seed: 0);
            var dataPath   = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.iris.trainFilename);
            var dataSource = new MultiFileSource(dataPath);

            var ctx    = new MulticlassClassificationContext(env);
            var reader = TextLoaderStatic.CreateReader(env,
                                                       c => (label: c.LoadText(0), features: c.LoadFloat(1, 4)));

            MulticlassLogisticRegressionModelParameters pred = null;

            var loss = new HingeLoss(1);

            // With a custom loss function we no longer get calibrated predictions.
            var est = reader.MakeNewEstimator()
                      .Append(r => (label: r.label.ToKey(), r.features))
                      .Append(r => (r.label, preds: ctx.Trainers.Sdca(
                                        maxIterations: 2,
                                        loss: loss, onFit: p => pred = p)));

            var pipe = reader.Append(est);

            var model = pipe.Fit(dataSource);

            VBuffer <float>[] weights = default;
            pred.GetWeights(ref weights, out int n);
            Assert.True(n == 3 && n == weights.Length);
            foreach (var w in weights)
                Assert.True(w.Length == 4);

            var biases = pred.GetBiases();

            Assert.True(biases.Count() == 3);

            var data = model.Read(dataSource);

            // Just output some data on the schema for fun.
            var schema = data.AsDynamic.Schema;

            for (int c = 0; c < schema.Count; ++c)
                Console.WriteLine($"{schema[c].Name}, {schema[c].Type}");

            var metrics = ctx.Evaluate(data, r => r.label, r => r.preds, 2);

            Assert.True(metrics.LogLoss > 0);
            Assert.True(metrics.TopKAccuracy > 0);
        private void TrainAndInspectWeights(string dataPath)
            // Create a new context for ML.NET operations. It can be used for exception tracking and logging,
            // as a catalog of available operations and as the source of randomness.
            var mlContext = new MLContext();

            // Step one: read the data as an IDataView.
            // First, we define the loader: specify the data columns and where to find them in the text file.
            var loader = mlContext.Data.CreateTextLoader(ctx => (
                                                             // The four features of the Iris dataset.
                                                             SepalLength: ctx.LoadFloat(0),
                                                             SepalWidth: ctx.LoadFloat(1),
                                                             PetalLength: ctx.LoadFloat(2),
                                                             PetalWidth: ctx.LoadFloat(3),
                                                             // Label: kind of iris.
                                                             Label: ctx.LoadText(4)
                                                         // Default separator is tab, but the dataset has comma.
                                                         separator: ',');

            // Retrieve the training data.
            var trainData = loader.Load(dataPath);

            // This is the predictor ('weights collection') that we will train.
            MulticlassLogisticRegressionModelParameters predictor = null;
            // And these are the normalizer scales that we will learn.
            ImmutableArray <float> normScales;
            // Build the training pipeline.
            var pipeline = loader.MakeNewEstimator()
                           .Append(r => (
                                       // Concatenate all the features together into one column 'Features'.
                                       Features: r.SepalLength.ConcatWith(r.SepalWidth, r.PetalLength, r.PetalWidth)))
                           .Append(r => (
                                       // Normalize (rescale) the features to be between -1 and 1.
                                       Features: r.Features.Normalize(
                                           // When the normalizer is trained, the below delegate is going to be called.
                                           // We use it to memorize the scales.
                                           onFit: (scales, offsets) => normScales = scales)))
                           // Cache data used in memory because the subsequently trainer needs to access the data multiple times.
                           .Append(r => (
                                       // Train the multi-class SDCA model to predict the label using features.
                                       // Note that the label is a text, so it needs to be converted to key using 'ToKey' estimator.
                                       Predictions: mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.Sdca(r.Label.ToKey(), r.Features,
                                                                                                     // When the model is trained, the below delegate is going to be called.
                                                                                                     // We use that to memorize the predictor object.
                                                                                                     onFit: p => predictor = p)));

            // Train the model. During this call our 'onFit' delegate will be invoked,
            // and our 'predictor' will be set.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(trainData);

            // Now we can use 'predictor' to look at the weights.
            // 'weights' will be an array of weight vectors, one vector per class.
            // Our problem has 3 classes, so numClasses will be 3, and weights will contain
            // 3 vectors (of 4 values each).
            VBuffer <float>[] weights = null;
            predictor.GetWeights(ref weights, out int numClasses);

            // Similarly we can also inspect the biases for the 3 classes.
            var biases = predictor.GetBiases();

            // Inspect the normalizer scales.
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", normScales));