public override void run() { L2Player player = getClient().CurrentPlayer; if (_amount < 0) { _amount = 1; } if (player.LastRequestedMultiSellId != _listId) { player.sendMessage("You are not authorized to use this list now."); player.sendActionFailed(); return; } MultiSellList list = null; if (player.CustomMultiSellList != null) { list = player.CustomMultiSellList; if ( != _listId) { list = MultiSell.getInstance().getList(_listId); } } else { list = MultiSell.getInstance().getList(_listId); } if (list == null || list.container.Count < _entryId) { player.sendSystemMessage(1802);//The attempt to trade has failed. player.sendActionFailed(); return; } MultiSellEntry entry = list.container[_entryId]; bool ok = true; foreach (MultiSellItem i in entry.take) { if ( > 0) { if (!player.hasItem(, i.count)) { ok = false; break; } } else { switch ( { case -100: //pvppoint if (player.Fame < i.count * _amount) { ok = false; } break; } } } if (!ok) { player.sendSystemMessage(701);//You do not have enough required items. player.sendActionFailed(); return; } foreach (MultiSellItem i in entry.take) { if (i.l2item != null) { player.Inventory.destroyItem(i.l2item, 1, true, true); } else { if ( > 0) { player.Inventory.destroyItem(, i.count, true, true); } else { switch ( { case -100: //pvppoint break; } } } } foreach (MultiSellItem i in entry.give) { if ( > 0) { if (i.l2item != null) { L2Item item = new L2Item(i.template); item.Enchant = i.l2item.Enchant; player.Inventory.addItem(item, true, true); } else { if (i.template.isStackable()) { player.Inventory.addItem(, i.count * _amount, i.enchant, true, true); } else { player.Inventory.addItem(, 1, i.enchant, true, true); } } } else { switch ( { case -100: //pvppoint break; } } } player.sendSystemMessage(1656);//You have successfully traded the item with the NPC. }
public MultiSellListEx(MultiSellList list) { _list = list; }