public Container2D <GenSpace> GetGrid() { var map = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); map.PutAll(Grids, ShiftP); return(map); }
public override bool Place(Container2D <GenSpace> grid, LayoutObject obj, Theme theme, System.Random rand, out Boxing placed) { List <Bounding> options = obj.FindRectangles(GridWidth, GridLength, true, UnitTest); options = new List <Bounding>(options.Filter((bounds) => { Counter counter = new Counter(); grid.DrawRect(new Bounding(bounds, 1), FrontTest.IfThen(Draw.Count <GenSpace>(counter))); return(counter > 0); })); if (options.Count == 0) { placed = null; return(false); } #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen) && BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Options:"); if (GridWidth == 1 && GridLength == 1) { MultiMap <GenSpace> tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(obj); foreach (Bounding bounds in options) { tmp.DrawRect(bounds, Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_CUR, theme)); } tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen); } else { foreach (Bounding bounds in options) { MultiMap <GenSpace> tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(obj); tmp.DrawRect(bounds, Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_CUR, theme)); tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen); } } } #endregion // Place startpoints placed = null; return(false); //placed = options.Random(rand); placed.Expand(1); GridLocation side = GridLocation.BOTTOMRIGHT; foreach (GridLocation loc in GridLocationExt.Dirs().Randomize(rand)) { if (obj.DrawEdge(placed, loc, UnitTest, false)) { side = loc; break; } } obj.DrawEdge(placed, side, Draw.SetTo(GridType.StairPlace, theme), false); return(true); }
public Container2D <GenSpace> GetGrid() { var map = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); foreach (ILayoutObject obj in Objects) { map.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); } return(map); }
public async Task <Payment> CreatePayment(Guid accountId, Guid?paymentMethodId, PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction, List <string> controlPluginNames, Dictionary <string, string> pluginProperties, RequestOptions inputOptions) { var allowedTransactionTypes = new[] { "AUTHORIZE", "CREDIT", "PURCHASE" }; if (accountId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { throw new ArgumentException("createPayment#accountId must not be empty"); } if (paymentTransaction == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paymentTransaction)); } if (!allowedTransactionTypes.Contains(paymentTransaction.TransactionType)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid paymentTransaction type " + paymentTransaction.TransactionType); } if (paymentTransaction.Amount <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("PaymentTransaction#amount cannot be 0 or less"); } if (paymentTransaction.Currency == null) { throw new ArgumentException("PaymentTransaction#currency cannot be null"); } var uri = Configuration.ACCOUNTS_PATH + "/" + accountId + "/" + Configuration.PAYMENTS; var param = new MultiMap <string>().Create(inputOptions.QueryParams); if (paymentMethodId.HasValue) { param.Add("paymentMethodId", paymentMethodId.ToString()); } if (controlPluginNames != null && controlPluginNames.Count > 0) { param.PutAll(Configuration.CONTROL_PLUGIN_NAME, controlPluginNames); } StorePluginPropertiesAsParams(pluginProperties, ref param); var followLocation = inputOptions.FollowLocation ?? true; var requestOptions = inputOptions.Extend().WithQueryParams(param).WithFollowLocation(followLocation).Build(); return(await _client.Post <Payment>(uri, paymentTransaction, requestOptions)); }
public override bool Place(Container2D <GenSpace> grid, LayoutObject obj, Theme theme, Random rand, out Boxing placed) { int max = Math.Max(GridWidth, GridLength); List <Boxing> options = new List <Boxing>( grid.FindBoxes( GridWidth, GridLength, GridLocation.TOP, new BoxedAction <GenSpace>( frontTest.And(Draw.ContainedIn(obj)), unitTest), true, true, obj.Bounding.Expand(max)) .Filter((box) => { Counter counter = new Counter(); bool ret = grid.DrawEdge(box, box.Front, Draw.HasAround(false, Draw.And(Draw.IsType <GenSpace>(GridType.Floor), Draw.Count <GenSpace>(counter)). Or(Draw.Walkable()))); return(ret && counter > 0); })); if (options.Count == 0) { placed = null; return(false); } #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen) && BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Options:"); foreach (Boxing boxing in options) { MultiMap <GenSpace> tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(obj); tmp.DrawRect(boxing, Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_CUR, theme)); tmp.DrawEdge(boxing, boxing.Front, Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_BLOCKED, theme)); tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen); } } #endregion // Place startpoints placed = options.Random(rand); obj.DrawEdge(placed, placed.Front, Draw.Around(false, Draw.IsType <GenSpace>(GridType.Floor).IfThen(Draw.SetTo(GridType.StairPlace, theme)))); return(true); }
public Container2D <GenSpace> GetConnectedGrid() { #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen) && BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps)) { BigBoss.Debug.printHeader(Logs.LevelGen, "Get Connected Grid " + this); } #endregion List <LayoutObject> connected = ConnectedToAll(); var arrOut = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); foreach (var obj in connected) { arrOut.PutAll(obj.Grids, obj.ShiftP); } #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen) && BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps)) { BigBoss.Debug.printFooter(Logs.LevelGen, "Get Connected Grid " + this); } #endregion return(arrOut); }
protected void ClusterAround(LayoutObjectContainer cluster, LayoutObject obj) { #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.printHeader("Cluster Around"); } #endregion obj.ShiftOutside(cluster, new Point(1, 0), null, false, false); obj.Shift(-1, 0); // Shift to overlapping slightly MultiMap <bool> visited = new MultiMap <bool>(); visited[0, 0] = true; ProbabilityList <ClusterInfo> shiftOptions = new ProbabilityList <ClusterInfo>(); Queue <Point> shiftQueue = new Queue <Point>(); shiftQueue.Enqueue(new Point()); Container2D <GenSpace> clusterGrid = cluster.GetGrid(); Container2D <GenSpace> objGrid = obj.GetGrid(); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { var tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); tmp.PutAll(cluster.GetGrid()); tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Starting placement"); } #endregion while (shiftQueue.Count > 0) { Point curShift = shiftQueue.Dequeue(); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps) && BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { var tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmpMap.PutAll(clusterGrid); tmpMap.PutAll(objGrid, curShift); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Analyzing at shift " + curShift); } #endregion // Test if pass List <Point> intersectPoints = new List <Point>(); if (objGrid.DrawAll((arr, x, y) => { if (GridTypeEnum.EdgeType(arr[x, y].GetGridType())) { GridType clusterType = clusterGrid[x + curShift.x, y + curShift.y].GetGridType(); if (clusterType == GridType.NULL) { return(true); } intersectPoints.Add(new Point(x, y)); return(GridTypeEnum.EdgeType(clusterType)); } else { return(!clusterGrid.Contains(x + curShift.x, y + curShift.y)); } }) && intersectPoints.Count > 0) { // Passed test // queue surrounding points visited.DrawAround(curShift.x, curShift.y, true, Draw.Not(Draw.EqualTo(true)).IfThen(Draw.AddTo <bool>(shiftQueue).And(Draw.SetTo(true)))); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps) && BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "passed with " + intersectPoints.Count); } #endregion shiftOptions.Add(new ClusterInfo() { Shift = curShift, Intersects = intersectPoints }, Math.Pow(intersectPoints.Count, 3)); } } #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { shiftOptions.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Shift options"); } #endregion List <Point> clusterDoorOptions = new List <Point>(); ClusterInfo info; var placed = new List <Value2D <GenSpace> >(0); while (shiftOptions.Take(Rand, out info)) { clusterGrid.DrawPoints(info.Intersects, Draw.CanDrawDoor().IfThen(Draw.AddTo <GenSpace>(clusterDoorOptions)).Shift(info.Shift)); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "selected " + info.Shift); var tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); clusterGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap)); objGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap, info.Shift)); tmpMap.DrawPoints(info.Intersects, Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_CUR, Theme).Shift(info.Shift)); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Intersect Points"); tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); clusterGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap)); objGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap, info.Shift)); tmpMap.DrawPoints(clusterDoorOptions, Draw.SetTo(GridType.Door, Theme)); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Cluster door options"); } #endregion if (clusterDoorOptions.Count > 0) { // Cluster side has door options obj.Shift(info.Shift.x, info.Shift.y); placed = obj.PlaceSomeDoors(clusterDoorOptions, Theme, Rand); if (placed.Count != 0) { // Placed a door foreach (Point p in placed) { LayoutObject clusterObj; cluster.GetObjAt(p, out clusterObj); obj.Connect(clusterObj); } break; } else { #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "selected point failed to match " + info.Shift + ". Backing up"); } #endregion obj.Shift(-info.Shift.x, -info.Shift.y); } } } if (placed.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not cluster rooms"); } #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { var tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmpMap.PutAll(clusterGrid); tmpMap.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Final setup " + info.Shift); BigBoss.Debug.printFooter("Cluster Around"); } #endregion }
public static void ShiftOutside(this ILayoutObject obj, ILayoutObject rhs, Point dir, Point hint, bool rough, bool finalShift) { Point reducBase = dir.Reduce(); Point reduc = new Point(reducBase); int xShift, yShift; #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.printHeader(Logs.LevelGen, "Shift Outside " + obj.ToString()); BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Shifting outside of " + rhs.ToString()); BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Shift " + dir + " Reduc shift: " + reduc); BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Bounds: " + obj.Bounding + " RHS bounds: " + rhs.Bounding); var tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(rhs.GetGrid()); tmp.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Before shifting"); } #endregion Point at; while (obj.Intersects(rhs, hint, out at)) { if (rough) { obj.Shift(reduc.x, reduc.y); at.Shift(reduc); hint = at; } else { reduc.Take(out xShift, out yShift); obj.Shift(xShift, yShift); if (reduc.isZero()) { reduc = new Point(reducBase); } at.Shift(xShift, yShift); hint = at; } #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps) && BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Intersected at " + at); var tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(rhs.GetGrid()); tmp.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "After shifting"); } #endregion } if (finalShift) { obj.Shift(dir.x, dir.y); } #region DEBUG if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.printFooter(Logs.LevelGen, "Shift Outside " + obj.ToString()); } #endregion }