public void reading_ckmon_files_in_previous_versions(int version)
            var folder = Path.Combine(TestHelper.SolutionFolder, "Tests", "CK.Monitoring.Tests", "Persistence", "PrevVersionsData", "v" + version);
            var files  = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.ckmon", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            using MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
            bool newIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; ++i)
                var f = reader.Add(files[i], out newIndex);
            var allEntries = reader.GetActivityMap().Monitors.SelectMany(m => m.ReadAllEntries().Select(e => e.Entry)).ToList();

            // v5 and v6 did not have the Debug level.
            if (version <= 6)
                var allLevels = allEntries.Select(e => e.LogLevel & ~LogLevel.IsFiltered);
                .And.Contain(new[] { LogLevel.Trace, LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Warn, LogLevel.Error, LogLevel.Fatal });
        private static void DuplicateTestWith6Entries(int nbEntries1, int nbEntries2, bool gzip = false)
            var folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("ReadDuplicates");

            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration()
                         .AddHandler(new Handlers.BinaryFileConfiguration()
                Path               = folder,
                MaxCountPerFile    = nbEntries1,
                UseGzipCompression = gzip
                         .AddHandler(new Handlers.BinaryFileConfiguration()
                Path               = folder,
                MaxCountPerFile    = nbEntries2,
                UseGzipCompression = gzip

            using (var o = new GrandOutput(config))
                var m = new ActivityMonitor();
                var direct = m.Output.RegisterClient(new CKMonWriterClient(folder, Math.Min(nbEntries1, nbEntries2), LogFilter.Debug, gzip));
                // 6 traces that go to the GrandOutput but also to the direct CKMonWriterClient.
                m.Trace("Trace 1");
                m.OpenTrace("OpenTrace 1");
                m.Trace("Trace 1.1");
                m.Trace("Trace 1.2");
                m.Trace("Trace 2");
            var files = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(folder, 3);

            for (int pageReadLength = 1; pageReadLength < 10; ++pageReadLength)
                using MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
                var map = reader.GetActivityMap();
                map.ValidFiles.All(rawFile => rawFile.IsValidFile).Should().BeTrue("All files are correctly closed with the final 0 byte and no exception occurred while reading them.");

                var allEntries1 = map.Monitors[0].ReadAllEntries().ToList();
                var allEntries2 = map.Monitors[1].ReadAllEntries().ToList();

                var allEntries = allEntries1.Any(e => e.Entry.Text == "Topic: CK.Monitoring.DispatcherSink")
                                    ? allEntries2
                                    : allEntries1;

                allEntries.Select(e => e.Entry.Text)
                .SequenceEqual(new[] { "Trace 1", "OpenTrace 1", "Trace 1.1", "Trace 1.2", null, "Trace 2" })
        private static void DuplicateTestWith6Entries(int nbEntries1, int nbEntries2, bool gzip = false)
            var folder = String.Format("{0}\\ReadDuplicates", TestHelper.TestFolder);

            string config = String.Format(@"
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-1"" MaxCountPerFile=""{1}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-2"" MaxCountPerFile=""{2}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
", folder, nbEntries1, nbEntries2, gzip);

            using (var o = new GrandOutput())
                GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                Assert.That(c.Load(XDocument.Parse(config).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor), Is.True);
                Assert.That(o.SetConfiguration(c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor), Is.True);

                var m = new ActivityMonitor();
                var direct = m.Output.RegisterClient(new CKMonWriterClient(folder, Math.Min(nbEntries1, nbEntries2), LogFilter.Debug, gzip));
                // 6 traces that go to the GrandOutput but also to the direct CKMonWriterClient.
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 1");
                m.OpenTrace().Send("OpenTrace 1");
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 1.1");
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 1.2");
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 2");
            var files = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(folder, 3);

            for (int pageReadLength = 1; pageReadLength < 10; ++pageReadLength)
                MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
                var map = reader.GetActivityMap();
                Assert.That(map.ValidFiles.All(rawFile => rawFile.IsValidFile), Is.True, "All files are correctly closed with the final 0 byte and no exception occurred while reading them.");

                var readMonitor = map.Monitors.Single();

                List <ParentedLogEntry> allEntries = new List <ParentedLogEntry>();
                using (var pageReader = readMonitor.ReadFirstPage(pageReadLength))
                    }while(pageReader.ForwardPage() > 0);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "Trace 1", "OpenTrace 1", "Trace 1.1", "Trace 1.2", null, "Trace 2" }, allEntries.Select(e => e.Entry.Text).ToArray(), StringComparer.Ordinal);
        public void GrandOutputHasSameCompressedAndUncompressedLogs()
            string rootPath = SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + @"\GrandOutputGzip";


            GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

                <GrandOutputConfiguration GlobalDefaultFilter=""Release"" >
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""GzipGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputGzip"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""True"" />
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""RawGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputRaw"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""False"" />
                                               ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor));
            Assert.That(c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput())
                Assert.That(g.SetConfiguration(c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor), Is.True);

                var taskA = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => { DumpMonitorOutput(CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput("Task A", g)); return(1); });
                var taskB = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => { DumpMonitorOutput(CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput("Task B", g)); return(1); });
                var taskC = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => { DumpMonitorOutput(CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput("Task C", g)); return(1); });

                Task.WaitAll(taskA, taskB, taskC);

            string[] gzipCkmons = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(rootPath + @"\OutputGzip", 1);
            string[] rawCkmons  = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(rootPath + @"\OutputRaw", 1);

            Assert.That(gzipCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(rawCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo(1));

            FileInfo gzipCkmonFile = new FileInfo(gzipCkmons.Single());
            FileInfo rawCkmonFile  = new FileInfo(rawCkmons.Single());

            Assert.That(gzipCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True);
            Assert.That(rawCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True);

            // Test file size
            Assert.That(gzipCkmonFile.Length, Is.LessThan(rawCkmonFile.Length));

            // Test de-duplication between Gzip and non-Gzip
            MultiLogReader mlr      = new MultiLogReader();
            var            fileList = mlr.Add(new string[] { gzipCkmonFile.FullName, rawCkmonFile.FullName });

            Assert.That(fileList, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));

            var map = mlr.GetActivityMap();

            Assert.That(map.Monitors.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
        public static void ReplayLogs(DirectoryInfo directory, bool recurse, Func <MultiLogReader.Monitor, ActivityMonitor> monitorProvider, IActivityMonitor m = null)
            var reader = new MultiLogReader();

            using (m != null ? m.OpenTrace().Send("Reading files from '{0}' {1}.", directory.FullName, recurse ? "(recursive)" : null) : null)
                var files = reader.Add(directory.EnumerateFiles("*.ckmon", recurse ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Select(f => f.FullName));
                if (files.Count == 0)
                    if (m != null)
                        m.Warn().Send("No *.ckmon files found!");
                    var monitors = reader.GetActivityMap().Monitors;
                    if (m != null)
                        m.Trace().Send(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, files));
                        m.CloseGroup(String.Format("Found {0} file(s) containing {1} monitor(s).", files.Count, monitors.Count));
                        m.OpenTrace().Send("Extracting entries.");
                    foreach (var mon in monitors)
                        var replay = monitorProvider(mon);
                        if (replay == null)
                            if (m != null)
                                m.Info().Send("Skipping activity from '{0}'.", mon.MonitorId);
                            mon.Replay(replay, m);
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string inputFilePath = args[0];

            if (!Path.HasExtension(inputFilePath))
                using (MultiLogReader multiLogReader = new MultiLogReader())
                    multiLogReader.Add(Directory.GetFiles(inputFilePath, "*.ckmon", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

                    var activityMap = multiLogReader.GetActivityMap();
                    SortedList <DateTimeStamp, IMulticastLogEntry> list = new SortedList <DateTimeStamp, IMulticastLogEntry>();
                    foreach (var file in activityMap.ValidFiles)
                        var readers = file.Monitors.Select(m => m.CreateFilteredReader(0L));
                        foreach (var reader in readers)
                            while (reader.MoveNext())
                                list.Add(reader.CurrentMulticast.LogTime, reader.CurrentMulticast);

                    MulticastLogEntryTextBuilder b = new MulticastLogEntryTextBuilder();
                    foreach (var entry in list)

            if (inputFilePath.EndsWith(".ckmon"))
                MulticastLogEntryTextBuilder b = new MulticastLogEntryTextBuilder();
                CopyTo(b, inputFilePath);
        public void GrandOutputHasSameCompressedAndUncompressedLogs()
            string rootPath = SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + @"\GrandOutputGzip";

            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( rootPath );

            GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
            Assert.That( c.Load( XDocument.Parse( @"
                <GrandOutputConfiguration GlobalDefaultFilter=""Release"" >
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""GzipGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputGzip"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""True"" />
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""RawGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputRaw"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""False"" />
                ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );
            Assert.That( c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo( 2 ) );

            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ), Is.True );

                var taskA = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>( () => { DumpMonitorOutput( CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( "Task A", g ) ); return 1; } );
                var taskB = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>( () => { DumpMonitorOutput( CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( "Task B", g ) ); return 1; } );
                var taskC = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>( () => { DumpMonitorOutput( CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( "Task C", g ) ); return 1; } );

                Task.WaitAll( taskA, taskB, taskC );

            string[] gzipCkmons = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory( rootPath + @"\OutputGzip", 1 );
            string[] rawCkmons = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory( rootPath + @"\OutputRaw", 1 );

            Assert.That( gzipCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo( 1 ) );
            Assert.That( rawCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo( 1 ) );

            FileInfo gzipCkmonFile = new FileInfo( gzipCkmons.Single() );
            FileInfo rawCkmonFile = new FileInfo( rawCkmons.Single() );

            Assert.That( gzipCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True );
            Assert.That( rawCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True );

            // Test file size
            Assert.That( gzipCkmonFile.Length, Is.LessThan( rawCkmonFile.Length ) );

            // Test de-duplication between Gzip and non-Gzip
            MultiLogReader mlr = new MultiLogReader();
            var fileList = mlr.Add( new string[] { gzipCkmonFile.FullName, rawCkmonFile.FullName } );
            Assert.That( fileList, Has.Count.EqualTo( 2 ) );

            var map = mlr.GetActivityMap();

            Assert.That( map.Monitors.Count, Is.EqualTo( 3 ) );

        private static void DuplicateTestWith6Entries( int nbEntries1, int nbEntries2, bool gzip = false )
            var folder = String.Format( "{0}\\ReadDuplicates", TestHelper.TestFolder );
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( folder );
            string config = String.Format( @"
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-1"" MaxCountPerFile=""{1}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-2"" MaxCountPerFile=""{2}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
", folder, nbEntries1, nbEntries2, gzip );

            using( var o = new GrandOutput() )
                GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                Assert.That( c.Load( XDocument.Parse( config ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ), Is.True );
                Assert.That( o.SetConfiguration( c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ), Is.True );

                var m = new ActivityMonitor();
                o.Register( m );
                var direct = m.Output.RegisterClient( new CKMonWriterClient( folder, Math.Min( nbEntries1, nbEntries2 ), LogFilter.Debug, gzip ) );
                // 6 traces that go to the GrandOutput but also to the direct CKMonWriterClient.
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 1" );
                m.OpenTrace().Send( "OpenTrace 1" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 1.1" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 1.2" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 2" );
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 );
                m.Output.UnregisterClient( direct );
            var files = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory( folder, 3 );
            for( int pageReadLength = 1; pageReadLength < 10; ++pageReadLength )
                MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
                reader.Add( files );
                var map = reader.GetActivityMap();
                Assert.That( map.ValidFiles.All( rawFile => rawFile.IsValidFile ), Is.True, "All files are correctly closed with the final 0 byte and no exception occurred while reading them." );

                var readMonitor = map.Monitors.Single();

                List<ParentedLogEntry> allEntries = new List<ParentedLogEntry>();
                using( var pageReader = readMonitor.ReadFirstPage( pageReadLength ) )
                        allEntries.AddRange( pageReader.Entries );
                    while( pageReader.ForwardPage() > 0 );
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new[] { "Trace 1", "OpenTrace 1", "Trace 1.1", "Trace 1.2", null, "Trace 2" }, allEntries.Select( e => e.Entry.Text ).ToArray(), StringComparer.Ordinal );
 public static void ReplayLogs( DirectoryInfo directory, bool recurse, Func<MultiLogReader.Monitor, ActivityMonitor> monitorProvider, IActivityMonitor m = null )
     var reader = new MultiLogReader();
     using( m != null ? m.OpenTrace().Send( "Reading files from '{0}' {1}.", directory.FullName, recurse ? "(recursive)" : null ) : null )
         var files = reader.Add( directory.EnumerateFiles( "*.ckmon", recurse ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly ).Select( f => f.FullName ) );
         if( files.Count == 0 )
             if( m != null ) m.Warn().Send( "No *.ckmon files found!" );
             var monitors = reader.GetActivityMap().Monitors;
             if( m != null )
                 m.Trace().Send( String.Join( Environment.NewLine, files ) );
                 m.CloseGroup( String.Format( "Found {0} file(s) containing {1} monitor(s).", files.Count, monitors.Count ) );
                 m.OpenTrace().Send( "Extracting entries." );
             foreach( var mon in monitors )
                 var replay = monitorProvider( mon );
                 if( replay == null )
                     if( m != null ) m.Info().Send( "Skipping activity from '{0}'.", mon.MonitorId );
                     mon.Replay( replay, m );