        private void InitTetriminoArray()
            if (RotateableArray.GetLength(0) != RotateableArray.GetLength(1))
                throw new System.Exception("Rotateable array should be square");

            var temp = RotateableArray;

            while (MultiArrayHelper.AllInColumnFalse(temp, 0))
                temp = MultiArrayHelper.TrimColumn(0, temp);

            while (MultiArrayHelper.AllInRowFalse(temp, 0))
                temp = MultiArrayHelper.TrimRow(0, temp);

            while (MultiArrayHelper.AllInColumnFalse(temp, temp.GetLength(1) - 1))
                temp = MultiArrayHelper.TrimColumn(temp.GetLength(1) - 1, temp);

            while (MultiArrayHelper.AllInRowFalse(temp, temp.GetLength(0) - 1))
                temp = MultiArrayHelper.TrimRow(temp.GetLength(0) - 1, temp);

            TetriminoArray = temp;
        private static Tetrimino DetectNextBlock(Bitmap data, int stepX, int stepY, int xStart, int yStart, Graphics graphicsPanel2, int vakjeNummer)
            bool[,] tetriminoArray = new bool[4, 4];

            for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                    var pixelX = xStart + stepX * x;
                    var pixelY = yStart + stepY * y;

                    int dingetje = 5;

                    var pixels = new List <Color>
                        data.GetPixel(pixelX, pixelY),
                        data.GetPixel(pixelX - stepX / dingetje, pixelY - stepY / dingetje),
                        data.GetPixel(pixelX + stepX / dingetje, pixelY - stepY / dingetje),
                        data.GetPixel(pixelX - stepX / dingetje, pixelY + stepY / dingetje),
                        data.GetPixel(pixelX + stepX / dingetje, pixelY + stepY / dingetje)

                    var darkest = Color.FromArgb(pixels.Min(t => t.R), pixels.Min(t => t.G), pixels.Min(t => t.B));

                    var avg = darkest.R + darkest.G + darkest.B / 3;

                    float hue        = darkest.GetHue();
                    float saturation = darkest.GetSaturation();
                    float lightness  = darkest.GetBrightness();

                    //if (darkest.R < BlackColorTreshhold && darkest.G < BlackColorTreshhold && darkest.B < BlackColorTreshhold)
                    //    darkest = Color.Black;
                    //    darkest = Color.Red;
                    if (lightness < 0.3f)
                        darkest = Color.Black;
                        darkest = Color.Red;
                        tetriminoArray[y + 1, x] = true;
                    var br = new SolidBrush(darkest);
                    graphicsPanel2.FillRectangle(br, x * TetrisConstants.BlockSize, y * TetrisConstants.BlockSize + vakjeNummer * (TetrisConstants.BlockSize * 3), TetrisConstants.BlockSize, TetrisConstants.BlockSize);

            if (tetriminoArray[0, 0] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[0, 1] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[0, 2] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[0, 3] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[0, 3] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[1, 3] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[2, 3] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[3, 3] == false)
                tetriminoArray = MultiArrayHelper.TrimArray(0, 3, tetriminoArray);

            int rowToCheck = tetriminoArray.GetLength(0) - 1;

            if (tetriminoArray[0, 0] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[rowToCheck, 1] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[rowToCheck, 2] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[1, 0] == false &&
                tetriminoArray[2, 0] == false)
                tetriminoArray = MultiArrayHelper.TrimArray(rowToCheck, 0, tetriminoArray);

            //    if (tetriminoArray[1, 0] == false &&
            //    tetriminoArray[1, 1] == false &&
            //    tetriminoArray[1, 2] == false &&
            //    tetriminoArray[1, 3] == false)
            //    tetriminoArray = new bool[1, 4] { { tetriminoArray[0, 0], tetriminoArray[0, 1], tetriminoArray[0, 2], tetriminoArray[0, 3] } };

            //if (tetriminoArray[0, 3] == false && tetriminoArray[1, 3] == false)
            //    tetriminoArray = new bool[2, 3] { { tetriminoArray[0, 0], tetriminoArray[0, 1], tetriminoArray[0, 2] }, { tetriminoArray[1, 0], tetriminoArray[1, 1], tetriminoArray[1, 2] } };

            //if (tetriminoArray[0, 0] == false && tetriminoArray[1, 0] == false)
            //    tetriminoArray = new bool[2, 2] { { tetriminoArray[0, 1], tetriminoArray[0, 2] }, { tetriminoArray[1, 1], tetriminoArray[1, 2] } };

            if (MultiArrayHelper.IsValidTetrino(tetriminoArray))
                return(new Tetrimino(tetriminoArray));
    internal static bool IsTwoGraphSameMatrix(Graph graph1, Graph graph2)
        if (graph1.graphMatrix.Rank != 2 && graph1.graphMatrix.Rank != graph2.graphMatrix.Rank ||
            graph1.graphMatrix.GetLength(0) != graph1.graphMatrix.GetLength(1) ||
            graph2.graphMatrix.GetLength(0) != graph2.graphMatrix.GetLength(1))

        var graph1Size = graph1.graphMatrix.GetLength(0);
        var graph2Size = graph2.graphMatrix.GetLength(0);

        var graph1MatrixTemp = graph1.graphMatrix.Clone() as int[, ];
        var graph2MatrixTemp = graph2.graphMatrix.Clone() as int[, ];

        //Process matrix and put every node index into dictionary list by their connection count.
        //So, <5, [0,3,4]> means nodes 0,3 and 4 have 5 connections each.
        //After grouping them by their connection number, we will sort the matrix and permutate them.
        var graph1IndexListPerCountDic = new SortedDictionary <int, List <int> >(); //<count>, <list of indices that has same number of connections>

        for (int i = 0; i < graph1Size; i++)
            var countOfIndex = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < graph1Size; j++)
                if (i == j)
                if (graph1MatrixTemp[i, j] > 0)

            if (countOfIndex <= 0)

            if (!graph1IndexListPerCountDic.ContainsKey(countOfIndex))
                graph1IndexListPerCountDic[countOfIndex] = new List <int>();

        if (graph1IndexListPerCountDic.Count == 0)

        var graph2IndexListPerCountDic = new SortedDictionary <int, List <int> >(); //<count>, <list of indices that has same number of connections>

        for (int i = 0; i < graph2Size; i++)
            var countOfIndex = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < graph2Size; j++)
                if (i == j)
                if (graph2MatrixTemp[i, j] > 0)

            if (countOfIndex <= 0)

            if (!graph2IndexListPerCountDic.ContainsKey(countOfIndex))
                graph2IndexListPerCountDic[countOfIndex] = new List <int>();

        if (graph2IndexListPerCountDic.Count == 0)

        //Check if every count has same number of indices in each graph
        //eg. graph1 has 3 nodes with 2 connection and 2 nodes with 1 connection. graph2 has 2 nodes with 2 connection and 2 nodes with 1 connection. Then they are definitely not equal.
        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <int> > graph1IndexListPerCount in graph1IndexListPerCountDic)
            if (!graph2IndexListPerCountDic.ContainsKey(graph1IndexListPerCount.Key) ||
                graph2IndexListPerCountDic[graph1IndexListPerCount.Key].Count != graph1IndexListPerCount.Value.Count)

        //Sort matrices so that they have less connections from lower indeces
        // <not sorted>
        //   0 1 2 3 4 5
        // 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
        // 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
        // 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
        // 3 1 0 0 0 1 0
        // 4 1 1 0 1 0 0
        // 5 1 0 0 0 0 0
        // </not sorted>
        // <sorted>
        //     2 3 5 4 1 0
        // 2   0 0 0 1 1 0
        // 3   0 0 0 1 1 0
        // 5   0 0 0 1 1 1
        // 4   1 1 1 0 0 1
        // 1   1 1 1 0 0 1
        // 0   0 0 1 1 1 0
        // </sorted>

        var graph1CountDicKeys = graph1IndexListPerCountDic.Keys.ToArray();

        var graph2CountDicKeys = graph2IndexListPerCountDic.Keys.ToArray();
        var combinationGraph2  = new List <int>();

        foreach (int graph2CountDicKey in graph2CountDicKeys)

        graph2MatrixTemp = MultiArrayHelper <int> .OrderArray(graph2MatrixTemp, combinationGraph2);

        //Permutate graphMatrix1 and check if it matches with graphMatrix2
        var graph1IndexPermutations = new List <List <int[]> >();

        for (int k = 0; k < graph1CountDicKeys.Length; k++)
            var indexList    = graph1IndexListPerCountDic[graph1CountDicKeys[k]];
            var permutations = ListPermutations(indexList.ToArray());

        var combinations = GetCombinationsOfIntLists(graph1IndexPermutations);

        foreach (List <int> combination in combinations)
            var graph1MatrixTempCombination = MultiArrayHelper <int> .OrderArray(graph1MatrixTemp, combination);

            bool isCombinationCorrect = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < combination.Count; i++)
                var rowGraph1 = MultiArrayHelper <int> .GetRow(graph1MatrixTempCombination, i);

                var rowGraph2 = MultiArrayHelper <int> .GetRow(graph2MatrixTemp, i);

                if (!MultiArrayHelper <int> .CompareRows(rowGraph1, rowGraph2))
                    isCombinationCorrect = false;

            if (isCombinationCorrect)
