public void ImportExistingLanguageFromResxTest() { var f = new MuiDBFile("..\\..\\TestData\\Sample.xml"); f.GetLanguages().Should().Contain("de"); f.ImportResX("..\\..\\TestData\\", "de"); f.GetLanguages().Should().Contain("de"); }
public void ImportNewItemTest() { var f = new MuiDBFile("new", MuiDBFile.OpenMode.CreateIfMissing); var id = "someRandomNewId"; var lang = "de"; var state = "new"; var value = "Ein Ring, sie alle zu kechten, sie alle zu finden."; f.Items.Should().NotContain((i) => i.Id == id); f.GetLanguages().Should().NotContain(lang); f.AddOrUpdateString(id, lang, value, state, null); f.GetLanguages().Should().Contain(lang); f.Items.Should().Contain((i) => i.Id == id); var item = f.Items.First((i) => i.Id == id); item.Texts.Should().ContainKey(lang); item.Texts[lang].State.Should().Be(state); item.Texts[lang].Value.Should().Be(value); item.Comments.Should().BeEmpty(); // import second language var lang2 = "en"; var state2 = "translated"; var value2 = "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them."; var comment = "This is a test"; f.AddOrUpdateString(id, lang2, value2, state2, comment); f.GetLanguages().Should().Contain(lang2); f.Items.Should().Contain((i) => i.Id == id); item = f.Items.First((i) => i.Id == id); item.Texts.Should().ContainKey(lang2); item.Texts[lang2].State.Should().Be(state2); item.Texts[lang2].Value.Should().Be(value2); item.Comments.Should().Contain(MuiDBFile.NeutralLanguage, comment); // check if document is compliant with schema // (comment node must be first child element of the item etc.) f.Validate(); }
public void ExportInvalidLanguageTest() { var f = new MuiDBFile("..\\..\\TestData\\Sample.xml"); f.GetLanguages().Should().NotContain("fr"); try { f.ExportResX("sdfs", "fr"); Assert.Fail("Export of unknown language must lead to ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { e.Message.ShouldBeEquivalentTo("'fr' is not a configured language."); } }