protected override void CreateEquationsAndSolvers(GridUpdateDataVaultBase L) { using (FuncTrace tr = new FuncTrace()) { this.BcMap = new IncompressibleBoundaryCondMap(this.GridData, grid.GetBoundaryConfig(), PhysicsMode.Incompressible); // assemble system, create matrix // ------------------------------ int D = GridData.SpatialDimension; //double penalty_base = ((double)((U[0].Basis.Degree + 1) * (U[0].Basis.Degree + D))) / ((double)D); double penalty_base = 1.0; double penalty_factor = 1.2; // equation assembly // ----------------- string[] CodNames = D.ForLoop(i => "C" + i); Operator = new SpatialOperator(VariableNames.VelocityVector(D), new string[] { VariableNames.ViscosityMolecular }, CodNames, QuadOrderFunc.Linear()); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { if ((this.whichTerms & Terms.T1) != 0) { var flx1 = new swipViscosity_Term1(penalty_base * penalty_factor, d, D, BcMap, ViscosityOption.VariableViscosity); flx1.g_Diri_Override = this.solution.U; flx1.g_Neu_Override = this.solution.dU; Operator.EquationComponents[CodNames[d]].Add(flx1); } if ((this.whichTerms & Terms.T2) != 0) { var flx2 = new swipViscosity_Term2(penalty_base * penalty_factor, d, D, BcMap, ViscosityOption.VariableViscosity); flx2.g_Diri_Override = this.solution.U; flx2.g_Neu_Override = this.solution.dU; Operator.EquationComponents[CodNames[d]].Add(flx2); } if ((this.whichTerms & Terms.T3) != 0) { var flx3 = new swipViscosity_Term3(penalty_base * penalty_factor, d, D, BcMap, ViscosityOption.VariableViscosity); flx3.g_Diri_Override = this.solution.U; flx3.g_Neu_Override = this.solution.dU; Operator.EquationComponents[CodNames[d]].Add(flx3); } } // */ Operator.Commit(); var map = this.U.Mapping; OperatorMtx = new MsrMatrix(map, map); Operator.ComputeMatrixEx(map, new DGField[] { }, map, OperatorMtx, this.bnd.CoordinateVector, volQuadScheme: null, edgeQuadScheme: null); // test for matrix symmetry // ======================== if (base.MPISize == 1) { double MatrixAssymmetry = OperatorMtx.SymmetryDeviation(); Console.WriteLine("Matrix asymmetry: " + MatrixAssymmetry); Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(MatrixAssymmetry), 1.0e-10); } } }
/// <summary> /// Spatial operator matrix analysis method /// </summary> public void SpatialOperatorMatrixAnalysis(bool CheckAssertions, int AnalysisLevel) { using (var solver = new Rheology()) { int D = solver.Grid.SpatialDimension; if (AnalysisLevel < 0 || AnalysisLevel > 2) { throw new ArgumentException(); } BlockMsrMatrix OpMatrix; double[] OpAffine; solver.AssembleMatrix(out OpMatrix, out OpAffine, solver.CurrentSolution.Mapping.ToArray(), true); // ============================= // AnalysisLevel 0 // ============================= { var OpMatrixT = OpMatrix.Transpose(); CoordinateVector TestVec = new CoordinateVector(solver.CurrentSolution.Mapping.Fields.Select(f => f.CloneAs()).ToArray()); double testsumPos = 0.0; double testsumNeg = 0.0; for (int rnd_seed = 0; rnd_seed < 20; rnd_seed++) { // fill the pressure components of the test vector TestVec.Clear(); Random rnd = new Random(rnd_seed); DGField Pressack = TestVec.Mapping.Fields[D] as DGField; int J = solver.GridData.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells; for (int j = 0; j < J; j++) { int N = Pressack.Basis.GetLength(j); for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { Pressack.Coordinates[j, n] = rnd.NextDouble(); } } // Gradient times P: double[] R1 = new double[TestVec.Count]; OpMatrix.SpMV(1.0, TestVec, 0.0, R1); // R1 = Grad * P //Console.WriteLine("L2 of 'Grad * P': " + R1.L2Norm()); // transpose of Divergence times P: double[] R2 = new double[TestVec.Count]; OpMatrix.SpMV(1.0, TestVec, 0.0, R2); // R2 = divT * P //Console.WriteLine("L2 of 'divT * P': " + R2.L2Norm()); TestVec.Clear(); TestVec.Acc(1.0, R1); TestVec.Acc(1.0, R2); // analyze! testsumNeg += GenericBlas.L2Dist(R1, R2); R2.ScaleV(-1.0); testsumPos += GenericBlas.L2Dist(R1, R2); } Console.WriteLine("Pressure/Divergence Symmetry error in all tests (+): " + testsumPos); Console.WriteLine("Pressure/Divergence Symmetry error in all tests (-): " + testsumNeg); if (CheckAssertions) { Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(testsumNeg), testsumPos * 1.0e-13); } } // ============================= // AnalysisLevel 1 and 2 // ============================= if (AnalysisLevel > 0) { AggregationGridBasis[][] MgBasis = AggregationGridBasis.CreateSequence(solver.MultigridSequence, solver.CurrentSolution.Mapping.BasisS); MultigridOperator mgOp = new MultigridOperator(MgBasis, solver.CurrentSolution.Mapping, OpMatrix, null, solver.MultigridOperatorConfig); // extract //////////// MsrMatrix FullMatrix = mgOp.OperatorMatrix.ToMsrMatrix(); MsrMatrix DiffMatrix; { int[] VelVarIdx = D.ForLoop(d => d); int[] USubMatrixIdx_Row = mgOp.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(VelVarIdx); int[] USubMatrixIdx_Col = mgOp.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(VelVarIdx); int L = USubMatrixIdx_Row.Length; DiffMatrix = new MsrMatrix(L, L, 1, 1); FullMatrix.WriteSubMatrixTo(DiffMatrix, USubMatrixIdx_Row, default(int[]), USubMatrixIdx_Col, default(int[])); double DiffMatrix_sd = DiffMatrix.SymmetryDeviation(); Console.WriteLine("Diffusion assymetry:" + DiffMatrix_sd); } MsrMatrix SaddlePointMatrix; { int[] VelPVarIdx = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }; int[] VelPSubMatrixIdx_Row = mgOp.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(VelPVarIdx); int[] VelPSubMatrixIdx_Col = mgOp.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(VelPVarIdx); int L = VelPSubMatrixIdx_Row.Length; SaddlePointMatrix = new MsrMatrix(L, L, 1, 1); FullMatrix.WriteSubMatrixTo(SaddlePointMatrix, VelPSubMatrixIdx_Row, default(int[]), VelPSubMatrixIdx_Col, default(int[])); } //SaddlePointMatrix.SaveToTextFileSparse("C:\\Users\\kikker\\Documents\\MATLAB\\spm.txt"); MsrMatrix ConstitutiveMatrix; { int[] StressVarIdx = new int[] { 3, 4, 5 }; int[] StressSubMatrixIdx_Row = mgOp.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(StressVarIdx); int[] StressSubMatrixIdx_Col = mgOp.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(StressVarIdx); int L = StressSubMatrixIdx_Row.Length; ConstitutiveMatrix = new MsrMatrix(L, L, 1, 1); FullMatrix.WriteSubMatrixTo(ConstitutiveMatrix, StressSubMatrixIdx_Row, default(int[]), StressSubMatrixIdx_Col, default(int[])); } // operator analysis ////////////////////// bool posDef; if (AnalysisLevel > 1) { // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // check condition number, etc // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MultidimensionalArray ret = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 5); Console.WriteLine("Calling MATLAB/Octave..."); using (BatchmodeConnector bmc = new BatchmodeConnector()) { bmc.PutSparseMatrix(FullMatrix, "FullMatrix"); bmc.PutSparseMatrix(SaddlePointMatrix, "SaddlePointMatrix"); bmc.PutSparseMatrix(ConstitutiveMatrix, "ConstitutiveMatrix"); bmc.PutSparseMatrix(DiffMatrix, "DiffMatrix"); bmc.Cmd("DiffMatrix = 0.5*(DiffMatrix + DiffMatrix');"); bmc.Cmd("condNoFullMatrix = condest(FullMatrix);"); bmc.Cmd("condNoSaddlePointMatrix = condest(SaddlePointMatrix);"); bmc.Cmd("condNoConstitutiveMatrix = condest(ConstitutiveMatrix);"); bmc.Cmd("condNoDiffMatrix = condest(DiffMatrix);"); //bmc.Cmd("eigiMaxiSaddle = 1.0; % eigs(SaddlePointMatrix,1,'lm')"); //bmc.Cmd("eigiMiniSaddle = 1.0; % eigs(SaddlePointMatrix,1,'sm')"); //bmc.Cmd("eigiMaxiConst = 1.0; % eigs(ConstitutiveMatrix,1,'lm')"); //bmc.Cmd("eigiMiniConst = 1.0; % eigs(ConstitutiveMatrix,1,'sm')"); //bmc.Cmd("eigiMaxiDiff = 1.0; % eigs(DiffMatrix,1,'lm')"); //bmc.Cmd("eigiMiniDiff = 1.0; % eigs(DiffMatrix,1,'sm')"); bmc.Cmd("lasterr"); bmc.Cmd("[V,r]=chol(SaddlePointMatrix);"); bmc.Cmd("[V,r]=chol(ConstitutiveMatrix);"); bmc.Cmd("ret = [condNoFullMatrix, condNoSaddlePointMatrix, condNoConstitutiveMatrix, condNoDiffMatrix, r]"); //eigiMaxiSaddle, eigiMiniSaddle, eigiMaxiConst, eigiMiniConst, eigiMaxiDiff, eigiMiniDiff, bmc.GetMatrix(ret, "ret"); bmc.Execute(false); } double condNoFullMatrix = ret[0, 0]; double condNoSaddlePMatrix = ret[0, 1]; double condNoConstitutiveMatrix = ret[0, 2]; double condNoDiffMatrix = ret[0, 3]; //double eigiMaxiSaddle = ret[0, 4]; //double eigiMiniSaddle = ret[0, 5]; //double eigiMaxiConst = ret[0, 6]; //double eigiMiniConst = ret[0, 7]; //double eigiMaxiDiff = ret[0, 8]; //double eigiMiniDiff = ret[0, 9]; posDef = ret[0, 4] == 0; //Console.WriteLine("Eigenvalue range of saddle point matrix: {0} to {1}", eigiMiniSaddle, eigiMaxiSaddle); //Console.WriteLine("Eigenvalue range of constitutive matrix: {0} to {1}", eigiMiniConst, eigiMaxiConst); //Console.WriteLine("Eigenvalue range of diffusion matrix: {0} to {1}", eigiMiniDiff, eigiMaxiDiff); Console.WriteLine("Condition number full operator: {0:0.####E-00}", condNoFullMatrix); Console.WriteLine("Condition number saddle point operator: {0:0.####E-00}", condNoSaddlePMatrix); Console.WriteLine("Condition number constitutive operator: {0:0.####E-00}", condNoConstitutiveMatrix); Console.WriteLine("Condition number diffusion operator: {0:0.####E-00}", condNoDiffMatrix); //base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("ConditionNumber", condNoFullMatrix); } else { // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // test only for positive definiteness // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ var SaddlePMatrixFull = SaddlePointMatrix.ToFullMatrixOnProc0(); var ConstMatrixFull = ConstitutiveMatrix.ToFullMatrixOnProc0(); posDef = true; try { SaddlePMatrixFull.Cholesky(); } catch (ArithmeticException) { posDef = false; } posDef = true; try { ConstMatrixFull.Cholesky(); } catch (ArithmeticException) { posDef = false; } } double SaddlePSymm = SaddlePointMatrix.SymmetryDeviation(); Console.WriteLine("Symmetry deviation of saddle point matrix: " + SaddlePSymm); if (posDef) { Console.WriteLine("Good news: Saddle point operator matrix seems to be positive definite."); } else { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Saddle point operator matrix is not positive definite."); } double ConstSymm = ConstitutiveMatrix.SymmetryDeviation(); Console.WriteLine("Symmetry deviation of constitutive matrix: " + ConstSymm); if (posDef) { Console.WriteLine("Good news: constitutive operator matrix seems to be positive definite."); } else { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: constitutive operator matrix is not positive definite."); } //if (CheckAssertions) { // if (Control.AdvancedDiscretizationOptions.ViscosityMode == ViscosityMode.FullySymmetric && Control.PhysicalParameters.IncludeConvection == false) { // Assert.IsTrue(posDef, "Positive definiteness test failed."); // double compVal = DiffMatrix.InfNorm() * 1e-13; // Assert.LessOrEqual(DiffSymm, compVal, "Diffusion matrix seems to be non-symmetric."); // } //} } } }