//will loop and decode msgs as the queue gets updated
    public void msgProcessor()
        while (gameRunning)
            if (msgQueue.Count != 0)
                MsgObject msgObject = msgQueue.Dequeue();
                String    msg       = msgObject.getMessage();
                DateTime  time      = msgObject.getTime();

                var splitString = msg.Split(':');

                //this will update message with time - to be printed on GUI
                message = time + " : " + msg + "\n";

                if (splitString.Length == 0)
                    //a response msg which is a warning to be handled
                    //if the server response is an update to the GUI


                //clears the coins list and update-Shanika
                for (int i = 0; i < Constant.MAP_SIZE; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Constant.MAP_SIZE; j++)
                        if (map[i, j] == "C")
                            coinLocations.Add((10 * (i)) + (j));