public static void ResetPassword(int ID, string Password) { MsUser user = db.MsUsers.Single(x => x.ID == ID); user.Password = Password; db.SaveChanges(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID != "RL1") { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { String PaymentTypeID = Request.QueryString["id"]; MsPaymentType payment = UpdatePaymentTypeController.GetPaymentType(PaymentTypeID); BoxPaymentTypeName.Text = payment.PaymentTypeName; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnInsertProduct.Visible = false; GridView1.Columns[7].Visible = false; GridView1.Columns[6].Visible = false; GridView1.Columns[5].Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = ViewProductController.FetchDataProduct(); GridView1.DataBind(); if (Session["LoginSession"] != null) { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID == "RL1") { GridView1.Columns[6].Visible = true; GridView1.Columns[5].Visible = true; BtnInsertProduct.Visible = true; GridView1.DataSource = ViewProductController.FetchDataProductForAdmin(); GridView1.DataBind(); } else if (user.RoleID == "RL2") { GridView1.Columns[7].Visible = true; } } }
protected void BtnToggle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ID = IDChangeRole.Text.ToString(); MsUser UserTemp = Repository.RepositoryMsUser.SearchUserByID(ID); if (UserTemp == null) { ValidatorUserID.Text = "User ID not found"; } else if (UserTemp.UserID == Session["LoginSession"].ToString()) { ValidatorUserID.Text = "Administrator that is logged in cannot change role and status"; } else { if (UserTemp.UserStatus == "Active") { Repository.RepositoryMsUser.UpdateStatus(ID, "Blocked"); Response.Redirect("ViewUser.aspx"); } if (UserTemp.UserStatus == "Blocked") { Repository.RepositoryMsUser.UpdateStatus(ID, "Active"); Response.Redirect("ViewUser.aspx"); } } }
public static void UpdateStatus(String ID, String Status) { MsUser User = GetUserByID(ID); User.UserStatus = Status; db.SaveChanges(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID != "RL1") { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { String ProductID = Request.QueryString["id"]; MsProduct product = UpdateProductController.GetProductByID(ProductID); BoxProductName.Text = product.ProductName.ToString(); BoxProductPrice.Text = product.ProductPrice.ToString(); BoxProductStock.Text = product.ProductStock.ToString(); } } } } }
protected void BtnSubmitUpdateRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ID = IDChangeRole.Text.ToString(); String RoleBaru = IDNewRole.Text.ToString(); MsUser UserTemp = Repository.RepositoryMsUser.SearchUserByID(ID); if (UserTemp == null) { ValidatorUserID.Text = "User ID not found"; } else if (UserTemp.UserID == Session["LoginSession"].ToString()) { ValidatorUserID.Text = "Administrator that is logged in cannot change role and status"; } else { if (RoleBaru == "Admin") { String RoleID = "RL001"; Repository.RepositoryMsUser.UpdateRole(ID, RoleID); Response.Redirect("ViewUser.aspx"); } else if (RoleBaru == "Member") { String RoleID = "RL003"; Repository.RepositoryMsUser.UpdateRole(ID, RoleID); Response.Redirect("ViewUser.aspx"); } else { ValidatorUserID.Text = "Role not found"; } } }
protected override void Seed(DatabaseContext context) { Hakkimizda about = new Hakkimizda() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Aciklama = "Lorem Ipsum", ImageUrl = "aaa" }; KiralamaKosullari kk = new KiralamaKosullari() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Aciklama = "Lorem Ipsum" }; İletisim iletisim = new İletisim() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Telefon1 = "Lorem Ipsum", Telefon2 = "Lorem Ipsum", Email1 = "Lorem Ipsum", Email2 = "Lorem Ipsum", Adres = "Adres" }; MsUser admin = new MsUser() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Username = "******", Password = "******", Name = "Ad", Surname = "Soyad", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; context.MsUser.Add(admin); context.Hakkimizda.Add(about); context.KiralamaKosullari.Add(kk); context.Iletisim.Add(iletisim); context.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateStatus(String ID, String Status) { MsUser User = SearchUserByID(ID); User.UserStatus = Status; TokobeEntities.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateRole(String ID, String Role) { MsUser User = SearchUserByID(ID); User.RoleID = Role; TokobeEntities.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateRole(String ID, String Role) { MsUser User = GetUserByID(ID); User.RoleID = Role; db.SaveChanges(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID != "RL2") { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ProductID = Request.QueryString["id"]; MsProduct product = AddToCartController.FetchDataByID(ProductID); MsProductType type = AddToCartController.GetProductType(product.ProductTypeID); LabelProductName.Text = product.ProductName.ToString(); LabelProductStock.Text = product.ProductStock.ToString(); LabelProductPrice.Text = product.ProductPrice.ToString(); LabelProductType.Text = type.ProductTypeName.ToString(); } } }
public void GetSingleQueryUpdate(MsUser item, ref List <SqlCommand> ArraySQLCmd) { MsUser itm = item; //DALInfo.AssignedInfo(ref itm); UpdateQuery(itm, ArraySQLCmd); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID != "RL1") { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { String ProductTypeID = Request.QueryString["id"]; MsProductType type = UpdateProductTypeController.SearchProductType(ProductTypeID); BoxTypeName.Text = type.ProductTypeName.ToString(); BoxDescription.Text = type.ProductTypeDescription.ToString(); } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID != "RL2") { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { String ProductID = Request.QueryString["id"]; DetailCart cart = UpdateCartController.GetCart(ID, ProductID); LabelProductName.Text = cart.ProductName.ToString(); LabelProductPrice.Text = cart.ProductPrice.ToString(); BoxQuantity.Text = cart.ProductQuantity.ToString(); } } } }
public static void UpdatePass(String ID, String Pass) { MsUser User = SearchUserByID(ID); User.UserPassword = Pass; TokobeEntities.SaveChanges(); }
public List <MsUser> MoveDataToCollectionDomain(DataTable dataTable) { List <MsUser> msUserList = new List <MsUser>(); for (int i = 0; i <= dataTable.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { MsUser objMsUser = new MsUser(); objMsUser.UserID = dataTable.Rows[i]["userid"].ToString(); objMsUser.UserRoleID = dataTable.Rows[i]["userroleid"].ToString(); objMsUser.Pwd = dataTable.Rows[i]["pwd"].ToString().Trim(); objMsUser.UserGuid = dataTable.Rows[i]["userguid"].ToString().Trim(); objMsUser.FullName = dataTable.Rows[i]["fullname"].ToString(); objMsUser.Email = dataTable.Rows[i]["email"].ToString(); objMsUser.Info1 = dataTable.Rows[i]["info1"].ToString(); objMsUser.Info2 = dataTable.Rows[i]["info2"].ToString(); objMsUser.Info3 = dataTable.Rows[i]["info3"].ToString(); objMsUser.CrtUsrID = dataTable.Rows[i]["crtusrid"].ToString(); objMsUser.TsCrt = Mapper <DateTime>(dataTable.Rows[i]["tscrt"]); objMsUser.ModUsrID = dataTable.Rows[i]["modusrid"].ToString(); objMsUser.TsMod = Mapper <DateTime?>(dataTable.Rows[i]["tsmod"]); objMsUser.ActiveFlag = dataTable.Rows[i]["activeflag"].ToString(); objMsUser.RowState = DataRowState.Unchanged; msUserList.Add(objMsUser); } return(msUserList); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnDeleteProduct.Visible = false; BtnInsertProduct.Visible = false; BtnUpdateProduct.Visible = false; LabelDelete.Visible = false; LabelBox.Visible = false; BoxID.Visible = false; BtnSubmit.Visible = false; FetchFromDB(); TokobediaEntities2 db = new TokobediaEntities2(); if (Session["LoginSession"] != null) { String Temp = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser UserTemp2 = Repository.RepositoryMsUser.SearchUserByID(Temp); if (Repository.RepositoryMsUser.IsAdmin(Temp) == true) { BtnDeleteProduct.Visible = true; BtnInsertProduct.Visible = true; BtnUpdateProduct.Visible = true; LabelDelete.Visible = true; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoginSession"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } else { BtnReport.Visible = false; String ID = Session["LoginSession"].ToString(); MsUser user = HomeController.FetchDataForHome(ID); if (user.RoleID == "RL1") { GridView1.DataSource = HistoryTransactionController.GetAllHistory(); GridView1.DataBind(); BtnReport.Visible = true; } else if (user.RoleID == "RL2") { GridView1.DataSource = HistoryTransactionController.GetUserHistory(ID); GridView1.DataBind(); } else { Response.Redirect("../HomeView/Home.aspx"); } } }
public static void UpdatePassword(String ID, String Pass) { MsUser User = GetUserByID(ID); User.UserPassword = Pass; db.SaveChanges(); }
/** * * @param userInfo {MsRegistRsp//} */ private void registerUserResponseInner(MsUser userInfo) { Debug.Log("registerUserResponseInner"); Debug.Log(userInfo); GameNetWork.UserID = userInfo.userid; GameNetWork.Token = userInfo.token; engine.login(userInfo.userid, userInfo.token); }
public static void updatePassword(int id, string pass) { List <MsUser> data = UserRepository.getUserData(); MsUser updateUser = data.Where(y => y.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); updateUser.UserPassword = pass; DBSingleton.getDB().SaveChanges(); }
public static void updateUserToAdmin(int id) { List <MsUser> data = UserRepository.getUserData(); MsUser updateUser = data.Where(y => y.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); updateUser.UserRole = "U002"; DBSingleton.getDB().SaveChanges(); }
/** * * @param userInfo {MsRegistRsp//} */ private void registerUserResponseInner(MsUser userInfo) { Debug.Log("registerUserResponseInner"); Debug.Log(userInfo); PlayerFrame.gUserID = userInfo.userid; PlayerFrame.Token = userInfo.token; engine.login(userInfo.userid, userInfo.token); }
public static void UpdateUser(int ID, int Roles, string Status) { MsUser user = db.MsUsers.Single(x => x.ID == ID); user.RoleID = Roles; user.Status = Status; db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateData(String ID, String Nama, String Email, String Gender) { MsUser User = SearchUserByID(ID); User.UserName = Nama; User.UserEmail = Email; User.UserGender = Gender; TokobeEntities.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateData(String ID, String Nama, String Email, String Gender) { MsUser User = GetUserByID(ID); User.UserName = Nama; User.UserEmail = Email; User.UserGender = Gender; db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateUserProfile(int ID, string Email, string Name, string Gender) { MsUser user = db.MsUsers.Single(x => x.ID == ID); user.Email = Email; user.Name = Name; user.Gender = Gender; db.SaveChanges(); }
public void GetBatchQueryUpdate(List <MsUser> objDomain, ref List <SqlCommand> ArraySQLCmd) { foreach (MsUser item in objDomain) { MsUser itm = item; DALInfo.AssignedInfo(ref itm); UpdateQuery(itm, ArraySQLCmd); } }
public static bool register(string userName, string email, string password, string confirmPass, string gender, string phone, DateTime birthDate, string address, string profilePicture) { if (userName != "" && checkEmail(email) && checkPassword(password, confirmPass) && checkPhone(phone) && checkAge(birthDate) && checkAddress(address)) { MsUser newUser = UserFactory.createUser(userName, email, password, gender, birthDate, phone, address, profilePicture, "U001"); UserRepository.insertUser(newUser); return(true); } return(false); }