public OrderReservation(OrderReservationRequestFrontEnd request, string sessionInfo, ProjectConfigData configData) { response = new OrderReservationResponseBackEnd(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.requestId)) { response.requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { response.requestId = request.requestId; } try { if (request.photoProcessId != null && request.photoProcessId.Count > 0) { int photoCounter = request.photoProcessId.Count; float amountValue = 0; if (photoCounter > configData.billCosts.Length - 1) { amountValue = (float)Math.Round(configData.billCosts[configData.billCosts.Length - 1], 2); } else { amountValue = (float)Math.Round(configData.billCosts[photoCounter]); } if (amountValue > 0) { response.amount = String.Format("{0} {1}", amountValue, configData.billCurrency); double delta = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - 636710112000000000).TotalSeconds; response.orderNumber = String.Format("{0}{1}", configData.billOrderPrefix, (((UInt64)(delta)).ToString("X") + ((byte)(delta % 1 * 16)).ToString("X")).Replace("0", "G").Replace("A", "S").Replace("B", "V").Replace("C", "R").Replace("E", "Z")); if (photoCounter == 1 || photoCounter == 21 || photoCounter == 31 || photoCounter == 41 || photoCounter == 51 || photoCounter == 61 || photoCounter == 71 || photoCounter == 81 || photoCounter == 91 || photoCounter == 101) { response.description = String.Format("Покупка {0} фотографии.", photoCounter); } else { response.description = String.Format("Покупка {0} фотографий.", photoCounter); } MsSqlDbExplorer mySqlDbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); mySqlDbExplorer.Orders_AddNewRecord(response.orderNumber, DateTime.Now, request.photoProcessId, (int)(amountValue * 100), 933, response.description, "user", request.sessionId); } else { response.description = "Нет фотографий для приобретения."; } } else { response.description = "Нет фотографий для приобретения."; } } catch (Exception exc) { } }
private void btn_UpdateOrdersDelivery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); var result = dbExplorer.Orders_UpdateDeliveryResult ( "lebyzhiy_1234567890", DateTime.Now, true ); }
private void btn_TableRowCount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); int result_Content = dbExplorer.SelectCountFrom(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.Content); int result_SearchFaces = dbExplorer.SelectCountFrom(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.SearchFaces); int result_SearchPhotos = dbExplorer.SelectCountFrom(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.SearchPhotos); int result_OrderReservations = dbExplorer.SelectCountFrom(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.OrderReservations); int result_OrderPayments = dbExplorer.SelectCountFrom(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.OrderPayments); dbExplorer = null; }
private void btn_DropAllTables_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); int result_Orders = dbExplorer.DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.Orders); int result_Content = dbExplorer.DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.Content); int result_SearchFaces = dbExplorer.DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.SearchFaces); int result_SearchPhotos = dbExplorer.DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.SearchPhotos); int result_OrderReservations = dbExplorer.DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.OrderReservations); int result_OrderPayments = dbExplorer.DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.OrderPayments); dbExplorer = null; }
private void btn_UpdateOrdersAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); var result = dbExplorer.Orders_UpdateAddressAndOrderId ( "lebyzhiy_1234567890", DateTime.Now, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "+375297776177", 7, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() ); }
private void btn_SelectContent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionString = "Data;Initial Catalog=photocore;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=photocoreuser;Password=!Q@WAZSX3e4rdcfv;Pooling=True"; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); int counter = 0; try { // connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT amazon_id FROM Content;"; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <Guid> guids = new List <Guid>(); if (reader.HasRows) // если есть данные { while (reader.Read()) // построчно считываем данные { Guid amazon_id = (Guid)reader.GetValue(0); if (guids.Count < 3) { guids.Add(amazon_id); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } counter++; } } reader.Close(); List <string> dateMasks = new List <string>(); dateMasks.Add("20200322"); dateMasks.Add("20200323"); dateMasks.Add("20200324"); List <Guid>[] facesGuids = new List <Guid> [guids.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < guids.Count; i++) { facesGuids[i] = guids; } MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now; var result = dbExplorer.SelectFromContent(facesGuids, "12345", dateMasks); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; } catch (Exception exc) { // Invalid object name 'Content'. } }
private void btn_UpdateOrdersPaymentNotSucc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); var result = dbExplorer.Orders_UpdatePaymentResult ( "lebyzhiy_1234567890", DateTime.Now, 3, "Просто норма", 1, "123456 ** 7890", "022022", "VITALI SUHAK", "123456", "2", "" ); }
private void btn_Register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer msSqlDbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); // 2. Зарезервировать в банке заказ BillingBGPB billingBGPB = new BillingBGPB(); billingBGPB.Register("Lebjazhiy_12345", "Тестовая покупка", 101, new ProjectConfigData()); var registerResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OrderPayment.RegisterResult>(billingBGPB.Answer); string mdOrder = null; int beg = billingBGPB.Answer.IndexOf("mdOrder="); if (beg > -1) { beg = beg + 8; int end = billingBGPB.Answer.IndexOf("\"", beg); if (end > -1) { mdOrder = billingBGPB.Answer.Substring(beg, end - beg); } } //response.orderId = request.orderNumber; //if (mdOrder != null) //{ // // обновляем базу данными куда доставлять и банковскими данными // if (msSqlDbExplorer.Orders_UpdateAddressAndOrderId(request.orderNumber, DateTime.Now, request.mainEmail, request.backupEmail,, request.messangers, mdOrder)) // { // response.errorCode = 0; // response.formUrl = configData.billReturnUrl; // } //} //else response.errorCode = 1; }
private void btn_InsertOrders_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> contentIdList = new List <string>(); contentIdList.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); contentIdList.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); contentIdList.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); var result = dbExplorer.Orders_AddNewRecord ( "lebyzhiy_1234567890", DateTime.Now, contentIdList, 111, 931, "Тестовый заказ", "user id in system", "user session data with ip and browser" ); }
private void btn_InsertContent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <MsSqlDbExplorer.ContentData> data = new List <MsSqlDbExplorer.ContentData>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { MsSqlDbExplorer.ContentData cd = new MsSqlDbExplorer.ContentData() { amazon_id = Guid.NewGuid(), location_id = 12345, partner_id = 32000, order_id = Guid.NewGuid(), shooting_datetime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10), ready_datetime = DateTime.Now, expiration_date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10), locked = false, x = 0.1F, y = 0.2F, w = 0.3F, h = 0.4F, a = 12, //width = 6000, heigth = 4000, size = 2000000, face_cloud_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), thumbnail_cloud_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), photo_cloud_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), face_local_path = "face_local_path_face_local_path_face_local_path_face_local_path_face_local_path", thumbnail_local_path = "thumbnail_local_path_thumbnail_local_path_thumbnail_local_path_thumbnail_local_path_thumbnail_local_path", photo_local_path = "photo_local_path_photo_local_path_photo_local_path_photo_local_path_photo_local_path", }; data.Add(cd); } MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now; var lost = dbExplorer.InsertIntoContent(data); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; }
public OrderPayment(OrderPaymentRequestFrontEnd request, string sessionInfo, ProjectConfigData configData) { response = new OrderPaymentResponseBackEnd(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.requestId)) { response.requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { response.requestId = request.requestId; } try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.orderNumber) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.mainEmail)) { string pattern = @"^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$"; Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); bool mainMatched = r.Match(request.mainEmail).Success; // true в случае подтверждения совпадения bool backupMatched = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.backupEmail)) { backupMatched = r.Match(request.backupEmail).Success; // true в случае подтверждения совпадения } if (mainMatched || backupMatched) { // 1. Вычитать данные по заказу и извлечь его параметры int amount; Int16 currency; string description; MsSqlDbExplorer msSqlDbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); // извлекаем данные по заказу для формирования запроса в банк if (msSqlDbExplorer.Orders_GetReservedOrderInfo(request.orderNumber, out amount, out currency, out description) && amount > 0 && currency > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { // 2. Зарезервировать в банке заказ BillingBGPB billingBGPB = new BillingBGPB(); billingBGPB.Register(request.orderNumber, description, amount, new ProjectConfigData()); var registerResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegisterResult>(billingBGPB.Answer); if (registerResponse.errorCode == 0) // заказ на оплату принят { if (msSqlDbExplorer.Orders_UpdateAddressAndOrderId(request.orderNumber, DateTime.Now, request.mainEmail, request.backupEmail,, request.messangers, registerResponse.orderId)) { response.errorCode = 0; response.formUrl = registerResponse.formUrl; response.orderId = registerResponse.orderId; } else { response.errorCode = 7; } } else { if (msSqlDbExplorer.Orders_UpdateAddressAndOrderId(request.orderNumber, DateTime.Now, request.mainEmail, request.backupEmail,, request.messangers, registerResponse.orderId)) { response.errorCode = (byte)registerResponse.errorCode; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// response.formUrl = registerResponse.formUrl; response.orderId = registerResponse.orderId; } else { response.errorCode = 7; } } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { } }
// POST /payment/rest/¤cy=933&language=en&orderNumber=a2023b42ac9044b88968ccfa7d6c4cd9&returnUrl=finish.html&userName=Testing&password=Testing123&failUrl=error.html&description=testovaya pokupka HTTP/1.1 // GET /payment/rest/ HTTP/1.1 // {"depositAmount":0,"currency":"933","authCode":2,"params":{},"ErrorCode":"0","ErrorMessage":"Success","OrderStatus":0,"OrderNumber":"a2023b42ac9044b88968ccfa7d6c4cd9","Amount":1964} #region ОПЕРАЦИИ С ТАБЛИЦЕЙ CONTENT private void btn_CreateContent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MsSqlDbExplorer dbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(); var result = dbExplorer.CreateTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.Content); }
private void btn_DeleteOrders_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var result = new MsSqlDbExplorer().DropTable(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.Orders); }
private void btn_TotalRecordsContent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int result = new MsSqlDbExplorer().SelectCountFrom(MsSqlDbExplorer.Table.Content); }
public SearchPhotos(SearchPhotosRequestFrontEnd request, string sessionInfo, string faceDir, ProjectConfigData configData) { response = new SearchPhotosResponseBackEnd(); List <Guid>[] searchedFaceIds = null; this.awsAccessKeyId = configData.awsAccessKeyId; this.awsSecretAccessKey = configData.awsSecretAccessKey; this.awsRegionEndpoint = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(configData.awsEndpoint);//("eu-west-1"); this.awsCollectionId = configData.awsCollectionId; this.awsFaceMatchThreshold = configData.awsFaceMatchThreshold; if (request != null) { if (request.requestId == null) { response.requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { response.requestId = request.requestId; } if (request.faces == null || request.faces.Count == 0) { if (sessionInfo != null) { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Null faces. Session info: {1}.", response.requestId, sessionInfo.Replace("\n", "; "))); } else { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Null faces. Session info: NULL.", response.requestId)); } = null; log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Response. Id={0}. Null result. Reason = \"No faces\".", response.requestId)); } else if (request.searchDates == null || request.searchDates.Count == 0) // пустой список дат { if (sessionInfo != null) { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Null dates. Session info: {1}.", response.requestId, sessionInfo.Replace("\n", "; "))); } else { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Null dates. Session info: NULL.", response.requestId)); } = null; log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Response. Id={0}. Null result. Reason = \"No dates\".", response.requestId)); } else { dates = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < request.searchDates.Count; i++) { if (request.searchDates[i] != null && request.searchDates[i].Length == 8) { bool isCorrect = true; for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) { if (request.searchDates[i][c] < 0x30 || request.searchDates[i][c] > 0x39) { isCorrect = false; break; } } if (isCorrect) { dates.Add(request.searchDates[i]); } } } if (dates.Count == 0) { if (sessionInfo != null) { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Null dates. Session info: {1}.", response.requestId, sessionInfo.Replace("\n", "; "))); } else { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Null dates. Session info: NULL.", response.requestId)); } = null; log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Response. Id={0}. Null result. Reason = \"No dates\".", response.requestId)); } else { = null; List <string> faceFileNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < request.faces.Count; i++) { string faceFile = String.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", faceDir, request.faces[i]); if (System.IO.File.Exists(faceFile)) { faceFileNames.Add(faceFile); } } if (faceFileNames != null && faceFileNames.Count > 0 && dates != null && dates.Count > 0) { if (sessionInfo != null) { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Total faces={1}. Total dates={2}. Session info: {3}.", response.requestId, sessionInfo.Replace("\n", "; "), faceFileNames.Count, dates.Count)); } else { log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Request. Id={0}. Total faces={1}. Total dates={2}. Session info: NULL.", response.requestId, faceFileNames.Count, dates.Count)); } = null; AmazonSearcher amazonSearcher = new AmazonSearcher(faceFileNames, dates, configData); searchedFaceIds = amazonSearcher.SearchedFaceIds; amazonSearcher = null; if (searchedFaceIds != null && searchedFaceIds.Length > 0) { MsSqlDbExplorer mySqlDbExplorer = new MsSqlDbExplorer(new ProjectConfigData()); = mySqlDbExplorer.SelectFromContent(searchedFaceIds, request.locationId, dates); //log.Debug(String.Format("SearchPhotos. Response. Id={0}. Null result. Reason = \"No dates\".", response.requestId)); } else { } } else { // дописать логирование } } } } else { log.Debug("SearchPhotos. Null request."); response.requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); = null; } }