    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        eventID           = Request.QueryString["ID"];
        litOrg1.Text      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Org"];
        litOrg2.Text      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Org"];
        offset            = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignupOffset"];
        IsAccessControlOn = false;
        if ((ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessControl"] != null) &&
            (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessControl"].ToLower().Trim() == "on"))
            IsAccessControlOn = true;
        if (!IsAccessControlOn)
            lblAccessCode.Visible = false;
            tbAccessCode.Visible  = false;
        signupOffset = 0;
        if (offset != null)
            if (offset.Trim() != "")
                signupOffset = Convert.ToInt32(offset);

        MrTimeZone tz = new MrTimeZone();

        deadline      = tz.eastTimeNow();
        postDate      = tz.eastTimeNow();
        playerLimit   = 1;
        hostClubPhone = "";
//            linkbuttonSR.Visible = false;

        enableSignups = false;
        string    MRMISGADBConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MRMISGADBConnect"].ToString();
        MRMISGADB db            = new MRMISGADB(MRMISGADBConn);
        MRParams  param         = db.MRParams.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == keySignups);

        if (IsSignupAllowed(param))
            enableSignups = true;
        if (!IsPostBack)
            NormalPanel.Visible      = true;
            SignupPanel.Visible      = true;
            ClosedPanel.Visible      = false;
            GuestListPanel.Visible   = false;
            SpecialRulePanel.Visible = false;
            GuestOption = false;
//				cbSpecialRule.Checked = false;
            SRCBLPanel.Visible = false;
            SRCBKL.Visible     = false;
            cbGuestRule.Checked = false;
            tbGFN.Text          = "";
            tbGLN.Text          = "";
            tbGHcp.Text         = "";
        var mixer = db.Events.FirstOrDefault(ev => ev.EventID == eventID);

        if (mixer != null)
            if (mixer.Type.Trim() == "Home")
                Page.Title = string.Format("{0} {1} Sign-up", mixer.Date.ToString("MMM d"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Org"]);
                Page.Title = string.Format("{0} {1} Sign-up", mixer.Date.ToString("MMM d"), mixer.Title);
            deadline      = mixer.Deadline;
            playerLimit   = mixer.PlayerLimit;
            hostClubPhone = GetHostPhone(mixer.HostID);
            postDate      = mixer.PostDate;
            if (playerLimit == maxLimit)
                lblPlayerLimit.Text = "(Player Limit: Unlimited)";
                lblPlayerLimit.Text = "(Player Limit: " + playerLimit.ToString("##0") + "*)";
            if (mixer.SpecialRule != null)
                sRule        = mixer.SpecialRule.Trim();
                sRuleChoices = sRule.Split(delimiterChars);
            if ((mixer.Guest != null) && (mixer.Guest.Trim()) == Guest)
                GuestOption = true;;
        postDate      = tz.eastTimeNow().AddDays(-signupOffset); // temporary for testing
        enableSignups = (tz.eastTimeNow() >= postDate) && enableSignups;

        // load mixer details  from text file
        path = Server.MapPath("");
        MrLoadMixerInfo mixerInfo = new MrLoadMixerInfo(path, eventID);

        btnSubmit.Enabled = mixerInfo.PageFileExists;
        lblEventID.Text   = eventID;
        // Get the mixer from the events db

        MRParams entry = db.MRParams.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == keySignupLimit);

        if (entry != null)
            maxLimit = Convert.ToInt32((string)entry.Value);

        // Check for deadline already passed
        if (MrSignup.IsClosed(deadline))
            // Deadline is in the past			}
            lblClosed.Text = @"<span class=""closed"">Contact ";
            //                lblSignupForm.Text += "the<br />Host Club at<br />";
            //				  lblSignupForm.Text += hostClubPhone;
//                lblClosed.Text += "your <br />MISGA Rep, <br >";
            lblClosed.Text += ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Contact"] + " at<br />";
            string cp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ContactPhone"];
            if (cp == "")
                cp = hostClubPhone;

            lblClosed.Text += cp;

            lblClosed.Text += "<br />to see if you can be added to the list.</span>";

/*                rblAction.Items[0].Selected = false;
 *              rblAction.Items[1].Selected = true;
 *              rblAction.Items[0].Enabled = false;
 *              rblAction.Items[1].Enabled = true;
 * */
            SignupPanel.Visible        = false;
            ClosedPanel.Visible        = true;
            ClosedMessagePanel.Visible = true;
            tblGenderPool.Visible      = false;
            rblAction.Visible          = false;
            cbCarpool.Visible          = false;
            lblgender.Visible          = false;
            rblgender.Visible          = false;
            PlayerPanel.Visible        = false;
//                lblFN.Visible = false;
//                lblLN.Visible = false;
//                FirstNameTextBox.Visible = false;
//                LastNameTextBox.Visible = false;
//                cbCarpool.Visible = false;
//                LinkButton1.Visible = false;
            SpecialRulePanel.Visible = false;
            SRCBLPanel.Visible       = false;
            SRCBKL.Visible           = false;
            linkbuttonSR.Visible = false;
            cbGuestRule.Visible  = false;
//                cbSpecialRule.Visible = false;
            GuestPanel.Visible = false;
            if (GuestOption)
                GuestListPanel.Visible = true;
                NormalPanel.Visible    = false;
            enableSignups = false;
            // enable signup page to accomodate special rule
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if ((sRuleChoices.Length > 0) && (sRuleChoices[0] != ""))
                    foreach (string choice in sRuleChoices)
                        if (choice != "")
                    srCount = 0;
                    if (SRCBKL.Items.Count > 0)
                        SpecialRulePanel.Visible = true;
                        linkbuttonSR.Visible     = true;
                        SRCBKL.Visible           = true;
                        SRCBLPanel.Visible       = true;
                        prevSRSelection          = -1;
                        prevSRItem = "";

/*                if (sRule != "")
 *                              {
 *                                  cbSpecialRule.Text = sRule;
 *                                  SpecialRulePanel.Visible = true;
 *                                  cbSpecialRule.Visible = true;
 *                                  linkbuttonSR.Visible = true;
 *                              }   */
            if (GuestOption)
                SpecialRulePanel.Visible = true;
                cbGuestRule.Text         = "Partner";
                cbGuestRule.Visible      = true;

                GuestPanel.Visible = true;

                GuestListPanel.Visible = true;
                NormalPanel.Visible    = false;
        btnSubmit.Enabled   = (mixerInfo.PageFileExists && enableSignups);
        SubmitPanel.Visible = (mixerInfo.PageFileExists && enableSignups);
//            btnSubmit.Enabled = (mixerInfo.PageFileExists);
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ln = LastNameTextBox.Text.Trim();
        fn = FirstNameTextBox.Text.Trim();
        string action = rblAction.SelectedValue;                       // Action  = Signup or Cancel

        carpool = cbCarpool.Checked?"Yes":"No";                        // Carpool = No or Yes
        tgender = rblgender.SelectedValue;

        if (carpool.Trim() == "No")
            carpool = "";

/*            if (invalidMember(ln, fn))
 *          {
 *              errorCode = 5;
 *          }
        if (IsAccessControlOn)
            if (!AccessControl.IsValidMember(ln, fn, tbAccessCode.Text))
                errorCode = 6;
        SaveUserInfo(fn, ln, tgender, carpool);
        int gender = rblgender.SelectedIndex + 1;

        lblAction.Text    = "";
        lblAction.Visible = false;

        linkbuttonSR.Visible = false;
        spcRule = "";
        int n = 0;

        if (SRCBKL.Items.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 1; i < SRCBKL.Items.Count; i++)
                if (SRCBKL.Items[i].Selected)
                    spcRule += SRCBKL.Items[i].Value;
        if (n > 2)
            errorCode = 4;

        string eid      = eventID;
        string gln      = "";
        string gfn      = "";
        int    ggender  = 0;
        string ghcp     = tbGHcp.Text;
        int    guestID  = 0;
        int    PlayerID = MrSignup.GetPlayerID(ln, fn, gender);

        if (cbGuestRule.Checked)
            gln       = tbGLN.Text.Trim();
            gfn       = tbGFN.Text.Trim();
            ggender   = rblGgender.SelectedIndex + 1;
            guestID   = MrSignup.GetGuestID(gln, gfn, ghcp, ggender);
            errorCode = MrSignup.ValidateGuestPlaying(eid, guestID, PlayerID);
        if (errorCode == 0)
            string errmsg = MrSignup.AddToList(eid, PlayerID, action, carpool, gender, spcRule, guestID);
//				lblAction.Text = string.Format("Your {0} for this event was successful.",action);
            lblAction.Text = errmsg;
//				lblAction.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGreen;
            lblAction.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick;
            lblAction.Font.Bold = true;
            lblAction.Visible   = true;
//                LinkButton1.Visible = false;
        if (errorCode == 1)
            lblAction.Text      = "Partner already playing.  Signup is unsuccessful.";
            lblAction.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick;
            lblAction.Visible   = true;
//                LinkButton1.Visible = false;
        if (errorCode == 2)
            lblAction.Text      = "Partner has played once.  Signup unsuccessful.";
            lblAction.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick;
            lblAction.Visible   = true;
//                LinkButton1.Visible = false;
        if (errorCode == 4)
            lblAction.Text      = "Select no more than one Special Rule.  Signup unsuccessful.";
            lblAction.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick;
            lblAction.Visible   = true;
        if (errorCode == 6)
            lblAction.Text      = "Invalid Access Code.  Please try again";
            lblAction.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick;
            lblAction.Visible   = true;


        if (errorCode == 0)
//                Server.Transfer("Default.aspx");