public void GenerateContentWithUmlautsAndCounterTest()
            var    key      = MpAlgorithm.GetKeyForPassword("uÜ", "testÖ");
            string password = MpAlgorithm.GenerateContent("Long Password", "strnÄ", key, 42, HashHMAC);

            Assert.AreEqual("Gasc3!YeluMoqb", password);
        public void GenerateContentWithUmlautsTest()
            var    key      = MpAlgorithm.GetKeyForPassword("uÜ", "testÖ");
            string password = MpAlgorithm.GenerateContent("Long Password", "strnÄ", key, 1, HashHMAC);

            Assert.AreEqual("YepiHedo1*Kada", password);
        public void GenerateContentTest()
            var    key      = MpAlgorithm.GetKeyForPassword("u", "test");
            string password = MpAlgorithm.GenerateContent("Long Password", "strn", key, 1, HashHMAC);

            Assert.AreEqual("LapdKebv2_Tele", password);
        public void GetKeyWithUmlautsTest()
            var key = MpAlgorithm.GetKeyForPassword("uÜ", "testÖ");

            sbyte[] expected =
                -53, -69, -89, 48, 122, 56, 34, 13, -70, -103, 102, 90, -96, -75, 45, 68, 43, 67, 97, 60, 84, -90, 98, -95, -2, -2, 99, -60, -121, -2, -26, -45, 53, -31, 47, 0, -46, -97, 77, -41, 63, -15, -30, 60, 4, -120, 32, 122, -94, 42, 122, -103, -61, -115, 75, -123, -15, 47, 61, -100, -119, 115, 118, 82
        public void GenerateKeyTest()
            sbyte[] expectedRes =
                -103, 59, -64, -27,   39, -62,  10, -76, -24, -28, -111, -75,  13, -128, -80, -101,  39,  41, -98, -22,
                -42,  61, -75,  38, -107, -40, 111,  61, 108,  63,   60,  82,  92,  -39,  72,   14,  14, -26,  93,  67,83, 25, -32, 5, 32, 102,
                -126, 24,  15,  65,    9,  17,   0, 123,  91, 105,  -46, -99, -64,  123, -12,   80, -37, -77
            var result = MpAlgorithm.GetKeyForPassword("u", "test");

        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            /*_ioConnectionInfo = new IOConnectionInfo() { Path = "/mnt/sdcard/keepass/keechallenge.xml" };
             * _ioConnectionInfoOut = new IOConnectionInfo() { Path = "/mnt/sdcard/keepass/keechallengeOut.xml" };

            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton1).Text = "";
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            var key = new MpAlgorithm().GetKeyForPassword("u", "test");

            string password = MpAlgorithm.GenerateContent("Long Password", "strn", key, 1, HashHMAC);

            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton1).Text = password;
            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton2).Text = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();

            // Get our button from the layout resource,
            // and attach an event to it
            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton1).Click += (sender, args) =>
                //	Decrypt(_ioConnectionInfo);
            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton2).Click += (sender, args) =>

            FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton3).Click += (sender, args) => StartActivityForResult(typeof(PrefActivity), 1);