/// <summary>
        /// Generates the internal JSON representation to be used internally in EL COLOMBIANO web pages. The topic is the movies category.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender object which fired the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Parameters sent from the event manager.</param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebClient    client = new WebClient();
            string       url    = "https://www.planepoly.com:8181/PlanepolyCoreWeb/OSConcierge?lat=6.210506&long=-75.57096&idTipos=201&consulta=eventos&bypass=626262";
            Stream       data   = client.OpenRead(url);
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);
            string       s      = reader.ReadToEnd();

            Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            var movieList        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Movie>(s);
            var movieServiceList = movieList.servicios;

            foreach (var it in movieServiceList)
                it.nombre = it.nombre.Trim();
            var movieListOrdered = movieServiceList.OrderByDescending(x => x.estr).OrderBy(x => x.nombre).ToList();

            movieList.servicios = movieListOrdered;

            List <string> theaterNameList = new List <string>();

            movieList.servicios.ForEach(x => x.ptos.Select(y => y.nombre).ToList().ForEach(z => theaterNameList.Add(z)));
            var theatersList = theaterNameList.Distinct().OrderBy(y => y).ToList();
            var genresList   = (from service in movieServiceList
                                orderby service.genero
                                select service.genero).Distinct().ToList <String>();
            var allMovieNameList = (from service in movieServiceList
                                    orderby service.nombre
                                    select service.nombre).Distinct().ToList <string>();
            MovieCatalog movieCatalog = new MovieCatalog();

            movieCatalog.theaters = theatersList;
            movieCatalog.genres   = genresList;
            movieCatalog.movies   = allMovieNameList;

            Dictionary <string, List <string> > theaterMoviesList = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (var item in movieCatalog.theaters)
                List <string> movieNameList = new List <string>();
                theaterMoviesList.Add(item, movieNameList);

            // Creates now a list of all movies mapped to our structure, given
            // the Planepoly JSON structure.
            List <MovieLookup> movieLookupList = new List <MovieLookup>();

            foreach (var service in movieList.servicios)
                MovieLookup movieLookup = new MovieLookup();
                movieLookup.name      = service.nombre;
                movieLookup.img       = service.img;
                movieLookup.url       = service.url;
                movieLookup.premiere  = service.estr;
                movieLookup.genre     = service.genero;
                movieLookup.locations = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                foreach (var location in service.ptos)
                    if (theaterMoviesList.ContainsKey(location.nombre))
                        var tempList = theaterMoviesList[location.nombre];

                    MovieLookupLocation mlLocation = new MovieLookupLocation();
                    mlLocation.name    = location.nombre;
                    mlLocation.address = location.direccion;

                    List <MovieLookupShow>   mlShowList = new List <MovieLookupShow>();
                    Dictionary <int, string> shows      = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    shows.Add(0, "");
                    shows.Add(1, "");
                    shows.Add(2, "");
                    shows.Add(3, "");
                    shows.Add(4, "");
                    shows.Add(5, "");
                    shows.Add(6, "");
                    shows.Add(7, "");
                    foreach (var show in location.funcs)
                        if (shows.ContainsKey(show.dia))
                            var valDay = shows[show.dia];
                            valDay         += show.hora + " ";
                            shows[show.dia] = valDay;
                    foreach (var it in shows)
                        if (it.Value.Trim() != "")
                            MovieLookupShow mls = new MovieLookupShow();
                            mls.frequency = it.Key;
                            mls.hours     = it.Value.Trim();
                            switch (mls.frequency)
                            case 0:
                                mls.name = "Diario";

                            case 1:
                                mls.name = "Lunes";

                            case 2:
                                mls.name = "Martes";

                            case 3:
                                mls.name = "Miércoles";

                            case 4:
                                mls.name = "Jueves";

                            case 5:
                                mls.name = "Viernes";

                            case 6:
                                mls.name = "Sábado";

                            case 7:
                                mls.name = "Domingo";

                    mlLocation.schedule = mlShowList;
            foreach (var it in theaterMoviesList)
            movieCatalog.theaterMovies = theaterMoviesList;

            var movieLookupListOrdered = (from item in movieLookupList
                                          orderby item.premiere descending, item.name
                                          select item).ToList();
            string movieCatalogJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieCatalog);
            string movieLookupJSON  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieLookupListOrdered);

            // Now that we have just  gathered all the information, create static JSON versions
            // Now there are two files to consume the feed

            // Full movie (mapped from origin).
            string fileName = @"D:\SitiosWeb\Sitio\EC100A_Servicios\EC100A_PlanepolyWidget\planepoly-movies.json";

            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))

            // Full movie catalog (mapped from origin)
            fileName = @"D:\SitiosWeb\Sitio\EC100A_Servicios\EC100A_PlanepolyWidget\planepoly-movies-catalog.json";
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))

            // This is the page result.
        private void LoadDetailedData(string m, ref string f, ref string t)
            DateTime now            = DateTime.Now;
            string   s              = "";
            int      movieId        = Convert.ToInt32(m);
            int      movieTheaterId = Convert.ToInt32(t);
            int      movieFormatId  = Convert.ToInt32(f);

            // Always in variable movieListFiltered we compute the records to show.
            List <MovieLookup> movieListFiltered = null;

            if (movieId != 0 && movieTheaterId == -1 && movieFormatId == -1)
                // Select only movies
                movieListFiltered = (from it in movieList where it.id == movieId select it).ToList();
                // Select only movies and formats
                if (movieId != 0 && movieFormatId != -1 && movieTheaterId != -1)
                    // At this point all fiters are selected, that is,
                    // movieId <> 0, movieFormatId <> -1 and movieTheaterId <> -1
                    var movieFormatListFiltered = (from it in movieList where it.id == movieId && it.idFormat == movieFormatId select it).ToList <MovieLookup>();
                    movieListFiltered = new List <MovieLookup>();
                    foreach (var mv in movieFormatListFiltered)
                        foreach (var loc in mv.locations)
                            if (loc.id == movieTheaterId)
                                // We must only add the location being looked up.
                                MovieLookup mvFiltered = new MovieLookup();
                                mvFiltered.id        = mv.id;
                                mvFiltered.name      = mv.name;
                                mvFiltered.idFormat  = mv.idFormat;
                                mvFiltered.format    = mv.format;
                                mvFiltered.nameFull  = mv.name;
                                mvFiltered.img       = mv.img;
                                mvFiltered.url       = mv.url;
                                mvFiltered.active    = mv.active;
                                mvFiltered.idGenre   = mv.idGenre;
                                mvFiltered.genre     = mv.genre;
                                mvFiltered.locations = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                    if (movieId != 0 && movieTheaterId != -1)
                        // Select only movies and the theater desired
                        var movieAllList = (from it in movieList where it.id == movieId select it).ToList();
                        movieListFiltered = new List <MovieLookup>();
                        foreach (var mv in movieAllList)
                            foreach (var loc in mv.locations)
                                if (loc.id == movieTheaterId)
                                    // We must only add the location being looked up.
                                    MovieLookup mvFiltered = new MovieLookup();
                                    mvFiltered.id        = mv.id;
                                    mvFiltered.name      = mv.name;
                                    mvFiltered.idFormat  = mv.idFormat;
                                    mvFiltered.format    = mv.format;
                                    mvFiltered.nameFull  = mv.name;
                                    mvFiltered.img       = mv.img;
                                    mvFiltered.url       = mv.url;
                                    mvFiltered.active    = mv.active;
                                    mvFiltered.idGenre   = mv.idGenre;
                                    mvFiltered.genre     = mv.genre;
                                    mvFiltered.locations = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                        if (movieId != 0 && movieFormatId != -1)
                            movieListFiltered = (from it in movieList where it.id == movieId && it.idFormat == movieFormatId select it).ToList();

            if (movieListFiltered != null)
                foreach (var it in movieListFiltered)
                    foreach (var loc in it.locations)
                        //s += "<div class='address-mc'><p>" + it.format + " - " + loc.nameFull + " - " + loc.address + "</p></div>";
                        s += "<div class='address-mc'>";
                        s += "<p>" + loc.nameFull + "</p>";
                        s += "<p>" + loc.address + "</p>";
                        if (movieTheaterId == -1)
                            s += "<p>" + it.format + "</p>";
                        s += "</div>";

                        // Now schedule for this theater.
                        foreach (var sc in loc.schedule)
                            DateTime dt = new DateTime(sc.year, sc.month, sc.day);
                            //if (dt < now)
                            //    s += "<div class='list-days old'>";
                            s += "<div class='list-days'>";
                            s += "<p>" + sc.name + "<span>" + sc.day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + " de " + MonthToName(sc.month) + " de " + sc.year + "</span></p>";
                            s += "<ul class='clearfix'>";

                            if (sc.hours.Count == 1)
                                int      i            = 0;
                                var      h            = sc.hours[i];
                                DateTime dtProgrammed = new DateTime(sc.year, sc.month, sc.day, h.timeHour, h.timeMinute, 0);
                                if (DateTime.Compare(dtProgrammed, now) < 0)
                                    if (i == 0)
                                        s += "<li class='last old'>";
                                        s += "<li class='old'>";
                                    if (i == 0)
                                        s += "<li class='last'>";
                                        s += "<li>";
                                s += h.timeFull + "</li>";
                                DateTime dtProgrammed;
                                for (int i = 0; i < sc.hours.Count; i++)
                                    var h = sc.hours[i];
                                    dtProgrammed = new DateTime(sc.year, sc.month, sc.day, h.timeHour, h.timeMinute, 0);
                                    if (DateTime.Compare(dtProgrammed, now) < 0)
                                        if (i == 0)
                                            s += "<li class='first old'>";
                                        else if (i == sc.hours.Count - 1)
                                            s += "<li class='last old'>";
                                            s += "<li class='old'>";
                                        if (i == 0)
                                            s += "<li class='first'>";
                                        else if (i == sc.hours.Count - 1)
                                            s += "<li class='last'>";
                                            s += "<li>";
                                    s += h.timeFull + "</li>";

                            s += "</ul>";
                            s += "</div>";
                    s += "<div class='bg-footer'></div>";
            movieAllData.Text = s;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given parameters 't:for theater id', 'm:Movie Id', and 'g:Gender id', computes a lookup in the catalog
        /// matched records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">Theater Id. Possible value are '-1', or '2'</param>
        /// <param name="m">Movie Id. Possible value are '-1', or '1|29' this means movieId=1 and movieIdFormat=29</param>
        /// <param name="g">Gender Id. Possible value are '-1', or '2'</param>
        /// <returns>A list of 'MovieLookup'  objects serialized as JSON. If list is empty, serialized should be empty.</returns>
        public string Search(string t, string m, string g)
            int    theaterId     = Convert.ToInt32(t);
            int    movieId       = 0;
            int    movieIdFormat = 0; // Only used where movieId is not set to -1
            int    genreId       = Convert.ToInt32(g);
            string rslt          = "";

            // We must split 'm' parameter to its constituent values.
            // If m = -1", no need to split
            if (m == "-1")
                movieId = Convert.ToInt32(m);
                var movieValuesArray = m.Split('|');
                movieId       = Convert.ToInt32(movieValuesArray[0]);
                movieIdFormat = Convert.ToInt32(movieValuesArray[1]);

            List <MovieLookup> movieList = RetrieveMovieList();

            if (theaterId == -1 && movieId == -1 && genreId == -1)
                // Retrieves all records.
                var movieListOrdered = (from it in movieList
                                        orderby it.nameFull
                                        select it).ToList();
                int oldMovie = -1;
                int newMovie = 0;
                List <MovieLookup> movieListSearch = new List <MovieLookup>();
                foreach (var mv in movieListOrdered)
                    newMovie = mv.id;
                    if (oldMovie != newMovie)
                        oldMovie = newMovie;
                movieListSearch = (from it in movieListSearch orderby it.nameFull select it).ToList();
                rslt            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieListSearch.ToList());
                if (theaterId == -1 && movieId == -1 && genreId != -1)
                    // Search only by Genre
                    var movieListOrdered = (from it in movieList
                                            orderby it.nameFull
                                            where it.idGenre == genreId
                                            select it).ToList();
                    int oldMovie = -1;
                    int newMovie = 0;
                    List <MovieLookup> movieListSearch = new List <MovieLookup>();
                    foreach (var mv in movieListOrdered)
                        newMovie = mv.id;
                        if (oldMovie != newMovie)
                            oldMovie = newMovie;
                    movieListSearch = (from it in movieListSearch orderby it.nameFull select it).ToList();
                    rslt            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieListSearch.ToList());
                    if (theaterId != -1 && movieId != -1 && genreId == -1)
                        // Search a specific movie by theater. Any Genre.
                        // No idFormat is required herein.

                        // 1. Select movies
                        var movieListOrdered = (from it in movieList
                                                orderby it.nameFull
                                                where it.id == movieId
                                                select it).ToList();

                        // 2. Select theater
                        bool        theaterFound = false;
                        MovieLookup mvSelected   = null;
                        foreach (var mv in movieListOrdered)
                            var loc = (from l in mv.locations
                                       where l.id == theaterId
                                       select l).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (loc != null)
                                theaterFound = true;
                                mvSelected   = mv;
                        List <MovieLookup> movieListSearch = new List <MovieLookup>();
                        if (theaterFound)
                        movieListSearch = (from it in movieListSearch orderby it.nameFull select it).ToList();
                        rslt            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieListSearch.ToList());
                        if (theaterId == -1 && movieId != -1 && genreId == -1)
                            // Only one movie must be selected.
                            // Movie record must match criteria for movieId and movieIdFormat as well
                            var mvSelected = (from it in movieList
                                              orderby it.nameFull
                                              where it.id == movieId && it.idFormat == movieIdFormat
                                              select it).FirstOrDefault();
                            List <MovieLookup> movieListSearch = new List <MovieLookup>();
                            movieListSearch = (from it in movieListSearch orderby it.nameFull select it).ToList();
                            rslt            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieListSearch.ToList());
                            if (theaterId != -1 && movieId == -1 && genreId == -1)
                                // Find all movies by given theaterId
                                // Remove duplicates in the process.
                                List <MovieLookup> movieListSearch = new List <MovieLookup>();
                                foreach (var mv in movieList)
                                    foreach (var loc in mv.locations)
                                        if (loc.id == theaterId)
                                            bool movieExists = false;
                                            int  curMovieId  = mv.id;
                                            foreach (var ml in movieListSearch)
                                                if (curMovieId == ml.id)
                                                    movieExists = true;
                                            if (!movieExists)
                                // Order by nameFull field.
                                movieListSearch = (from it in movieListSearch orderby it.nameFull select it).ToList();
                                rslt            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieListSearch.ToList());
        /// <summary>
        /// It makes a search for movies that meets the search criteria.
        /// Receives three parameters.
        /// t=Theater: Holds the theater to look for.
        /// m=Movie: Holds the movie to look for.
        /// g=Genre: Holds the genre to look for.
        /// NOTE: Consumes the own EL COLOMBIANO JSON Format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender object which fired the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Parameters sent from the event manager.</param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string movieSearchListJSON = "";
            string fileNameMovies      = @"D:\SitiosWeb\Sitio\EC100A_Servicios\EC100A_PlanepolyWidget\planepoly-movies.json";
            string t = Request.QueryString["t"];
            string m = Request.QueryString["m"];
            string g = Request.QueryString["g"];
            string s;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileNameMovies))
                s = reader.ReadToEnd();

            if ((t == null && m == null & g == null) || (t == "-1" && m == "-1" && g == "-1"))
                // Returns all movies available.
                // All movies are expanded in order to give to each movie all of its locations.
                List <MovieLookup> movieLookupList    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MovieLookup> >(s);
                List <MovieLookup> movieLookupAllList = new List <MovieLookup>();

                foreach (var movieInfo in movieLookupList)
                    MovieLookup ml = new MovieLookup();
                    ml.name     = movieInfo.name;
                    ml.img      = movieInfo.img;
                    ml.url      = movieInfo.url;
                    ml.premiere = movieInfo.premiere;
                    ml.genre    = movieInfo.genre;
                movieLookupAllList = (from item in movieLookupAllList
                                      orderby item.premiere descending, item.name
                                      select item).Distinct().ToList();
                string allMoviesJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieLookupAllList);
                movieSearchListJSON = allMoviesJSON;
                List <MovieLookup> movieSearchList     = new List <MovieLookup>();
                List <MovieLookup> movieLookupList     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MovieLookup> >(s);
                List <MovieLookup> movieByGenre        = null;
                List <MovieLookup> movieByMovie        = null;
                List <MovieLookup> movieByTheater      = null;
                List <MovieLookup> movieByTheaterMovie = null;

                if (t == "-1" && m == "-1" && g != "-1")
                    // Search only by genre
                    var movieGenreList = (from item in movieLookupList
                                          where item.genre == g
                                          select item).ToList();

                    // Now we have all movies by genre, now it is needed to expand by location.
                    movieByGenre = new List <MovieLookup>();
                    foreach (var ml in movieGenreList)
                        // Sort locations
                        var sortedLocations = (from l in ml.locations
                                               orderby l.name
                                               select l).ToList();
                        foreach (var l in sortedLocations)
                            MovieLookup movieLookupInfo = new MovieLookup();
                            movieLookupInfo.name     = ml.name;
                            movieLookupInfo.img      = ml.img;
                            movieLookupInfo.url      = ml.url;
                            movieLookupInfo.premiere = ml.premiere;
                            movieLookupInfo.genre    = ml.genre;

                            List <MovieLookupLocation> foundMovieLocationList = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                            MovieLookupLocation        loc = new MovieLookupLocation();
                            loc.name     = l.name;
                            loc.address  = l.address;
                            loc.schedule = l.schedule;
                            movieLookupInfo.locations = foundMovieLocationList;

                    movieByGenre = (from it in movieByGenre
                                    orderby it.premiere descending, it.name
                                    select it).Distinct().ToList();
                    if (t != "-1" && m != "-1")
                        // Search both theater and movie in that theater
                        movieByTheaterMovie = new List <MovieLookup>();
                        foreach (var ml in movieLookupList)
                            var sortedLocations = (from loc in ml.locations
                                                   orderby loc.name
                                                   select loc).Distinct().ToList();
                            foreach (var l in sortedLocations)
                                if (l.name == t && ml.name == m)
                                    MovieLookup foundMovie = new MovieLookup();
                                    foundMovie.name     = ml.name;
                                    foundMovie.img      = ml.img;
                                    foundMovie.url      = ml.url;
                                    foundMovie.premiere = ml.premiere;
                                    foundMovie.genre    = ml.genre;

                                    List <MovieLookupLocation> foundMovieLocationList = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                                    foundMovie.locations = foundMovieLocationList;
                        if (t == "-1" && m != "-1")
                            // Search only by movie name (this gives many movies in different locations --aka theaters).
                            movieByMovie = new List <MovieLookup>();
                            var existingMoviesList = (from item in movieLookupList
                                                      where item.name == m
                                                      select item).ToList();

                            // The existing movie must be expanded one item by all of its locations.
                            foreach (var ml in existingMoviesList)
                                var sortedLocations = (from loc in ml.locations
                                                       orderby loc.name
                                                       select loc).Distinct().ToList();
                                foreach (var l in sortedLocations)
                                    MovieLookup expando = new MovieLookup();
                                    expando.name     = ml.name;
                                    expando.img      = ml.img;
                                    expando.url      = ml.url;
                                    expando.premiere = ml.premiere;
                                    expando.genre    = ml.genre;

                                    List <MovieLookupLocation> expandoLocationList = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                                    expando.locations = expandoLocationList;
                            movieByMovie = (from ml in movieByMovie
                                            orderby ml.premiere descending, ml.name
                                            select ml).Distinct().ToList();
                            // Search only by theater
                            movieByTheater = new List <MovieLookup>();
                            foreach (var ml in movieLookupList)
                                var sortedLocations = (from loc in ml.locations
                                                       orderby loc.name
                                                       select loc).Distinct().ToList();
                                foreach (var l in sortedLocations)
                                    if (l.name == t)
                                        MovieLookup foundMovie = new MovieLookup();
                                        foundMovie.name     = ml.name;
                                        foundMovie.img      = ml.img;
                                        foundMovie.url      = ml.url;
                                        foundMovie.premiere = ml.premiere;
                                        foundMovie.genre    = ml.genre;

                                        List <MovieLookupLocation> foundMovieLocationList = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                                        foundMovie.locations = foundMovieLocationList;
                if (movieByGenre != null)
                if (movieByTheater != null)
                if (movieByTheaterMovie != null)
                if (movieByMovie != null)
                movieSearchList = (from item in movieSearchList
                                   orderby item.premiere descending, item.name
                                   select item).Distinct().ToList();
                movieSearchListJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieSearchList);

            Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method to compute DB records to JSON files. All JSON files are stored in a
        /// configurable folder.
        /// </summary>
        public void CompileAllMoviesSchedule()
            string       sql = "";
            MovieCatalog mc  = new MovieCatalog();

            mc.theaters      = new List <MovieTheaterInfo>();
            mc.formats       = new List <MovieFormatInfo>();
            mc.movies        = new List <MovieShortInfo>();
            mc.theaterMovies = new Dictionary <string, List <MovieShortInfo> >();

            sql += "select * from vw_datospelicula ";
            sql += "where activo = 'S' ";
            sql += "order by idPelicula, idTeatro, frecuencia, idformato ";
            List <MovieLookup> movieList = new List <MovieLookup>();
            HandleDatabase     hdb       = new HandleDatabase(dbConnection);

            SqlTransaction      transaction   = hdb.BeginTransaction("CompileAllMoviesSchedule");
            SqlDataReader       rdr           = hdb.ExecSelectSQLStmtAsReader(transaction, sql);
            int                 oldMovie      = -1;
            int                 newMovie      = 0;
            int                 oldTheater    = -1;
            int                 newTheater    = 0;
            int                 oldFormat     = -1;
            int                 newFormat     = 0;
            bool                doMovieRecord = false;
            MovieLookup         m             = null;
            MovieLookupLocation movieLocation = null;

            while (rdr.Read())
                newMovie  = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["idPelicula"]);
                newFormat = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["idFormato"]);
                if (oldMovie != newMovie)
                    // Create Movie detail when movie break control is met.
                    oldMovie      = newMovie;
                    oldFormat     = newFormat;
                    doMovieRecord = true;
                    if (oldFormat != newFormat)
                        oldFormat     = newFormat;
                        doMovieRecord = true;
                if (doMovieRecord)
                    doMovieRecord = false;
                    oldTheater    = -1;
                    m             = new MovieLookup();
                    m.id          = newMovie;
                    m.name        = rdr["nombrePelicula"].ToString();
                    m.idFormat    = newFormat;
                    m.format      = rdr["nombreFormato"].ToString();
                    m.nameFull    = m.name + " " + m.format;
                    m.img         = rdr["imagenCartelera"].ToString();
                    m.url         = rdr["urlArticuloEC"].ToString();
                    m.active      = rdr["activo"].ToString();
                    m.idGenre     = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["idGeneroPelicula"]);
                    m.genre       = rdr["nombreGenero"].ToString();
                    m.locations = new List <MovieLookupLocation>();
                newTheater = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["idTeatro"]);
                if (oldTheater != newTheater)
                    oldTheater               = newTheater;
                    movieLocation            = new MovieLookupLocation();
                    movieLocation.schedule   = new List <MovieLookupShow>();
                    movieLocation.id         = newTheater;
                    movieLocation.name       = rdr["nombreCine"].ToString();
                    movieLocation.branchName = rdr["nombreTeatro"].ToString();
                    movieLocation.nameFull   = movieLocation.name + " " + movieLocation.branchName;
                    movieLocation.address    = rdr["direccionTeatro"].ToString();

                // Now Load Location Hours
                MovieLookupShow mls = new MovieLookupShow();
                mls.id        = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["idHorarioPelicula"]);
                mls.frequency = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["frecuencia"]);
                mls.name      = rdr["nombreDiaSemanaHorarioPelicula"].ToString();
                mls.year      = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["annoHorarioPelicula"]);
                mls.month     = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["mesHorarioPelicula"]);
                mls.day       = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["diaHorarioPelicula"]);
                mls.hours     = LoadHoursFor(mls.id);

            // Up to this point we have all movies gathered, now we build the movie Catalog in order
            // to ease search manipulation when required and to speed data processing.
            // 1. Load Movie Name list
            var movieNameList = (from it in movieList
                                 orderby it.active descending, it.nameFull
                                 select new MovieShortInfo()
                id = it.id,
                idFormat = it.idFormat,
                name = it.name,
                nameFull = it.nameFull
            }).ToList <MovieShortInfo>();

            mc.movies = movieNameList;

            // 2. Movie Formats Name list
            var movieFormatNameList = (from it in movieList
                                       orderby it.format
                                       select new MovieFormatInfo()
                id = it.idFormat,
                name = it.format
                                       ).ToList <MovieFormatInfo>();

            List <MovieFormatInfo> formatListFiltered = new List <MovieFormatInfo>();

            oldFormat = -1;
            newFormat = 0;
            foreach (var item in movieFormatNameList)
                newFormat = item.id;
                if (oldFormat != newFormat)
                    oldFormat = newFormat;
                    formatListFiltered.Add(new MovieFormatInfo()
                        id = item.id, name = item.name
            mc.formats = formatListFiltered;

            // 3. Movie Genre Name list
            var movieGenreNameList = (from it in movieList
                                      orderby it.genre
                                      select new MovieGenreInfo
                id = it.idGenre,
                name = it.genre
            }).ToList <MovieGenreInfo>();
            List <MovieGenreInfo> genreListFiltered = new List <MovieGenreInfo>();
            int oldGenre = -1;
            int newGenre = 0;

            foreach (var item in movieGenreNameList)
                newGenre = item.id;
                if (oldGenre != newGenre)
                    oldGenre = newGenre;
                    genreListFiltered.Add(new MovieGenreInfo()
                        id = item.id, name = item.name
            mc.genres = genreListFiltered;

            // 4. Load all theaters referenced in the schedule.
            foreach (var movieItem in movieList)
                foreach (var loc in movieItem.locations)
                    MovieTheaterInfo mti = new MovieTheaterInfo();
                    mti.id         = loc.id;
                    mti.name       = loc.name;
                    mti.branchName = loc.branchName;
                    mti.nameFull   = loc.nameFull;

            // Lets order by id
            mc.theaters = (from t in mc.theaters
                           orderby t.id
                           select t).ToList <MovieTheaterInfo>();

            // We now have theater names, but not sorted and not distinct. Let's sort by name excluding repeated.
            List <MovieTheaterInfo> allTheatersDistinctList = new List <MovieTheaterInfo>();

            oldTheater = -1;
            newTheater = 0;
            foreach (var t in mc.theaters)
                newTheater = t.id;
                if (oldTheater != newTheater)
                    MovieTheaterInfo mti = new MovieTheaterInfo();
                    mti.id         = t.id;
                    mti.name       = t.name;
                    mti.branchName = t.branchName;
                    mti.nameFull   = t.nameFull;
                    oldTheater = newTheater;
            // Now list has all distinct IDs, now let's sort by name
            mc.theaters = (from t in allTheatersDistinctList
                           orderby t.nameFull
                           select t).Distinct().ToList <MovieTheaterInfo>();

            // 5. Load Movie Name List and its associated theaters where each movie is being shown.
            Dictionary <string, List <MovieShortInfo> > theaterMovies = new Dictionary <string, List <MovieShortInfo> >();

            // Initialize theaterMovies for computation.
            mc.theaters.ForEach(t => theaterMovies.Add(t.nameFull, new List <MovieShortInfo>()));
            foreach (var movieItem in movieList)
                int currentMovieId = movieItem.id;
                foreach (var loc in movieItem.locations)
                    var  theaterItem = theaterMovies[loc.nameFull];
                    bool movieExists = false;
                    foreach (var movieShortInfo in theaterItem)
                        if (movieShortInfo.id == currentMovieId)
                            movieExists = true;
                    if (!movieExists)
                        theaterItem.Add(new MovieShortInfo()
                            id       = currentMovieId,
                            idFormat = movieItem.idFormat,
                            name     = movieItem.name,
                            nameFull = movieItem.nameFull
            mc.theaterMovies = theaterMovies;

            // Serialize
            string movieLookupJSON  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieList);
            string movieCatalogJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mc);

            // Now that we have just  gathered all the information, create static JSON versions
            // Now there are two files to consume the feed

            // Full movie catalog (mapped from origin).
            string fileName = moviesFileName;

            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))

            fileName = catalogNameFileName;
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))