        public ActionResult Save(MovieInputViewModel input)
            using (var db = new TheMovieContext())
                    bool isNew = input.TheMovie.MovieId == 0;

                    input.SelectedGenres  = input.SelectedGenres ?? new List <int>();
                    input.GenreSelections = db.Genres.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(x => x.GenreName).ToList();

                    var movie = !isNew?db.Movies.Find(input.TheMovie.MovieId) : input.TheMovie;

                    if (isNew)
                        db.Entry(movie).Property(x => x.Version).OriginalValue = input.TheMovie.Version;

                        db.Entry(movie).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    movie.Genres = movie.Genres ?? new List <Genre>();
                    foreach (int g in input.SelectedGenres)
                        movie.Genres.Add(db.LoadStub <Genre>(g));

                    UpdateModel(movie, "TheMovie", includeProperties: null, excludeProperties: new string[] { "Version" });


                    input.TheMovie.Version = movie.Version;


                    // No need to remove TheMovie.Version, ASP.NET MVC is not preserving the ModelState of variables with byte array type.
                    // Hence, with byte array, the HiddenFor will always gets its value from the model, not from the ModelState
                    // ModelState.Remove("TheMovie.Version");

                    input.MessageToUser = input.MessageToUser + " " + string.Format("Saved. {0}", isNew ? "ID is " + input.TheMovie.MovieId : "");
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                                             "The record you attempted to edit was already modified by another user since you last loaded it. Open the latest changes on this record");

            return(View("Input", input));
        public ActionResult Save(MovieInputViewModel input)
            using (var s = Mapper.GetSessionFactory().OpenSession())
                using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction())
                        bool isNew = input.TheMovie.MovieId == 0;

                        input.SelectedGenres  = input.SelectedGenres ?? new List <int>();
                        input.GenreSelections = s.Query <Genre>().OrderBy(x => x.GenreName).ToList();

                        input.TheMovie.Genres = new List <Genre>();
                        foreach (int g in input.SelectedGenres)
                            input.TheMovie.Genres.Add(s.Load <Genre>(g));

                        s.SaveOrUpdate(input.TheMovie); // Primary key(MovieId) is automatically set with SaveOrUpdate, and the row version (Version) field too.

                        /* Use this if you want dynamic update(not all columns are set, only those that are changed),
                         * making NH similar to EF. Note: remove s.SaveOrUpdate, leave tx.Commit only
                         * var m = s.Load<Movie>(input.TheMovie.MovieId);
                         * UpdateModel(m, "TheMovie");*/



                        // No need to remove TheMovie.Version, ASP.NET MVC is not preserving the ModelState of variables with byte array type.
                        // Hence, with byte array, the HiddenFor will always gets its value from the model, not from the ModelState
                        // ModelState.Remove("TheMovie.Version");

                        input.MessageToUser = string.Format("Saved. {0}", isNew ? "ID is " + input.TheMovie.MovieId : "");
                    catch (StaleObjectStateException)
                                                 "The record you attempted to edit was already modified by another user since you last loaded it. Open the latest changes on this record");

            return(View("Input", input));