private void CheckForCollision(MovieEntry entry) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string common = $"SELECT Id FROM MovieEntry WHERE Theater={entry.Theatre} "; foreach (var showtime in entry.Showings) { string start = ((DateTime)showtime.Start).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string end = ((DateTime)showtime.End).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); sb.Append(common); sb.Append($"AND Start BETWEEN '{start}' AND '{end}' "); sb.Append("UNION "); sb.Append(common); sb.Append($"AND End BETWEEN '{start}' AND '{end}' "); sb.Append("UNION "); sb.Append(common); sb.Append($"AND Start <= '{start}' AND End >= '{end}' "); _cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString(); _reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (_reader.HasRows) { showtime.Start = null; //flag conflicting showtimes } _reader.Close(); sb.Clear(); } }
public void Submit(MovieEntry entry, DateTime?start, DateTime?end) { if (start != null && end != null) { entry.AddTime(new Showtime(start, end)); } int num; if (Validate(entry, out string msg)) { if ((num = _dbConn.Save(entry)) < 1) { msg = "Invalid entry. There's a scheduling or duration conflict with existing entries."; } else { int i = msg.IndexOf('e') - 2; msg = msg.Insert(i, num.ToString()); } } _form.Display(msg); _form.Close(); Homepage homepage = new Homepage(_token); homepage.Show(); }
private bool TitleCheck(MovieEntry entry, out string msg) { HashSet <char> forbidden = new HashSet <char>() { '*', ';', '|', '&', '=', '.', '%', '#', '\\', '/', '-', '+', '!', '`', '\'', ':', ',', '@', '^', '<', '>', '?', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '$', '\"' }; string title = entry.Title; int len = title.Length; bool isValid = len > 0; for (int i = 0; isValid && i < len; i++) { if (forbidden.Contains(title[i])) { isValid = false; } } if (!isValid) { msg = "Invalid entry. "; msg += len == 0 ? "Title cannot be empty." : "Title contains invalid characters."; return(false); } msg = ""; return(true); }
public IActionResult MovieEntry(MovieEntry movieEntry) { if (movieEntry.Title == "Independence Day") { ModelState.AddModelError(movieEntry.Title, "Independence Day is not a good movie"); return(View(movieEntry)); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Movies.Add(movieEntry); _context.SaveChanges(); return(View("ViewEntries", _context.Movies)); //this is for temp storage, before adding the DB ////adding the submitted form to the local storage for display on another page //TempStorage.AddEntry(movieEntry); ////once the fomr is successfully sumbitted, it redirects to the view of all submitted movies //Response.Redirect("ViewEntries"); } else { return(View(movieEntry)); }; }
public frmManualFetch(MovieEntry entry, MetadataAccessor accessor) { InitializeComponent(); m_entry = entry; m_accessor = accessor; }
public IActionResult EditView(long moviesId) { MovieEntry movie = _context.Movies.Where(m => m.MoviesId == moviesId).First(); movie.Edited = true; return(View("EditEntry", movie)); }
public IActionResult EditEntry(MovieEntry movie) { _context.Update(movie); _context.SaveChanges(); return(View("ViewEntries", _context.Movies)); }
// delete movie public IActionResult DeleteMovie(int movie_id) { MovieEntry movie = _context.Movies.Where(m => m.MovieEntryID == movie_id).FirstOrDefault(); _context.Remove(movie); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Redirect("/Home/EditMovie")); }
public IActionResult MovieEntry(MovieEntry movie) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { TempStorage.AddMovie(movie); return(View("MovieList", TempStorage.Movies)); } return(View()); }
private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selected = (TmdbResult)comboBox1.SelectedItem; SelectedEntry = new MovieEntry(); SelectedEntry.SetData(_oldEntry); SelectedEntry.SetData(selected); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private bool PosterCheck(MovieEntry entry, out string msg) { if ((_poster = _dbConn.GetPoster(entry.Title)) == null) //user may have changed title without changing theater - need to update poster { msg = "Invalid entry. Database does not contain a matching movie poster."; return(false); } msg = ""; return(true); }
public PropertyEditorMovie(MovieEntry entry, Game game, PCKFile archive) { InitializeComponent(); Movie = new MovieEntry() { FriendlyName = entry.FriendlyName, ID = entry.ID, FilePath = entry.FilePath, Unknown4 = entry.Unknown4, GameID = entry.GameID, Unknown5 = entry.Unknown5 }; OldMovie = entry; _game = game; _archive = archive; DataContext = this; }
public int Save(MovieEntry entry) { _connection.Open(); if (!CheckDuration(entry)) { _connection.Close(); return(-1); } CheckForCollision(entry); //initial scan to throw out showtimes that conflict with existing showtimes _cmd.CommandText = $"Select TotalCapacity from Theater where Id={entry.Theatre}"; _reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); _reader.Read(); int total = _reader.GetInt32(0); _reader.Close(); string common = "Insert into MovieEntry(Title, Date, Start, End, Theater, CurrentCapacity) VALUES ('"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int result = 0; foreach (var showtime in entry.Showings) { if (showtime.Start == null) //skip showtimes flagged as duplicate in CheckForConflicts() { continue; } sb.Append(common); sb.Append(entry.Title); sb.Append("', '"); sb.Append(((DateTime)showtime.Start).Date.ToString("d")); sb.Append("', '"); sb.Append(((DateTime)showtime.Start).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); sb.Append("', '"); sb.Append(((DateTime)showtime.End).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); sb.Append("', "); sb.Append(entry.Theatre); sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(total); sb.Append(");"); _cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString(); result += _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); sb.Clear(); } _connection.Close(); return(result); //return rows affected, so, in case collision occured, we can display correct message }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,Title,ReleaseDate,Genre,Price,Rating")] MovieEntry movie) { // バインディング状態がOKなら登録 if (ModelState.IsValid) { // リストに追加して変更を保存→INSERT+COMMIT db.Movies.Add(movie.GetMovie()); db.SaveChanges(); // 登録成功→一覧画面へリダイレクト(アクションを指定) return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } // NGなら入力データで表示 return(View(movie)); }
private bool Validate(MovieEntry entry, out string msg) { if (!TitleCheck(entry, out msg)) { return(false); } if (!PosterCheck(entry, out msg)) { return(false); } return(ShowingsCheck(entry, out msg)); }
public void Save(string dirPath, MovieEntry entry) { var path = Path.Combine(dirPath, Commons.PersistentFileName); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal); } File.WriteAllText(path, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry)); if (_hideFile) { File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Hidden); } }
private bool ShowingsCheck(MovieEntry entry, out string msg) { int len = entry.Showings.Count; //Showings will always have at least 1 Showtime Showtime time = entry.Showings[0]; TimeSpan duration = (DateTime)time.End - (DateTime)time.Start; bool isValid = duration.TotalMinutes > 0; if (!isValid && duration.TotalMinutes != 0) //entries crossing over midnight { time.End = ((DateTime)time.End).AddDays(1); duration = (DateTime)time.End - (DateTime)time.Start; isValid = !isValid; } for (int i = 1; isValid && i < len; i++) // make sure all showings have same duration { time = entry.Showings[i]; if (time.End - time.Start != duration) { if (((TimeSpan)(time.End - time.Start)).TotalMinutes < 0) //entries crossing over midnight { time.End = ((DateTime)time.End).AddDays(1); isValid = (DateTime)time.End - (DateTime)time.Start == duration; } else { isValid = false; //durations simply don't match } } } for (int i = 0; isValid && i < len; i++) // check for concurrent showings { time = entry.Showings[i]; DateTime tmpStart, tmpEnd; for (int j = i + 1; isValid && j < len; j++) { tmpStart = (DateTime)entry.Showings[j].Start; tmpEnd = (DateTime)entry.Showings[j].End; isValid = (tmpEnd <time.Start || tmpStart> time.End); //OR because valid times are in the union of(tmp's that finish before time.Start, tmp's that start after time.End) } } msg = isValid ? "\n entries were successfully created." : "Invalid entry. A show time must contain chronological start and end times. \nAll show time durations must match. No concurrent showings allowed."; //whitespace needed for rendering return(isValid); }
public void Submit(MovieEntry entry, int seats) { Reservation res = new Reservation(entry, seats); if (Validate(res, out string msg)) { msg += _dbConn.Save(res); } _form.Display(msg); _form.Close(); Homepage homepage = new Homepage(_token); homepage.Show(); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,Title,ReleaseDate,Genre,Price,Rating")] MovieEntry movie) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { { Movie entry = movie.GetMovie(); // 対象情報を変更状態にする db.Entry(entry).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } return(View(movie)); }
public SettingsView() { InitializeComponent(); _tryitData = new MovieEntry(); _tryitData.SetData(new TmdbResult { Genre = "Science Fiction", TmdbId = 1134, ImdbId = "tt172845369", Plot = "There is...", Title = "Star Trek Beyond", Year = 2017 }); }
private async Task <MovieEntry> HelperFetch(string path) { var tmdb = _kernel.Get <ITmdb>(); var guessit = _kernel.Get <IGuessit>(); var filename = Path.GetFileName(path); // results GuessitResult name = null; TmdbResult newData = null; // process try { // guess name = await guessit.RealGuessName(filename); if (name?.ImdbId != null) { // IMDB id detected newData = await tmdb.GetByImdbId(name.ImdbId); } else if (name?.Title != null) { // title detected var movies = await tmdb.SearchMovies(name.Title, name.Year); newData = await tmdb.GetByTmdbId(movies.First()); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print("Unable to fetch: {0}. {1}", filename, e.Message); } // entry create var entry = new MovieEntry(); entry.SetFullPath(path); entry.SetData(newData ?? await tmdb.GetByFilename(filename)); if (name != null) { entry.SetData(name); } return(entry); }
// save edited movie public IActionResult SaveEdit(int movie_id, string title, string rating, string year, bool edited, string director, string lentto, string notes) { // get edited movies MovieEntry movie = _context.Movies.Where(m => m.MovieEntryID == movie_id).FirstOrDefault(); //update values movie.Title = title; movie.Rating = rating; movie.Year = year; movie.Edited = edited; movie.Director = director; movie.LentTo = lentto; movie.Notes = notes; _context.SaveChanges(); return(Redirect("/Home/EditMovie")); }
private async void LoadImage(MovieEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { //Model.PicPosterImage?.Dispose(); Model.PicPosterImage = Commons.DefaultImage(); return; } // remove old pict Model.PicPosterImage?.Dispose(); Model.PicPosterImage = Commons.DefaultImage(); // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute var posterPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(entry.FullPath), Commons.PosterFileName); var tmdb = _kernel.Get <ITmdb>(); var deleteAfter = false; // download if necessary if (!File.Exists(posterPath)) { deleteAfter = true; posterPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); var uri = tmdb.GetPosterUrl(entry.PosterPath, PosterSize.w154); await tmdb.DownloadFile(uri, posterPath); } // load from file if (!File.Exists(posterPath)) { return; } using (var stream = new FileStream(posterPath, FileMode.Open)) { Model.PicPosterImage = Image.FromStream(stream); } // delete temp file if (deleteAfter) { File.Delete(posterPath); } }
public IActionResult MoviePost(MovieEntry movieEntry) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // save movie //TempStorage.addMovie(movieEntry); _context.Movies.Add(movieEntry); _context.SaveChanges(); MovieList movies = new MovieList { Movies = _context.Movies.Where(m => m.Title != "Independance Day") }; // go to Movie List return(Redirect("/Home/EditMovie")); } else { return(View("MoviePost")); } }
public List <MovieEntry> GetMovieEntries(DateTime date) { _connection.Open(); List <MovieEntry> results = new List <MovieEntry>(); _cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT Id, Theater, Title, Start, End, CurrentCapacity, ImgPath FROM MovieEntry INNER JOIN Poster ON Poster.MovieTitle=MovieEntry.Title WHERE Date='{date.Date.ToString("d")}';"; _reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { DateTime start = DateTime.ParseExact(_reader.GetString(3), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null); DateTime end = DateTime.ParseExact(_reader.GetString(4), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null); MovieEntry entry = new MovieEntry(_reader.GetInt32(0), _reader.GetInt32(1), _reader.GetString(2), new Showtime(start, end), _reader.GetInt32(5), _reader.GetString(6)); results.Add(entry); } _reader.Close(); _connection.Close(); return(results); }
private bool CheckDuration(MovieEntry entry) { _cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT Start, End FROM MovieEntry WHERE MovieEntry.Title='{entry.Title}';"; _reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); bool isValid = false; if (_reader.Read()) //only need to check first one since all durations in entry match { DateTime dbStart = DateTime.ParseExact(_reader.GetString(0), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null); DateTime dbEnd = DateTime.ParseExact(_reader.GetString(1), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null); isValid = dbStart - dbEnd == ((DateTime)entry.Showings[0].Start) - ((DateTime)entry.Showings[0].End); _reader.Close(); return(isValid); } _reader.Close(); return(true); }
private void HelperRenameFile(string path, MovieEntry entry) { // store original path var fileInfo = new PowerPath(path); var originalFilePath = fileInfo.GetFullPath(); // rename path var renamedFile = fileInfo.RenameFileByPattern(_settings.FileRenamePattern, entry); if (_settings.SwapThe) { renamedFile.SwapFileName(Commons.TheName); } // rename if (originalFilePath == renamedFile) { return; } File.Move(originalFilePath, renamedFile); }
/// <summary> /// Saves a new watching session and creates a new movie if necessary /// </summary> /// <param name="movieEntry">A movie entry</param> /// <returns>A JSON representation of a timeline entry</returns> public JsonResult QuickSave(MovieEntry movieEntry) { // Used to emulate a failure if (movieEntry.Director == "FAIL") { throw new Exception("Une erreur"); } WatchingSession watchingSession; using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(true)) { var movie = uow.Movies.FindByTitle(movieEntry.Title) ?? new Movie() { Title = movieEntry.Title, Director = movieEntry.Director }; watchingSession = new WatchingSession() { Date = DateTime.ParseExact(movieEntry.EntryDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null) }; movie.AddWatchingSession(watchingSession); uow.Movies.SaveOrUpdate(movie); uow.Commit(); } var timelineEntry = new TimelineEntry(watchingSession, this); return Json(timelineEntry); }
private void HelperRenameDirectory(string path, MovieEntry entry) { // store original path var fileInfo = new PowerPath(path); var originalPath = fileInfo.GetDirectoryPath(); // rename path var renamedPath = fileInfo.RenameLastDirectoryByPattern(_settings.FolderRenamePattern, entry); if (_settings.SwapThe) { renamedPath.SwapLastDirectoryName(Commons.TheName); } var directoryPath = renamedPath.GetDirectoryPath(); // rename if (originalPath == directoryPath) { return; } Directory.Move(originalPath, directoryPath); }
/// <summary> /// Load list of movies and metadata from library. /// </summary> public void LoadLibraryMovies(string libraryPath) { // Ensure this library was not already added. if (m_libraryPaths.Contains(libraryPath)) return; // Add library directory to the list of libraries. m_libraryPaths.Add(libraryPath); // Get library subdirectories. AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Debug, "Looking into library directory '" + libraryPath + "' for movies."); string[] movieDirs; try { movieDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(libraryPath); } catch (IOException exc) { AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Error, "Couldn't access library directory '" + libraryPath + "': " + exc.Message); // Re-throw exception to caller. throw exc; } // Load movies from library path. foreach (string movieDir in movieDirs) { MovieEntry entry = new MovieEntry(); entry.movieTag = movieDir.Substring(movieDir.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); entry.moviePath = movieDir; entry.libraryPath = libraryPath; = null; // Make sure there is no duplicate entry in the list. if (m_movies.Contains(entry.moviePath)) continue; Exception loadException = null; try { // Load the movie metadata (if any). = LoadMovieMetadata(movieDir); if ( == null) AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Debug, "\tNo metadata found for movie '" + entry.movieTag + "'."); else AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Debug, "\tLoaded metadata for movie '" + entry.movieTag + "'."); } catch (Exception exc) { AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Error, "\tFailed to load metadata for movie '" + entry.movieTag + "'. Reason: " + exc.Message); loadException = exc; } // Add the movie to the list. m_movies.Add(entry); // Notify event subscribers. MovieLoaded(entry, loadException); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes all metadata associated with a movie. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">Movie to delete metadata.</param> public void FlushMovieMetadata(MovieEntry entry) { AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Debug, "Flushing metadata for movie '" + entry.moviePath + "'."); string metadataPath = entry.moviePath + "\\" + Constants.METADATA_PATH; string metadataFile = metadataPath + "\\" + Constants.METADATA_FILE; Exception deleteException = null; try { // Tell data managers to clear metadata. foreach (DataManager manager in m_dataManagers) manager.Clear(entry); if (Directory.Exists(metadataPath)) { if (File.Exists(metadataFile)) File.Delete(metadataFile); // Delete associated images. if ( != null) { foreach (MovieImage mi in { if (File.Exists(mi.path)) File.Delete(mi.path); } } // Try to delete directory. Directory.Delete(metadataPath); } } catch (Exception exc) { deleteException = exc; } // Clear movie metadata. = null; // Re-throw delete exception if one occurred. if (deleteException != null) throw deleteException; }
private void AddMetadataWith(MovieEntry entry) { // Add item to 'with' list. ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Tag = entry; item.Text = ""; item.SubItems.Add(; item.SubItems.Add(( != null) ? : ""); lvMetadataWith.Items.Add(item); }
private void FetchMetadataManual(MovieEntry entry) { // Show the manual metadata fetch form. frmManualFetch dialog = new frmManualFetch(entry, m_library.GetMetadataAccessor()); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // Fetch the selected item by ID. Use the same fetching // infrastructure as with the automated fetch. List<MovieEntry> entries = new List<MovieEntry>(); entry.manualID = dialog.SelectedID; entries.Add(entry); FetchMetadata(entries); } }
public void Add(MovieEntry entry) { if ( == null) return; string[] idparts = GetID(entry); string dvdidFile = entry.moviePath + "\\" + entry.movieTag + ".dvdid.xml"; if (!File.Exists(dvdidFile)) { // Create dvdid file. XDocument idDoc = GenerateIDXML(, idparts); idDoc.Save(dvdidFile); } string dvdinfofile = m_infoCachePath + "\\" + idparts[0] + "-" + idparts[1] + ".xml"; if (!File.Exists(dvdinfofile)) { // Create dvdinfo file. XDocument infoDoc = GenerateInfoXml(, idparts); infoDoc.Save(dvdinfofile); } string dvdimagefile = m_imageCachePath + "\\" + idparts[0] + "-" + idparts[1] + ".jpg"; if (!File.Exists(dvdimagefile)) { // Resize and save image to image cache as JPEG. if ( > 0) { string sourceImage =; using (Bitmap originalImage = new Bitmap(sourceImage)) { using (Bitmap resizedImage = new Bitmap(COVER_RESIZE_WIDTH, COVER_RESIZE_HEIGHT)) { using (Graphics surface = Graphics.FromImage(resizedImage)) { surface.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; surface.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; surface.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; surface.DrawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, resizedImage.Width, resizedImage.Height); } resizedImage.Save(dvdimagefile, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } } } } }
public void MovieLoadEventHandler(MovieEntry entry, Exception loadException) { // Add the item to the correct list (depending on whether or // not it already has metadata available). if ( != null) { AddMetadataWith(entry); } else { if (loadException != null) AddMetadataWithout(entry, "Error loading metadata for movie from file."); else AddMetadataWithout(entry); } }
public void FetchAsync(MovieEntry entry) { m_doneEvent.Reset(); Thread workerThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoFetch)); workerThread.Start(entry); }
public void Clear(MovieEntry entry) { string[] idparts = GetID(entry); string dvdidFile = entry.moviePath + "\\" + entry.movieTag + ".dvdid.xml"; if (File.Exists(dvdidFile)) File.Delete(dvdidFile); string dvdinfofile = m_infoCachePath + "\\" + idparts[0] + "-" + idparts[1] + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(dvdinfofile)) File.Delete(dvdinfofile); string dvdimagefile = m_imageCachePath + "\\" + idparts[0] + "-" + idparts[1] + ".jpg"; if (File.Exists(dvdimagefile)) File.Delete(dvdimagefile); }
public void aLoad(Stream fileStream) { base.Load(fileStream); var reader = new ExtendedBinaryReader(fileStream); var array = Instructions[0].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 4; ++i) { int address = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 4); SystemText.Add(reader.ReadStringElsewhere(address)); } array = Instructions[1].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x6C; ++i) { int nameAddress = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x6C); var entry = new CGEntry(); entry.Name = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(nameAddress); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0004); entry.CGID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0008); entry.CGID2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x000C); entry.Unknown5 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0010); entry.Unknown6 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0014); entry.TextureWidth = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0016); entry.TextureHeight = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0018); entry.Unknown7 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(array, i * 0x6C + 0x001A); entry.Unknown81 = array[i * 0x6C + 0x001C]; entry.Unknown82 = array[i * 0x6C + 0x001D]; entry.Unknown83 = array[i * 0x6C + 0x001E]; entry.Page = array[i * 0x6C + 0x001F]; entry.FrameCount = array[i * 0x6C + 0x0020]; entry.GameID = (GameID)array[i * 0x6C + 0x0021]; entry.Unknown93 = array[i * 0x6C + 0x0022]; entry.Unknown94 = array[i * 0x6C + 0x0023]; entry.Unknown10 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0024); entry.Unknown11 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0028); entry.Unknown12 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x002C); entry.Unknown13 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0030); entry.Unknown14 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0034); entry.Unknown15 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0038); entry.Unknown16 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x003C); entry.Unknown17 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0040); entry.Unknown18 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0044); entry.Unknown19 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0048); entry.Unknown20 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x004C); entry.Unknown21 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0050); entry.Unknown22 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0054); entry.Unknown23 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0058); entry.Unknown24 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x005C); entry.Unknown25 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0060); entry.Unknown26 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0064); entry.Unknown27 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i * 0x6C + 0x0068); CGs.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[2].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x10; ++i) { var entry = new MovieEntry(); entry.FriendlyName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 0)); entry.FilePath = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 4)); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 8); entry.Unknown4 = array[i * 0x10 + 12]; entry.GameID = (GameID)array[i * 0x10 + 13]; entry.Unknown5 = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x10 + 14); Movies.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[3].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x10; ++i) { var entry = new MemoryEntry(); entry.Name = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 0)); entry.Description = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 4)); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 8); entry.GameID = (GameID)array[i * 0x10 + 12]; entry.Game = (MemoryEntry.MemoryGame)array[i * 0x10 + 13]; Memories.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[4].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x08; ++i) { var entry = new CharacterEntry(); entry.FriendlyName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x08 + 0)); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x08 + 4); Characters.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[5].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x08; ++i) { var entry = new Unknown2Entry(); entry.Unknown1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x08 + 0); entry.Unknown2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x08 + 4); Unknown2.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[6].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x06; ++i) { var entry = new Unknown3Entry(); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x06 + 0); entry.Unknown2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x06 + 2); Unknown3.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[7].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x10; ++i) { var entry = new VoiceEntry(); entry.UnknownName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 0)); entry.KnownName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 4)); entry.PreferedName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 8)); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x10 + 12); Voices.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[8].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x06; ++i) { var entry = new Unknown4Entry(); entry.Unknown1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x06 + 0); entry.Unknown2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x06 + 2); Unknown4.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[9].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x14; ++i) { var entry = new ArtBookPageEntry(); entry.PagePathThumbnail = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x14 + 0)); entry.PagePathData = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x14 + 4)); entry.Name = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x14 + 8)); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x14 + 12); entry.GameID = (GameID)BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x14 + 16); entry.Page = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x14 + 18); ArtBookPages.Add(entry); } array = Instructions[10].GetArgument <byte[]>(1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 0x1C; ++i) { var entry = new DramaCDEntry(); entry.FileName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x1C + 0)); entry.FriendlyName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x1C + 4)); entry.SourceAlbum = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x1C + 8)); entry.InternalName = reader.ReadStringElsewhere(BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 0x1C + 12)); entry.ID = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x1C + 16); entry.Game = (GameID)BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x1C + 18); entry.Unknown7 = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x1C + 20); entry.SourceTrackID = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x1C + 22); entry.Unknown9 = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, i * 0x1C + 24); DramaCDs.Add(entry); } return; }
private static string[] GetID(MovieEntry entry) { // Concatenate the header and first 8 characters of // the MD5 of the full path to the movie to construct the id. MD5 hasher = MD5.Create(); byte[] hashData = hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(entry.moviePath)); StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) hash.Append(hashData[i].ToString("X2")); string[] idparts = new string[2]; idparts[0] = DVDID_HEADER; idparts[1] = hash.ToString(); return idparts; }
private void AddMetadataWithout(MovieEntry entry, string errorMessage = null) { // Add item to 'without' list. ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Tag = entry; item.Text = ""; if (errorMessage != null) { item.ImageIndex = 0; item.ToolTipText = errorMessage; } item.SubItems.Add(entry.movieTag); item.SubItems.Add(entry.moviePath); lvMetadataWithout.Items.Add(item); }
/// <summary> /// Fetches metadata for a given movie. This method is /// thread-safe. Throws an exception on failure. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">Entry to fetch.</param> public void FetchMovieMetadata(MovieEntry entry) { if (!m_movies.Contains(entry)) throw new Exception("Movie entry does not exist in library."); // Clear previous metadata if it exists. FlushMovieMetadata(entry); AppLog.Instance.Log(AppLog.Severity.Debug, "Fetching metadata for '" + entry.moviePath + "'."); // Create metadata directory for movie if it doesn't exist. CreateMetadataDir(entry.moviePath); // If the ID was not provided, search for movie and pick first result. string movieID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.manualID)) { movieID = entry.manualID; } else { IEnumerable<MovieSearchResult> results = m_accessor.SearchMovies(entry.movieTag, null); if (results.Count() < 1) throw new NoResultsFoundException("No results found for specified movie."); MovieSearchResult result = results.First(); movieID = result.ID; } // Fetch the movie. Movie movie = m_accessor.FetchMovie(movieID, entry.moviePath + "\\" + Constants.METADATA_PATH); lock (entry) { = movie; // Write the metadata to disk. WriteMovieMetadata(entry.moviePath,; // Notify data managers of the change. foreach (DataManager manager in m_dataManagers) manager.Add(entry); } }
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { float tempRating; int tempRuntime; switch (ResultTabControl.SelectedIndex) { case 1: int tempVotes; int tempYear; float.TryParse(MovieRating.Text, NumberStyles.Float, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempRating); int.TryParse(MovieRuntime.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempRuntime); int.TryParse(MovieVotes.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempVotes); int.TryParse(MovieYear.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempYear); ResultMovieData = new MovieEntry { Casts = _castList.Casts, Aired = "1969-12-31", Premiered = "1969-12-31", Code = "", Countries = MovieCountry.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(), DateAdded = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Directors = MovieDirector.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(), EpBookmark = 0f, FanartImages = _backdropsList.ToList(), Genres = MovieGenre.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(), ImdbID = MovieImdbId.Text, LastPlayed = "1969-12-31", MPAARating = MovieMPAARating.Text, OriginalTitle = MovieOriginalTitle.Text, Outline = "", PlayCount = 0, Plot = MoviePlot.Text, PosterImages = _postersList.ToList(), Rating = tempRating, Runtime = tempRuntime, SetNames = MovieSetName.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(), SortTitle = MovieSortTitle.Text, Status = "", Studios = MovieStudio.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(), Tagline = MovieTagline.Text, Title = MovieTitle.Text, Top250 = 0, Trailer = MovieTrailer.Text, Votes = tempVotes, Writers = MovieWriters.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(), Year = tempYear, SelectedBackdropImage = ((MovieDBImageInfo)MovieBackdropList.SelectedItem).UrlOriginal, SelectedPosterImage = ((MovieDBPosterImage)MoviePosterList.SelectedItem).UrlOriginal }; break; case 2: float.TryParse(TvShowEpisodeRating.Text, NumberStyles.Float, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempRating); int.TryParse(TvShowEpisodeRuntime.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempRuntime); ResultEpisodeData = new EpisodeEntry { Title = TvShowEpisodeTitle.Text, ImdbID = TvShowEpisodeImdbId.Text, DateAdded = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Code = "", LastPlayed = "1969-12-31", Aired = TvShowEpisodeFirstAired.Text, Rating = tempRating, Runtime = tempRuntime, Directors = TvShowEpisodeDirector.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .ToList(), Writers = TvShowEpisodeWriter.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .ToList(), Plot = TvShowEpisodePlot.Text, Studios = TvShowNetwork.Text.Split(new[] { " / " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .ToList(), DisplayEpisode = ((DBTvShowEpisode)TvShowEpisodeNumber.SelectedItem).EpisodeNumber, DisplaySeason = ((DBTvShowSeason)TvShowSeason.SelectedItem).SeasonNumber, Episode = ((DBTvShowEpisode)TvShowEpisodeNumber.SelectedItem).EpisodeNumber, Season = ((DBTvShowSeason)TvShowSeason.SelectedItem).SeasonNumber, MPAARating = TvShowMpaaRating.Text, ShowTitle = TvShowTitle.Text, PosterImage = new MovieDBImageInfo { UrlOriginal = ((DBTvShowEpisode)TvShowEpisodeNumber.SelectedItem).EpisodeImageUrl }, SelectedPosterImage = ((DBTvShowEpisode)TvShowEpisodeNumber.SelectedItem).EpisodeImageUrl, Casts = _castList.Casts, Premiered = TvShowFirstAired.Text }; List <string> gStars = ((DBTvShowEpisode)TvShowEpisodeNumber.SelectedItem).GuestStars; foreach (string gStar in gStars) { ResultEpisodeData.Casts.Add(new MovieDBCast { Name = gStar }); } break; } SearchString = MediaTitleInfo.Text; AppSettings.LastSelectedSource = DataSource.SelectedIndex; DialogResult = true; }
public ResearchMovieView(MovieEntry entry) { InitializeComponent(); _oldEntry = entry; }