/// <summary>
    /// Moves the camera left/right until it reaches the target
    /// </summary>
    void MoveX_()
        switch (_xMovement)
        // move left
        case MovementDirectionX.Left:
            transform.localPosition -= new Vector3(_xSpeed * Time.deltaTime * SpeedAdjustment, 0, 0);
            // stop when target reached
            if (transform.localPosition.x < _targetPosition.x)
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(_targetPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z);
                _xMovement = MovementDirectionX.None;

        // move right
        case MovementDirectionX.Right:
            transform.localPosition += new Vector3(_xSpeed * Time.deltaTime * SpeedAdjustment, 0, 0);
            // stop when target reached
            if (transform.localPosition.x > _targetPosition.x)
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(_targetPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z);
                _xMovement = MovementDirectionX.None;
    /// <summary>
    /// Start the movement
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targetPosition">Where to move to (where the camera should end up)</param>
    public void StartMovement(Vector2 targetPosition, float targetZoom)
        // get the differences in X and Y directions
        var xDifference = Math.Abs(targetPosition.x - transform.localPosition.x);
        var yDifference = Math.Abs(targetPosition.y - transform.localPosition.y);
        var zDifference = Math.Abs(targetZoom - TheCamera.orthographicSize);

        // calculate the speed to move at
        var max = (Math.Max(Math.Max(xDifference, yDifference), zDifference));

        _xSpeed    = xDifference / max;
        _ySpeed    = yDifference / max;
        _zoomSpeed = zDifference / max;

        _targetPosition = targetPosition;
        _targetZoom     = targetZoom;

        // get the original movement
        if (_targetPosition.x != transform.localPosition.x)
            _xMovement = _targetPosition.x > transform.localPosition.x ? MovementDirectionX.Right : MovementDirectionX.Left;
        if (_targetPosition.y != transform.localPosition.y)
            _yMovement = _targetPosition.y > transform.localPosition.y ? MovementDirectionY.Up : MovementDirectionY.Down;
        if (_targetZoom != TheCamera.orthographicSize)
            _zoomDirection = _targetZoom < TheCamera.orthographicSize ? ZoomDirection.In : ZoomDirection.Out;

        // set values
        _callbackCalled = false;