    public void InputUpdateAI(Vector2 directionalInput)
        //Vector2 directionalInput = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));

        //if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) movementAI.OnJumpInputDown();

        //if (Input.GetButtonUp("Jump")) movementAI.OnJumpInputUp();

        //if (Input.GetButtonDown("SideDash")) movementAI.OnRollInput();

        //if (Input.GetButtonDown("Hit")) movementAI.OnHitInput();
    void MoveTo(Vector3 destination)
        Vector3 currentPosToDestination = destination - transform.position;

        //let's try having the target position be the point on the ground below the given position
        if (Physics.Raycast(destination, Vector3.down, out RaycastHit hit0, 1000f, obstacleMask)) //maybe the layer mask is incorrect and we only want to detect environmental obstacles, not players
        //we've filled in hit0

        Vector3 currentPosToDestinationProj = hit0.point - transform.position;

        float distanceToDestination     = currentPosToDestination.magnitude;
        float distanceToDestinationProj = currentPosToDestinationProj.magnitude;

        if (distanceToDestinationProj < destinationPrecision) // if we're close enough from target, consider we've reached it

            movementAI.SetDirectionalInput(Vector2.zero);//set input to 0 so AI doesn't drift from destination
            hasReachedDestination = true;

        float directionSign = Mathf.Sign(currentPosToDestination.x);
        float distance01    = Mathf.Clamp01(distanceToDestinationProj / 3f);//we're lerping the input over the arbitrary value of 3 meters
        float inputX        = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, distance01) * directionSign;

        Vector2 directionalInput = new Vector2(inputX, 0);


        Bounds bounds = boxCollider.bounds;


        Vector3 rayOriginBottom = directionSign == 1 ? new Vector3(bounds.max.x, bounds.min.y, 0f) : new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.y, 0f);
        Vector3 rayOriginTop    = directionSign == 1 ? new Vector3(bounds.max.x, bounds.max.y, 0f) : new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y, 0f);

        //Vector3 maxForwardProbePositionWall = rayOriginBottom + Vector3.right * inputX * movementAI.moveSpeed * .18f;//the point in front of us where wall scanning ray stops
        Vector3 maxForwardProbePositionGap = rayOriginBottom + Vector3.right * inputX * movementAI.moveSpeed * .08f;//the point in front of us where gap scanning ray stops

        Debug.DrawRay(rayOriginBottom, Vector3.right * movementAI.moveSpeed * inputX * .18f, Color.red);

        //if we're running into a wall
        if (Physics.Raycast(rayOriginBottom, Vector3.right * directionSign, out RaycastHit hit, movementAI.moveSpeed * Mathf.Abs(inputX) * .18f, obstacleMask) && !isHoldingJump)
            //we've hit a wall, now we should check:
            //is our target right in front of the wall? if so we've probably reached destination and don't need to do anything
            //is our target below? is there a line of sight? if that's the case we'll probably want to slide down or jump
            //if no line of sight check navthread to see if we're on the right path
            //if on the right path, slide down

            //if our target is above, check if line of sight
            //if yes, check if walljump on same wall brings us to the top, if so do it
            //else check if other wall opposite ours and if close enough
            //if so climb doing zigzag walljumps

            if (distanceToDestination - bounds.extents.x > hit.distance) //if our target destination is further away than the wall in front of us, we jump
                isHoldingJump = true;
                jumpTimer     = 0;

                //we need to adjust jumpVirtualPressDuration with regards to how high the obstacle is
                float deltaY = hit.collider.bounds.max.y - transform.position.y;
                float maxJumpHeightToObstacleHeightRatio = Mathf.Clamp01(deltaY * 1f / movementAI.maxJumpHeight);//we can multiply here if needed to make jump tighter
                jumpVirtualPressDuration = Mathf.Lerp(0, movementAI.timeToJumpApex, maxJumpHeightToObstacleHeightRatio);

                if (!noInputsAllowed)
                    noInputsAllowed = true;

        float   rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeLength = (maxForwardProbePositionGap - rayOriginTop).magnitude;
        Vector3 rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeDir    = (maxForwardProbePositionGap - rayOriginTop) / rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeLength;//normalised vector

        Debug.DrawRay(rayOriginTop, rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeDir * (rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeLength + .2f), Color.green);
        //if there's something at our feet, we store it
        if (Physics.Raycast(rayOriginTop, rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeDir, out RaycastHit hit2, rayOriginTopToMaxForwardProbeLength + .02f, obstacleMask) && !hasBufferedJump)
            lastObjectBeforeGap = hit2.collider.gameObject;