            public void ApplyGravity()
                if (Owner.IsWorldFrozen)

                // Compute Gravity step for all objects affected by physics
                for (int i = 0; i < PlumberOwner.GameObjects.Count; i++)
                    if (PlumberOwner.GameObjects[i] is MovableGameObject)
                        GameObject        obj  = Owner.GameObjects[i];
                        MovableGameObject mobj = obj as MovableGameObject;

                        if (mobj.IsAffectedByGravity)
                            mobj.Velocity.Y += GravityAcc * Owner.Time;        // Apply gravity to vertical velocity
                            if (mobj.Velocity.Y > MaximumFallSpeed)
                                mobj.Velocity.Y = MaximumFallSpeed;
            public void MoveAgent(MovableGameObject a, float[] controls)
                a.Velocity.X = a.Velocity.Y = 0;

                if (!Owner.IsWorldFrozen)
                    if (controls[0] > 0)
                        a.Velocity.X += 4;
                    if (controls[1] > 0)
                        a.Velocity.X += -4;
                    if (Owner.DegreesOfFreedom == 2)
                        if (controls[2] > 0)
                            a.Velocity.Y += 4;
                        if (controls[3] > 0)
                            a.Velocity.Y += -4;

                //int futureX = a.X + (int)a.vX;
                //a.X = futureX;

                //int futureY = a.Y + (int)a.vY;
                //a.Y = futureY;
        public void Update(GameObject gameObject, GameTime gameTime)
            MovableGameObject movableGameObject = gameObject as MovableGameObject;

            movableGameObject.VelocityX = 0;

            if (!movableGameObject.Dead)
                foreach (Keys key in Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys())
                    switch (key)
                    case Keys.A:
                        movableGameObject.VelocityX = -MoveSpeed;

                    case Keys.D:
                        movableGameObject.VelocityX = MoveSpeed;

                    case Keys.Space:

        public static (int, int) GetObjectDirections(MovableGameObject movableObject)
            // Если двигались вправо, направление 1
            // Если двигались влево, направление -1
            var directionX = movableObject.Position.X - movableObject.OldPosition.X;

            if (directionX != 0)
                directionX /= Math.Abs(directionX);

            // Если двигались вверх, направление 1
            // Если двигались вниз, направление -1
            var directionY = movableObject.Position.Y - movableObject.OldPosition.Y;

            if (directionY != 0)
                directionY /= Math.Abs(directionY);

            // Если изначально стояли на месте, стреляем вправо
            if (directionX == 0 && directionY == 0)
                directionX = 1;

            return((int)directionX, (int)directionY);
        private void ReverseDirectionOnEndRoad(MovableGameObject movableGameObject)
            if (movableGameObject.VelocityX != 0)
                Vector2 position = movableGameObject.Position;
                position += movableGameObject.MoveAmount;

                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, movableGameObject.Width, movableGameObject.Height);

                int floorCollisionWidth = 0;

                foreach (GameObject gameObject in _collisionObjects)
                    Rectangle gameObjectBounds = gameObject.Bounds;

                    if (bounds.Intersects(gameObjectBounds))
                        floorCollisionWidth += Rectangle.Intersect(bounds, gameObjectBounds).Width;

                if (floorCollisionWidth > 0 && floorCollisionWidth < bounds.Width)
                    movableGameObject.VelocityX = 0;
        private void VerticalCollision(MovableGameObject movableGameObject)
            if (movableGameObject.MoveAmountY != 0)
                Vector2 position = movableGameObject.Position;
                position += movableGameObject.MoveAmount;

                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, movableGameObject.Width, movableGameObject.Height);

                foreach (GameObject collisionObject in _collisionObjects)
                    if (bounds.Intersects(collisionObject.Bounds))
                        if (movableGameObject.MoveAmountY > 0)
                            movableGameObject.OnGround = true;

                        movableGameObject.VelocityY   = 0;
                        movableGameObject.MoveAmountY = 0;

                movableGameObject.OnGround = false;
        public override void PresentNewTrainingUnit()
            m_stepCount = 0;

            // Scale the noise in the world base on randomness_level
                float randomness = TSHints[RANDOMNESS_LEVEL];
                WrappedWorld.ImageNoiseStandardDeviation = 7 * randomness * randomness;

            int noObjects = (int)TSHints[TSHintAttributes.NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_OBJECTS];

            // Generate an artificial invisible agent
            m_agent = WrappedWorld.CreateNonVisibleAgent();
            PointF agentPos = m_agent.GetGeometry().Location;

            m_agent.GameObjectStyle = GameObjectStyleType.None; // Prevent reseting movement vector when colliding with something from the top (default style is Platformer)

            // Generate shapes around the agent
            CreateTargets(noObjects, agentPos);

            // Pick one target and duplicate it in the pow center
            m_pickIdx = m_rndGen.Next(noObjects);
            var   pick  = m_targets[m_pickIdx];
            Color color = TSHints[TSHintAttributes.IS_VARIABLE_COLOR] > 0 ? LearningTaskHelpers.RandomVisibleColor(m_rndGen) : pick.ColorMask;

            m_question = WrappedWorld.CreateShape((Shape.Shapes)m_shapeIdcs[m_pickIdx], color, agentPos, pick.Size);
 public bool IsCollisionPossible(GunBullet bullet, MovableGameObject movableGameObject)
     return(IsCollisionPossible(bullet, movableGameObject.NewPosition) ||
            IsCollisionPossible(bullet, new Vector2(
                                    movableGameObject.NewPosition.X - movableGameObject.Size,
                                    movableGameObject.NewPosition.Y - movableGameObject.Size)) ||
            IsCollisionPossible((MovableGameObject)bullet, movableGameObject));
 private void Jump(MovableGameObject movableGameObject)
     if (movableGameObject.OnGround)
         movableGameObject.OnGround  = false;
         movableGameObject.VelocityY = JumpPower;
        public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject go, MovableGameObject mover)
            // If the bot's ID has already been removed from the world, the bot is dead, return the alive state as false
            if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(mover.Id))

            // If the colliding GO has already been removed from the world, but we reached here, the bot is alive but need not process the GO collision
            if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(go.Id))

            if (mover.Size > engineConfig.WorldFood.MaxConsumptionSize)

            if (mover is BotObject botObject)
                var superFoodEffect = worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(botObject.Id, Effects.Superfood);
                if (superFoodEffect != null && superFoodEffect.EffectDuration > 0)
                    botObject.Size += go.Size * (int)engineConfig.ConsumptionRatio[GameObjectType.Superfood];
                    botObject.Size += go.Size;

                go.Size          = 0;
                botObject.Score += engineConfig.ScoreRates[GameObjectType.Food];
                var moverStartingSize = mover.Size;
                mover.Size -= go.Size;
                go.Size    -= moverStartingSize;
                if (go.Size <= 0)
                    go.Size = 0;

                if (mover.Size <= 0)
                    mover.Size = 0;

                return(mover.Size > 0);
        public override void PresentNewTrainingUnit()
            /*if (WrappedWorld.GetType() == typeof(PlumberWorld))
             * {
             *  m_agent = new MovableGameObject(@"Plumber24x28.png", new PointF(24, 28), type: GameObjectType.Agent);
             *  PlumberWorld world = WrappedWorld as PlumberWorld;
             *  m_target = new GameObject(@"Coin16x16.png", new PointF(200, 200), type: GameObjectType.NonColliding);
             *  world.AddGameObject(m_target);
             *  GameObject obj1 = new GameObject(@"Block60x10.png", new PointF(10, 260));
             *  GameObject obj2 = new GameObject(@"Block60x10.png", new PointF(100, 250));
             *  GameObject obj3 = new GameObject(@"Block5x120.png", new PointF(200, 100));
             *  GameObject obj4 = new GameObject(@"Block60x10.png", new PointF(300, 200));
             *  world.AddGameObject(obj1);
             *  world.AddGameObject(obj2);
             *  world.AddGameObject(obj3);
             *  world.AddGameObject(obj4);
             * }
             * else*/if (WrappedWorld.GetType() == typeof(RoguelikeWorld))
                RoguelikeWorld world = WrappedWorld as RoguelikeWorld;
                world.DegreesOfFreedom = 2;

                // create agent
                m_agent = world.CreateAgent();

                // get grid
                Grid g = world.GetGrid();

                // place objects according to the grid
                world.CreateWall(g.GetPoint(12, 17));
                m_agent.Position = g.GetPoint(15, 16);
                world.CreateWall(g.GetPoint(15, 17));
                world.CreateWall(g.GetPoint(16, 17));
                world.CreateWall(g.GetPoint(17, 17));
                world.CreateWall(g.GetPoint(17, 18));

                // place new wall with random position and size (1 - 3 times larger than default)
                GameObject wall = world.CreateWall(g.GetPoint(0, 0), (float)(1 + m_rndGen.NextDouble() * 2));
                // GetRandomPositionInsidePow avoids covering agent
                PointF randPosition = world.RandomPositionInsideViewport(m_rndGen, wall.GetGeometry().Size);
                wall.Position = randPosition;

                // create target
                m_target = world.CreateTarget(g.GetPoint(18, 18));

                // create shape
                world.CreateShape(// position
                    // Type determine interactions
                    // uses texture shape as mask
                    Shape.Shapes.Star, Color.Cyan, g.GetPoint(11, 13), new SizeF(30, 30), 60, GameObjectType.Obstacle); // you can resize choosen shape

                RogueDoor door = (RogueDoor)world.CreateDoor(g.GetPoint(13, 17), size: 2f);
                world.CreateLever(g.GetPoint(13, 13), door);
        private void UpdateAnimationState(MovableGameObject movableGameObject)
            AnimationState animationState = _animationState;

            if (movableGameObject.OnGround)
                if (movableGameObject.Velocity == Vector2.Zero)
                    animationState = AnimationState.Idle;
                    _loopAnimation = true;

                if (movableGameObject.VelocityX > 0)
                    animationState = AnimationState.Walk;
                    _effects       = SpriteEffects.None;
                    _loopAnimation = true;

                if (movableGameObject.VelocityX < 0)
                    animationState = AnimationState.Walk;
                    _effects       = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                    _loopAnimation = true;
                if (movableGameObject.VelocityX > 0)
                    _effects = SpriteEffects.None;

                if (movableGameObject.VelocityX < 0)
                    _effects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;

                if (movableGameObject.VelocityY < 0)
                    animationState = AnimationState.Jump;
                    _loopAnimation = false;

            if (movableGameObject.Dead)
                animationState = AnimationState.Dead;
                _loopAnimation = false;

            if (_animationState != animationState)
                _frameIndex     = 0;
                _animationState = animationState;
            public override void MoveWorldObjects()

                // Updates agent's speed vector based on input
                // Updates game objects by gravity

                MovableGameObject magent = (PlumberOwner.GameObjectInControl as MovableGameObject);   //Create reference to the GameObject currently under User control, we need to know its OnGround value

                if (magent == null)

                if (PlumberOwner.moveUpAction == 1.0f && magent.OnGround == true)
                    magent.OnGround   = false;                              // If the jump command request was detected, give boost to the Y velocity of the Object in control (jump)
                    magent.Velocity.Y = JumpBoost;
                if (PlumberOwner.moveRightAction == 1.0f)
                    magent.Velocity.X += Acceleration;                                  // Apply acceleration while "right button" is pressed
                    if (magent.Velocity.X > MaximumAgentSpeed)                          // Limit Max velocity
                        magent.Velocity.X = MaximumAgentSpeed;
                if (PlumberOwner.moveLeftAction == 1.0f)
                    magent.Velocity.X -= Acceleration;                                  // Apply acceleration while "left button" is pressed
                    if (magent.Velocity.X < -MaximumAgentSpeed)                         // Limit Max velocity
                        magent.Velocity.X = -MaximumAgentSpeed;

                if (PlumberOwner.moveLeftAction == 0.0f && PlumberOwner.moveRightAction == 0.0f)
                    magent.Velocity.X *= (1 - Deceleration);                              // Decelerate when no corresponding directional button is not pressed


                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("===============================");
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("previousX: " + magent.previousX);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("previousY: " + magent.previousY);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("X: " + PlumberOwner.GameObjectInControl.X);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("Y: " + PlumberOwner.GameObjectInControl.Y);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("previousVelocityX: " + magent.previousvX);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("previousVelocityY: " + magent.previousvY);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("VelocityX: " + magent.vX);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("VelocityY: " + magent.vY);
                 * MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("OnGround: " + magent.OnGround);
    protected void createNewItem(GameObject track)
        if (track != null)
            GameObject temp = (GameObject)Instantiate(track);
            currentObject = new MovableGameObject(temp, moveSpeed, rotationSpeed);

        private void CalculateNextMove(MovableGameObject movableGameObject, GameTime gameTime)
            movableGameObject.Position += movableGameObject.MoveAmount;

            float   elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            Vector2 moveAmount  = movableGameObject.Velocity * elapsedTime;

            movableGameObject.MoveAmount = moveAmount;

            movableGameObject.VelocityY += FreeFallSpeed;
    protected void createNewItem(GameObject track)
        if(track != null){

            GameObject temp = (GameObject)Instantiate(track);
            currentObject = new MovableGameObject(temp, moveSpeed, rotationSpeed);


        public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject go, MovableGameObject mover)
            var currentEffect = new ActiveEffect
                Bot    = mover,
                Effect = Effects.GasCloud

            if (mover is BotObject bot)
                if (worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(bot.Id, Effects.GasCloud) != default)
                    if (bot.Size < engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize)
                    return(bot.Size >= engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize);

                bot.Size -= engineConfig.GasClouds.AffectPerTick;
                if (bot.Size < engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize)
                return(bot.Size >= engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize);
                var moverStartingSize = mover.Size;
                mover.Size -= go.Size;
                go.Size    -= moverStartingSize;
                if (go.Size <= 0)
                    go.Size = 0;

                if (mover.Size <= 0)
                    mover.Size = 0;

                return(mover.Size > 0);
        public void Update(GameObject gameObject, GameTime gameTime)
            MovableGameObject movableGameObject = gameObject as MovableGameObject;
            Rectangle         bounds            = movableGameObject.Bounds;

            foreach (GameObject collisionObject in _collisionObjects)
                if (bounds.Intersects(collisionObject.Bounds))
                    if (Algorithm.PixelCollision(movableGameObject, collisionObject))
                        (gameObject as MovableGameObject).Dead = true;
        public void Update(GameObject gameObject, GameTime gameTime)
            MovableGameObject movableGameObject = gameObject as MovableGameObject;

            if (movableGameObject.VelocityX == 0)
                if (_lastVelocityX != movableGameObject.VelocityX)
                    movableGameObject.VelocityX = -_lastVelocityX;
                    movableGameObject.VelocityX = Game1.Random.Next(2) == 0 ? -MoveSpeed : MoveSpeed;

                _lastVelocityX = movableGameObject.VelocityX;
        private void HorizontalCollision(MovableGameObject movableGameObject)
            if (movableGameObject.MoveAmountX != 0)
                Vector2 position = movableGameObject.Position;
                position.X += movableGameObject.MoveAmountX;

                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, movableGameObject.Width, movableGameObject.Height);

                foreach (GameObject collisionObject in _collisionObjects)
                    if (bounds.Intersects(collisionObject.Bounds))
                        movableGameObject.MoveAmountX = 0;
    protected void removeItem()
        if (list.Count > 1)
            GameObject obj = list[list.Count - 1];
            GameObject latest = list[list.Count - 1];

            currentObject = new MovableGameObject(latest, moveSpeed, rotationSpeed);
        else if (list.Count == 1)
            GameObject obj = list[list.Count - 1];

            currentObject = null;
    protected void removeItem()
        if( list.Count > 1){

            GameObject obj = list[list.Count - 1];
            Destroy (obj);
            GameObject latest = list[list.Count - 1];

            currentObject = new MovableGameObject(latest, moveSpeed, rotationSpeed);

        }else if(list.Count == 1){

            GameObject obj = list[list.Count - 1];
            Destroy (obj);

            currentObject = null;
        public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject go, MovableGameObject mover)
            if (!(mover is BotObject bot))

            if (!(go is TorpedoGameObject torpedo))

            var moverStartingSize = bot.Size;
            var destructiveSize   = go.Size;

            bot.Size -= go.Size;
            go.Size  -= Math.Max(moverStartingSize, go.Size);
            if (go.Size <= 0)
                go.Size = 0;

            if (mover.Size <= 0)
                mover.Size = 0;

            var firingPlayer = worldStateService.GetBotById(torpedo.FiringPlayerId);

            if (firingPlayer != null)
                firingPlayer.Size += destructiveSize;


            return(mover.Size >= engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize);
        public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject go, MovableGameObject mover)
            var currentEffect = new ActiveEffect
                Bot    = mover,
                Effect = Effects.AsteroidField

            if (mover is BotObject bot)
                /* If the effect is not registered, add it to the list. */
                if (worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(mover.Id, Effects.AsteroidField) == default)
                var moverStartingSize = mover.Size;
                mover.Size -= go.Size;
                go.Size    -= moverStartingSize;
                if (go.Size <= 0)
                    go.Size = 0;

                if (mover.Size <= 0)
                    mover.Size = 0;

                return(mover.Size > 0);

        private GamePhysicalObject GetNearestObjectInPath(MovableGameObject movableObject, int directionX, int directionY)
            var gameObjectsInLine = gameRepository.GetAllGamePhysicalObjects(movableObject);

            var positionX = movableObject.NewPosition.X;
            var positionY = movableObject.NewPosition.Y;

            if (directionX == 0)
                gameObjectsInLine = gameObjectsInLine
                                    .Where(q => q.Position.X >= positionX && positionX >= q.Position.X - q.Size)
                                    .Where(q =>
                    return((directionY > 0
                                ? positionY <q.Position.Y
                                             : positionY> q.Position.Y) ||
                           IsCollisionPossible(movableObject, q));
                                    .OrderBy(q => Math.Abs(positionY - q.Position.Y))
                gameObjectsInLine = gameObjectsInLine
                                    .Where(q => q.Position.Y >= positionY && positionY >= q.Position.Y - q.Size).ToList();
                gameObjectsInLine = gameObjectsInLine
                                    .Where(q =>
                    return((directionX > 0
                                ? positionX <q.Position.X
                                             : positionX> q.Position.X) ||
                           IsCollisionPossible(movableObject, q));
                                    .OrderBy(q => Math.Abs(positionX - q.Position.X))

        public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject gameObject, MovableGameObject mover)
            if (gameObject.Size < mover.Size)

            Tuple <GameObject, GameObject> wormholePair = worldStateService.GetWormholePair(gameObject.Id);

            if (wormholePair.Equals(null))
                // Lol how? We found a wormhole in state that did not exist in the known wormhole pairs
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Wormhole");

            var counterpartWormhole = wormholePair.Item1.Id == gameObject.Id ? wormholePair.Item2 : wormholePair.Item1;

            var resultingPosition = vectorCalculatorService.GetPositionFrom(
                counterpartWormhole.Size + mover.Size,

            mover.Position = resultingPosition;
            if (mover is BotObject botObject)
                botObject.Score = engineConfig.ScoreRates[GameObjectType.Wormhole];

            var newSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(wormholePair.Item1.Size * engineConfig.ConsumptionRatio[GameObjectType.Wormhole]);

            wormholePair.Item1.Size = newSize < engineConfig.Wormholes.MinSize ? engineConfig.Wormholes.MinSize : newSize;
            wormholePair.Item2.Size = wormholePair.Item1.Size;


 public bool IsApplicable(GameObject gameObject, MovableGameObject mover) => gameObject.GameObjectType == GameObjectType.Food;
        public void SetPlattformerReaction(MovableGameObject mgo1, GameObject o2)
            int collideResult = CheckCollision(mgo1, o2);
            PointF lastUntouchingPosition = GetLastUntouchingPosition(mgo1, o2, ref collideResult); //finds the X,Y position of "source" in the closest point to "o2" before collision)

            if (collideResult == 4 || collideResult == 1)               // If it collided at the bottom or top
                mgo1.Position.Y = lastUntouchingPosition.Y;                    // Reposition Y position to the last position where there was no collision
                mgo1.Velocity.Y = 0;                                          // and reset Y velocity
            if (collideResult == 2 || collideResult == 3)               // If it collided at the right or left reset X velocity to 0
                mgo1.Position.X = lastUntouchingPosition.X;                    // Reposition X position to the last position where there was no collision
                mgo1.Velocity.X = 0;                                          // and reset X velocity

            if (mgo1.PositionPrevious.Y == mgo1.Position.Y && collideResult == 4)     // Remember if object is on ground, collision on the bottom
                mgo1.OnGround = true;

        public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject gameObject, MovableGameObject mover)
            if (!(gameObject is BotObject go))
                throw new ArgumentException("Non player in player collision");

            if (!(mover is BotObject botObject))
                throw new ArgumentException("Non player in player collision");

            // If the bot's ID has already been removed from the world, the bot is dead, return the alive state as false
            if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(botObject.Id))

            // If the colliding GO has already been removed from the world, but we reached here, the bot is alive but need not process the GO collision
            if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(go.Id))

            var botsAreEqualSize = botObject.Size == go.Size;

            if (botsAreEqualSize)
                BounceBots(go, botObject, 1);

            var botIsBigger = botObject.Size > go.Size;
            var consumer    = (botIsBigger ? botObject : go) as BotObject;
            var consumee    = (!botIsBigger ? botObject : go) as BotObject;

            var consumedSize = collisionService.GetConsumedSizeFromPlayer(consumer, consumee);

            consumee.Size  -= consumedSize;
            consumer.Size  += consumedSize;
            consumer.Score += engineConfig.ScoreRates[GameObjectType.Player];


            BounceBots(consumee, consumer, (int)Math.Ceiling((consumedSize + 1d) / 2));

            if (consumee.Size < engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize)
                consumer.Size += consumee.Size; // After the previous consumptionSize has already been removed
                consumee.Size  = 0;


            if (mover.Size > engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize)

            Logger.LogInfo("BotDeath", "Bot Consumed");
 public bool IsCollisionPossible(MovableGameObject movableObject, NotMovableGameObject notMovableObject)
     return(IsCollisionPossible(movableObject, (GameObject)notMovableObject));
 public bool IsApplicable(GameObject gameObject, MovableGameObject mover) =>
 gameObject.GameObjectType == GameObjectType.TorpedoSalvo;
 public bool IsApplicable(GameObject gameObject, MovableGameObject mover) =>
 gameObject.GameObjectType == GameObjectType.Player && mover is BotObject;
 protected void CreateAgent()
     m_agent = WrappedWorld.CreateAgent();
        public void SetPinballReaction(MovableGameObject mgo1, GameObject o2)
            int collideResult = 0;
            PointF lastUntouchingPosition = GetLastUntouchingPosition(mgo1, o2, ref collideResult); //finds the X,Y position of "source" in the closest point to "o2" before collision)
            if (collideResult == 4 || collideResult == 1)               // If it collided at the bottom or top, reposition and invert Y velocity
                mgo1.Position.Y = lastUntouchingPosition.Y;
                mgo1.Velocity.Y = -mgo1.Velocity.Y;
            if (collideResult == 2 || collideResult == 3)               // If it collided at the right or left, reposition and invert X velocity
                mgo1.Position.X = lastUntouchingPosition.X;
                mgo1.Velocity.X = -mgo1.Velocity.X;
            if (mgo1.IsAffectedByGravity == true)                     //If it's affected by gravity, add deceleration effect
                mgo1.Velocity.X *= 0.93f;                                     //TODO: replace 0.93f constant with a variable
                mgo1.Velocity.Y *= 0.93f;

            public void MoveAgent(MovableGameObject a, float[] controls)
                a.Velocity.X = a.Velocity.Y = 0;

                if (!Owner.IsWorldFrozen)
                    if (controls[0] > 0)
                        a.Velocity.X += 4;
                    if (controls[1] > 0)
                        a.Velocity.X += -4;
                    if (Owner.DegreesOfFreedom == 2)
                        if (controls[2] > 0)
                            a.Velocity.Y += 4;
                        if (controls[3] > 0)
                            a.Velocity.Y += -4;

                //int futureX = a.X + (int)a.vX;
                //a.X = futureX;

                //int futureY = a.Y + (int)a.vY;
                //a.Y = futureY;
                    * This method is called when 2 GameObjects collide, it finds the point of contact by applying a binary search where the lower side is Source's X,Y previous position and the higher side is
                    * Source's X,Y current position, and the middle (needed by the binary search) is found by returning the middle position between the 2 points.
        public PointF GetLastUntouchingPosition(MovableGameObject source, GameObject target, ref int lastCollideResult)
            int currentCollisionResult = 0;                                             // The collision result used while iteratively repositioning the Source
            PointF lowerSide = new PointF(source.PositionPrevious.X, source.PositionPrevious.Y);              // Initialise the lower side for the binary search to the coordinates of the source's previous position
            PointF higherSide = new PointF(source.Position.X, source.Position.Y);                             // Initialise the higher side for the binary search to the coordinates of the source's current position
            PointF currentMiddle = new PointF(-10, -10);                                    // Declares the middle PointF, which will be used for the binary search
            PointF previousMiddle = new PointF(0, 0);                                       // Declares the previous middle PointF, which will be used to decide when the binary search can't divide anymore
            PointF originalSourcePosition = new PointF(source.Position.X, source.Position.Y);
            PointF lastUntouchingPosition = new PointF(source.PositionPrevious.X, source.PositionPrevious.Y); //It will be used to remember the last position encountered where there was no contact (collision) in order to apply repositioning
            int counter = 0;

            //Stop the loop when the function can't divide anymore by half the distance between lowerSide and higherSide
            while (previousMiddle != currentMiddle)                         // If the previous middle point and the current one are equivalent, it means that distance can't be divided anymore by half, exit
                previousMiddle = currentMiddle;                             // Update the previous value  of the middle point, it is used to check if they are equivalent, if they are, the loop should stop
                currentMiddle = ReturnCoordinatesBetweenTwoPoints(lowerSide.X, lowerSide.Y, higherSide.X, higherSide.Y, 0.5f);  // Find the middle point between lowerSide and higherSide

                //MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("Recomputed middle between : " + lowerSide.x + "," + lowerSide.y + " | " + higherSide.x + "," + higherSide.y + " : = " + currentMiddle.x + ", " + currentMiddle.y);

                source.Position.X = currentMiddle.X;                                 // Position source's x to the point in exam
                source.Position.Y = currentMiddle.Y;                                 // Position source's y to the point in exam
                currentCollisionResult = CheckCollision(source, target);    // Check if there is a collision using the point in exam

                //MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("Collision result: " + currentCollisionResult);

                if (currentCollisionResult > 0)                             // If there is a collision reposition higherSide for the binary search
                    higherSide = currentMiddle;
                    lastCollideResult = currentCollisionResult;
                else                                                        // If there is no collision reposition the lowerSide for the binary search
                    lowerSide = currentMiddle;
                    lastUntouchingPosition.X = currentMiddle.X;             // Update the last encountered position where there was no collision
                    lastUntouchingPosition.Y = currentMiddle.Y;

                if (counter > 20)                                           // Additional check
                    MyLog.ERROR.WriteLine("Too many iterations during repositioning, this should never happen, exiting..");


            source.Position.X = originalSourcePosition.X;
            source.Position.Y = originalSourcePosition.Y;

            return lastUntouchingPosition;
        public void Resolve(MovableGameObject mgo1, GameObject o2)

            MovableGameObject mgo2 = o2 as MovableGameObject;

            if (mgo1.Subtype != null || o2.Subtype != null)
                if (ResolveSubtype(mgo1, o2))

            // both objects are movable
            if (mgo2 != null)
                // TODO : Recheck this code (cases where both objects are movable) for future functionality
                SetPinballReaction(mgo1, o2);
                if (mgo2.Type == GameObjectType.Enemy)

            else // only one object is movable
                // other object interactions
                ISwitchable switcher = o2 as ISwitchable;
                if (switcher != null && switcher.SwitchOnCollision() &&
                    (o2 as MovableGameObject) == null) // prevents from switching twice per turn

                if (!(
                    o2.Type == GameObjectType.Agent ||
                    o2.Type == GameObjectType.ClosedDoor ||
                    o2.Type == GameObjectType.Obstacle ||
                    o2.Type == GameObjectType.Teacher ||
                    o2.Type == GameObjectType.None))

                if (mgo1.GameObjectStyle == GameObjectStyleType.Platformer)   // Collision outcome depends on the GameObjectStyleType
                    SetPlattformerReaction(mgo1, o2);
                else if (mgo1.GameObjectStyle == GameObjectStyleType.Pinball)
                    SetPinballReaction(mgo1, o2);
                else if (mgo1.GameObjectStyle == GameObjectStyleType.None)


            throw new ArgumentException("For given objects doesn't exist confict resolution. " +
            "Did you forget to implement overriding class for StandardConflictResolver?");