        private int SelectTarget(ref MotorDataContext mdc)
            int newTarget = -1;
            //vision distance limit
            float visDist = (ownMotor.sophistication == BotMotor.BotSophistication.Normal ? 10 * (mdc.width + mdc.height) : float.PositiveInfinity);

            //calculate distances to enemies
            float[] distances = new float[enemies.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach(Motorek em in enemies.Values)
                distances[i++] = (em.position-mdc.position).Length();

            //select new target if no target selected or current target respawned
            if ((target == -1) || (GameSettings.gameMotors[target].HP > lastTargetHP) || (GameSettings.gameMotors[target].HP == 0))
                i = 0;
                float minDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
                foreach (int emk in enemies.Keys)
                    if ((distances[i] < visDist) && (distances[i] < minDist) && (((Motorek)enemies[emk]).HP != 0))
                        newTarget = emk;
                        minDist = distances[i];
                newTarget = target; //maintain current target
            return newTarget;
        private void FoolAround(ref MotorDataContext mdc, FoolAroundData fad)
            //generate brakes active/inactive command
            if (fad.brakes_time <= 0)
                //0.2 of chance for activating brakes
                fad.brakes = MotorkiGame.random.Next(0, 15) % 5 > 0 ? false : true;
                fad.brakes_time = MotorkiGame.random.Next(250, 750);
            fad.brakes_time -= MotorkiGame.game.currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            //generate forward/left/right command
            if (fad.steering_time <= 0)
                //(1/3) of chance for going forward, left or right
                fad.steering = MotorkiGame.random.Next(0, 12) % 3 - 1;
                fad.steering_time = MotorkiGame.random.Next(100, 500);
            fad.steering_time -= MotorkiGame.game.currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            //encode steering signal
            mdc.newSteering = fad.steering * (fad.brakes ? 2 : 1) + ((fad.steering == 0) && fad.brakes ? 3 : 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// determines whether there's a need to avoid trace spots. returns 0 when tests didn't detect any danger, 1 when danger is acceptable, 2 when danger is not acceptable
        /// </summary>
        private int CheckTraceCollisions(ref MotorDataContext mdc)
            float range = mdc.turningRange + mdc.width / 2;
            float rangeBrakes = mdc.turningRangeBrakes + mdc.width / 2;
            float safetyCoef = 3.0f; //safety margin for turns (multiplier for turn ranges, should be safetyCoef < 1.0f). greater value means turning further to the edge

            //sequence: normal speed turn left, normal speed turn right, brakes turn left, brakes turn right
            Vector2[] turnCenters = new Vector2[] { mdc.position - mdc.turningRange * mdc.dirVecPerp, mdc.position + mdc.turningRange * mdc.dirVecPerp,
                                                    mdc.position - mdc.turningRangeBrakes * mdc.dirVecPerp, mdc.position + mdc.turningRangeBrakes * mdc.dirVecPerp };
            //sequence: normal speed range, brakes range
            float[] turnRanges = new float[] { (mdc.turningRange + mdc.width / 2) * safetyCoef, (mdc.turningRangeBrakes + mdc.width / 2) * safetyCoef };

            float mtsRange = ((MotorTrace.SpotTexture.Width + MotorTrace.SpotTexture.Height) / 2 + (ownMotor.BackTexture[0].Width + ownMotor.BackTexture[0].Height) / 2) / 2;

            float margin = float.PositiveInfinity;
            int result = 0;
            foreach (Motorek em in enemies.Values)
                for (int mtsID = 0; mtsID < em.trace.Count; mtsID++)
                    MotorTraceSpot mts = em.trace[mtsID];
                    Vector2 mtsDirection = mts.position - mdc.position; //unnormalized vector pointing from motor position to trace spot position

                    //check is this spot any threat at all
                    if (mtsDirection.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVec) <= 0.0f) continue; //direction test
                    if ((mtsRange + mdc.width / 2) / mtsDirection.Length() > Math.Abs(mtsDirection.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVecPerp))) continue; //angular test

                    //check distance for avoiding a spot
                    int turnSign = -mdc.dirVec.Dot(mtsDirection).Sign();
                    if (turnSign <= 0) //test left turns
                        float dist;

                        //no brakes
                        dist = (mts.position - turnCenters[0]).Length() - mtsRange;
                        if ((dist < turnRanges[0]) && (margin > dist))
                            margin = dist;
                            mdc.newSteering = -1;
                            result = 1;
                            if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering) && !mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                                //amplify current steering
                                margin *= 0.5f;

                        dist = (mts.position - turnCenters[2]).Length() - mtsRange;
                        if ((dist < turnRanges[1]) && (margin > dist))
                            margin = dist;
                            mdc.newSteering = -2;
                            result = 2;
                            if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering / 2) && mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                                //amplify current steering
                                margin *= 0.5f;
                    if (turnSign >= 0) //test right turns
                        float dist;

                        //no brakes
                        dist = (mts.position - turnCenters[1]).Length() - mtsRange;
                        if ((dist < turnRanges[0]) && (margin > dist))
                            margin = dist;
                            mdc.newSteering = 1;
                            result = 1;
                            if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering) && !mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                                //amplify current steering
                                margin *= 0.5f;

                        dist = (mts.position - turnCenters[3]).Length() - mtsRange;
                        if ((dist < turnRanges[1]) && (margin > dist))
                            margin = dist;
                            mdc.newSteering = 2;
                            result = 2;
                            if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering / 2) && mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                                //amplify current steering
                                margin *= 0.5f;
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// determines whether there's a need to avoid walls. returns 0 when tests didn't detect any danger, 1 when danger is acceptable, 2 when danger is not acceptable
        /// </summary>
        private int CheckObstacles(ref MotorDataContext mdc)
            float range = mdc.turningRange + mdc.width / 2;
            float rangeBrakes = mdc.turningRangeBrakes + mdc.width / 2;
            float safetyCoef = 2.5f; //safety margin for turns (multiplier for turn ranges, should be safetyCoef < 1.0f). greater value means turning further to the edge

            //sequence: normal speed turn left, normal speed turn right, brakes turn left, brakes turn right
            Vector2[] turnCenters = new Vector2[] { mdc.position - mdc.turningRange * mdc.dirVecPerp, mdc.position + mdc.turningRange * mdc.dirVecPerp,
                                                    mdc.position - mdc.turningRangeBrakes * mdc.dirVecPerp, mdc.position + mdc.turningRangeBrakes * mdc.dirVecPerp };
            //sequence: normal speed range, brakes range
            float[] turnRanges = new float[] { (mdc.turningRange + mdc.width / 2) * safetyCoef, (mdc.turningRangeBrakes + mdc.width / 2) * safetyCoef };

            float margin = float.PositiveInfinity;
            int result = 0;
            foreach (Map.MapEdge me in GameSettings.gameMap.Edges)
                //check is this edge any threat at all
                if (me.facing.Dot(mdc.dirVec) >= 0.0f) continue;

                //check distance for avoiding an edge
                int turnSign = mdc.dirVecPerp.Dot(me.facing).Sign();
                if (turnSign <= 0) //test left turns
                    float dist;

                    //no brakes
                    dist = Utils.DistanceFromLineSegment(me.start, me.end, me.facing, turnCenters[0]);
                    if ((dist < turnRanges[0]) && (margin > dist))
                        margin = dist;
                        mdc.newSteering = -1;
                        result = 1;
                        if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering) && !mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                            //amplify current steering
                            margin *= 0.5f;

                    dist = Utils.DistanceFromLineSegment(me.start, me.end, me.facing, turnCenters[2]);
                    if ((dist < turnRanges[1]) && (margin > dist))
                        margin = dist;
                        mdc.newSteering = -2;
                        result = 2;
                        if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering / 2) && mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                            //amplify current steering
                            margin *= 0.5f;
                if (turnSign >= 0) //test right turns
                    float dist;

                    //no brakes
                    dist = Utils.DistanceFromLineSegment(me.start, me.end, me.facing, turnCenters[1]);
                    if ((dist < turnRanges[0]) && (margin > dist))
                        margin = dist;
                        mdc.newSteering = 1;
                        result = 1;
                        if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering) && !mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                            //amplify current steering
                            margin *= 0.5f;

                    dist = Utils.DistanceFromLineSegment(me.start, me.end, me.facing, turnCenters[3]);
                    if ((dist < turnRanges[1]) && (margin > dist))
                        margin = dist;
                        mdc.newSteering = 2;
                        result = 2;
                        if ((mdc.ctrlDirection == mdc.newSteering / 2) && mdc.ctrlBrakes)
                            //amplify current steering
                            margin *= 0.5f;
            return result;
        private void CalculateAttackSteering(ref MotorDataContext mdc)
            if(target == -1) return;

            //calculate distance
            Vector2 targetVector = GameSettings.gameMotors[target].position - mdc.position;
            float dist = targetVector.Length() - (2 * mdc.height);

            //calculate turn steering
            if (dist < mdc.height) //move around target
                if (Math.Abs(targetVector.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVec)) >= Math.Sqrt(2) / 5)
                    if(targetVector.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVec)>=0) //behind target
                        mdc.newSteering = 0;
                    else //before of target
                        mdc.newSteering = targetVector.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVecPerp).Sign();
                    mdc.newSteering = 0;
            else //get closer to target
                if (targetVector.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVec) <= Math.Sqrt(2)/2)
                    mdc.newSteering = targetVector.Normalized().Dot(mdc.dirVecPerp).Sign();
                    mdc.newSteering = 0;
        public override void Process()
            if (ownMotor == null) return;
            if (ownMotor.sophistication == BotMotor.BotSophistication.Easy) return;

            //!!!to get last Update time check MotorkiGame.game.currentTime

            MotorDataContext mdc = new MotorDataContext()
                ctrlDirection = ownMotor.ctrlDirection,
                ctrlBrakes = ownMotor.ctrlBrakes,
                newSteering = 0,
                width = ownMotor.width,
                height = ownMotor.height,
                position = ownMotor.position,
                dirVec = Utils.CalculateDirectionVector(ownMotor.rotation.ToRadians()).Normalized(),
                dirVecPerp = Utils.CalculateDirectionVector(ownMotor.rotation.ToRadians()).Perpendicular().Normalized(),
                turningRange = (float)(180.0 * ownMotor.motorSpeedPerSecond / (Math.PI * ownMotor.motorTurnPerSecond)),
                turningRangeBrakes = (float)(90.0 * ownMotor.motorSpeedPerSecond / (Math.PI * ownMotor.motorTurnPerSecond))

            //process messages
            while (messageList.Count > 0)
                BotAgentMessage msg = (BotAgentMessage)messageList[0];
                switch (msg.msgType)
                    case BotAgentMessages.PauseForControlApplying: steeringLocked = true; break;
                    case BotAgentMessages.ControlsApplied: steeringLocked = false; break;

            //redetect enemies and friends
            bool isTeamGame = ((GameSettings.gameType == GameType.TeamDeathMatch) || (GameSettings.gameType == GameType.TeamDemolition) || (GameSettings.gameType == GameType.TeamPointMatch) || (GameSettings.gameType == GameType.TeamTimeMatch));
            int teamID = motorID / 5;
            for (int i = 0; i < GameSettings.gameMotors.Length; i++)
                if ((motorID != i) && (GameSettings.gameMotors[i] != null))
                    if (isTeamGame && (teamID == i / 5))
                        teammates.Add(i, GameSettings.gameMotors[i]);
                        //if it's a bot with more than easy sophistication then look for its agent
                        if ((GameSettings.gameMotors[i] as BotMotor) == null ? false : (GameSettings.gameMotors[i] as BotMotor).sophistication != BotMotor.BotSophistication.Easy)
                            friendlyAgents.Add(i, agentController.FindSpecificAgent(i));
                        enemies.Add(i, GameSettings.gameMotors[i]);

            //do current action
            //1st priority - own safety (traces)
            int traceSpotImportance;
            if ((traceSpotImportance = CheckTraceCollisions(ref mdc)) == 2)
                //percentage for avoiding obstacle. 25% chance for not avoiding
                avaisionPenalty = Math.Max(0, avaisionPenalty - MotorkiGame.game.currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds);
                if ((avaisionPenalty == 0) && (ownMotor.sophistication != BotMotor.BotSophistication.Hard))
                    if (MotorkiGame.random.Next(100) / 25 == 0)
                        traceSpotImportance = 0;
                        avaisionPenalty = 200;
                        //force avoiding traces over avoiding walls (when forced to hit wall or trace choose wall)
                        return; //lock lower priority processing
                    //force avoiding traces over avoiding walls (when forced to hit wall or trace choose wall)
                    return; //lock lower priority processing

            //2nd priority - own safety (walls)
            int obstacleSteering;
            int obstacleImportance;
            if ((obstacleImportance = CheckObstacles(ref mdc)) == 2) //when need steering on brakes
                return; //lock lower priority processing
            obstacleSteering = mdc.newSteering;

            if ((ownMotor.sophistication == BotMotor.BotSophistication.Hard) || (obstacleImportance == 0)) //deffence is more important than attack only on normal mode
                //3rd priority - select target
                target = SelectTarget(ref mdc);

                //4th priority - get closer to the target
                if (target != -1)
                    lastTargetHP = GameSettings.gameMotors[target].HP;
                    CalculateAttackSteering(ref mdc);
                    return; //lock lower priority processing

            //other priorities didn't respond causing return - apply obstacle detection or fool around if no obstacles
            if (obstacleImportance == 1)
            else if (obstacleImportance == 0)
                FoolAround(ref mdc, faData);