private void stapleConfig(String stapleComponentName)
            StapleSection parameterStaple = ConfigReader.readStapleConfig();

            ISimComponent stapleComponent = app.Value.World.FindComponent(stapleComponentName);

            if (stapleComponentName != "" && stapleComponent == null)
                ms.AppendMessage("Failed to find staple component with name\"" + stapleComponentName + "\"! Planning of motion aborted...", MessageLevel.Warning);

            String stapleFileFolder = parameterStaple.staplePath.Path;

            if (stapleComponent.GetProperty("stlID") == null)
                ms.AppendMessage("Component with name \"" + stapleComponentName + "\" has no property \"stlID\"! Planning of motion aborted...", MessageLevel.Warning);
            String stlID            = (String)stapleComponent.GetProperty("stlID").Value;
            String obstacleFilePath = stapleFileFolder + stlID + ".stl";

            if (!File.Exists(obstacleFilePath))
                ms.AppendMessage("A path planning request requested stlID with \"" + stlID + "\" failed, because file \"" + obstacleFilePath + "\" does not exist...", MessageLevel.Warning);
            if (stapleComponent.GetProperty("StackHeight") == null)
                ms.AppendMessage("Failed to find StackHeight property in component with name \"" + stapleComponentName + "\"! Planning of motion aborted!", MessageLevel.Warning);

            Vector3         staplePosition = stapleComponent.TransformationInWorld.GetP();
            IDoubleProperty stackwidth     = (IDoubleProperty)stapleComponent.GetProperty("StackWidth");
            IDoubleProperty stacklength    = (IDoubleProperty)stapleComponent.GetProperty("StackLength");

            float translate_x = (float)staplePosition.X - (float)(stacklength.Value / 2.0);
            float translate_y = (float)staplePosition.Y - (float)(stackwidth.Value / 2.0);

            IDoubleProperty stackheight = (IDoubleProperty)stapleComponent.GetProperty("StackHeight");
            float           translate_z = (float)stackheight.Value;

            // setup staple obstacle
            int obstacleId = motionPlan.addObstacle(obstacleFilePath, translate_x / 1000.0f, translate_y / 1000.0f, translate_z / 1000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a motionPlanner instance for a specific robot.
        /// This instance is stored in the dictonary of the class which manages and maintains the instances of all motionPlanners of all robots.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robot"></param>The VC robot instance for which a motionPlanner instance should be created
        /// <param name="pathToRobotUrdfDescriptionFile"></param>The URDF description of the robot
        /// <param name="kinChainStart"></param>The name of the first part in the kinematic chain.
        /// <param name="kinChainEnd"></param>The name of the last part in the kinematic chain.
        /// <param name="pathToObstacleFile"></param>The path to an obstacle model file (e.g. stl format).
        public MotionPlan InitializeMotionPlanner(IRobot robot, String pathToRobotUrdfDescriptionFile, String kinChainStart, String kinChainEnd, String pathToObstacleFile)
            MotionPlan motionPlan = new MotionPlan(pathToRobotUrdfDescriptionFile, kinChainStart, kinChainEnd);

            if (!motionPlan.isValid())
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize motionPlan, unable to load robot urdf file \"" + pathToRobotUrdfDescriptionFile + "\" from " + kinChainStart + " to " + kinChainEnd + "!");
            MotionPlanRobotDescription description = motionPlan.getMotionPlanRobotDescription();

            Vector3 wpr = robot.Component.TransformationInWorld.GetWPR();

            description.setRobotPosition(robot.Component.TransformationInWorld.GetP().X / 1000,
                                         robot.Component.TransformationInWorld.GetP().Y / 1000,
                                         robot.Component.TransformationInWorld.GetP().Z / 1000);
            description.setRobotRotation(wpr.X, wpr.Y, wpr.Z);

