public void RandomDataCycle()
                string StoreId = "1081";


                using (var gateway = new TcpClient(GatewayAddress, GatewayPort))
                    using (var stream = gateway.GetStream())
                        for (var s = 0; s < 3; s++)
                            if (!useLegacy)
                                var Store = new MotStoreRecord("Add")
                                    AutoTruncate = AutoTruncate,
                                    logRecords   = true,
                                    UseAscii     = UseAscii,

                                    StoreID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    StoreName = $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}{RandomData.String()}",
                                    Address1  = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    Address2  = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    City      = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    State     = "NH",
                                    Zipcode   = $"{RandomData.Integer(0, 100000).ToString("D5")}-{RandomData.Integer(0, 100000).ToString("D4")}",
                                    DEANum    = RandomData.ShortDEA(),
                                    Phone     = RandomData.USPhoneNumber(),
                                    Fax       = RandomData.USPhoneNumber()


                                WriteTestLogRecord(new TestRecord()
                                    Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    RecordId   = new Guid(Store.StoreID).ToString(),
                                    RecordType = RecordType.Store,
                                    Name       = Store.StoreName,
                                    TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow

                                StoreId = Store.StoreID;

                            for (var i = 0; i < MaxLoops; i++)
                                var Facility = new MotFacilityRecord("Add")
                                    AutoTruncate = AutoTruncate,
                                    logRecords   = true,
                                    UseAscii     = UseAscii,

                                    LocationID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    StoreID      = StoreId,
                                    LocationName = RandomData.String(),
                                    Address1     = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    Address2     = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    City         = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    State        = "NH",
                                    Zipcode      = $"0{RandomData.Integer(1000, 10000)}",
                                    Phone        = RandomData.USPhoneNumber(),
                                    CycleDays    = RandomData.Integer(1, 32),
                                    CycleType    = RandomData.Bit(),
                                    Comments     = RandomData.String(2048)


                                WriteTestLogRecord(new TestRecord()
                                    Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    RecordId   = new Guid(Facility.LocationID).ToString(),
                                    RecordType = RecordType.Facility,
                                    Name       = Facility.LocationName,
                                    TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow

                                var Prescriber = new MotPrescriberRecord("Add")
                                    AutoTruncate = AutoTruncate,
                                    logRecords   = true,
                                    UseAscii     = UseAscii,

                                    RxSys_DocID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    LastName      = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    FirstName     = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    MiddleInitial = RandomData.TrimString(1),
                                    Address1      = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    Address2      = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    City          = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                    State         = "NH",
                                    Zipcode       = $"0{RandomData.Integer(1000, 10000)}",
                                    DEA_ID        = RandomData.ShortDEA(),
                                    TPID          = RandomData.Integer(100000).ToString(),
                                    Phone         = RandomData.USPhoneNumber(),
                                    Comments      = RandomData.String(2048),
                                    Fax           = RandomData.USPhoneNumber()


                                WriteTestLogRecord(new TestRecord()
                                    Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    RecordId   = new Guid(Prescriber.PrescriberID).ToString(),
                                    RecordType = RecordType.Prescriber,
                                    Name       = $"{Prescriber.LastName}, {Prescriber.FirstName}, {Prescriber.MiddleInitial}",
                                    TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow

                                for (var f = 0; f < MaxLoops; f++)
                                    var rxId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                    var drugId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                                    var Patient = new MotPatientRecord("Add")
                                        AutoTruncate = AutoTruncate,
                                        logRecords   = true,
                                        UseAscii     = UseAscii,

                                        PatientID           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                        LocationID          = Facility.LocationID,
                                        PrimaryPrescriberID = Prescriber.PrescriberID,
                                        LastName            = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                        FirstName           = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                        MiddleInitial       = RandomData.TrimString(1),
                                        Address1            = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                        Address2            = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                        City       = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                        State      = "NH",
                                        Zipcode    = $"0{RandomData.Integer(1000, 10000)}",
                                        Gender     = RandomData.TrimString(1),
                                        CycleDate  = RandomData.Date(DateTime.Now.Year),
                                        CycleDays  = RandomData.Integer(0, 32),
                                        CycleType  = RandomData.Bit(),
                                        AdmitDate  = RandomData.Date(),
                                        ChartOnly  = RandomData.Bit().ToString(),
                                        Phone1     = RandomData.USPhoneNumber(),
                                        Phone2     = RandomData.USPhoneNumber(),
                                        WorkPhone  = RandomData.USPhoneNumber(),
                                        DOB        = RandomData.Date(),
                                        SSN        = RandomData.SSN(),
                                        Allergies  = RandomData.String(1024),
                                        Diet       = RandomData.String(1024),
                                        DxNotes    = RandomData.String(1024),
                                        InsName    = RandomData.String(),
                                        InsPNo     = RandomData.Integer().ToString(),
                                        AltInsName = RandomData.String(),
                                        AltInsPNo  = RandomData.Integer().ToString()


                                    WriteTestLogRecord(new TestRecord()
                                        Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                        RecordId   = new Guid(Patient.PatientID).ToString(),
                                        RecordType = RecordType.Patient,
                                        Name       = $"{Patient.LastName}, {Patient.FirstName}, {Patient.MiddleInitial}",
                                        TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow

                                    for (var rx = 0; rx < 8; rx++)
                                        var Drug = new MotDrugRecord("Add")
                                            AutoTruncate = AutoTruncate,
                                            logRecords   = true,
                                            UseAscii     = UseAscii,

                                            DrugID            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                            DrugName          = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                            NDCNum            = RandomData.TrimString().ToUpper(),
                                            ProductCode       = RandomData.TrimString().ToUpper(),
                                            LabelCode         = RandomData.TrimString().ToUpper(),
                                            TradeName         = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                            DrugSchedule      = RandomData.Integer(2, 8),
                                            Strength          = RandomData.Double(100),
                                            Route             = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                            RxOTC             = RandomData.Bit() == 1 ? "R" : "O",
                                            VisualDescription = $"{RandomData.TrimString(3)}/{RandomData.TrimString(3)}/{RandomData.TrimString(3)}",
                                            DoseForm          = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                            DefaultIsolate    = RandomData.Bit(),
                                            ShortName         = RandomData.TrimString(),
                                            ConsultMsg        = RandomData.String()

                                        WriteTestLogRecord(new TestRecord()
                                            Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                            RecordId   = new Guid(Drug.DrugID).ToString(),
                                            RecordType = RecordType.Drug,
                                            Name       = $"{Drug.TradeName}",
                                            TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow


                                        var Rx = new MotPrescriptionRecord("Add")
                                            AutoTruncate = AutoTruncate,
                                            logRecords   = true,
                                            UseAscii     = UseAscii,

                                            PatientID        = Patient.PatientID,
                                            PrescriberID     = Prescriber.PrescriberID,
                                            DrugID           = Drug.DrugID,
                                            RxSys_RxNum      = RandomData.Integer(1, 1000000000).ToString(),
                                            RxStartDate      = RandomData.Date(DateTime.Now.Year),
                                            RxStopDate       = RandomData.Date(DateTime.Now.Year),
                                            DoseScheduleName = RandomData.TrimString().ToUpper(),
                                            QtyPerDose       = RandomData.Double(10),
                                            QtyDispensed     = RandomData.Integer(1, 120),
                                            RxType           = RandomData.Integer(1, 21),
                                            DoseTimesQtys    = RandomData.DoseTimes(RandomData.Integer(1, 25)),
                                            Isolate          = RandomData.Bit().ToString(),
                                            Refills          = RandomData.Integer(1, 100),
                                            Sig = RandomData.String()

                                        WriteTestLogRecord(new TestRecord()
                                            Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                            RecordId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                            RecordType = RecordType.Prescription,
                                            Name       = $"{Rx.RxSys_RxNum}",
                                            TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow


            catch (Exception ex)
                StartCleaning = true;
        public void ForceIdOverflowWithGuid()
            // This will force a record rejection bu issuing a Guid as an ID
            // Note that the motNext gatewaty returns a 6 (success) even though it fails

            var patientId1   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var patientId2   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var prescriberId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var facilityId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (var localTcpClient = new TcpClient("localhost", 24042))
                using (var stream = localTcpClient.GetStream())
                        var facility = new MotFacilityRecord("Add");
                        facility.LocationName = "Banzai Institute";
                        facility.LocationID   = facilityId;
                        facility.logRecords   = logRecords;

                        var doc = new MotPrescriberRecord("Add")
                            PrescriberID = prescriberId,
                            DEA_ID       = "AD1234567",
                            LastName     = "Lizardo",
                            FirstName    = "Emillio"


                        using (var AddBuckaroo = new MotPatientRecord("Add"))
                            AddBuckaroo.PatientID           = patientId1;
                            AddBuckaroo.FirstName           = "Buckaroo";
                            AddBuckaroo.LastName            = "Banzai";
                            AddBuckaroo.PrimaryPrescriberID = prescriberId;
                            AddBuckaroo.DOB        = DateTime.Now;
                            AddBuckaroo.CycleDate  = DateTime.Now;
                            AddBuckaroo.CycleDays  = 30;
                            AddBuckaroo.LocationID = facilityId;
                            AddBuckaroo.logRecords = logRecords;


                        var AddPenny = new MotPatientRecord("Add")
                            PatientID           = patientId2,
                            FirstName           = "Penny",
                            LastName            = "Priddy",
                            PrimaryPrescriberID = prescriberId,
                            DOB        = DateTime.Now,
                            CycleDate  = DateTime.Now,
                            CycleDays  = 30,
                            LocationID = facilityId,
                            logRecords = logRecords


                        using (var deletePenny = new MotPatientRecord("Delete"))
                            deletePenny.PatientID = patientId2;

                        using (var deleteBuckaroo = new MotPatientRecord("Delete"))
                            deleteBuckaroo.PatientID = patientId1;

                        using (var deleteLizardo = new MotPrescriberRecord("Delete"))
                            deleteLizardo.PrescriberID = prescriberId;

                        using (var deleteFacility = new MotFacilityRecord("Delete"))
                            deleteFacility.LocationID = facilityId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
        public void CleanDatabase()
            if (!StartCleaning)

                while (!StartCleaning)


                using (var gateway = new TcpClient(GatewayAddress, GatewayPort))
                    using (var stream = gateway.GetStream())
                        // Delete Rxs
                        var RxList = GetTestLogRecords(RecordType.Prescription);
                        foreach (var rx in RxList)
                            var RxToDelete = new MotPrescriptionRecord("Delete")
                                RxSys_RxNum = rx.Name


                        // Delete Drugs
                        var DrugList = GetTestLogRecords(RecordType.Drug);
                        foreach (var drug in DrugList)
                            var DrugToDelete = new MotDrugRecord("Delete")
                                DrugID = drug.RecordId.ToString()


                        // Delete Patients
                        var PatientList = GetTestLogRecords(RecordType.Patient);
                        foreach (var patient in PatientList)
                            var PatientToDelete = new MotPatientRecord("Delete")
                                PatientID = patient.RecordId.ToString()


                        // Delete Facilities
                        var FacilityList = GetTestLogRecords(RecordType.Facility);
                        foreach (var facility in FacilityList)
                            var FacilityToDelete = new MotFacilityRecord("Delete")
                                LocationID = facility.RecordId.ToString()


                        // Delete Prescribers
                        var PrescriberList = GetTestLogRecords(RecordType.Prescriber);
                        foreach (var prescriber in PrescriberList)
                            var PrescriberToDelete = new MotPrescriberRecord("Delete")
                                PrescriberID = prescriber.RecordId.ToString()


                        // Delete Stores
                        if (!useLegacy)
                            var StoreList = GetTestLogRecords(RecordType.Store);
                            foreach (var store in StoreList)
                                var StoreToDelete = new MotStoreRecord("Delete")
                                    StoreID = store.RecordId.ToString()

            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail($"Failed to clean database: {ex.Message}");