        private Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor GetActorBySNO(int sno)
            var actors = (from a in player.RevealedObjects.Values where a is Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor && (a as Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor).ActorSNO.Id == sno select a);

            if (actors.Count() > 1)
                logger.Warn("Found more than one actors in range");
            if (actors.Count() == 0)
                // HACK: fixes client crashing when you talk to vendors.
                // This seems to be cause by a mismatch in
                // world actors and their conversations, probably caused by our hacky back-patched mpq data.
                // the conv is requesting an alternate actor SNO than what's revealed to the player, and apparently
                // the client doesn't like it when the player actor is used to play vendor conversations.
                // so for now I do a substring-search for requested actor's name looking for a similar one that actually
                // is revealed.
                string reqName = new Mooege.Core.GS.Common.Types.SNO.SNOHandle(Common.Types.SNO.SNOGroup.Actor, sno).Name;
                reqName = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(reqName, @"_\d+$", "");  // remove _01 etc from end
                var replacementActor = player.RevealedObjects.Values.Where(a => a is Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor)
                                       .Cast <Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor>()
                                       .FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActorSNO.Name.Contains(reqName));
                if (replacementActor != null)

                logger.Warn("Actor not found, using player actor instead");

            return(actors.First() as Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor);
        private Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor GetActorBySNO(int sno)
            var actors = (from a in player.RevealedObjects.Values where a is Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor && (a as Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor).ActorSNO.Id == sno select a);
            if (actors.Count() > 1)
                logger.Warn("Found more than one actors in range");
            if (actors.Count() == 0)
                // HACK: fixes client crashing when you talk to vendors.
                // This seems to be cause by a mismatch in
                // world actors and their conversations, probably caused by our hacky back-patched mpq data.
                // the conv is requesting an alternate actor SNO than what's revealed to the player, and apparently
                // the client doesn't like it when the player actor is used to play vendor conversations.
                // so for now I do a substring-search for requested actor's name looking for a similar one that actually
                // is revealed.
                string reqName = new Mooege.Core.GS.Common.Types.SNO.SNOHandle(Common.Types.SNO.SNOGroup.Actor, sno).Name;
                reqName = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(reqName, @"_\d+$", "");  // remove _01 etc from end
                var replacementActor = player.RevealedObjects.Values.Where(a => a is Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor)
                                                                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActorSNO.Name.Contains(reqName));
                if (replacementActor != null)
                    return replacementActor;

                logger.Warn("Actor not found, using player actor instead");
                return player;

            return actors.First() as Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor;