}// Melisande's Fermented Wine public override void Drink(Mobile from) { if (MondainsLegacy.CheckML(from)) { base.Drink(from); } }
public override bool Drink(Mobile from) { if (MondainsLegacy.CheckML(from)) { return(base.Drink(from)); } return(false); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { if (MondainsLegacy.CheckML(from)) { from.SendGump(new ConfirmGump(this)); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } }
public override int LabelNumber => 1041088;// Hair Dye public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { if (from is PlayerMobile && MondainsLegacy.CheckML(from)) { BaseGump.SendGump(new HairDyeConfirmGump(from as PlayerMobile, Hue, this)); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } }
private static bool CanChange(PlayerMobile from, Race targetRace) { if (from.Deleted) { return(false); } if (from.Race == targetRace) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1111918); // You are already that race. } else if (!MondainsLegacy.CheckML(from, false)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073651); // You must have Mondain's Legacy before proceeding... } else if (!from.Alive) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073646); // Only the living may proceed... } else if (from.Mounted) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073647); // You may not continue while mounted... } else if (!from.CanBeginAction <PolymorphSpell>() || DisguiseTimers.IsDisguised(from) || AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(from) || !from.CanBeginAction <IncognitoSpell>() || from.IsBodyMod) // TODO: Does this cover everything? { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073648); // You may only proceed while in your original state... } else if (from.Spell?.IsCasting == true) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073649); // One may not proceed while embracing magic... } else if (from.Poisoned) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073652); // You must be healthy to proceed... } else if (IsWearingEquipment(from)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073650); // To proceed you must be unburdened by equipment... } else { return(true); } return(false); }
public override void OnDeath(Container c) { base.OnDeath(c); if (DropPrimer) { SkillMasteryPrimer primer = SkillMasteryPrimer.GetRandom(); List <DamageStore> rights = GetLootingRights(); if (rights.Count > 0) { Mobile m = rights[Utility.Random(rights.Count)].m_Mobile; m.SendLocalizedMessage(1156209); // You have received a mastery primer! if (m.Backpack == null || !m.Backpack.TryDropItem(m, primer, false)) { m.BankBox.DropItem(primer); } } else { c.DropItem(primer); } } if (GivesMLMinorArtifact && 0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { MondainsLegacy.DropPeerlessMinor(c); } if (this.m_Altar != null) { this.m_Altar.OnPeerlessDeath(); } }
public override void OnDeath(Container c) { base.OnDeath(c); if (DropPrimer) { SkillMasteryPrimer primer = SkillMasteryPrimer.GetRandom(); List <DamageStore> rights = GetLootingRights(); if (rights.Count > 0) { Mobile m = rights[Utility.Random(rights.Count)].m_Mobile; m.SendLocalizedMessage(1156209); // You have received a mastery primer! if (m.Backpack == null || !m.Backpack.TryDropItem(m, primer, false)) { m.BankBox.DropItem(primer); } } else { c.DropItem(primer); } } if (GivesMLMinorArtifact && 0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { MondainsLegacy.DropPeerlessMinor(c); } if (GiveMLSpecial) { if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10) { c.DropItem(new HumanFeyLeggings()); } if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.025) { c.DropItem(new CrimsonCincture()); } if (0.05 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { switch (Utility.Random(32)) { case 0: c.DropItem(new AssassinChest()); break; case 1: c.DropItem(new AssassinArms()); break; case 2: c.DropItem(new AssassinLegs()); break; case 3: c.DropItem(new AssassinGloves()); break; case 4: c.DropItem(new DeathChest()); break; case 5: c.DropItem(new DeathArms()); break; case 6: c.DropItem(new DeathLegs()); break; case 7: c.DropItem(new DeathBoneHelm()); break; case 8: c.DropItem(new DeathGloves()); break; case 9: c.DropItem(new MyrmidonArms()); break; case 10: c.DropItem(new MyrmidonLegs()); break; case 11: c.DropItem(new MyrmidonGorget()); break; case 12: c.DropItem(new MyrmidonChest()); break; case 13: c.DropItem(new LeafweaveGloves()); break; case 14: c.DropItem(new LeafweaveLegs()); break; case 15: c.DropItem(new LeafweavePauldrons()); break; case 16: c.DropItem(new PaladinGloves()); break; case 17: c.DropItem(new PaladinGorget()); break; case 18: c.DropItem(new PaladinArms()); break; case 19: c.DropItem(new PaladinLegs()); break; case 20: c.DropItem(new PaladinHelm()); break; case 21: c.DropItem(new PaladinChest()); break; case 22: c.DropItem(new HunterArms()); break; case 23: c.DropItem(new HunterGloves()); break; case 24: c.DropItem(new HunterLegs()); break; case 25: c.DropItem(new HunterChest()); break; case 26: c.DropItem(new GreymistArms()); break; case 27: c.DropItem(new GreymistGloves()); break; case 28: c.DropItem(new GreymistLegs()); break; case 29: c.DropItem(new MalekisHonor()); break; case 30: c.DropItem(new Feathernock()); break; case 31: c.DropItem(new Swiftflight()); break; } } } if (m_Altar != null) { m_Altar.OnPeerlessDeath(); } }
public static bool IsMLDungeon(Map map, Point3D loc) { return(MondainsLegacy.IsMLRegion(Region.Find(loc, map))); }
private static bool IsMondain(Mobile m) => MondainsLegacy.IsMLRegion(m.Region);