private void PreCreateMoles()
        /* To ensure all moles are on the screen are visible I create them from the bottom up depending on the grid
         * So I first calculate the bottom middle position as a starting point
        Vector3 botMid = new Vector3((_spawnLimitBotLeft.x + _spawnLimitTopRight.x) / 2, _spawnLimitBotLeft.y, _spawnLimitBotLeft.z);

        /* Then I calculate the maximum size of the squares to fill the field
        float screenWorldWidth   = _spawnLimitTopRight.x - _spawnLimitBotLeft.x;
        float screenWorldHeight  = _spawnLimitTopRight.z - _spawnLimitBotLeft.z;
        float possibleMoleWidth  = screenWorldWidth / _gridSize.x;
        float possibleMoleHeight = screenWorldHeight / _gridSize.y;
        float moleSize           = possibleMoleWidth < possibleMoleHeight ? possibleMoleWidth : possibleMoleHeight;

        /* Using these values I can precreate objects so I dont have to recalculate this at runtime
        for (int x = 0; x < _gridSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < _gridSize.y; y++)
                Vector3    position = new Vector3(botMid.x - moleSize * _gridSize.x / 2 + moleSize / 2 + x * moleSize, _spawnLimitBotLeft.y, _spawnLimitBotLeft.z + moleSize / 2 + y * moleSize);
                MoleEntity newMole  = Instantiate(_molePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity, transform);