        static void Main(string[] args)
            var client = new Client("https://www.mystore.com/mm5/json.mvc", "MY_API_TOKEN", "MY_SIGNING_KEY");

            client.DefaultStoreCode = "STORE_CODE";

            /// If you create a custom module or want to hook into an existing modules API functionality it exposes you can
            /// use the Module request class to call into the module.

            var request = new ModuleRequest(client);

            // Set the module you wish to call into

            // Set the function name you wish to call (defined by your modules json_api feature)

            /// Add custom parameters to the request using the setModuleField method
            request.SetModuleField("MyModuleField", "Foo")
            .SetModuleField("MyModuleField_Int", 1)
            .SetModuleField("MyModuleField_Decimal", 2.99);

            // Send the request

            ModuleResponse response = request.Send();

            if (!response.IsSuccess())
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}: {1}", response.GetErrorCode(), response.GetErrorMessage());
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加子节点内
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">节点</param>
 private void AddChildren(ModuleResponse node)
     if (node == null)
     node.Children = GetChildren(node.Id).Select(ToNode).ToList();
     foreach (var child in node.Children)
        /// <summary>
        /// 转换为树节点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">实体</param>
        private ModuleResponse ToNode(Module entity)
            var result = new ModuleResponse()
                Id            = entity.Id,
                ApplicationId = entity.ApplicationId.SafeValue(),
                ParentId      = entity.ParentId,
                Name          = entity.Name,
                Url           = entity.Url,
                Icon          = entity.Icon,
                Remark        = entity.Remark,
                Enabled       = entity.Enabled,
                SortId        = entity.SortId

        public async Task Handle(LoadModule moduleRequest, string replyTo, string correlationId)
            Console.WriteLine($"[i] Got New LoadModule Message.");

            Module module = _taskRepository.GetModule(moduleRequest.Name, moduleRequest.Language);

            string moduleb64  = "";
            string workingDir = Path.Join(Settings.ModulesPath, Settings.LanguageName);
            string exitCode   = "0";
            string output     = "";
            string error      = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(module.BuildCommand))
                Dictionary <string, string> cmdResult = RunCommand(workingDir, module.BuildCommand);
                exitCode = cmdResult["ExitCode"];
                output   = cmdResult["Output"];
                error    = cmdResult["Error"];

            if (exitCode == "0")
                byte[] moduleBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Join(workingDir, module.BuildLocation));
                moduleb64 = Convert.ToBase64String(moduleBytes);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleb64))
                NewErrorMessage response = new NewErrorMessage();
                response.Source  = ".NET Build Server";
                response.Message = $"Error building {moduleRequest.Name} module.";
                response.Details = $"Stdout: {output}\n Stderr: {error}";
                _eventBus.Publish(response, replyTo = null, correlationId = null);
                ModuleResponse response = new ModuleResponse();
                response.Success  = true;
                response.Contents = $"module {moduleRequest.Name} {moduleb64}";
                _eventBus.Publish(response, replyTo, correlationId);
        public static async Task <ModuleResponse> DetermineIfTriggering(
            ILocationRepository locationRepository,
            ILocationActionEventsRepository locationActionEventsRepository,
            IMessagingService messagingService,
            Module module)
            var location = module.Location;

            var triggeredFlag = false;

            if (location.Armed && location.IsNotTriggered)
                await locationRepository.TriggerLocation(location);

                await messagingService.SendModuleTriggeredMessage(module);

                var locationActionEvent = new LocationActionEvent
                    LocationId = location.Id,

                    Action = LocationActionEnum.Triggered

                await locationActionEventsRepository.SaveLocationActionEvent(locationActionEvent);

                triggeredFlag = true;

            var moduleResponse = new ModuleResponse
                Armed = location.Armed,

                Triggered = triggeredFlag && !location.IsSilentAlarm

        public async Task Handle(NewConsoleMessage newConsoleMessage, string replyTo, string correlationId)
            // Reset Error stuff
            error        = false;
            errorMessage = "";

            // figure out what agent we're dealing with
            Agent agent = _taskRepository.GetAgent(newConsoleMessage.AgentId);

            agent.AgentType = _taskRepository.GetAgentType(agent.AgentTypeId);

            // flesh out and save the ConsoleMessage object
            ConsoleMessage consoleMessage = new ConsoleMessage();

            consoleMessage.AgentId  = newConsoleMessage.AgentId;
            consoleMessage.UserId   = newConsoleMessage.UserId;
            consoleMessage.Agent    = agent;
            consoleMessage.User     = _taskRepository.GetUser(consoleMessage.UserId.Value);
            consoleMessage.Content  = newConsoleMessage.Content;
            consoleMessage.Display  = newConsoleMessage.Display;
            consoleMessage.Received = DateTime.UtcNow;
            consoleMessage.Type     = "AgentTask";

            // Announce our new message to Rabbit
            ConsoleMessageAnnouncement messageAnnouncement = new ConsoleMessageAnnouncement();

            messageAnnouncement.Success        = true;
            messageAnnouncement.Username       = consoleMessage.User.Username;
            messageAnnouncement.ConsoleMessage = consoleMessage;

            // These are the commands we allow. If one of these isn't the first part of a command
            List <string> allowedActions = new List <string>();


            // we assume that the command is a RUN command
            string action = "RUN";

            string[] consoleMessageComponents = consoleMessage.Content.Split(' ');
            if (consoleMessageComponents.Length > 0)
                if (allowedActions.Contains(consoleMessageComponents[0].ToUpper()))
                    action = consoleMessageComponents[0].ToUpper();

            // if this is a SHOW or HELP commmand, we won't be sending anything to the agent
            // so lets take care of that here:
            AgentDetails.Language         = _taskRepository.GetLanguage(consoleMessage.Agent.AgentType.LanguageId);
            AgentDetails.AvailableModules = _taskRepository.GetModules(AgentDetails.Language.Id);
            AgentDetails.LoadedModules    = _taskRepository.GetAgentModules(consoleMessage.AgentId);
            AgentDetails.AgentType        = consoleMessage.Agent.AgentType;

            if (action == "HELP")
                ConsoleMessage message = ProcessHelpMessage(consoleMessage);

                ConsoleMessageAnnouncement response = new ConsoleMessageAnnouncement();
                response.Success        = true;
                response.Username       = "******";
                response.ConsoleMessage = message;

            else if (action == "SHOW")
                ConsoleMessage message = ProcessShowMessage(consoleMessage);

                ConsoleMessageAnnouncement response = new ConsoleMessageAnnouncement();
                response.Success        = true;
                response.Username       = "******";
                response.ConsoleMessage = message;

                // We'll be tasking the agent to do something so lets create an agentTask
                AgentTask agentTask = new AgentTask();
                agentTask.Action           = action;
                agentTask.AgentId          = consoleMessage.AgentId;
                agentTask.ConsoleMessageId = consoleMessage.Id;
                agentTask.ConsoleMessage   = consoleMessage;
                agentTask.Agent            = consoleMessage.Agent;

                // Package the AgentTask into a envelope for seralization & encryption.
                // Then process the ACTION and populate CONTENTS appropriately
                Dictionary <String, String> outboundMessage = new Dictionary <String, String>();
                outboundMessage.Add("AgentName", agentTask.Agent.Name);
                outboundMessage.Add("Name", agentTask.Name);
                outboundMessage.Add("Action", agentTask.Action);

                // Message formats
                // * load stdlib
                // * load dotnet/stdlib
                // * load transport/dns
                if (agentTask.Action == "LOAD")
                    LoadModule msg = new LoadModule();
                    if (consoleMessageComponents[1].Contains("/"))
                        msg.Language = consoleMessageComponents[1].Split("/")[0];
                        msg.Name     = consoleMessageComponents[1].Split("/")[0];
                        msg.Language = (_taskRepository.GetLanguage(consoleMessage.Agent.AgentType.LanguageId)).Name;
                        msg.Name     = consoleMessageComponents[1];

                    bool LoadSuccess = false;
                    foreach (Module module in AgentDetails.AvailableModules)
                        if (String.Equals(module.Name, msg.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            _eventBus.Publish(msg, null, null, true);
                            string         message        = _eventBus.ResponseQueue.Take();
                            ModuleResponse moduleResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ModuleResponse>(message);
                            outboundMessage.Add("Command", moduleResponse.Contents);
                            LoadSuccess = true;

                            AgentUpdated agentUpdated = new AgentUpdated {
                                Success = true, Agent = agentTask.Agent


                    if (!LoadSuccess)
                        error        = true;
                        errorMessage = $"Module {msg.Name} is not a valid module. Use the 'show modules' command to view available modules";

                // Message formats
                // * set beacon:5
                else if (agentTask.Action == "SET")
                    outboundMessage.Add("Command", consoleMessageComponents[1]);

                else if (agentTask.Action == "EXIT")
                    outboundMessage.Add("Command", "exit");
                // Example commands:
                // * ls
                // * ls "C:\Program Files"
                // * ls /path:"C:\Program Files"
                if (agentTask.Action == "RUN")
                    string   submittedCommand = consoleMessage.Content;
                    string[] processedArgs    = null;

                    // check to see if we have parameters (for example: ls /path:foo)
                    int index = submittedCommand.IndexOf(' ');
                    if (index > 0)
                        // change submittedCommand to just the first part of the command (ex: ls)
                        submittedCommand = submittedCommand.Substring(0, index);
                        string submittedArgs = consoleMessage.Content.Substring(index + 1);
                        if (submittedArgs.Length > 0)
                            processedArgs = SplitArguments(submittedArgs);

                    // Check if command is available
                        Command commandObject = _taskRepository.GetCommand(submittedCommand);
                        if (!AgentDetails.IsModuleLoaded(commandObject.Module))
                            error        = true;
                            errorMessage = $"The module for this command isn't loaded. You can load it by running: 'load {commandObject.Module.Name}'";
                        error        = true;
                        errorMessage = $"{submittedCommand} is not a valid command for this agent. To view available commands, run: 'show commands'";

                    if (!error)
                        FactionCommand factionCommand = ProcessCommand(submittedCommand, processedArgs);
                        string         command        = factionCommand.Command;
                        if (factionCommand.Arguments.Count > 0)
                            command = $"{factionCommand.Command} {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(factionCommand.Arguments)}";
                        outboundMessage.Add("Command", command);

                // If there's an error, send it back
                if (error)
                    ConsoleMessage message = new ConsoleMessage();
                    message.AgentId     = consoleMessage.AgentId;
                    message.AgentTaskId = agentTask.Id;
                    message.UserId      = 1;
                    message.Type        = "AgentTaskError";
                    message.Display     = errorMessage;

                    ConsoleMessageAnnouncement response = new ConsoleMessageAnnouncement();
                    response.Success        = true;
                    response.Username       = "******";
                    response.ConsoleMessage = message;
                // Else, create a new task for the agent
                    // update agentTask with final command format and save it
                    agentTask.Command = outboundMessage["Command"];

                    // update the incoming consoleMessage with this task Id
                    consoleMessage.AgentTaskId = agentTask.Id;
                    _taskRepository.Update(consoleMessage.Id, consoleMessage);

                    string jsonOutboundMessage             = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outboundMessage);
                    Dictionary <string, string> encCommand = Crypto.Encrypt(jsonOutboundMessage, agentTask.Id, agentTask.Agent.AesPassword);

                    // Create a AgentTaskMessage object with the seralized/encrypted message contents
                    AgentTaskMessage agentTaskMessage = new AgentTaskMessage();
                    agentTaskMessage.Agent       = agentTask.Agent;
                    agentTaskMessage.Message     = encCommand["encryptedMsg"];
                    agentTaskMessage.AgentId     = consoleMessage.Agent.Id;
                    agentTaskMessage.AgentTaskId = agentTask.Id;
                    agentTaskMessage.AgentTask   = agentTask;
                    agentTaskMessage.Hmac        = encCommand["hmac"];
                    agentTaskMessage.Iv          = encCommand["iv"];
                    agentTaskMessage.Sent        = false;
 private SonarQubeModule ToSonarQubeModule(ModuleResponse response) =>
 new SonarQubeModule(response.Key, response.Name, response.Path);
 private SonarQubeModule ToSonarQubeModule(ModuleResponse response) =>
 new SonarQubeModule(response.Key, response.Name, FilePathNormalizer.NormalizeSonarQubePath(response.Path));