/// <summary> /// Creates customer - current contact binding if does not exist and logs customer registration activity. /// </summary> /// <param name="customer">Customer to assign to the current contact.</param> private void AssignCustomerToContact(CustomerInfo customer) { if (ContactID > 0) { ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(customer.CustomerID, MembershipType.ECOMMERCE_CUSTOMER, ContactID); } }
/// <summary> /// Merge contact with customer and creates relation between these two. /// </summary> /// <param name="customerInfo">Registered customer to merge with proper contact</param> private void CreateContactRelation(CustomerInfo customerInfo) { int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(); ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(customerInfo.CustomerID, MembershipType.ECOMMERCE_CUSTOMER, contactId); ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalData( customerInfo, DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(CustomerInfo.TYPEINFO.ObjectClassName).ClassContactOverwriteEnabled, contactId); }
/// <summary> /// OK click handler (Proceed registration). /// </summary> protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PortalContext.IsDesignMode(PortalContext.ViewMode) || (HideOnCurrentPage) || (!IsVisible)) { // Do not process } else { String siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName; #region "Banned IPs" // Ban IP addresses which are blocked for registration if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(siteName, BanControlEnum.Registration)) { ShowError(GetString("banip.ipisbannedregistration")); return; } #endregion #region "Check Email & password" string[] siteList = { siteName }; // If AssignToSites field set if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AssignToSites)) { siteList = AssignToSites.Split(';'); } // Check whether another user with this user name (which is effectively email) does not exist UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(txtEmail.Text); SiteInfo si = SiteContext.CurrentSite; UserInfo siteui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(txtEmail.Text, si)); if ((ui != null) || (siteui != null)) { ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserAlreadyExists").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(txtEmail.Text))); return; } // Check whether password is same if (passStrength.Text != txtConfirmPassword.Text) { ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.PassworDoNotMatch")); return; } if ((PasswordMinLength > 0) && (passStrength.Text.Length < PasswordMinLength)) { ShowError(String.Format(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.PasswordMinLength"), PasswordMinLength)); return; } if (!passStrength.IsValid()) { ShowError(AuthenticationHelper.GetPolicyViolationMessage(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)); return; } if ((!txtEmail.IsValid()) || (txtEmail.Text.Length > EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH)) { ShowError(String.Format(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.EmailIsNotValid"), EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH)); return; } #endregion #region "Captcha" // Check if captcha is required and verify captcha text if (DisplayCaptcha && !scCaptcha.IsValid()) { // Display error message if catcha text is not valid ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.captchaError")); return; } #endregion #region "User properties" var userEmail = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); ui = new UserInfo(); ui.PreferredCultureCode = ""; ui.Email = userEmail; ui.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text.Trim(); ui.LastName = txtLastName.Text.Trim(); ui.FullName = UserInfoProvider.GetFullName(ui.FirstName, String.Empty, ui.LastName); ui.MiddleName = ""; ui.UserMFRequired = chkUseMultiFactorAutentization.Checked; // User name as put by user (no site prefix included) var plainUserName = userEmail; ui.UserName = plainUserName; // Check if the given email can be used as user name if (!ValidationHelper.IsUserName(plainUserName)) { ShowError(String.Format(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameNotValid"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(plainUserName))); return; } // Ensure site prefixes if (UserInfoProvider.UserNameSitePrefixEnabled(siteName)) { ui.UserName = UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(plainUserName, si); } ui.Enabled = EnableUserAfterRegistration; ui.UserURLReferrer = CookieHelper.GetValue(CookieName.UrlReferrer); ui.UserCampaign = Service <ICampaignService> .Entry().CampaignCode; ui.SiteIndependentPrivilegeLevel = UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.None; ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.IPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.Agent = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent; // Check whether confirmation is required bool requiresConfirmation = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(siteName + ".CMSRegistrationEmailConfirmation"); bool requiresAdminApprove = false; if (!requiresConfirmation) { // If confirmation is not required check whether administration approval is required requiresAdminApprove = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(siteName + ".CMSRegistrationAdministratorApproval"); if (requiresAdminApprove) { ui.Enabled = false; ui.UserSettings.UserWaitingForApproval = true; } } else { // EnableUserAfterRegistration is overridden by requiresConfirmation - user needs to be confirmed before enable ui.Enabled = false; } // Set user's starting alias path if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StartingAliasPath)) { ui.UserStartingAliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(StartingAliasPath); } #endregion #region "Reserved names" // Check for reserved user names like administrator, sysadmin, ... if (UserInfoProvider.NameIsReserved(siteName, plainUserName)) { ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameReserved").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(Functions.GetFormattedUserName(ui.UserName, true)))); return; } if (UserInfoProvider.NameIsReserved(siteName, ui.UserNickName)) { ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameReserved").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.UserNickName))); return; } #endregion #region "License limitations" string errorMessage = String.Empty; UserInfoProvider.CheckLicenseLimitation(ui, ref errorMessage); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { ShowError(errorMessage); return; } #endregion // Check whether email is unique if it is required if (!UserInfoProvider.IsEmailUnique(userEmail, siteList, 0)) { ShowError(GetString("UserInfo.EmailAlreadyExist")); return; } // Set password UserInfoProvider.SetPassword(ui, passStrength.Text); #region "Welcome Emails (confirmation, waiting for approval)" bool error = false; EmailTemplateInfo template = null; string emailSubject = null; // Send welcome message with username and password, with confirmation link, user must confirm registration if (requiresConfirmation) { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("RegistrationConfirmation", siteName); emailSubject = EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationConfirmationEmailSubject")); } // Send welcome message with username and password, with information that user must be approved by administrator else if (SendWelcomeEmail) { if (requiresAdminApprove) { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.RegistrationWaitingForApproval", siteName); emailSubject = EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationWaitingForApprovalSubject")); } // Send welcome message with username and password, user can logon directly else { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.Registration", siteName); emailSubject = EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationSubject")); } } if (template != null) { // Create relation between contact and user. This ensures that contact will be correctly recognized when user approves registration (if approval is required) int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(); if (contactId > 0) { ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(ui.UserID, MembershipType.CMS_USER, contactId); } // Email message EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage(); email.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default; email.Recipients = ui.Email; email.From = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSNoreplyEmailAddress"); email.Subject = emailSubject; try { var resolver = MembershipResolvers.GetMembershipRegistrationResolver(ui, AuthenticationHelper.GetRegistrationApprovalUrl(ApprovalPage, ui.UserGUID, siteName, NotifyAdministrator)); EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(siteName, email, template, resolver, true); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("E", "RegistrationForm - SendEmail", ex); error = true; } } // If there was some error, user must be deleted if (error) { ShowError(GetString("RegistrationForm.UserWasNotCreated")); // Email was not send, user can't be approved - delete it UserInfoProvider.DeleteUser(ui); return; } #endregion #region "Administrator notification email" // Notify administrator if enabled and e-mail confirmation is not required if (!requiresConfirmation && NotifyAdministrator && (FromAddress != String.Empty) && (ToAddress != String.Empty)) { EmailTemplateInfo mEmailTemplate; if (SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(siteName + ".CMSRegistrationAdministratorApproval")) { mEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Registration.Approve", siteName); } else { mEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Registration.New", siteName); } if (mEmailTemplate == null) { // Log missing e-mail template EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "RegistrationForm", "GetEmailTemplate", eventUrl: RequestContext.RawURL); } else { EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(); message.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default; message.From = EmailHelper.GetSender(mEmailTemplate, FromAddress); message.Recipients = ToAddress; message.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.EmailSubject"); try { MacroResolver resolver = MembershipResolvers.GetRegistrationResolver(ui); EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(siteName, message, mEmailTemplate, resolver, false); } catch { EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "Membership", "RegistrationEmail"); } } } #endregion #region "Web analytics" // Track successful registration conversion if (TrackConversionName != String.Empty) { if (AnalyticsHelper.AnalyticsEnabled(siteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsIPExcluded(siteName, RequestContext.UserHostAddress)) { // Log conversion HitLogProvider.LogConversions(siteName, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, TrackConversionName, 0, ConversionValue); } } // Log registered user if confirmation is not required if (!requiresConfirmation) { AnalyticsHelper.LogRegisteredUser(siteName, ui); } #endregion #region "On-line marketing - activity" // Log registered user if confirmation is not required if (!requiresConfirmation) { MembershipActivityLogger.LogRegistration(ui.UserName, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument); // Log login activity if (ui.Enabled) { MembershipActivityLogger.LogLogin(ui.UserName, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument); } } #endregion #region "Roles & authentication" string[] roleList = AssignRoles.Split(';'); foreach (string sn in siteList) { // Add new user to the current site UserInfoProvider.AddUserToSite(ui.UserName, sn); foreach (string roleName in roleList) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName)) { String s = roleName.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? "" : sn; // Add user to desired roles if (RoleInfoProvider.RoleExists(roleName, s)) { UserInfoProvider.AddUserToRole(ui.UserName, roleName, s); } } } } if (DisplayMessage.Trim() != String.Empty) { pnlForm.Visible = false; lblText.Visible = true; lblText.Text = DisplayMessage; } else { if (ui.Enabled) { AuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateUser(ui.UserName, true); } if (RedirectToURL != String.Empty) { URLHelper.Redirect(UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(RedirectToURL)); } else if (QueryHelper.GetString("ReturnURL", "") != String.Empty) { string url = QueryHelper.GetString("ReturnURL", ""); // Do url decode url = Server.UrlDecode(url); // Check that url is relative path or hash is ok if (url.StartsWith("~", StringComparison.Ordinal) || url.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) || QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash", "aliaspath")) { URLHelper.Redirect(UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(url)); } // Absolute path with wrong hash else { URLHelper.Redirect(AdministrationUrlHelper.GetErrorPageUrl("dialogs.badhashtitle", "dialogs.badhashtext")); } } } #endregion lblError.Visible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Save subscriber. /// </summary> /// <returns>Subscriver info object</returns> private SubscriberInfo SaveSubscriber() { // Check if a subscriber exists first SubscriberInfo sb = null; if (AllowUserSubscribers && (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser != null) && AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()) { sb = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID); } else { sb = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(txtEmail.Text, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID); } if ((sb == null) || ((chooseMode) && (sb != null))) { // Create subscriber if (sb == null) { sb = new SubscriberInfo(); } // Handle authenticated user if (AllowUserSubscribers && (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser != null) && AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated()) { // Get user info and copy first name, last name or full name to new subscriber UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID); if (ui != null) { if (!DataHelper.IsEmpty(ui.FirstName) && !DataHelper.IsEmpty(ui.LastName)) { sb.SubscriberFirstName = ui.FirstName; sb.SubscriberLastName = ui.LastName; } else { sb.SubscriberFirstName = ui.FullName; } // Full name consists of "user " and user full name sb.SubscriberFullName = new SubscriberFullNameFormater().GetUserSubscriberName(ui.FullName); } else { return(null); } sb.SubscriberType = UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE; sb.SubscriberRelatedID = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID; } // Work with non-authenticated user else { sb.SubscriberEmail = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); // First name if (DisplayFirstName) { sb.SubscriberFirstName = txtFirstName.Text; } else { sb.SubscriberFirstName = string.Empty; } // Last name if (DisplayLastName) { sb.SubscriberLastName = txtLastName.Text; } else { sb.SubscriberLastName = string.Empty; } // Full name sb.SubscriberFullName = (sb.SubscriberFirstName + " " + sb.SubscriberLastName).Trim(); } // Set site ID sb.SubscriberSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID; // Check subscriber limits if (!SubscriberInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.Subscribers, ObjectActionEnum.Insert)) { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetString("LicenseVersionCheck.Subscribers"); return(null); } // Save subscriber info SubscriberInfoProvider.SetSubscriberInfo(sb); } if (sb != null) { // Create membership between current contact and subscriber ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(sb.SubscriberID, MembershipType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBER, ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID()); } // Hide all visibleLastName = false; visibleFirstName = false; visibleEmail = false; pnlButtonSubmit.Visible = false; pnlImageSubmit.Visible = false; plcNwsList.Visible = false; // Clear the form txtEmail.Text = string.Empty; txtFirstName.Text = string.Empty; txtLastName.Text = string.Empty; // Return subscriber info object return(sb); }
/// <summary> /// Sends confirmation or welcome email. /// </summary> private void SendRegistrationEmail(UserInfo ui, string password) { bool error = false; EmailTemplateInfo template = null; // Email message EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage(); emailMessage.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default; emailMessage.Recipients = ui.Email; // Send welcome message with username and password, with confirmation link, user must confirm registration if (ConfirmationRequired) { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("RegistrationConfirmation", CurrentSiteName); emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationConfirmationEmailSubject"); } // Send welcome message with username and password, with information that user must be approved by administrator else if (SendWelcomeEmail) { if (AdminApprovalRequired) { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.RegistrationWaitingForApproval", CurrentSiteName); emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationWaitingForApprovalSubject"); } // Send welcome message with username and password, user can logon directly else { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.Registration", CurrentSiteName); emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationSubject"); } } if (template != null) { // Create relation between contact and user. This ensures that contact will be correctly recognized when user approves registration (if approval is required) int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(); if (contactId > 0) { ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(ui.UserID, MembershipType.CMS_USER, contactId); } // Prepare resolver for notification and welcome emails MacroResolver resolver = MembershipResolvers.GetMembershipRegistrationResolver(ui, password, AuthenticationHelper.GetRegistrationApprovalUrl(ApprovalPage, ui.UserGUID, CurrentSiteName, NotifyAdministrator)); emailMessage.From = EmailHelper.GetSender(template, SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSNoreplyEmailAddress")); // Enable macro encoding for body resolver.Settings.EncodeResolvedValues = true; emailMessage.Body = resolver.ResolveMacros(template.TemplateText); // Disable macro encoding for plaintext body and subject resolver.Settings.EncodeResolvedValues = false; emailMessage.PlainTextBody = resolver.ResolveMacros(template.TemplatePlainText); emailMessage.Subject = resolver.ResolveMacros(EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, emailMessage.Subject)); emailMessage.CcRecipients = template.TemplateCc; emailMessage.BccRecipients = template.TemplateBcc; try { EmailHelper.ResolveMetaFileImages(emailMessage, template.TemplateID, EmailTemplateInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.TEMPLATE); // Send the e-mail immediately EmailSender.SendEmail(CurrentSiteName, emailMessage, true); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("E", "RegistrationForm - SendEmail", ex); error = true; } } // If there was some error, user must be deleted if (error) { ShowError(GetString("RegistrationForm.UserWasNotCreated")); // Email was not send, user can't be approved - delete it UserInfoProvider.DeleteUser(ui); } }
/// <summary> /// Sends confirmation or welcome email. /// </summary> private void SendRegistrationEmail(UserInfo ui) { bool error = false; EmailTemplateInfo template = null; // Email message EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage(); emailMessage.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default; emailMessage.Recipients = ui.Email; emailMessage.From = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSNoreplyEmailAddress"); // Send welcome message with username and password, with confirmation link, user must confirm registration if (ConfirmationRequired) { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("RegistrationConfirmation", CurrentSiteName); emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationConfirmationEmailSubject"); } // Send welcome message with username and password, with information that user must be approved by administrator else if (SendWelcomeEmail) { if (AdminApprovalRequired) { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.RegistrationWaitingForApproval", CurrentSiteName); emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationWaitingForApprovalSubject"); } // Send welcome message with username and password, user can logon directly else { template = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.Registration", CurrentSiteName); emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationSubject"); } } if (template != null) { // Create relation between contact and user. This ensures that contact will be correctly recognized when user approves registration (if approval is required) int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(); if (contactId > 0) { ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(ui.UserID, MembershipType.CMS_USER, contactId); } try { // Prepare resolver for notification and welcome emails MacroResolver resolver = MembershipResolvers.GetMembershipRegistrationResolver(ui, AuthenticationHelper.GetRegistrationApprovalUrl(ApprovalPage, ui.UserGUID, CurrentSiteName, NotifyAdministrator)); EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(CurrentSiteName, emailMessage, template, resolver, true); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("E", "RegistrationForm - SendEmail", ex); error = true; } } // If there was some error, user must be deleted if (error) { ShowError(GetString("RegistrationForm.UserWasNotCreated")); // Email was not send, user can't be approved - delete it UserInfoProvider.DeleteUser(ui); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets data to database. /// </summary> protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string errorMessage = ""; string siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName; if ((txtCustomerCompany.Text.Trim() == "" || !IsBusiness) && ((txtCustomerFirstName.Text.Trim() == "") || (txtCustomerLastName.Text.Trim() == ""))) { errorMessage = GetString("Customers_Edit.errorInsert"); } // At least company name has to be filled when company account is selected if (errorMessage == "" && IsBusiness) { errorMessage = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtCustomerCompany.Text, GetString("customers_edit.errorCompany")).Result; } // Check the following items if complete company info is required for company account if (errorMessage == "" && ECommerceSettings.RequireCompanyInfo(siteName) && IsBusiness) { errorMessage = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtOraganizationID.Text, GetString("customers_edit.errorOrganizationID")) .NotEmpty(txtTaxRegistrationID.Text, GetString("customers_edit.errorTaxRegID")).Result; } if (errorMessage == "") { errorMessage = new Validator().IsEmail(txtCustomerEmail.Text.Trim(), GetString("customers_edit.erroremailformat"), true) .MatchesCondition(txtCustomerPhone.Text.Trim(), k => k.Length < 50, GetString("customers_edit.errorphoneformat")).Result; } plcCompanyInfo.Visible = IsBusiness; if (errorMessage == "") { // If customer doesn't already exist, create new one if (mCustomer == null) { mCustomer = new CustomerInfo(); mCustomer.CustomerUserID = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID; } mCustomer.CustomerEmail = txtCustomerEmail.Text.Trim(); mCustomer.CustomerLastName = txtCustomerLastName.Text.Trim(); mCustomer.CustomerPhone = txtCustomerPhone.Text.Trim(); mCustomer.CustomerFirstName = txtCustomerFirstName.Text.Trim(); mCustomer.CustomerCreated = DateTime.Now; if (IsBusiness) { mCustomer.CustomerCompany = txtCustomerCompany.Text.Trim(); mCustomer.CustomerOrganizationID = txtOraganizationID.Text.Trim(); mCustomer.CustomerTaxRegistrationID = txtTaxRegistrationID.Text.Trim(); } else { mCustomer.CustomerCompany = ""; mCustomer.CustomerOrganizationID = ""; mCustomer.CustomerTaxRegistrationID = ""; } // Update customer data CustomerInfoProvider.SetCustomerInfo(mCustomer); // Update corresponding contact data int currentContactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(); ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(mCustomer.CustomerID, MembershipType.ECOMMERCE_CUSTOMER, currentContactId); ContactInfoProvider.UpdateContactFromExternalData( mCustomer, DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(CustomerInfo.TYPEINFO.ObjectClassName).ClassContactOverwriteEnabled, currentContactId); // Let others now that customer was created if (OnCustomerCrated != null) { OnCustomerCrated(); ShowChangesSaved(); } else { URLHelper.Redirect(URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(RequestContext.CurrentURL, "saved", "1")); } } else { //Show error ShowError(errorMessage); } }
private void usNewsletters_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RaiseOnCheckPermissions("ManageSubscribers", this)) { if (StopProcessing) { return; } } // Get specified user if used instead of current user UserInfo ui = null; if (UserID > 0) { ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(UserID); } else { ui = CMSContext.CurrentUser; } // Get specified site ID instead of current site ID int siteId = 0; if (SiteID > 0) { siteId = SiteID; } else { siteId = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID; } if ((sb == null) && (ui != null)) { // Create new subsciber (bind to existing user account) if ((!ui.IsPublic()) && (ValidationHelper.IsEmail(ui.Email) || ValidationHelper.IsEmail(ui.UserName))) { sb = new SubscriberInfo(); if (ui != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.LastName)) { sb.SubscriberFirstName = ui.FirstName; sb.SubscriberLastName = ui.LastName; } else { sb.SubscriberFirstName = ui.FullName; } // Full name consists of "user " and user full name sb.SubscriberFullName = "User '" + ui.FullName + "'"; } sb.SubscriberSiteID = siteId; sb.SubscriberType = SiteObjectType.USER; sb.SubscriberRelatedID = ui.UserID; // Save subscriber to DB SubscriberInfoProvider.SetSubscriberInfo(sb); } } if (sb == null) { return; } // Create membership between current contact and subscriber ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(sb.SubscriberID, MembershipType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBER, ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID()); // Remove old items int newsletterId = 0; string newValues = ValidationHelper.GetString(usNewsletters.Value, null); string items = DataHelper.GetNewItemsInList(newValues, currentValues); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { string[] newItems = items.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (newItems != null) { foreach (string item in newItems) { newsletterId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(item, 0); // If subscriber is subscribed, unsubscribe him if (SubscriberInfoProvider.IsSubscribed(sb.SubscriberID, newsletterId)) { SubscriberInfoProvider.Unsubscribe(sb.SubscriberID, newsletterId, SendConfirmationEmail); // Log activity LogActivity(ui, newsletterId, false); } } } } // Add new items items = DataHelper.GetNewItemsInList(currentValues, newValues); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { string[] newItems = items.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (newItems != null) { foreach (string item in newItems) { newsletterId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(item, 0); // If subscriber is not subscribed, subscribe him if (!SubscriberInfoProvider.IsSubscribed(sb.SubscriberID, newsletterId)) { try { SubscriberInfoProvider.Subscribe(sb.SubscriberID, newsletterId, DateTime.Now, SendConfirmationEmail); // Log activity LogActivity(ui, newsletterId, true); } catch { } } } } } // Display information about successful (un)subscription ShowChangesSaved(); }
/// <summary> /// Save subscriber. /// </summary> /// <returns>Subscriber info object</returns> private SubscriberInfo SaveSubscriber() { string emailValue = null; int currentSiteId = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID; // Check if a subscriber exists first SubscriberInfo sb = null; if (AllowUserSubscribers && isAuthenticated) { // Try to get user subscriber sb = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, CurrentUser.UserID, currentSiteId); } else { EditingFormControl txtEmail = formElem.FieldEditingControls["SubscriberEmail"] as EditingFormControl; if (txtEmail != null) { emailValue = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtEmail.Value, String.Empty); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailValue)) { // Try to get subscriber by email address sb = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(emailValue, currentSiteId); } } if ((sb == null) || (chooseMode)) { // Create subscriber if (sb == null) { if (formElem.Visible) { int formSiteId = formElem.Data.GetValue("SubscriberSiteID").ToInteger(0); if (formSiteId == 0) { // Specify SiteID for the new subscriber formElem.Data.SetValue("SubscriberSiteID", currentSiteId); } // Save form with new subscriber data if (!formElem.Save()) { return(null); } // Get subscriber info from form sb = (SubscriberInfo)formElem.Info; } else { sb = new SubscriberInfo(); } } // Handle authenticated user if (AllowUserSubscribers && isAuthenticated) { // Get user info and copy first name, last name or full name to new subscriber // if these properties were not set UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(CurrentUser.UserID); if (ui != null) { if (!DataHelper.IsEmpty(ui.FirstName) && !DataHelper.IsEmpty(ui.LastName)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.SubscriberFirstName)) { sb.SubscriberFirstName = ui.FirstName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.SubscriberLastName)) { sb.SubscriberLastName = ui.LastName; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.SubscriberFirstName)) { sb.SubscriberFirstName = ui.FullName; } } // Full name consists of "user " and user full name sb.SubscriberFullName = new SubscriberFullNameFormater().GetUserSubscriberName(ui.FullName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.SubscriberEmail) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.Email)) { // Update user email if it was not set ui.Email = sb.SubscriberEmail; UserInfoProvider.SetUserInfo(ui); // Reset email for user subscriber sb.SubscriberEmail = null; } } else { return(null); } sb.SubscriberType = UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE; sb.SubscriberRelatedID = ui.UserID; } // Work with non-authenticated user else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.SubscriberFullName)) { // Fill full name if it was not set via the form sb.SubscriberFullName = (sb.SubscriberFirstName + " " + sb.SubscriberLastName).Trim(); } } // Set site ID sb.SubscriberSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID; // Insert or update subscriber info SubscriberInfoProvider.SetSubscriberInfo(sb); // Check subscriber limits if (!SubscriberInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.Subscribers, ObjectActionEnum.Insert)) { // Remove created subscriber and display error message SubscriberInfoProvider.DeleteSubscriberInfo(sb); lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetString("LicenseVersionCheck.Subscribers"); return(null); } } if (sb != null) { // Create membership between current contact and subscriber ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(sb.SubscriberID, MembershipType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBER, ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID()); } // Return subscriber info object return(sb); }
private void usNewsletters_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RaiseOnCheckPermissions("ManageSubscribers", this)) { if (StopProcessing) { return; } } // Get specified site ID instead of current site ID int siteId = 0; if (SiteID > 0) { siteId = SiteID; } else { siteId = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID; } if ((subscriber == null) && (userInfo != null)) { // Create new subsciber (bind to existing user account) if ((!userInfo.IsPublic()) && (ValidationHelper.IsEmail(userInfo.Email) || ValidationHelper.IsEmail(userInfo.UserName))) { subscriber = new SubscriberInfo(); if (userInfo != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.LastName)) { subscriber.SubscriberFirstName = userInfo.FirstName; subscriber.SubscriberLastName = userInfo.LastName; } else { subscriber.SubscriberFirstName = userInfo.FullName; } // Full name consists of "user " and user full name subscriber.SubscriberFullName = new SubscriberFullNameFormater().GetUserSubscriberName(userInfo.FullName); } subscriber.SubscriberSiteID = siteId; subscriber.SubscriberType = UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE; subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID = userInfo.UserID; // Save subscriber to DB SubscriberInfoProvider.SetSubscriberInfo(subscriber); } } if (subscriber == null) { return; } // Create membership between current contact and subscriber ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(subscriber.SubscriberID, MembershipType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBER, ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID()); // Remove old items int newsletterId = 0; string newValues = ValidationHelper.GetString(usNewsletters.Value, null); string items = DataHelper.GetNewItemsInList(newValues, currentValues); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { string[] newItems = items.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var ids = newItems.Select(item => ValidationHelper.GetInteger(item, 0)).ToArray(); var subscriptions = SubscriberNewsletterInfoProvider .GetSubscriberNewsletters() .WhereEquals("SubscriberID", subscriber.SubscriberID) .WhereIn("NewsletterID", ids); foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) { subscription.Delete(); LogActivity(userInfo, newsletterId, false); } } // Add new items items = DataHelper.GetNewItemsInList(currentValues, newValues); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { string[] newItems = items.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (newItems != null) { foreach (string item in newItems) { newsletterId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(item, 0); try { // If subscriber is not subscribed, subscribe him if (!mSubscriptionService.IsSubscribed(subscriber.SubscriberID, newsletterId)) { mSubscriptionService.Subscribe(subscriber.SubscriberID, newsletterId, new SubscribeSettings() { SendConfirmationEmail = SendConfirmationEmail, RequireOptIn = true, RemoveAlsoUnsubscriptionFromAllNewsletters = true, }); // Log activity LogActivity(userInfo, newsletterId, true); } } catch { // Can occur e.g. when newsletter is deleted while the user is selecting it for subscription. // This is rare scenario, the main purpose of this catch is to avoid YSOD on the live site. } } } } // Display information about successful (un)subscription ShowChangesSaved(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // If StopProcessing flag is set, do nothing if (StopProcessing) { Visible = false; return; } string subscriptionHash = QueryHelper.GetString("subscriptionhash", string.Empty); string requestTime = QueryHelper.GetString("datetime", string.Empty); DateTime datetime = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME; // Get date and time if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestTime)) { try { datetime = DateTime.ParseExact(requestTime, SecurityHelper.EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DATETIME_FORMAT, null); } catch { lblInfo.Text = ResHelper.GetString("newsletter.approval_failed"); return; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscriptionHash)) { this.Visible = false; return; } // Try to approve subscription SubscriberProvider.ApprovalResult result = SubscriberProvider.ApproveSubscription(subscriptionHash, false, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, datetime); switch (result) { // Approving subscription was successful case SubscriberProvider.ApprovalResult.Success: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SuccessfulApprovalText)) { lblInfo.Text = this.SuccessfulApprovalText; } else { lblInfo.Text = ResHelper.GetString("newsletter.successful_approval"); } // Log newsletter subscription activity if ((CMSContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.LiveSite)) { SubscriberNewsletterInfo sni = SubscriberNewsletterInfoProvider.GetSubscriberNewsletterInfo(subscriptionHash); if (sni != null) { // Load subscriber info and make sure activity modul is enabled Subscriber sb = SubscriberProvider.GetSubscriber(sni.SubscriberID); if ((sb != null) && ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(sb.SubscriberSiteID)) { int siteId = sb.SubscriberSiteID; Newsletter news = NewsletterProvider.GetNewsletter(sni.NewsletterID); if (news.NewsletterLogActivity && ActivitySettingsHelper.NewsletterSubscribeEnabled(siteId)) { // Under what contacs this subscriber belogs to? int contactId = ActivityTrackingHelper.GetContactID(sb); if (contactId > 0) { ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalData(sb, contactId); ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(sb.SubscriberID, MembershipType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBER, contactId); var data = new ActivityData() { ContactID = contactId, SiteID = sb.SubscriberSiteID, Type = PredefinedActivityType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBING, TitleData = news.NewsletterName, ItemID = news.NewsletterID, URL = URLHelper.CurrentRelativePath, Campaign = CMSContext.Campaign }; ActivityLogProvider.LogActivity(data); } } } } } break; // Subscription was already approved case SubscriberProvider.ApprovalResult.Failed: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UnsuccessfulApprovalText)) { lblInfo.Text = this.UnsuccessfulApprovalText; } else { lblInfo.Text = ResHelper.GetString("newsletter.approval_failed"); } break; case SubscriberProvider.ApprovalResult.TimeExceeded: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UnsuccessfulApprovalText)) { lblInfo.Text = this.UnsuccessfulApprovalText; } else { lblInfo.Text = ResHelper.GetString("newsletter.approval_timeexceeded"); } break; // Subscription not found default: case SubscriberProvider.ApprovalResult.NotFound: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UnsuccessfulApprovalText)) { lblInfo.Text = this.UnsuccessfulApprovalText; } else { lblInfo.Text = ResHelper.GetString("newsletter.approval_invalid"); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the data. /// </summary> private bool Save(string newsletterName, Subscriber sb) { bool toReturn = false; int siteId = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID; // Check if sunscriber info object exists if ((sb == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsletterName)) { return(false); } // Get nesletter info Newsletter news = NewsletterProvider.GetNewsletter(newsletterName, siteId); if (news != null) { try { // Check if subscriber is not allready subscribed if (!SubscriberProvider.IsSubscribed(sb.SubscriberGUID, news.NewsletterGUID, siteId)) { toReturn = true; // Subscribe to the site SubscriberProvider.Subscribe(sb.SubscriberID, news.NewsletterID, DateTime.Now, this.SendConfirmationEmail); // Info message if (!chooseMode) { lblInfo.Visible = true; lblInfo.Text = GetString("NewsletterSubscription.Subscribed"); } // Track successful subscription conversion if (this.TrackConversionName != string.Empty) { string siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName; if (AnalyticsHelper.AnalyticsEnabled(siteName) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackConversionsEnabled(siteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsIPExcluded(siteName, HTTPHelper.UserHostAddress)) { // Log conversion HitLogProvider.LogConversions(siteName, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, TrackConversionName, 0, ConversionValue); } } // Log newsletter subscription activity if double opt-in is not required if (!news.NewsletterEnableOptIn) { if ((CMSContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.LiveSite) && news.NewsletterLogActivity && ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(siteId) && ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser) && ActivitySettingsHelper.NewsletterSubscribeEnabled(siteId)) { int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(); ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalData(sb, contactId); ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(sb.SubscriberID, MembershipType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBER, contactId); if (ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser)) { var data = new ActivityData() { ContactID = contactId, SiteID = sb.SubscriberSiteID, Type = PredefinedActivityType.NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBING, TitleData = news.NewsletterName, ItemID = news.NewsletterID, URL = URLHelper.CurrentRelativePath, Campaign = CMSContext.Campaign }; ActivityLogProvider.LogActivity(data); } } } } else { // Info message - subscriber is allready in site if (!chooseMode) { lblInfo.Visible = true; lblInfo.Text = GetString("NewsletterSubscription.SubscriberIsAlreadySubscribed"); } else { lblInfo.Visible = true; lblInfo.Text += GetString("NewsletterSubscription.SubscriberIsAlreadySubscribedXY") + " " + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(news.NewsletterDisplayName) + ".<br />"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = ex.Message; } } else { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetString("NewsletterSubscription.NewsletterDoesNotExist"); } return(toReturn); }