        public void StartBuilding(MeshFilter mf, ModuleCarnationVariablePart variablePart)
            cvsp         = variablePart;
            buildStarted = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < isSectionVisible.Length; i++)
                isSectionVisible[i] = true;

            mesh = mf.mesh;
            if (mesh == null || !mesh.isReadable)
                Debug.Log("[CRFP] Creating new mesh, Mesh readable:" + (mesh == null ? "Null" : (mesh.isReadable).ToString()));
                mf.mesh        = new Mesh();
                mesh           = mf.mesh;
                mesh.vertices  = originSectionVerts;
                mesh.triangles = originSectionTris;
                mesh.uv        = originSectionUV;
 public void FinishBuilding(ModuleCarnationVariablePart variablePart)
     //if (cvsp != variablePart)
     //    Debug.LogError("[CRFP] CVSP build process is interrupted!");
     ////    cvsp = null;
     //if (!buildStarted)
     //    Debug.LogError("[CRFP] There's no build process to end!");
     buildStarted = false;
        public Texture2D RenderSectionPreview(SectionInfo info, ModuleCarnationVariablePart current)
            Texture2D result = new Texture2D(128, 128, TextureFormat.RGBA32, mipCount: 0, linear: false);

            cvsp.Section0Width  = info.width;
            cvsp.Section0Height = info.height;
            int i = -1;

            while (++i < 4)
                cvsp.SetCornerRadius(i, info.radius[i]);

                string name = info.corners[i];
                if (name == null)
                SectionCorner corner = CVSPConfigs.SectionCornerDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.name.Equals(name));
                if (corner.name == null)
                cvsp.SetCornerTypes(corner, i);
                cvsp.SetCornerTypes(corner, i + 4);
            //cvsp.uiEditing = true;
            if (cvsp.enabled)
                cvsp.enabled = false;
                cvsp.MeshRender.sharedMaterials = new Material[2] {
                    renderMat, renderMat
                Destroy(cvsp.GetComponent <Collider>());

            if (!current)
                renderMat.mainTexture = null;
                renderMat.mainTexture = current.EndsDiffTexture;

            cvsp.ForceUpdateGeometry(updateColliders: false);
            camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(info.width, info.height) / 2;
            cvsp.MeshRender.enabled = true;
            RenderTexture.active = rt;
            result.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, 128, 128), 0, 0);
            cvsp.MeshRender.enabled = false;
            result.Apply(false, true);
        internal static void RF_UpdateVolume(ModuleCarnationVariablePart cvsp, float totalVolume)
            var mft = cvsp.part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleFuelTanks>();

            if (mft == null)
                Debug.LogError("[CRFP] RF's component ModuleFuelTanks is not found on the part");
            mft.ChangeTotalVolume(totalVolume * CVSPConfigs.RealFuelVolumeFactor);
 /// <summary>
 /// 只考虑了x、z坐标
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v1"></param>
 /// <param name="v2"></param>
 /// <param name="param"></param>
 /// <param name="section">截面编号,0~1</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private float ScaledDistance(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, ModuleCarnationVariablePart param, int section, Quaternion qTiltRotInverse0, Quaternion qTiltRotInverse1)
     v1.x -= v2.x;
     v1.y -= v2.y;
     v1.z -= v2.z;
     v1    = section == 0 ? qTiltRotInverse0 * v1 : qTiltRotInverse1 * v1;
     if (IsZero(v1.x) && IsZero(v1.z) && IsZero(v1.y))
     v1.z /= Mathf.Max(0.0001f, (section == 0 ? param.Section0Height : param.Section1Height) / 2f);
     v1.x /= Mathf.Max(0.0001f, (section == 0 ? param.Section0Width : param.Section1Width) / 2f);
     return(Mathf.Sqrt(v1.x * v1.x + v1.z * v1.z));
        internal static bool FAR_UpdateCollider(ModuleCarnationVariablePart cvsp)
            var far = cvsp.part.FindModuleImplementing <GeometryPartModule>();

            if (!far)
            if (RebuildAllMeshData == null)
                RebuildAllMeshData = typeof(GeometryPartModule).GetMethod("RebuildAllMeshData", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            RebuildAllMeshData.Invoke(far, null);
        public void Update(ModuleCarnationVariablePart c, Vector4 section0Radius, Vector4 section1Radius, SectionCorner[] cornerTypes, int[] subdivideLevels)
            if (c != cvsp)
                StartBuilding(c.Mf, c);

            /* if (!BuildingCVSPForFlight)
             * {
             * GetNow();
             * BuildingCVSPForFlight = true;
             * MeshesBuiltForFlight = 0;
             * }*/

            RoundRadius[0] = section0Radius.x;
            RoundRadius[1] = section0Radius.y;
            RoundRadius[2] = section0Radius.z;
            RoundRadius[3] = section0Radius.w;
            RoundRadius[4] = section1Radius.x;
            RoundRadius[5] = section1Radius.y;
            RoundRadius[6] = section1Radius.z;
            RoundRadius[7] = section1Radius.w;
            qSection1Rotation        = Quaternion.AngleAxis(cvsp.Twist, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(cvsp.Tilt1, Vector3.right);
            qSection1InverseRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(qSection1Rotation);
            qSection0Rotation        = Quaternion.AngleAxis(cvsp.Tilt0, Vector3.right);
            qSection0InverseRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(qSection0Rotation);
            for (int i = 0; i < RoundRadius.Length; i++)
                BuildSectionCorner(i, Mathf.Abs(RoundRadius[i]), cornerTypes[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < RoundRadius.Length; i++)
                oldRoundRadius[i] = RoundRadius[i];
            BuildBody(cornerTypes, subdivideLevels);
            var sepa = sectionTris.Length - DeleteHiddenSection();

            //  MeshesBuiltForFlight++;
            /// <summary>
            /// 使用0和1两组顶点索引,编织一个网格带。网格带的中部可以由r0和r1控制生成一个棱
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="verts">顶点坐标数组</param>
            /// <param name="vertID0">0组的顶点索引。算法按照棱在正中间编写,两边的三角形数相同,所以一侧点的数目必须为奇数</param>
            /// <param name="vertID1">1组的顶点索引。长度完全等于前一个索引数组</param>
            /// <param name="r0">0组的角部圆角。</param>
            /// <param name="r1">1组的角部圆角。</param>
            /// <param name="uvStartU0">0组上的顶点起始UV坐标x。</param>
            /// <param name="uvStartU1">1组上的顶点起始UV坐标x</param>
            /// <param name="uv0">输出0组上的顶点中止UV坐标x。</param>
            /// <param name="uv1">输出1组上的顶点中止UV坐标x。</param>
            /// <param name="param">提供一些UV参数。</param>
            /// <param name="subdivideLevel0">0组一侧的细分等级,2的幂0</param>
            /// <param name="subdivideLevel1">1组一侧的细分等级,2的幂0</param>
            /// <param name="uvStartV0">0组一侧贴图坐标V值</param>
            /// <param name="uvStartV1">1组一侧贴图坐标V值</param>
            public void MakeStrip(Vector3[] verts, int[] vertID0, int[] vertID1, float r0, float r1, float uvStartU0, float uvStartU1, out float uv0, out float uv1, ModuleCarnationVariablePart param, int subdivideLevel0, int subdivideLevel1, float uvStartV0, float uvStartV1, Quaternion qTiltRotInverse0, Quaternion qTiltRotInverse1, SectionCorner[] cornerTypes)
                this.subdivideLevel = Mathf.Max(subdivideLevel0, subdivideLevel1);
                if (subdivideLevel == 0)
                    float uvCopy0 = uvStartU0, uvCopy1 = uvStartU1;
                    if (IsZero(param.Section0Height) && Id % 2 == 0)
                        uvStartU0 += param.SideScaleU;
                    if (IsZero(param.Section0Width) && Id % 2 == 1)
                        uvStartU0 += param.SideScaleU;
                    if (IsZero(param.Section1Height) && Id % 2 == 0)
                        uvStartU1 += param.SideScaleU;
                    if (IsZero(param.Section1Width) && Id % 2 == 1)
                        uvStartU1 += param.SideScaleU;
                    R0 = r0;
                    R1 = r1;
                    reTriangulate = Math.Abs(R0) > Math.Abs(R1);
                    additionVert  = 0;
                    if (IsZero(R0))
                    if (IsZero(R1))
                    vertices = new Vector3[vertID0.Length + vertID1.Length + additionVert];
                    //normals = new Vector3[vertID0.Length + vertID1.Length + addition];
                    uv        = new Vector2[vertID0.Length + vertID1.Length + additionVert];
                    triangles = new int[(vertID0.Length - 1) * 6];

                    if (vertID0.Length != vertID1.Length)
                        Debug.LogError("[BodyEdgeBild]ERROR: vertID0.Length != vertID1.Length");
                    for (int i = 0; i / 2 < vertID0.Length - 1; i += 2)//遍历vertID0.Length-1个四边形
                        for (int j = i == 0 ? 0 : 2; j < 4; j++)
                            vertices[i + j] = verts[j % 2 == 1 ? vertID1[(i + j) / 2] : vertID0[(i + j) / 2]];
                            if (j < 2)
                                uv[j].y  = j == 1 ? uvStartV1 : uvStartV0;
                                uv[j].x  = j == 1 ? uvStartU1 : uvStartU0;
                                uv[j].x *= 0.5f;
                        float length0;
                        float length1;
                        if (param.RealWorldMapping)
                            length0 = Vector3.Distance(vertices[i], vertices[i + 2]);
                            length1 = Vector3.Distance(vertices[i + 1], vertices[i + 3]);
                            length0 = ScaledDistance(vertices[i], vertices[i + 2], param, 0, qTiltRotInverse0, qTiltRotInverse1);
                            length1 = ScaledDistance(vertices[i + 1], vertices[i + 3], param, 1, qTiltRotInverse0, qTiltRotInverse1);
                        if (param.CornerUVCorrection)
                            if (i > 0 && i / 2 < vertID0.Length - 2)
                                length0 *= PerimeterSharp / cornerTypes[Id].cornerPerimeter;
                                length1 *= PerimeterSharp / cornerTypes[Id + 4].cornerPerimeter;
                        uvStartU0 += length0 * param.SideScaleU;
                        uvStartU1 += length1 * param.SideScaleU;
                        for (int j = 2; j < 4; j++)
                            uv[i + j].y  = 1 == j % 2 ? uvStartV1 : uvStartV0;
                            uv[i + j].x  = j == 3 ? uvStartU1 : uvStartU0;
                            uv[i + j].x *= 0.5f;
                        int im3 = i * 3;
                        if ((!reTriangulate && i < vertID0.Length - 1) || (reTriangulate && i >= vertID0.Length - 1))
                            triangles[im3]     = i;
                            triangles[im3 + 1] = i + 1;
                            triangles[im3 + 2] = i + 2;
                            triangles[im3 + 3] = i + 1;
                            triangles[im3 + 4] = i + 3;
                            triangles[im3 + 5] = i + 2;
                            triangles[im3]     = i;
                            triangles[im3 + 1] = i + 1;
                            triangles[im3 + 2] = i + 3;
                            triangles[im3 + 3] = i;
                            triangles[im3 + 4] = i + 3;
                            triangles[im3 + 5] = i + 2;
                    if (param.RealWorldMapping)
                        uv0 = uvStartU0;
                        uv1 = uvStartU1;
                        uv0 = uvCopy0 + 2f * param.SideScaleU;
                        uv1 = uvCopy1 + 2f * param.SideScaleU;
                    int index = vertID0.Length + vertID1.Length - 1;
                    if (IsZero(R0))
                        /*                        //R0==0的话,一定reTriangulate为false
                         *                      //角点对应编号:vertID0.Length - 1,影响位于中部的1个三角形:第vertID0.Length - 1
                         *                      index++;
                         *                      //新增(分割)点和uv到数组结尾
                         *                      vertices[index] = VectorCopy(vertices[vertID0.Length - 1]);
                         *                      uv[index] = VectorCopy(uv[vertID0.Length - 1]);
                         *                      //修改分割处两边的两个三角形
                         *                      var triID = vertID0.Length - 1;
                         *                      triangles[triID * 3] = index;
                         *                      triangles[triID * 3 + 3] = index;*/
                    if (IsZero(R1))
                        if (IsZero(R0))
                            //角点对应编号:vertID0.Length,影响位于中间的1个三角形:第vertID0.Length - 1
                            vertices[index] = VectorCopy(vertices[vertID0.Length]);
                            uv[index]       = VectorCopy(uv[vertID0.Length]);
                            var triID = vertID0.Length - 1;
                            triangles[triID * 3 + 1] = index;
                    CVSPMeshBuilder.RecalculateNormals(vertices, triangles, ref normals);
                    CVSPMeshBuilder.RecalculateTangents(vertices, uv, triangles, ref tangents);
                    if (child0 == null)
                        child0 = new CVSPBodyEdge(Id);
                    if (child1 == null)
                        child1 = new CVSPBodyEdge(Id);
                    var verts0 = (Vector3[])verts.Clone();
                    var verts1 = (Vector3[])verts.Clone();
                    int l      = vertID1.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                        Vector3 mid = Vector3.Lerp(verts[vertID0[i]], verts[vertID1[i]], .5f);
                        verts0[vertID1[i]] = mid;
                        verts1[vertID0[i]] = mid;
                    var uvStartMid = (uvStartU0 + uvStartU1) / 2f;
                    var rMid       = (r0 + r1) / 2f;
                    var sLvlMid    = Mathf.Min(subdivideLevel0, subdivideLevel1) / 2;
                    var vMid       = (uvStartV0 + uvStartV1) / 2f;
                    child0.MakeStrip(verts0, vertID0, vertID1, r0, rMid, uvStartU0, uvStartMid, out uv0, out _, param, subdivideLevel0 / 2, sLvlMid / 2, uvStartV0, vMid, qTiltRotInverse0, qTiltRotInverse1, cornerTypes);
                    child1.MakeStrip(verts1, vertID0, vertID1, rMid, r1, uvStartMid, uvStartU1, out _, out uv1, param, sLvlMid / 2, subdivideLevel1 / 2, vMid, uvStartV1, qTiltRotInverse1, qTiltRotInverse1, cornerTypes);
 /// <summary>
 /// 规范法线,保证过渡区域外观
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n1">截面0上开头点的法线</param>
 /// <param name="n2">截面0上结束点的法线</param>
 /// <param name="n3">截面1上开头点的法线</param>
 /// <param name="n4">截面1上结束点的法线</param>
 internal void SetEndsNorms(Vector3 n1, Vector3 n2, Vector3 n3, Vector3 n4, float r0, float r1, ModuleCarnationVariablePart param)
     if (subdivideLevel == 0)
         if (IsZero(1f - r0))
             normals[0] = n1;
             normals[2] = n1;
             normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 4] = n2;
             normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 2] = n2;
             CopyXZComponent(n1, ref normals[0]);
             CopyXZComponent(n1, ref normals[2]);
             CopyXZComponent(n2, ref normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 4]);
             CopyXZComponent(n2, ref normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 2]);
         if (!IsZero(1f - r1))
             CopyXZComponent(n3, ref normals[1]);
             CopyXZComponent(n3, ref normals[3]);
             CopyXZComponent(n4, ref normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 3]);
             CopyXZComponent(n4, ref normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 1]);
             normals[1] = n3;
             normals[3] = n3;
             normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 3] = n4;
             normals[normals.Length - additionVert - 1] = n4;
         CorrectTangent(normals.Length - additionVert - 4);
         CorrectTangent(normals.Length - additionVert - 2);
         CorrectTangent(normals.Length - additionVert - 3);
         CorrectTangent(normals.Length - additionVert - 1);
         Vector3 midStart = Vector3.Lerp(n1, n3, .5f);
         Vector3 midEnd   = Vector3.Lerp(n2, n4, .5f);
         float   midR     = (r0 + r1) / 2f;
         child0.SetEndsNorms(n1, n2, midStart, midEnd, r0, midR, param);
         child1.SetEndsNorms(midStart, midEnd, n3, n4, midR, r1, param);