public ActionResult Edit_Order(string id_list) { ApplicationUser cur_user = Get_Cur_User(); List <int> ids = new List <int>(); // will hold int id_counter = 1; // Determines each row number of an item ids = id_list.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries). Select(int.Parse).ToList(); // sorts the list based on new row numbers foreach (var id in ids) { try { Models.ToDo toDo = db.ToDos.Where(x => x.ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (toDo.user != cur_user) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)); } toDo.row_number = id_counter; db.Entry(toDo).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { continue; } id_counter++; } return(ToDoList()); }
public async Task <BaseResponseDto <bool> > Handle(CreateToDoRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { BaseResponseDto <bool> response = new BaseResponseDto <bool>(); try { var toDo = new Models.ToDo { Name = request.Name, IsCompleted = false, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now }; await repository.CreateAsync(toDo); response.Data = true; await mediator.Publish(new NewToDoCreatedEvent(toDoName : toDo.Name)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message); response.Errors.Add("An error occurred while creating the ToDo."); } return(response); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Models.ToDo> > Post([FromBody, Required] Models.ToDo value) { if (value.Id != 0) { Response.Headers.Add("x-status-reason", $"ToDo should not have an non positive id '{value.Id}' "); return(BadRequest()); } var ToDo = _Mapper.Map <Core.Dal.ToDo>(value); _unitOfWork.ToDos.Add(ToDo); await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync(); //var inserted = await _ToDoRepository.Add(ToDo); //if (inserted == null || inserted.Id <= 0) //{ // Response.Headers.Add("x-status-reason", $"ToDo '{value}' is not saved."); // this.BadRequest(); //} //var result = _Mapper.Map<Models.ToDo>(inserted); //return this.Ok(result); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { id = ToDo.Id }, ToDo)); }
public ToDoMaintenanceViewModel( IToDoClient toDoClient, IMetaClient metaClient, Models.ToDo toDo) { _toDoClient = toDoClient; _metaClient = metaClient; _toDo = toDo; Initialize(); }
public async Task <Models.ToDo> CreateAsync(Models.ToDo toDo) { var data = Models.ToDo.Create(toDo); var result = await dbContext.ToDos.AddAsync(data); return(result.Entity); }
public ToDoPage(IEasyMobileServiceClient client, Models.ToDo todo) { InitializeComponent(); var viewModel = new ViewModels.ToDoViewModel(client, todo); BindingContext = viewModel; }
public ToDoDto(Models.ToDo data) { Id = data.Id; Title = data.Title; Description = data.Description; Position = data.Position; IsCompleted = data.IsCompleted; DateCreatedUtc = data.DateCreatedUtc; DateUpdatedUtc = data.DateUpdatedUtc; }
public void PutTodo(Models.ToDo body) { var results = _context.ToDo.Where(e => e.Id == body.Id).SingleOrDefault(); results.IsComplete = results.IsComplete == true ? false : true; if (body.Item != results.Item) { results.Item = body.Item; } _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(string title, string date, string time, string details) { var m = new Models.ToDo(); m.Title = title; m.Details = details; m.DueDate = ParseDate(date, time); m.ID = Program.ToDoList.Max(x => x.ID) + 1; Program.ToDoList.Add(m); }
public async Task UpdateAsync(Models.ToDo toDo) { var data = await dbContext.ToDos .SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Id == toDo.Id); if (data == null) { throw new NotFoundException { Id = toDo.Id } } ; data.Update(toDo); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } ToDo = await _toDoService.GetByIdAsync(id.Value); if (ToDo != null) { await _toDoService.RemoveAsync(id.Value); } return(RedirectToPage("./Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } ToDo = await _toDoService.GetByIdAsync(id.Value); if (ToDo == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Page()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Models.ToDo> > Put(int id, [FromBody, Required] Models.ToDo value) { if (id != value.Id) { Response.Headers.Add("x-status-reason", $"ToDo with id '{value.Id}' does not match the id '{id}'."); return(BadRequest()); } var ToDo = _Mapper.Map <Core.Dal.ToDo>(value); var entity = await _unitOfWork.ToDos.Get(id); if (entity == null) { Response.Headers.Add("x-status-reason", $"ToDo with id '{id}' is not found."); return(NotFound()); } entity.Description = value.Description; entity.Name = value.Name; entity.Priority = (int)value.Priority; entity.Updated = DateTime.UtcNow; await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync(); //var updated = await _ToDoRepository.Update(ToDo); //if (updated == null || updated.Id <= 0) //{ // Response.Headers.Add("x-status-reason", $"ToDo '{value}' is not saved."); // this.BadRequest(); //} //var result = _Mapper.Map<Models.ToDo>(updated); //return this.Ok(result); return(NoContent()); }
private void SetID(Models.ToDo td) { td.ID = _id++; }
public void AddToDo(Models.ToDo td) { td.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; SetID(td); todo.Add(td); }
public IActionResult AddNewElement(Models.ToDo td) { todoapp.AddToDo(td); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }