/// <summary> /// Create a Matching UI session to view a single result from an AI Matching API response /// </summary> /// <param name="sovClient">The SovrenClient</param> /// <param name="matchResponse">The AI Matching API response containing the result you want to view</param> /// <param name="matchId">The id of the specific result in the result set that you want to view</param> /// <param name="sourceDocType">The type of document this result was scored against</param> /// <param name="htmlDocument">Optionally, the HTML resume/job to display in the details view</param> /// <exception cref="SovrenException">Thrown when an API error occurs</exception> public static async Task <GenerateUIResponse> ViewDetails( this SovrenClientWithUI sovClient, MatchResponseValue matchResponse, string matchId, Models.Matching.IndexType sourceDocType, string htmlDocument = null) { AIMatchDetails details = new AIMatchDetails { Result = matchResponse.Matches.Single(m => m.Id == matchId), AppliedCategoryWeights = matchResponse.AppliedCategoryWeights, SourceDocumentType = sourceDocType, HtmlDocument = htmlDocument }; UIMatchDetailsRequest uiRequest = new UIMatchDetailsRequest(details, sovClient.UISessionOptions?.UIOptions); return(await sovClient.InternalClient.UIViewDetails(uiRequest)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Matching UI session to view a single job from a Bimetric Score API response /// </summary> /// <param name="sovClient">The SovrenClient</param> /// <param name="bimetricResponse">The Bimetric Score API response containing the result you want to view</param> /// <param name="job">The specific job/id in the result set that you want to view</param> /// <param name="sourceDocType">The type of document this result was scored against</param> /// <param name="htmlJob">Optionally, the HTML job to display in the details view</param> /// <exception cref="SovrenException">Thrown when an API error occurs</exception> public static async Task <GenerateUIResponse> ViewDetails( this SovrenClientWithUI sovClient, BimetricScoreResponseValue bimetricResponse, ParsedJobWithId job, Models.Matching.IndexType sourceDocType, string htmlJob = null) { BimetricScoreJobDetails details = new BimetricScoreJobDetails { Result = bimetricResponse.Matches.Single(m => m.Id == job.Id), AppliedCategoryWeights = bimetricResponse.AppliedCategoryWeights, JobData = job.JobData, SourceDocumentType = sourceDocType, HtmlDocument = htmlJob }; UIBimetricScoreJobDetailsRequest uiRequest = new UIBimetricScoreJobDetailsRequest(details, sovClient.UISessionOptions?.UIOptions); return(await sovClient.InternalClient.UIViewDetails(uiRequest)); }