public ActionResult Index(LoginDetails loninDetail) { if (loninDetail.CustomerEmail == null) { return RedirectToAction("LogIn"); } CustomerController custReg = new CustomerController(); List<Customer> customerList = custReg.Get().ToList(); ViewBag.Message = "Food as a Service"; ViewBag.Message = "Your Products page."; var teantid = FAAS.App_Start.Helper.GetTeantId(); //ServiceController con = new ServiceController(); // IEnumerable<string> pro =con.Get(); ProductController proCon = new ProductController(); var products = proCon.Get(); // var products = FAAS.App_Start.Helper.GetProducts(teantid); FAAS.Models.HeaderModel model = new Models.HeaderModel(); model.TenantImageUrl = FAAS.App_Start.Helper.GetCustomLogo(teantid); model.productItems = products.ToList().FindAll(a => a.ProductId == 100); if (customerList.Count > 0) { var customer = customerList.Find(a => a.EmailId == loninDetail.CustomerEmail); model.CustmorID = customer.CustomerID; Session["userId"] = model.CustmorID; Session["CustomerName"] = loninDetail.CustomerName; Session["Image"] = customer.ImageUrl; } return View(model); }
public ActionResult HeaderNav() { var model = new Models.HeaderModel { NavigationHtml = HttpContext.Application["HeaderNav"] as string }; return(PartialView("_Header", model)); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { //Instantiate client file header model object Header = new Models.HeaderModel(); // Instantiate file selection and dir path model FileSelect = new Models.FileSelectModel(); //Default Pressure Units Combobox SelectedPresUnit = Models.PresUnitSelection.psia; //Default Temp Units Combobox SelectedTempUnit = Models.TempUnitSelection.degC; //All Data checkbox default value AllDataCb = true; //NotBusy set to true, export button enabled. NotBusy = true; // Progress bar text info ProgressText = "Ready"; // default selected linear time shift direction SelectedShift = ShiftDirection[0]; SelectFilesToExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnSelectFilesToExport, CanSelectFilesToExport); ExportDataFilesCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnExportDataFiles, CanExportDataFiles); }
public ActionResult Products(List<ProductItem> productItemVal) { if (TempData["myObject"] != null) { productItemVal = (List<ProductItem>)TempData["myObject"]; } if (Session["userId"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("LogIn"); } ViewBag.Title = "Products"; ViewBag.Message = "Your Products page."; var teantid = FAAS.App_Start.Helper.GetTeantId(); // var products = FAAS.App_Start.Helper.GetProducts(teantid); ProductController proCon = new ProductController(); var products = proCon.Get(); if (productItemVal != null) { products.Where(x => x.ProductId == productItemVal.First().ProductId).ToList().ForEach(a => a.Qty = productItemVal.First().Qty); } // products.ToList().FindAll.ForEach(a => a.Qty == productItemVal.First().Qty); FAAS.Models.HeaderModel model = new Models.HeaderModel(); model.TenantImageUrl = FAAS.App_Start.Helper.GetCustomLogo(teantid); model.productItems = products.ToList(); if (Session["userId"] != null) { var uid = Session["userId"]; model.CustmorID = (int)uid; } return View(model); }